Climate change is even more urgent that it was, well last week, the latest from the UN IPPC is a ‘clear and present danger’, CO2 must peak by 2025, not only that it has to coming down rapidly by 2030.
If not we a fucking doomed, doomed I say, I wonder if China, India, USA and Co are listening.
What does it mean for us in the UK, well we are going to be screwed, when you hear the words from politicians like ‘there are no plans to ration energy’, you can bet your life it’s on the fucking way.
Maybe those ranting cunts from Stop Oil will get their way as we plunge into darkness, ah well at least I can say I have done my bit, reduced my gas usage this winter compared to last year by about 10 to 15%, I can’t claim it was by design, it’s been a relatively mild winter
Looking forward to the 3 day week ???
Note, clear and present danger is coming for the new world order, to quote a regular cunter ‘we are being played’
Nominated by: Sick of it
I must admit to be being puzzled by this save the planet caper.
We’ve spent two millenia advancing our civilisation only to have it pinched off us by a load of tree huggers.
Politicians have jumped aboard as it’s a super way to stealth tax and frighten the population.
They all talk about windmills and expensive cars with batteries etc but never talk about what saving the planet (if that’s even possible or necessary) really means..
A return to the Dark Ages,as every modern convenience and activity involves waste and pollution.
Everyone involved in this fucking claptrap needs dragging into the oven.
I suspect that you’ve done very little to make your Oven eco-friendly…. unfortunately I have no option bar reporting you to Greta.
Chuck her in as well, spoon faced mong.
Splendid I’ll make the little shit an appointment ?
Send Greta on a holiday to Portugal with the McCanns, she maybe 18 now but she still acts like a ten year old, the mongoliod bitch
If this lie works as intended it’s the fault of the people not the cunts trying to seize control.
Fear is because of ignorance. Ignorance is the worst of all vices.
Write that down.
I couldn’t give a fuck for the climate or the planet. I’m more concerned with my gas bill. All this bollocks is a complete waste of time and my money.
I couldn’t give a fuck for the climate or the planet. I’m more concerned with my gas bill. All this bollocks is a complete waste of time and my money.
I’ve done my bit to cuntribute to global warming by up ticking your comment twi e!
The problem is overpopulation, but we’re not allowed to talk about that …
There is no climate emergency.
The climate will change, regardless of man’s interventions.
There is however an immigration emergency in this country, that a certain amount of people seem oblivious to, or just choose to ignore.
If only these ER loons put their efforts into protesting about parking stanley grooming gangs, or something else worthwhile.
The plod would soon have them unglued and shoved in the slammer.
And the MSM coverage would be non existent.
Why don’t they just drive the tankers under that 11 foot 9 bridge near Kingsbury oil depot?
It is the perfect tool for the removal of these idiots.
Yet Hoyer don’t seem to be utilising it.
Spineless wankers.
When science tells us that there are only two genders we are told not to believe it. All sciences, maths, geology, physics, chemistry, to name but a few, we are told are raaaaaay-sist.
Except of course the pure and wonderful science of climatology. Yes, everything they say is gospel truth. We know this because we fucking paid them to say it.
Any cunt who wouldn’t play we marginalised, cancelled and got rid of.
Yes, climatology is the new religion and, like the Peacefuls, we brook no opposition. Just believe, oh my brothers and you will be saved from whatever bogie man we decide to frighten you with.
You know it makes sense.
Climate change occurs naturally every year – winter, spring, summer, autumn (or “winter” as the entire year is known in Yorkshire) – global warming and cooling is a naturally occurring cyclical event which has been happening since the creation of Planet Earth. We live on a thin skin of rock surrounding a constantly moving superheated molten ball whose movement is affected by gravity, the Earths rotation and the Earths orbit.
I have been following this since the 1980’s when the fear porn back then was “the hole in the ozone layer” – but the acclaimed “scientists” who did not receive funding until they produced the “correct” results forgot to mention one thing – holes in the ozone layer appear to vent excessive toxic gases into space then close up again. I do not believe that the CO2 output of humankind has made one jot of difference to “climate change” or “global warming” – there is simply zero credible evidence.
In the ice age there was 400% more atmospheric CO2 – wasn’t overheating then was it?
In the periods the dinosaurs lived there was 300% more atmospheric CO2 and the entire world had massively higher sea and ocean levels and was covered pretty much in its entirety by lush, verdant vegetation but ask the climate SS of Knightsbridge and Sweden to explain this (and a lot of other scientific fact) and there is no response except hateful screeching and abuse – because they know they are selling (with the emphasis on “selling” – cabbage patch doll Thunderbird has become a very, very rich little m*ng by selling the grift) a lie. And a quick look at who funds the various climaloon organisations is telling with regard to working out the agenda – we live in shacks eating grubs and walking as the rich and privileged sweep past (and overhead) shouting “You little people have never had it so good” – and any not liking it are whisked off to the re-education camps from which they never return – communist dictatorship in all but name.
