I know this will be unpopular with a few people here but I’m sick and tired of conspiracy theories.
The list of conspiracy theories is endless – from moon landing deniers, flat earth believers, New World Order nuts, 9/11 nuts, to endless theories blaming Freemasons, Rothschilds, Jews, Jesuits or whatever group the conspiracy theorist seems to dislike. All palpable nonsense.
It’s an addiction bordering on paranoia. Conspiracy theory addicts will turn their noses up at credible and obvious explanations of an event and instead embrace some wild theory encompassing the Clintons, George Soros, Aliens, Buzz Aldrin and a grassy knoll in Dallas, Texas. Deny them at your peril – you will be told its obvious, staring you in the face and why can’t anyone else see it except themselves. Anyone who disagrees is a stupid “normie”, devoid of the deductive genius that they posess or in thrall to world elites and the MSM.
I’m not talking here about a healthy degree of scepticism and questioning accepted narratives, but something more unhinged than this. Something that happens because people need to connect events and see patterns which aren’t there to make sense of a confusing world, to help deal with anxiety and to make themselves feel special and convince themselves that everyone else is stupid.
Conspiracy theory addicts are trapped in a vicious circle. The cycle of addiction becomes destructive as negative feelings contribute to the belief in conspiracies and the belief in conspiracies results in negative feelings. Sufferers then spend hours trawling the less reputable places on the internet to reinforce these beliefs, creating more anxiety for themselves in the process which they remedy by reading up on even more far out conspiracies.
Conspiracy theory addicts are like opium addicts. Both are destructive patterns of behaviour.
And no, I have not been paid by MI6, the FBI or George Soros to write this.
(Additional link provided by our on staff therapist, Night Admin – NA)
Nominated by: MMCM
The nanobots in the Covid vaccine are making you say these things.
Err… I’m pretty sure this nom was submitted by Gutstick Japseye…
It’s a conspiracy!!
Brilliant diagram, admin. Sums it all up perfectly.
Ta MMCM. I was quite pleased when I found it. Seemed to complement your nom rather well. Makes up for RTC and GJ casting aspersions in my direction. Now, where did I put those voodoo dolls? – NA.
No, MCMM. it isn’t.
Not me Ruff, I haven’t posted since I found how unpopular I was with Admins both past and present.
Jumping butterballs! I could have sworn it were yours, Gutstick – apologies to all concerned. Have to say you’ve been sorely missed over the last couple of weeks, I don’t blame you for taking a break though, or even quitting altogether, have often been on the brink of doing so myself in recent months…
No offence taken RTC, don’t really have much to say anymore, and the little I did got me threatened with being banned, and I’m not the type to come back and haunt the place under different names like cunts spedding and Gordon.
Ah well, it takes all sorts. ?
Why would you let “unpopularity” stop you?…I couldn’t give a shit whether people like me or they don’t.
Evening Dick. It wasn’t unpopularity that was the problem, I was being diplomatic. I’d had a couple of warnings of admin guy, as well as Diocese having a pop, so I thought I’d have a break.
I’m just not the grumpy opinionated cunt that I was, do perhaps it’s just me. Who’d have thought it! ?
Evening GJ?
Dicks right you know.
Fuck popularity thats boring!
Popularity is for twats.
Aim for infamy!!
Dont think Admin was being personal, they warned Miles and Chunky too.
I like your posts, even the ones I dont agree with,
You should be in your element on this nom!!
Get stuck in lad!!??
Good Evening GJ
Well I’d be sorry to see you gone…the best bits,for me, are when there are disagreements and people make their points…it would be a fucking dull affair if it was all just “Such and such is a Cunt” followed by a load of “I agree” comments.
PS…I certainly won’t go quietly….if (when,more likely) I get banned,I’ll make sure that it was for something worthy of a ban.
Impossible to imagine you getting banned, Fiddler, sir, you are way too popular!
Oh, I can think of a few who would disagree with you there,MJB.
🙂 .
Evening Mis, Evening HJ, all is well I hope.?
