It began with The British Library ‘decolonising’ its books. Now get this:
Maths is racist. Yes, it’s too white.
“A new guide has urged professors at Durham University to make their maths curriculum ‘more inclusive’ and to consider the ‘cultural origins’ of concepts they teach.”
I’m no mathematician (just scraped O level) but pretty sure that 2+2=4 has fuck all to do with skin colour or ethnicity.
Naturally this nonsense originates from America. Decolonise maths, give me a fucking break.
How many fingers am I holding up, Winston?
Nominated by: Minge Juice Bottler
I 8 blacks?
How did they taste?
What a horrible thought – finding Chris Bryant as “Big Brother”
“And if the party says there are not four but five, then how many, duckie?”
Give it ten years education will be finished in this country thanks to the woke universities. So anxious not to offend wimminz, poofters and the perpetually offended what will be the point of paying good money to go to university, which is supposed to explore and question the individual mind, when they have all caved into meek acceptance of the whims of the left?
Might as well go to pre-nursery play school for 14 years.
I don’t blame the zealots and the nutters, but |I do blame the silly fuckers in high places who comply with all this shite. I relish a return to the old days Arse kicking ! It always worked.
So 8 divided by 2 equals Nelson Mandela?
Fuck off.
Didn’t you know Mary Seacole invented maths. Keep up.
Mathematics is the language of god – or the gods if you prefer. Rather like God in the Book of Job it just is. It’s no more capable of racism than a nebula or a comet.
Of course what the idiots at Durham University are referring to is underestimating the contributions of effnik mathematicians, primarily dark- keys.
I’ve studied a fair bit of mathematics in my time and I’m unaware of these contributions. This is not racism. It’s just history.
The greatest mathematicians were the ancient Greeks, the medieval Arabs and the ancient Sumerians (who were probably semites). The Greek Euclid was probably the greatest mathematician ever. All his proofs are laid out in exquisite detail in a work of great beauty and clarity. The ancient Greeks pioneered huge tracts of mathematics and astronomy. Yes, subsequent mathematicians have taken us further but Euclid was the pioneer.
So what is Durham proposing to decolonise? You can’t, or shouldn’t be able to argue with facts. But these cunts will try and in the process create a generation of scientifically illiterate graduates.
Math is pure. The answer to the equation has nothing to do with race, creed or color.
For example:
If you have 3 red headed, mackrel snapping, finians, and 2 carpet kissing, shitholian, goat fuckers, how many total terrorists do you have?
For my old friend Ruff:
# Fraudulent elections have disastrous consequences.
Q If LeBron travels 20 miles from A to B, he keeps a average speed of 35mph,
Where did he steal the car?
Morning General.
# Fraudulent elections have disastrous consequences.
Who do you think you are, Dick Fiddler?
Black maths test:
1) How many hundred people can you get in a small terrace house for a party?
2) How many people do you need for a protest to turn into a looting spree?
3) If Rastus has 40 kids by 30 different mothers, how much money does he make in a week?
4) If you have to be in work by 8am, and the journey takes 45 minutes from your house, how long can you sleep in bed while being late for 30minutes (repeat on a continual basis).
5) If coke is £10 a gram, and weed £1 a gram, how best to spend the £50 you get for a stolen iphone
6) etc, etc…..
Some good examples of mental arithmetic there Lord. C. Here’s another one;
How many illegals can you cram into a dinghy?
Racist mathematics? It can’t be, Dianne Abbott likes math’s she is Rachel Riley’s complete opposite Dianne can’t count Rachel can, Rachel is white, Dianne is not, Rachel is good looking, Dianne isn’t, Rachel is popular, Dianne isn’t,Rachel has a nice body, Dianne hasn’t, I would sooner bang Rachel Riley any day, she can recite 12x table to me while I slip her a length
I might add that, as far as we know, Rachel Riley hasn’t noshed Catweazle’s knob either.
✔️100% correct. 10/10
Number general knowledge and verbal reasoning question cunter
Which continent has a population of 1.9 billion consists of 54 countries (war tribal disputes may change this) and no leaders who are not corrupt and despotic??
Please show all working out and give reasons.
‘Decolonise’ means deleting everything honky did and replace with dark key shit.
Expect changes in your GP appointments. When you go with your bad back, the prescription will be some half naked cunt in warpaint dancing around some chiggun bones.
Universities are just places where the otherwise unemployable go to teach and the future unemployables go to “learn”.
I’d do away with student grants….if your family hasn’t made enough in the past to support your “learning”,it’s a pretty fair bet that you will probably also struggle to gain worthwhile employment…regardless of your book-learning.
#Pol Pot the Cunts.
