Computer modelling is a cunt. A Professor at the University of Oslo has made a detailed empirical study of atmospheric and oceanic temperature changes and climate trends over the last 30 years. His report finds gentle warming, but no evidence of dramatic changes, snow cover stable, sea ice levels recovering and no change in storm activity.
The director of the Global Warming Policy Foundation said ‘It’s extraordinary that anyone should think there’s a climate crisis. Year after year our annual assessment of climate trends document just how little it has been changing in the last 30 years. The habitual climate alarmism is mainly driven by scientists’ computer modelling rather than observational evidence’. Yes mate, that and the fact there’s a massive Climate Change Industry with a lot of money riding on this bullshit.
How about the Extinction Rebellion middle class wankers glueing their hands to the Professor’s report and then reading it?
One other thought about computer modelling:
Ferguson, Covid.
Need I say more?
Nominated by: Geordie Twatt
Seconded by: Morello Felch
Seconded, another blatant,in-yer-face payola scam adopted by the terminally weak willed populace.
None of these fucksticks stop to think how the electricity for these immature dodgems is created never mind the child slave labour mining the minerals to make these undisposable batteries in the first place.
Virtue signalling, mass formation psychosis.
Idiocracy, bye bye Western degenerates.
Climate change? It’s called seasonal weather, morons.
I’m off now to bang a saucepan aimlessly in support of the next ‘current thing’ because I’m a useless cunt.
That’s a fine looking lady.
One could fuck some of her ample rolls of flesh.
Did I just say that out loud.
Climate crisis bit like band China crisis = load of bollocks.
Big but good.
I would ride her like ‘seabiscuit’
here’s the one you really want: Jane Bunn the Rubenesque (in a good way) Aussie weather chick who is an actual meteorologist. Thank me after
Some fine buns on Miss Bunn there.
I bet you’d like to have more than the three strokes over those.
Epic tits , shame about the “tennis player “ legs.
We know it’s bollocks, they know it’s bollocks. But it suits the government agenda. They always need a bogeyman to control the population. It used to be the fear of communism and a soviet invasion (which has now come back with the “Russia bad/Ukraine good” simpleton’s narrative.)
That cunt Johnson even said that green levies were reducing electricity bills! From a man who didn’t know whether the fuck or not he was at a party, I think I’ll take it with a pinch of salt.
Of course it’s reducing bills. Everybody who can’t claim them on expenses aren’t fucking use any fuel.
The piss taking cunts can use our money to pay all of their utility bills in a second home anyway.
Bills too high? Move into your second home and get the taxpayers to pay for them. Sorted.
Cheeky fucking cunts.
Climate is changing generally, it’s what climate does but the idea that we are, in any major way, responsible for it is unlikely. And taking this country back to the stone age to ‘save the planet’ is fucking ludicrous. Too many pies indeed, I’d still climb on.
I remember the heatwave of 1975 76 (it’s one or the two) for all summer long, not a drop left in the rivers and my thighs like lobsters from the short pants and sun.
Imangine the shit we’d have to endure if it repeated
76 sir. It actually snowed for a few minutes June 75.
Yes, I remember that, great stuff.
I remember cracking eggs on the bonnet of a Rover P6 with school friends, watching them slowly cook?
Playing on the river, in a couple of tractor tyre inner tubes, my older cousins had acquired.
Happy days ??
Yes , you are correct Sir , I’m just glad there wasn’t climate change cunts back then to spoil that glorious summer
On that day it snowed it had every other type of weather too if I remember rightly. Sunshine snow rain and fog in the morning or was it evening. In ‘76 summer we picked the tar out from between the concrete road surface, the underside of our nails we caked in it and were still black days after cutting them back. Pavement so hot couldn’t walk bare feet on it and had to use the grass verge dodging the white dog shit.
Hot Pants in hot weather – surely?