And thanks for the sentiment Dick and Mis, not agreeing with someone and having a robust debate is how it should be, doesn’t mean its nasty, even if it’s a bit heated.
Plenty of echo chambers on the Internet.
@DF-F – No one can be 100% popular!
What, not even me?
Hello, good evening and bollocks! ?
Conspiracy theories flourish because nobody trusts the bastard media anymore, and for very good reason. You can’t even trust the good news these days. Every time I hear that Vlad’s boys are getting a kicking I think “great, fucking love it.” Then I think “ yeah, but it’s all bollocks though……stick it up your arse.” When you don’t trust the Fakestream Media then you look for alternatives. That’s all it is. You either believe the alternatives or you don’t, it’s a free country. For the time being.
Vlad is likely to win the war eventually.
I don’t support Vlad, nor do I condemn his actions. It’s none of my business.
You are correct about the Ukraine biased coverage, provided by our beloved MSM.
Don’t believe a word.
It’s the insanity that may follow that is scary. I don’t think that people under the age of 95 could handle government-controlled media in wartime, curfews, rationing of food and fuel, blackouts and genuine fear.
Yes, it could be challenging for people now.
But worrying about it will not solve the situation.
The early 1950’s were pretty dismal to be fair. My Mum and Dad hadn’t a pot to piss in. A bowl of tea and a round of bread was a regular meal for me growing up.
The house was dismal, and had no electric fitted until the latter part of the 50’s. Just a cold water tap and that was all. A kettle on a swing arm and trivet, – even making a cup of tea was hard work in summer.
But most poor working class families were in the same boat.
And my father pissed most of his wages up the wall, which didn’t help matters.
I can’t see things getting that bad in the future.
People were tough as fuck back then. It’s scary how weak people have became in the past twenty years. Having it too easy is worse than having it too hard.
People have become weak.
They have become accustomed to comfort and not necessities.
This choice between, “heating and eating” makes me laugh.
There is no choice. You have to eat, otherwise you will die.
Eating is a necessity, – heating isn’t.
Haven’t the youngsters heard of coats, cardies and slippers?
As a dude born in 1982 and who actually remembers very cold winters, single-glazing, no central heating and ice on the inside of windows in the late 80’s, I have to say that this is why we need exploitative Landlords like the one I used to have for more than 4 yeasrs in order to make weak fuckers appreciate what they’ve got and get a little perspective.
My old Landlord turned a Victorian, 3 bedroom mid-terrace into an 8 bedroom, multiple-occupancy cash cow!
– He turned the attic into 2 bedrooms, the front living room into a bedroom, the dining room into a bedroom and the basement into a bedroom (which suffered from worse mould than the other rooms).
– The electricity used an old communal coin meter which was basically an honesty box and caused a lot of grief when certain people didn’t pay their way and just allowed other people to pay for them.
– There was very bad mould and rising damp which would really fuck with my chest (don’t know or care about anybody else’s chests).
– There was no central heating; only shitty little “oil panel heaters” in each bedroom which did fuck all and were backed up against the old hearths which were covered with shoddily-placed pieces of ply would with gaps either side that would allow any heat from the “heater” to get sucked up the chimney and away from the living space.
I’d also have to sit in the middle of winter wearing:
– 2 pairs of socks and 1 pair of slippers
– Boxers, 2 pairs of shorts and 1 or 2 pairs of trackies
– 2 thermal undershirts, 2 t-shirts, 1 or 2 jumpers, a hoody and a thermal robe
– and a beanie hat
… I’d still be shivering like fuck even sat next to the so-called heater.
– There was also no double glazing in any room – only the original, Victorian, single-glazed, wooden sash windows. He told us it was because the house was in an heritage conservation area and due to the laws that came in during the 90’s, it was too late for him even to install authentic-looking modern equivalents.
A few months after I moved out of there, I had a chat with a tradesman installing modern, double glazed, wooden sash windows in the house up the road – He reliably informed me it was total bollocks.