DFF@ Morning Sir Fiddler – do away with student grants and charge post grads a slightly higher rate of tax and NI throughout their working lives to pay it back.
Nearly forgot – machine gun a few lecturors – shifty no good lefties!
The only maths that a Gentleman needs to know is how to work out his winnings from a bet and how to miscount his vast acreage for grant applications
Best to employ a front Wheel Skid to do the accounts…shifty little blighters are good at that but NEVER invite one to your vast abode….they are like magpies when confronted with a treasure trove such as mine…just lucky that they are a weedy people and I could sling Accountant Abraham out afore his gold-lust totally overcame him.
PS…Accountant Abraham is still unfortunately lurking in my herbaceous border looking for a chance to loot my modest vast treasury…the Hounds and I can hear him hissing and muttering ” My Precious…give me the precious” sometimes…it really is most disconcerting and frankly we’re tired of having to dangle bacon rashers over the doors and windows.
Fucking right sir. A prime example would be Neil Kinnock who was the first Kinnock to go to university and he consequently struggled to find worthwhile employment, never did in fact, total and utter failure. He should serve as a life lesson to us all.
Woke + black equals yet more anti white racism.
Hadron Collider made to take a knee and apologise for discovering “dark material’ – all that money wasted when a visit to any UK prison would have achieved the same result ??
Best invade Africa – back in 5.
Well – the filth, the flies, the stench, the unfriendly darkened natives – no, not Africa – Luton fkin airport!
Here’s some maths (and topical) – how many stabbings in Bedworth were by blacks?
Answer on a very large postcard please to: Maths Dept, University of Durham.
Everyone surely knows by now that anything and everything is racist these days.
Did Mathematics really think it was going to get away with it.
2 knee bending white shitlibs multiplied by 2 knife wielding London blacks = 4 cunts.
One word: Bollocks
One number: 2
Who is number 1?
“Wee” Jimmy Krankie leader of the SN “Pee” ?
Morning Ruff
Mathematically speaking Edward that’s 3 words. Which proves
maths is racist
I don’t understand how these subjects are not being decolonised immediately:
Mechanical Engineering
Cookery will of course need the addition of a large melting pot.
Don’t worry. Attempts are afoot to “ decolonise” these subjects as well.
English classes can be confusing too.
“Ok class, who can give me a sentence with the word ‘dandelion’ in it? Do you want to try, Leroy?”
“Yes, Miss. De cheetah is faster dandelion.”
Thank you ?
If Abdul has three lunch boxes and gives one to Mohamed and one to Ishmel, how big is the explosion?
“Your IQ will be nothing and you’ll be happy.”
– Klaus Schwab
And will he be greeted by all 50 virgins?
Loqueesha has 12 cans of grape soda which each have 167 calories in them.
Darnell has a bucket of KFC and he has ate 5 fuckin’ pieces already.
Lil’ Weezle has been arrested for having saggy-ass pants 17 muthafuckin’ times.
Question: Why are their lips as so big, ah bugga bugga bugga?
If Shaniqua has 2 crack rocks and DeQuan has 6 crack rocks, how many more crack rocks does DeQuan have?
There, mathematics decolonised!
If work starts at 8am and it takes 30 minutes to get to work, what time should you get up?
A. 5am
B. 7am
C. Noon
Correct decolonised answer: C
Apart from no writing, architecture or basic technology, sub-Saharan Africa wasnt big on counting either. So any discipline apart from toyi toying and looting has to be racist.
If a dark key commits a crime, how many seconds does it take for him to blame da honky man?
University of Durham?
More like University of Dumdums.
kunta kinte after being caught trying to escape.
Slave master ‘How many feet do you have’
Kunta ‘Don’t know boss I can’t count’
Slave master ‘Ah well you won’t miss one’
Kunta ‘Fuck me that hurt’
Fuck right off – maths is racist, what a load of old horse shit.
Didn’t the dakis, bud bud dingers or the minkys invent numerical zero – put that in your history books you utter cuntfucks.
So there is a “guide” telling Professors what they should be telling the students.
So who wrote the fucking guide that’s what I want to know. Who is it that is smarter than a Professor of Maths? Is there a Professor of Professors? Is there a Head Professor who knows more than all the other cunts?
I smell a “Diversity Officer” desperately looking for raaaaaaaay-sism to justify his six figure salary. When he’s finished with that he can move on to misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, gyppophobia…………a job for life!
There’s no fucking end to this bollocks.
It’s a mathematical fact: this bollocks is infinite.
Today it is generally believed that calculus was discovered independently in the late 17th century by two great mathematicians: Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz.
Both white, so remove calculus from all maths……. fucking world stops.
Isn’t ‘Chaos Theory’ an arm of modern mathematics?
Seems like that’s what they want.