The hot pants? were cut denim trousers by the more raunchy Suzy Quattro types of the times. I used to stare even though I was not of a coming age?
Ladybirds every where one night
I was in my Nan’s caravan and the ladybirds sounded like rain on it.
Stunning summer that was. If that was a foretaste of “climate change”, bring it on!
Net zero emissions will turn out to be political suicide for whichever party pushes it hardest.
They can set as many computers as they like to telling lies based on software they made sure would lie but it won’t make any difference.
The planet will still turn and the Yellow Peril and the Crafty Turbans etc will carry on digging it up,setting it on fire etc forever.
They will have the cheap energy that we seem hell bent on throwing away.
I wonder if all the computers the climate boffins use to tell us fairy stories are steam powered?
Just so long as the grant cheques from Bezis and Gates keep rolling in eh you gifting cunts?
Before the Cambrian Explosion, c 500m years ago, virtually the entire Earth was covered in ice (known as snowball Earth, dwarfing the last ice age). Today, the planet isn’t covered in ice. Lesson: the Earth’s climate changes radically without any input from humans. There’re too many cunts scaring too many weak-minded simpletons, making too much coin from this eco-bullshit.
Whenever I hear ‘computer model’, I become instantly dubious. You hear it a lot in astronomy where, despite the undoubted cleverness of the boffins, there is a lot of conjecture. Also, there’s a nasty habit in science sometimes, of working backwards from a conclusion, and this is exactly how the climate change industry operate. Pick a domesday scenario and program the computer to match that eventuality in its final conclusion, rather than choosing rational data and seeing what comes out. I wouldn’t trust these climate change zealots with an airfix model, let alone a computer one. In fact, i reckon if I gave them a scale model kit of a Spitfire, they’d end up producing a Nissan Leaf. Lying cunts the lot of them.
I like the analogy.
mate of mine has just bought a 1995 Bentley Turbo R. The engine is a thing of beauty. An environmentalist’s nightmare. About 9mpg. They should be flogged in front of a picture of it.
Sadly now gone, twin-turbo 6.75-litre what a lump.
I recently enquired into a flying spur W12.
Can’t afford it until I win the lottery, but when I do I’m going to thrash the nuts off it up and down the road in front of Greta’s house.
Their excuse is that there have indeed been several extinction events on Earth, but that we are I the middle of a new one called the ‘Holocene’ extinction event, which by definition, is man made.
They’re teaching your kids this, by the way
What a load of absolute fucking horseshit.
I’m also getting fucking sick of the word ‘deniers’ getting thrown about too. They try to equate denying extreme versions of man made climate change, as being the same as denying the Holocaust.
Sneaky as fuck.
Next, it’ll be critical race theory deniers, socialism deniers, transgender deniers.
They can all fuck right off.,a%20result%20of%20human%20activity.
I should state that in our schools, they are teaching kids that climate change is the biggest factor, and that we are in the fucking middle of an extinction event.
That rant brought out a nom in me.
Fucking getting me riled up you fuckers.
The ‘Arse Age’ (Also man made, but not climate related) has also been another period of extinction in the form of HIV Aids.
I’m proud to be a “climate denier”. Climate change is intrinsically linked with CRT. Anything that says the dark keys invented anything is bollocks, ergo, so is climate change.
(Coincidentally, there is a nomination regarding “deniers” on all manner of topics, due to be processed and scheduled very soon. I don’t deny this! – Day Admin)
I think somebody needs to tell these climate scientists that you can’t declare an extinction event until it actually occurs…….. but then there won’t be anybody left to call it anything so I guess it doesn’t really matter.
Utter bollocks.Oven please
Roll her in flour and aim for the wet spot, she has some fine baby hangers, I would empty my baby making batter load all over her tits
The school teachers have made living life to the full extinct one would think with the shit they preach as gospel. I pity the gullible and literal who cannot discern for themselves
I couldn’t give a fuck if they’re right or not…. I’ve had my fun and if the World fucking disappears up it’s own arsehole when I die..well…good.