Needless to say, the nice house the Landlord lived in, the brand-new, expensive Audi on his driveway and the adventure holidays he went on with his pals 3 or 4 times a year kind of told me how much of a killing he was making off the place and that he was a total piss-taker.
I do agree that there are too many conspiracy theory peddlers.
However, some are completely rational, and a small amount will not be conspiracy theories,-
they will be truth or fact. Fact.
It is up to us as individuals to evaluate such theories, – and decide whether they are reasonable and rational propositions, or complete and utter codswallop, and beyond all realms of fantasy.
I’m not saying the Clintons or George Soros are shedding their lizard skins and drinking goblets of peasants blood at Davos but they have a lot of fingers in a lot of dodgy pies. Agree about the moon landings, flat earthers and Area 51 though, I blame the X-Files and Fox Mulder myself.
Over in the USA it appears Big Donald’s Russiagate was indeed a giant conspiracy to unseat him after all.
Those naughty Democrats!
Fucking loonies.
A brilliant and thought-provoking summary of the political, socio-economic breakdown in contemporary society and it’s fundamental and idiosyncratic excesses of future contemporary indulgence in a defined new world arena.
…or summat
Still fucking loonies.
This nom sounds a touch paranoid in itself,definitely manic.
Are there any coincidence theorists here ?
Let them do what they want. We are all f***** anyway. Just carry on with life and enjoy it while you can.
The good thing about being in middle age is that you have fewer things to worry about in the future. Another 20 years and I’ll be just about done.
Hopefully by 2050 when the great reset should be completed, Microsoft might actually bring out a decent operating system. But I don’t hold out much hope. Probably a conspiracy
I’ve become black-pilled with Microsoft which is why I use a Linux Os now. Fuck Bill Gates.
& what was that W.W. 2 bomber doing, parked up on the moon the other year?
It had been stolen by dark.ies, m’ lud, in 1944. They were the first men on the Moon.
They were all killed by Hitler’s SS henchmen, in the name of Lebensraum and to prevent racial contamination, when they escaped there in flying saucers, in May 1945.
To this day, the Moon is a haven of racial purity.
The moon landing in ’69 was a Hollywood fake, as were the subsequent ‘ landings. ‘
Dark.ies were also responsible for the Industrial Revolution, the Internet, etc. etc.
Turned out nice again.
The difference between a conspiracy theory and a what passes for a genuine news story is now approximately 6 months.
Obama’s ‘wife’ being a man isn’t on that subjective triangle thing.
Must have a shlong like randy donkey then.
Now please excuse me, while I drink a cup of baby’s blood and get ready for my masked orgy with the leaders of the new world order.
Big Mike would make a great replacement for bumbling Biden, she could whip out her big black weapon of mass destruction and Putin would be out of Ukraine pronto!
“Whe’ yo’ goin’ white boy? Come and suck on Big Mike’s ICBM – Inter-racial Colossal Black Mamba! WHOOOO!”
They aren’t called conspiracy theories any more.
We now refer to them as spoiler alerts.
The new world order will be managed by the likes of sparkletits, halfwit Harry, Angela Rayner and St Greta of Thunderbollocks!
You’d be better off dead quite frankly.
Dead you say? That’s one theory I can believe in.
Although conspiracy theories can be entertaining.
Like the one I heard about a former footballer I shall call Kelvin Koogan.
Beaten with baseball bats while sleeping in his car in a lay by in the early 80s. A robbery they said.
Getting beaten and robbed by rent boys he’d paid, said the ghastly conspiracy theorists. Another theory on this was even worse.
Got this info from the original search engine. Bloke down the pub. Probably true then.
I heard the same thing. In a pub. And something about the German crowd calling gay names. Same bloke perhaps?
As I personally know the DCI in the Keegan “lay-by incident”, it was indeed a rent boy?
So, was Keegan bi-curious for some strange dick back then? That perm was amazing, though, wasn’t it?! 😀
There is good theories and bad. Some people attack good theorists. And there are those which are bad because they brain dead retards with an IQ of 6 and follow David Ickes every word. There is always a theory about everything. It’s called IMAGINATION!