Nice of Leonardo Di Caprio to climb off his 280 gallons of diesel an hour super yacht and on to one of his private jets to fly to Scotland to lecture the little serfs as to how wicked they are destroying the planet driving their 15 year old car to work and flying once a year to Spain.
Get fucked – I will not be lectured, harassed, browbeaten and demonised by sanctimonious hypocrite millionaires over a non existent issue, and any who try might be losing some fucking teeth.
Well said bang on, fuck all this climate change shite.
Thanks for that Vern.
Couldn’t agree more.
Spot on.
Ha. Excellent Mr Fox, Why do you think I adopted his ‘nom de plume’ as my cunting name, Mr DiCaprio is just one of many Holy-woke luvvie cunts who luv to lecture us plebs whilst systematically living a life of luxury and largess.
The arsewipe should have drowned on the fucking titanic.
Indeed Vernon. When the words come out of the mouths of proven liars you’d have to be a mug to believe a single one of them. Where is Thunderpants these days anyway? I bet she’s getting loads of cock off that bloke she hooked up with, dirty little tart. I hope she gets raped by a gang of Stockholm’s finest Peacefuls.
FtF@ – Afternoon Freddie – Thunderbird is busy sat in her Parents enormous carbon munching Swedish mansion looking out the window at the two SUV’s outside and counting her multi million Pound fortune from selling tat made in China made by slave labour (allegedly) to her mental cult members.
But no word from chunderberg about the worlds biggest CO2 emitter – the WWW and the internet.
If THEY are for it,
Im against it.
THEY can shove it up their arse.
Solar panels, windmills, heat pumps, bicycles, veganism,blah,blah get fucked.
Stop breeding=solved.
And that pale hippy cunt Boris Johnson?
Net zero?
Oh, I pay net
Boris pays zero
Like that you mean?
Go knot your old school tie to a windmill…
‘They’ also known as ‘Them’, however this lot of Theys are not hiding in the shadows, They are shouting from the rooftops ?
Stop Oil
Stop Gas
Stop living
The Sahara desert was green, the fucking Egyptians and their gas guzzling chariots saw that off. Along with the large scale industrial works to build the pyramids.
Now desertication is man made.
Has for the XR ecofascists, I would truely love to break some of their smug faces. Cunts the lot of them.
The energy strategy last week cheered me up (a little bit), continuing to invest in the North Sea, more nuclear (not enough) and another look at fracking.
What was the labour response, nothing about energy prices, well no, the statement was about energy security not pricing.
Stop Oil and Extinction Rebels all wearing hi vis vests outside oil terminals, protesting about oil while wearing the stuff, cunts.
And! As someone pointed out earlier in the thread, Population doesn’t figure anywhere, so the African continent will continue to blossom and as well as paying for our domestic ‘Green Agenda’ we will be expected to pay for Africa as well.
If the latest bollocks from the IPCC is to be believed then we should stop worrying about it, keep calm and carry on because there is a big fat ZERO chance of CO2 peaking by 2025.
Just 2 of thousands of facts…….
Britain was once a part of the continent of Europe.
There was no North Sea, you could walk across to where we now call France.
The River Nile once flowed just a hundred of meters past where the pyramids are.
It’s course is now about 5 miles away.
Humans had fuck all to do with these changes.
To imagine that humans can influence the naturally occurring changes of a planet is incredibly nieve and arrogant.
That cunt buried under all the clothes in Rome who calls himself Pope has been on this climate change bullshit band wagon for a while now. There isn’t one goddamn thing about him that aligns with God’s truth. Fuck him and the globalist cabal who installed him.
A tool of Satan he is. Those robes have 2 choir boys under them at all times.
By me.
Happy Easter.
That Welby is a wanker also.
‘Man of the cloth’ my hairy arse. ‘Man* is a cunt’ more like.
*Assuming he self identifies as a male.
I dread to think what Welby’s cloth has been covered in over the years.
Pre-pubescent spud water, shitstains, and other ‘personal’ fluids.
Creepy little bastard.
Total bollocks. Anybody coming up with any facts is a ‘denier’.
It’s all based on models by wanky scientists with a vested interest in keeping this charade going. About as good as the Covid disaster.
Climate change.
When you can tell me what the weather will be like 10 years from now, but you can’t tell me what it’ll be like next week.
Greta Thundercunt is worth a few million now.
Stolen her future? Well I wish I had her financial outlook at 17. Her future looks tickety fucking boo to me.
Unlike the little African urchins working down the cobalt mines, to help manufacture those expensive and useless (after a couple of years) car batteries Greta demands we use.
I used to feel sorry for her (used by parents etc) but no more. She’s a fucking evil little cunt.
She wants throwing to the Muslims.
They will steal her future.
Mind you, she’s probably a bit to old for them now?
Climate changes over geological time and also there are lesser changes in historical time. Up and down. Mini ice-age to mini hot period. Always has been the case. Our measurements only go back 200 years if that, but from this scientists can predict Armafuckinggeddon. Not a total denier but am sceptical.