DF, I can guarantee you, that that’s exactly what most of the virtue signalling shithouses believe too.
You’re above them for being fucking honest at least.
Who, exactly, are we saving the planet for?
If it’s for the Woke, cancelling, non-binary prom frock wearing cunts, Putin can blow the fucking place to Kingdom Come.
In a few hundred years, when I’ll be long dead, humans will be extinct. The human race is the modern day equivalent of dinosaurs. We don’t evolve, we just invent shit that we don’t actually need.
I can see a day when cats developed opposable thumbs, then we’ll be totally redundant.
Polydactyl cats have 5 pads & thumbs.
Some have even more.
Re: polydactyl cats.
I’ve just checked Dexter, a Bengal, and absolutely huge.
He has vestigial 6th toe on each front paw.
Good job he’s neutered!
I remember listening to a doomsday know it all at work a few years ago banging on about climate change, I pointed out to him that every 100,000 years or so there is an ice age, he agreed, so I said what caused all the ice to melt then, as 100,000 years ago there was zero industry pumping out carbon emissions and the only 2 cars on the road had no engines as they were owned by Fred flintstone and Barney rubble, he said anyone can be a fucking smart arse, but never gave an answer, the cunt
I can certainly see the benefits of teachers (and parents) teaching kids the benefits of recycling and “Keeping Britain Tidy” (to quote an old public information film). But to show them selective documentaries and computer modelling in order to show extreme climate change scenarios all due to the activities of mankind is nothing more than brainwashing and propaganda. (This should now be called “humankind” but because its deemed bad it stays as mankind)
Feed any old shit into a computer programme, and you will get any old shit coming out. If you don’t enter complete data at source the end result will also be incomplete. And this is what certain fanatics will look for to suit their narrative.
Most of us remember Michael Fish’s dismissive remarks about a supposed storm was about to hit the south east of England – “The Great Storm of 1987”.
He said live on air during a weather forecast:- “Earlier on today apparently, a woman rang the BBC and said she’d heard there was a hurricane on the way. Well, if you’re watching, don’t worry, there isn’t.”
A few hours, 115mph winds, millions of trees/buildings felled or damaged and 18 people dead later, Michael Fish was proved very VERY wrong, chiefly because the computer models used by him completely overlooked or didn’t even know of such a storm was about to hit!
Computer modelling using today’s so-called supercomputers for weather forecasting has admittedly improved for very short-term forecasts (i.e.. today, tomorrow and possibly the following day). But they still get it so badly wrong with mid to long term forecasts it does beg the question why bother?
If they can’t accurately predict what will happen in England on 5th May, how the fuck do they know with any certainty what will happen to England in 2050!?
The only computer modelling I like is ogling at the evolution of Lara Croft over the years – from pointy tits & arse in “TR1”, to something incredibly lifelike in “Shadow of TR”
(Dunno know about that. She’s gone all woke and feminazi over the years by the looks of things. Probably a rug munching tranny identifying as a hedgehog for the latest TR release – Day Admin) Evolution of Mardy Croft
Yup and sevenoaks became 1 oak, and the fuckers still charged me extortionate council tax to plant new trees, I told my local councillor to fuck right off
I almost got killed by that ‘non-existant’ storm . I was a mobile vending machine engineer in London and was just driving to the City from North Finchley to start at 6am. Fucking dustbins flying everywhere, trees dropping, you name it. When I came out of Reuters a fucking great window got blown out of a 4th storey office and shattered not 50 feet from me. Luckily I was in the van, getting stuff ready for the next location, but the offside of the van was peppered in glass. Just 20 seconds earlier and I would have been shredded. I watch the weather forecast and look out of the window. The number of times the girl says what a nice, sunny morning it is as I watch the water pouring down the window. They haven’t a clue.