In general I’m getting pretty pissed off with them myself.
BBC ‘Russia losing battles.’
GB News ‘Russia winning war but losing some key battles.’
David Icke ‘Russia doesn’t exist.’
Even Icke has retracted his lizard remarks now but the damage has been done to his reputation and he won’t be able to shake that off now as he will always be labelled a nut but after reading and hearing some of his stuff he was spot on about the the child trafficking back in the 80’s and 90’s. Epstein being that case in hand. With the amount of names listed on his Lolita Express manifesto it ain’t no theory that Clinton , Gates Trump ( although he did distance himself ) et al all fucking new about it.
Anyway,nowt us plebs can do about it.
I don’t think he’s retracted his Saturn doesn’t exist thing. Or that the moon doesn’t exist and is really an illuminati monitoring station. Or that we live in the ‘Matrix’ and are living in a computer program thingy. Not sure where he got that idea.
Did he retract being the son of God? I think he did that to have two wives at the same time. He’s the son of God so can do what he wants. Dirty old goat.
My theory (now I’m at it heh heh) is this:
Icke had a temporary psychotic episode which he recovered from.
During his episode though, he managed to ruin his media career (Terry W 0 g an etc). He was doing Grandstand and breakfast TV beforehand.
He got mocked and abused when out and about and was unemployable. If he’d tried the mental elf thing back then, it wouldn’t have worked.
He needed a career.
So he came up with his shows and books.
He’s been fucking raking it in for years! I honestly think he doesn’t believe a word of the shite he comes out with.
It’s a grift.
David Icke is a genius. Spouting bollocks has made him a millionaire.
I’ve spouted loads of bollocks in the past and all it ever earned me was barred from the pub.
Bet Dave doesn’t get depressed by his bank statements…
A bit like Sir Kweer explaining his scientific fact on what is a women then. I could argue what’s a women in a pub whilst drinking my overtaxed pint listening to his complete bollocks. Ever think your behind done?
I suggest he buys a medical book.
If Trudeau wins the next Canadian election then the conspiracy theory on rigged elections in the so called “free west “ in beyond a shadow of a doubt. With the amount of condemnation coming from even the most unlikeliest of sources in the EU and other “dictator” states it has to say something about the way he runs his subjects.
The quote ( joke that is going around) about it being 6 months between conspiracy and fact has been proved at least twice so far in the last two years.
The bonkers lot of flat earthers and moon landing nutters are cunts I agree.
No one in Canada likes that cunt, he’s pulled off a miraculous performance in maintaining his position this long. Can’t they have snap elections in Canada? He’s a brazenly sinister cunt.
I wouldn’t trust George Soros any further than I could spit at him. He interferes in far too many things. I am sure he has bankrolled certain people to try to cause dischord (Brexit for example). God knows why, perhaps he is just an arse-licking know it all like Mandleson.
The best presentations of conspiracy theories are in music/song for. The best is an English guy who sings in a southern American accent, Conspiracy Music Guru. Here are his best songs…
Do You Still Believe We Went To the Moon?
No Photographs of Earth!
Don’t Believe in Gravity
Space is Fake
Welcome to the Satellite Hoax
I Don’t Wanna Talk About NASA
I Told You So
Awesome, isn’t he? Great musician, great writer, I love the green-screen effects! He’s English but lives in Spain. He should be more well known. I think that YouTube have shadow-banned him for years as 55,000 subs doesn’t add up, normally someone this talented gets promoted by YT, but for some reason anti-NASA and flat Earth are terrifying topics for the Big Tech and government wed-wetters! 😀
Wank nom, considering the CIA made up the term to discredit people picking massive holes in the JFK narrative.
Agreed. It’s generally agreed among most historians that the Warren Commission was a whitewash to cover up some kind of conspiracy. There are differences in its origins……ie the Cubans, the Ruskies, the CIA, the Mafia, LBJ, the “far right” ( oh yes, they always get a mention) but most agree that Oswald was the “patsy” he said it was.