Get ready for powercuts anyway. You know they are going to do it to us don’t you? I was watching an episode of Til Death the other night when they were playing monopoly during a power cut. Half the pieces were missing, the Silly Moo couldn’t remember where she put the candles (“somewhere safe”) , the Scouse Git was trying to burn some damp wood in the fireplace and Alf was going on about “yer bleedin’ c*ons.”
Oh how it took me back. I’ll be well prepared but I don’t know how these millennials are going to cope with it.
No doubt they’ll blame it on white supremacy, the mythical far right, Bozo the clown …… between crying like girls.
Soft wankers.
Not the fact we have demolished nearly all our coal fired power stations,
Growing up in the 70s and 80s programmes like ‘Newsround’, ‘Tomorrows World’ (Howard Stableford, was he a ‘fruity gent’?), Equinox, Horizon etc would regularly report that ‘by the year 2000’ we would have run out of oil, sea levels would rise beyond all known levels ( remember the Thames barrier) and that the internal combustion engine would be as defunct as the dodo, also that we would have permanent habitants on the moon and man.
Well here we are in 2022. All those predictions aged well.
Fucking horse shit, climate change. Lefty bullshit pandered by Lib Dems, who would have us back in the Stone Age drinking our own piss and wearing jumpers knitted from pubic hair.
When politicians are prepared to talk about Global overpopulation, unrestricted migration , then perhaps I may take all of this shit a bit more seriously. Until such time the UN and Political Parties can Fuck off !
Mars. Fuckin iPad.
The Earth weighs 600 billion, trillion metric tons.
It rotates at around 1,000 miles per hour.
The speed of the orbit of the Earth around the Sun is about 107,000 km/hr.
The Sun itself is travelling around the Universe at a speed of approximately 800,000km/hr.
The Earth is being held at a precarious axis of 23.5 degrees by the Moon.
The atmosphere of the Earth would be stripped away in a micro second by the power of the Sun if not for a relatively weak magnetic field.
If anyone thinks that swapping their car for an electric one, or by eating the occasional veggie burger is going to make the slightest difference, then they are seriously deluded.
Indeed TAC, and, inevitably in several billion years, the sun will turn into a red giant and utterly consume the earth so everything that happens in every facet of human endeavour is ultimately pointless!
The krauts are recommissioning their dirty coal power stations, Le Pen is demanding compensation for energy costs from the US, and in the US itself ..
“War and preparation for it are fossil fuel intensive activities and along with being the single largest consumer of energy in the U.S., the Department of Defense is the world’s single largest institutional consumer of petroleum.”
.. trying to conquer everyone with a drop of independent oil/gas. Meanwhile Blighty is just a bunch of cunt. Played like a fucking fiddle. cunt.
Send all of XR etc to Russia to protest.They won’t last 5 minutes.Tossers.
Always a bit curious when the statistics say things like “The hottest summer for 200 years.” Well that in itself sounds a bit dodgy to me! & we had snow this April. Cunts won’t pull the wool over my eyes.
The invention of the thermometer was only a few hundred years ago.
I can’t be arsed to look up exactly when.
Records do not go back more than a that.
I have just looked up the invention of the first reliable thermometer.
When ‘scientists’ tell us that the 20th century was the warmest on record, what they really mean is……
“From the 2 whole centuries that we have any reliable information from, last century was warmer than the previous one”
I see your point A.C. But personally I don’t give a fuck about
CO 2 (& that should be with a small ‘2’ incidentally.) that we hear about all the time. What concerns me more is nitrogen sulphide, sulphur dioxide, Diesel particulates & these, & a number of other pollutants in the atmosphere, have the ability to kill.
I noticed good old Bangladesh gets a mention in the news link.
I wouldn’t piss on that shithole if it was on fire and the sooner it disappears into the sea the better.
Bangladeshis don’t have to worry……..most of them are over here. Bethnal Green (the home of that Beegum bitch) has been Banglatown for years . Go down Brick Lane and there’s a big sign (paid for by the taxpayer)…..” Welcome to Banglatown.”
If you want to go to one of the curry houses you go by taxi. Don’t try walking through the streets because Sharia law rules there. Think I am exaggerating.? Try it for yourself, see what happens.
This is a good one. A 23 year old British climate activist is exposed by the DM chalking up thousands of air miles on trips to Australia, Bali and The Canaries!
Just staggering.
Hannah ‘Hunt’ could be an ISAC nom de plume ?
And it goes to Brighton University!
I wish they’d do something useful, like protest against ICBMs.
I can just imagine dozens of the fucking cunts, all superglued to ICBMs, then the sirens go off, and the twats go into orbit…
Only bigger Cunt than “climate change “ is the cunts that glue themselves to the road building etc because they think that they have all the answers. They are a massive set of cunts.
Can’t be good all the riots in Sweden, it’s converted me to a climate change believer. One copy of Kerrang gets set on fire and all the imported headbangers start setting fire to the the town centre.
I don’t know why people get so upset about climate change….personally I prefer it a degree or two warmer.