“Climate change”
AKA “spring, summer, autumn and winter”.
Been studying this for 40 yesrs, “Man made climate change is as big a load of bollocks now as it was then.
A con promoted by a fat faced Swedish grifter.
I would say that this is a pretty accurate image of Greta but I don’t think I’ve ever seen her crack a smile.
Record snowfalls in Antarctica, didn’t see that one in the modelling ?
Snowing this week in Southern Ontario in mid Spring. Its called weather. As an Accountant I loathe excel and people bringing to me models of how things will work or make a profit, the minute I start looking at the formulas it usually does not take long to find a huge error or just an assumption plugged into it, that in short means the outputs are really just someones best guess and what they want to show the world, the same goes for all modelling, Prof Pants Down and Climate Change models, its all complete waffly bollocks.
The end is nigh. Has been for centuries. It’s not fucking rocket science.
Good morning. ?
You are spot on. We MOGS have been on about this for years – along with the Climate Discussion Nexus. ( ). The main issue that Computer Models are derived from Algorithms – which have a ‘seed’ number to start with. If this number is wrong (and in the case of Climate models, they NEVER use REAL or RECORDED data!) then everything that follows is wrong!
If Putin or Rocket Man in North Korea fire a couple of nukes, then we can have a nuclear winter which will blot out the sun. Problem solved.
I don’t believe anything some egghead with a computer says about the weather.
I lost interest when the new Ice Age never materialised.
That buxom type in the pic is bang on.
In the 70s weathermen were sex offenders in homemade knitwear.
Mnc@ Morning Mnc – I do not trust any weather report which does not involve opening a window!
The one on C4 leaping about in Liverpool docks in dodgy jumpers was a real wrong un, cannot remember his name though.
Fred something, probably West?
That weather gal looks jolly – I wonder if she can touch her toes? ??
Computer modelling is astrology.
Yep, there’s an old saying in computer modelling and it doesn’t change if it’s the most powerful machine out there -“the situation is more complex than the model admits’
At least with the zodiac there are 12 different variants and loads of different astrologers who say completely different things. With climate astrology, there is only ever one prediction and no alternatives.
Excellent nomination(s)?
That bird in the nom photo looks exactly like the wife of an associate-the cunt was a millionaire stockbroker and she was a fully qualified solicitor who never did a days work, after she married the cunt.
Cracking tits?
And when did ‘Kiev’ become fucking ‘Keev’.
Fuck off.
Not to confuse it with the chicken dish ?
It’s to do with how the Ruskies say it (Kiev) to how Ukrainians say it (Keev). It’s part of some initiative to stop people using the Ruskie version, which we’ve used forever. It’s political, basically.
Fucking stupid if you ask me. Every country has its own way of pronouncing different places. We say ‘Spain’ not ‘Espana’ for example.
Load o shite.
This is an excellent cunting. Sublime and overdue.
We are expected to believe that computer modeling is science. It’s not.
Also consensus among scientists is NOT SCIENCE.
Another cunt in need of a nom.
Science is a word that has been fucked over lately.
Apparently, if we can tip the earths axis by only 1/2 a degree, we ( in the Northern Hemisphere can have lovely weather all of the time whilst roasting and Glassing the entire Continent of Africa. ( and a few other places )
Now I say….Lets do it !
Perhaps that girl in the nom could jump up and down at the equator on the side that needs to tilt down.
Excellent nom,
The eco tossers are weeping and wailing over an IPCC report, a group founded by a largely non scientific bunch of Cnuts.
Empirical evidence craps on every model they rely on.
This needs shouting into the ears of every eco loon who is gluing themselves to things
I am concerned re the red/black stripped dress. Is she capable of flight, maybe half-wimminz/half-hornet? Maybe she has toxix genitalia, like a fugu fish. Maybe she is a Russian ICBM.
Can’t predict the weather forecast for next week what chance they can predict climate change in the next 10 years , my arse