There was another inquiry into JFK by the government in 1977 and they came to conclusion that there was a conspiracy and more than Oswald the crap shot with the crap rifle was involved, but they did not go further than that.
I mean, we live in a world of MASSIVE deceptions, who can deny that in 2022? Evil exists, it’s out there. You can only look out for yourself and your family at the end of the day – and we have seen that kids’ minds are getting messed with in schools now.
You get born into this world and you have to figure it out for yourself, the government, media, gurus, experts, etc can all get to fuck. Form your own worldview, not the pre-packaged piss they try to fill you up with.
The climate ‘conspiracy’:
Probably dubbed,right?
She struggles with interviews, her handlers do their best to just keep her on script.
Fuck knows how she would handle an aggressive (challenging questions) interviewer.
Never seen that one! Gotcha! Freudian slips are a cunt, aren’t they? Everything about Greta is fake. Her parents basically brainwashed the poor girl for years with extreme ecology rhetoric. Now she flies around the world, drives cars, owns a big house. Get to fuck, you hypocritical cretin.
“What? You actually STILL think the Earth is round?”
Smug, condescending look to fellow conspirators who are “in the know”..
We live in an age of lies, misinformation and propaganda – it has always occurred but is now a tidal wave which assaults us every day – finding out facts is draining and elongated, most do not even know they are being played and this ambiguity leaves a massive vacuum for fucking nutters – any trying to find the truth and facts are ridiculed, denigrated and abused, as I have often been.
Lies run, truth walks – and we are lied to, by everyone, from the second we are born.
A quick addendum – JTC knows all about the Afronazis invading the Moon – tell MNC to have a word with the MoonMen! ? (Klaus Schwab and Judi Dench are the evil leaders of the MoonMen, I will probably get “taken out” for revealing this, but I don’t care – dinner, a show then dancing – how kind of them!)
Oi Foxy! Keep shtum.
Dunno whos listening!
Or watching…
Mnc@ – The art of conspiracy theory is to totally deny ever having said it!
“Said what?”
“That’s the one!” ???
Nothing to see here..
How many flat Earthers are there, though? Maybe 50,000? Hardly a threat to the status quo, is it? Most FE videos on YT have 2,000 views, the older ones have 200,000, but so what? No one is forcing the teaching of flat Earth in classrooms, unlike the forcing of LGBTQ+ in schools, critical race theory, Marxism, nihilism. I’ve never understood why asking for proof of the ocean being curved creates such violent reactions online. It’s been going on for years, these “debates” between Flat Earthers and Globers. Who fucking cares.
Satellite programmers?
There are plenty of debunkers of flat Earth on Youtube like MCToon and FTFE who have had “debates” with flerfs and bring facts and reason to the table but are often met with tirades of abuse from the opposing flerf (Nathan Oakley being a classic example).
When you say flerfs get “such violent reactions online” I think you mean ridicule; and deservedly so. Silence is not violence, words are not violence and neither is ridicule.
I just don’t get why there are still debates between flat Earthers and globe Earthers. I watched those debates years ago and they were interesting, but why are they still going on in 2022? Money? Both sides making money of YT? Either the ocean is level as it appears or it’s curved, there must be plenty of physical proof that the ocean is curving from Africa to Brazil or just from England to the Isle of Man. Fire a high-powered laser on a six foot high tripod over Loch Ness or other huge English lake. Would be amazing if it was proven that lakes, seas and the world ocean is level, though! But it seems that no one can be arsed doing actual experiments and they all just rant on YT. There’s scary stuff going on the NASA lying to us these days is the way I look at it.
@Through A Glass, Darkly There have been experiments done on YT by people I unsubscribed from (because their videos are boring) but don’t remember who exactly – maybe Mr Sensible, Bob The Science guy or some other.
One thing flerfs often get wrong when talking about the oceans is to conflate level with flat – not the same thing.
@Two In The Stink
What were the experiments? One of the things I’ve heard flat Earthers say is that sextants only work on a level plane, that they were invented, designed, centuries ago with a level sea in mind. I’ve never used a sextant, but from what I can understand, that is how they work and they wouldn’t work on a curved surface, you’d need a differently designed tool for that.
It’s one of those intriguing topics as long as the person speaking/presenting is not shrill and is calm, humorous. It gets repetitive an tiresome, though. I dip into to every now and then but there’s never anything new, it’s all the same old arguments and images. It will never be argued in the scientific institutions, big TV shows, parliament! It’s a fun fringe parlour game with a lot of egomania on both sides. Crazier stuff going on these days, though.
@Through A Glass, Darkly
I don’t recall specifically but there is the $10,000 Sextant Challenge by MC Toon which has still gone unclaimed (kind of like the James Randi challenge which managed to outlive him).
If a sextant can only be used exclusively on a flat Earth then it should be a piece of cake for any galaxy-brained flerf to prove it using a sextant.
Here is a video from last year wherein Bob The Science Guy did an experiment using 2 different types of sextants.
@Through A Glass, Darkly
Although not related to using sextants, Mr Sensible did a high altitude weather balloon experiment using a non-fisheye camera and reference lines across the lens for comparison.
I have a response to Through A Glass, Darkly with multiple links for reference but it is still showing as being in moderation.
The thing about seeing a curved horizon is that even at high altitude, the mainstream science says you wouldn’t see a curve anyway, I think Neil deGrasse Tyson even said that on Joe Rogan’s podcast. It always appears horizontal in photos and videos.
The laser across a lake or sea would be the best experiment. I’m surprised no one has ever done that, not just once but many times. Put massive bets on at the bookies!
@Through A Glass, Darkly
The MAGE experiment by Mr Sensible in the link I provided showed curvature. I can’t remember what altitude it reached before exploding but curvature was clearly visible.
I have another post with some links regarding sextants but it is still in moderation.
This is the thing, though, with human eye optics and technological optics, you are introducing geometry into the situation. Every lens has distortion, not just fish-eye, wide-angle lenses have distortion. What is needed is a physical measure of the Earth’s physical characteristics, either on land, which is tricky or over a large body of water, which is also tricky. That would settle it. But the sextant only works on level planes, I find that interesting. Who knows. It would be pretty psychedelic if there was a Firmament above like the ancients maintained! 🙂
@Through A Glass, Darkly
Regarding optics, and at risk of sounding like Cathy Newman “so what your saying is don’t believe your lying eyes?”
Also, regarding the methods you have described as being the only way of determining curvature, it seems very convenient that they are either unfalsifiable or impossible.
You are wrong on sextants though. If my comment with the reference links wasn’t in moderation, you could check that out for yourself.
Yeah, what you see with your eyes doesn’t correspond 100% with objective reality. Like how the road and sky meet at the horizon, in “real life” we know that doesn’t physically happen. A zoom lens can bring into focus things beyond our naked eye range. That kind of thing is massively important. That’s why a PHYSICAL measure of a lake or calm sea on a clear day would be the final nail in the coffin of this “debate” and we could move on to more important things.
Using a laser over a lake or sea would work, the Navy uses lasers to target things, so do oil rigs to detect rogue waves.
So, what’s the deal with sextants? They work on curved surfaces as well as level planes? I’m not a sailor so I don’t know what the deal with them is, I thought they stopped using them 100 years ago!
@Through A Glass, Darkly
Interesting that you should mention the military as snipers and artillery gunners have to factor in the Earth’s curvature when making calculations. Hell, even engineers have to factor in the Earth’s curvature when building long-enough bridges and they construct them to account for it.
I don’t know why you keep implying there is still a debate to be had when all the scientific evidence speaks volumes to the contrary.
As for the sextant issue, I just sent the Admins an email asking for my post to pass moderation as I don’t want to have to repost the links in smaller posts as I don’t want to spam the thread. This thread is already becoming unwieldy.
Through A Glass Darkly all you are doing is what all creationists do; move the goalposts of what you deem as evidence beyond ‘reasonable doubt’.
@Cuntamus Prime
I was trying to thinking of the logical fallacy in question but couldn’t remember it’s name – moving the goal post. Thanks for that.
I just see frantic, hysterical people still “debating” this issue after what is it – five years or more? And in all that time, no one on either side has done a physical measure of a lake or calm sea with a laser or some other measuring device. I’d love to be there when the laser either hits water or the target three or more miles away. That’s all I have to say on this, it’s a topic that never ends well. 🙂
I’m not moving goalposts, I’m establishing what would be an irrefutable proof of whether the sea is level or curved using a physical measure, you can’t argue with a physical measure, it’s like physical evidence of a crime in court, the criteria of truth doesn’t get higher than that in life. It’s like if some people were saying, “that’s a hill not a mountain,” and others said, “NO! It’s a mountain!”. The only way to know is to measure the thing. In Britain, if it’s over 2,000 feet, then it’s a mountain. Just an example, in other countries they use over 1,000 feet. The point is, if you want the flat Earth “movement” or “community” to die, go away, end, then some fucker will have to do a physical measure or this will go on forever and it’s fucking tedious to keep seeing videos on YT on this topic. That’s me, I’m done on this thread, fuck all else to say. 🙂
@Through A Glass, Darkly
I don’t understand why you are so fixated on curvature over water specifically considering that all of the scientific evidence points to the Earth being a rotatin spheroidal body.
There is also the fact that noted flerf Bob Nodel raised funds to purchase a laser gyroscope to prove that the Earth was flat and ended up discovering a 15 degree per hour drift – 24 hours in a day so that’s 24 multiplied by 15 comes to 360 which coincidentally happens to be the exact number of degrees in a circle (like the circumference of a spheroidal planet for example).
I think some cunt has been conspiring to raid my drinks cabinet.
There’s never quite enough in it.
UT@ – Afternoon Unkle – Moon radiation caused by Bill Gates dimming the sun with chemtrails has caused your drinks cabinet to overheat and the booze to evaporate!
Shifty no good Bill Gates..
It’s the “shadow people,” Tel, they come out at night to steal a slurp of your Eldorado liqueur!
TAGD@ – Hank Marvin is it? The shifty booze filching fker!
Wait while I grass him up to the MoonMen..
“Jet” Harris needs his fuel, Vern!
I don’t see how Wayfair or Mattress firms fit into conspiracy theories.
I bought some very nice curtains off Wayfair and they don’t seem particularly evil or in any way inclined to take over the world.
Likewise, my new mattress gives me a great night’s sleep. Are the lizard people sniffing me in my sleep or giving me an anal probing?
If they are. I’m really sorry about the other night when I Dutch ovened the wife after six pints of Guinness and a dodgy doner.
They would have caught the brunt of that.
There’s the theory that mattress stores are used for money laundering. Some areas of Yankland have four or more all within walking distance of each other!
In the UK it is Gelato shops.
Rakes of them everywhere
Never any customers.
Yeah, what is that pish? Gelato? Frozen Sicilian spunk.
Viz had a character called Grassy Knollington who made a conspiracy theory out of anything and everything,
The fact he was always dragged off by the Men in Black at the end of each thrilling instalment proves he was right?
Grassy Knollington? Sound like a guy I used to work with who believed in the chem-trail conspiracy among other things.
I have one of these who believes the chemtrail bollocks.
As a mechanical engineer, I have tried to explain the principles of turbofan engines to him, with emphasis on the expulsion of warm, moist air into a freezing atmosphere being the cause of the trails.
He’s still having none of it.
@Odin Yeah chemtrails conspiracy is one of the easiest to refute as there are loads of videos on the internet explaining that they are actually exhaust/contrails.
They usually come back with “but you can sometimes see them turning the trails on and off!”…….. to which the response would be that they are just passing through different temperature/pressure gradients but that’s too “sciencey” for conpiratards
Coming from a telecomms background in the Army, I lose my fucking rag every time I hear some idiot waxing lyrical about 5G being harmful and all that bollocks.
I don’t buy Viz anymore, but I saw a few months back that they had an issue all about bashing conspiracy theories. Struck me as weird that an anarchic, “fuck the government and everyone else” comic would be so vehemently against the idea that we live in a world of evil and deception. I wonder if Viz is woke? They’ve never really breached the woke rules, never gone after gays, ethnics, feminists, Muslims, etc. It’s a pretty shit read once you get older. Drunk Bakers is great, but most of it is pish, I’m surprised it’s still around.
Conspiracy theorists or care in the community nutters?
Truthseeker or headtheball?
Alternative news source or tinfoil spastic?
Its a fine line.
Sometimes it makes you think.
Kernel of plausibility.
Sometimes I find myself agreeing.
But flat earthers, space lizards,
Superjews, and satanic plots?
Id section you soon as look at your twitching facial tic and darting eyes.
Super Jews? Superman was invented by two Jews. Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. He was the alien in corn-fed middle America.
“It’s a conspiracy (and probably racist) to suggest that those young men visiting my flat at 3am were rent boys. They were nocturnal washing machine repairmen and that’s the truth.”
From the desk of the Rt. Hon. Keith Vaz, M.P.
That scandal wouldn’t be a scandal now. His critics would be called, “homophobes” now.
TtCE@ – “And that white powder was not washing powder, to my surprise and shock!” – Keith Vaz – all round cunt.
“That’s the smallest p*ki cock I’ve ever seen!” – M Whitehouse, deceased..
I didn’t see it, but there was a documentary on Mary Whitehouse either last week or week before that was all about how right she was. To be fair, the degeneracy that kids can access now is way beyond what was on telly in the 1960s, 70s, 80s, even 90s. Lasses getting their fannies out on OnlyFans for some tokens? How proud your parents must be.
Thing is with conspiracy types ,
Their greedy.
Never just one mad idea.
They collect crackpot ideas.
Everything is sinister and only them privy to this big secret,man!
The politicians and super rich are conspiring and only Darren,long term unemployed and lives in the council flats down the road is suss to it.
A lot of conspiracy theories are like pyramid schemes. With a lot of them like Flat Earth, you have the few dishonest ones at the top who know it’s bollocks (those who sell the t-shirts) and at the bottom echelons you have the majority – nutters and the gullible, crayon-munching, window lickers (those who buy the t-shirts).
Yeah, the modern flat Earth started innocently enough in 2008 on the forums, but when the videos went viral in 2014-15, it was interesting to see what the arguments were, but now in 2022, it’s a very tiresome topic. It will never go anywhere, it will remain a fringe topic on da webz. But then that was the status of transgenders in 2008…
It’s easy to believe conspiracy theories when you think of all the things that happen which you once thought would be impossible. eg
An MP confessing to being a tranny and being made a hero
A Lord of the Realm shacked up with a Brazilian rent boy
A royal prince shagging under age prozzies
Corbyn leader of the Labour Party
Flabbott the shadow Home Secretary
Your local cinema turned into a fucking mosque
I could go on……..
It’s the BLM, LGBTQ+ brainwashing in schools that is scary. It’s one thing for their to be conspiracies against us adults, parents, but when they are going after your kids, the gloves come off.
We are being played, in every aspect of life, by them. Failure to see what is going on means you are complicit and part of the game.
They (them) are cunts.
Everything is a lie
Nothing is true
Don’t believe anything.
You lying get.
The weatherman was lying this morning, ‘it will be warmer than yesterday’, lying cunt there is cold wind blowing right up my skirt ?
I never lie except when I am not telling the truth
Cliff Richard wears a colostomy bag -FACT!
Ginger kids are born with no soul- FACT!
Duke of Edinburgh is the biological father of Private Citizen, Harry Wales – FACT!
Conspiracy? I let you be the judge! Hang on, there’s two guys in black suits at the door. Probably the Bon Jovi’s again. Back in a min………………..