Brent Council

If any of the Boris bashers, on ISAC sadly, as well as elsewhere, who think all politicians are the same, they need only look as far as Brent Council in London to see the hell on earth that would follow in the wake of the election of Kweer Starmer MP as our PC PM.

Brent has long been the home to the looniest of loony tune losers in the Labour party. Brent was the home of the original Labour race baiter Bernie “the police deserved a good hiding” Grant, it is now the home to the second home fiddler Dawn Butler, another race baiting police hating bitch. It is a borough full of “victims” of whatever they fancy being victims about. I am just surprised pansy-voiced Justin Welby doesn’t give up his palacial and underused Cathedral at Canterbury to numerous illegal immigrants and go and live in a Brent flat, judging by his latest sermon, but perhaps biggest price for fuckery goes to this:

Daily Mail News Link

That’s right, lardarse Diane Abbott should have a park renamed in her honour?. Why?. For being a thick as pig shit, ignorant , innumerate fat arsed race baiter?. For her numerous TV appearances where she demonstrates what a steaming idiot she is?. For being Steptoe’s former lover?.

Boris has not been good, especially in the last year, but he is a fucking sight better than that oily heap of shit Starmer will ever be, even with the help of Campbell and Mandelson, the poof and the piss artist doubloe act.

Nominated by: W. C. Boggs

Seconded by: mystic maven

Brent council want to rename Gladstone Park because Will’s dad had connections to the slave trade. They want the name to reflect more modern values and the following have been suggested, following the council’s request for schoolchildren aged under 13 to come up with alternatives (ie suggestions from their woke lefty so called teachers):

Diane Abbot Park – she has no connection with Brent
BAME Park – racist surely
Diversity Fields – to attract a diverse collection of ne’er do wells
Multi Faith Park – ditto

Telegraph News Link

I remember Gladstone Park from years ago as being one of the nicer open spaces in north London, not sure what it’s like now though.

73 thoughts on “Brent Council

  1. Anyone who believes that a bunch of kids came up with those names must be some sort of cunt. They’ve never heard of The Flabbot and wouldn’t have a clue how to spell diversity let alone what it means.
    What’s wrong with Gladstone anyway? Yeah I know he was white but didn’t he devote his later life to helping “fallen women”, the dirty old goat? He would have fitted nicely into today’s collection of cunts in Parliament I reckon.

    • I agree, Freddie. In fact, if anyone believes kids suggested those names, I’ve got a bridge I’d like to sell them.
      Daft twats.

    • The constant brainwashing of our children is fucking criminal.
      They should be enlightened by researching Great British inventions.
      Then compare that list to inventions by black people from the rest of the planet combined.

      • Great white man inventions
        1 everything that is useful and has a point.
        2 Don’t need to mention anything else

        Black man invention
        1 Fuck a monkey invent AIDS…..
        I rest my case .

  2. Dianne Abbot – Jamaican parents
    Dawn Butler – Jamaican parents
    David Lammy Guyanese parents.
    Can anyone see a pattern starting to emerge here?
    (Their first names beginning with ‘D’ is not the right answer).
    Not content with having a better paid job than most of the people in Britain, these and others like them have to try and undermine everything that bought their scrounging parents to this country in the first place.

    Don’t like Britain the way it is? Then fuck off to Rwanda with the rest of the unwelcome filth.

    • how about that thick cunt Kwasi Kwarteng? I know he is cuntservative, but he’s still a thick fucker.

      • sorry – I didn’t read the post properly. I thought it was about dark keys. Although Kwasi doesn’t start with “D” he is still thick.

      • Kwasi may be thick, but nowhere near as thick as Anneliese Dodds, Jonathan Ashworth or Jeremy Corbyn.

  3. Great idea from the Labour Party. Rename a park after a woman who, it’s reckoned, loses Labour 40,000 votes every time she appears on the box. In fact, let’s also celebrate the huge contribution to Labour’s cause made by that other TV star and doyenne of champagne socialism, Lady 5-bellies Nugee. Another guaranteed vote loser.
    I’d rename it ‘Teletubbies Park’ after the two of them.

    • A great idea Geordie. We will have old Kweer singing a music hall song “Ih Mr. Gladstone, Get Rid Of That Old Bag” which also applies to the two of them.

  4. In the 80s I walked through Brent and Cricklewood,
    Right shithole even then.
    It was full of umbongos an I couldn’t find a chippy.

    Those kids are taking the piss.
    Being cruel.
    Its like the Steven Hawkins school of dance,
    Joey Deacon academy or Simon Weston skincare range.

    • The Michael Barrymore swimming and leisure centre.
      Anders Breivik shooting range.
      Fred West patios and conservatories.

    • I googled that Simon Weston the other day wondering what he’s been up to. Seems he’s worth anything from 700k-£5 million, depending on what you read.

      Is a melted face worth £5 million?

      I’d say no. It looked like it bloody hurt an’ all.

      I wouldn’t go through that for £5 million. Doubt they’ll name the park after him though. If he’d got burned even more and gone black he might have had a chance.l though.

  5. I thought the term BAME is now considered patronizing to er….BAME’s, even the cunts at the BBC have dropped it. No way did any kids come up with these alternative names, it sounds just like the ones who wrote letters to Boris criticizing him over the Partygate bollocks, it has the sticky fingerprints of lefty woke ideologues all over it.

  6. The Diane Abbot bit is a bit of Daily Mail bollocks. There is no plan to change the name and apparently just one kid suggested the blessed polymath Diane.

  7. I always thought Criklewood was full of bogtrotters, they too are in a state of perpetual victimhood, surprised they don’t name it Phil Lynott park, the daft cunts!!!

  8. My son is starting secondary school this September, and recently we had a meet and greet at his chosen school. When a question was asked about their house system, it was pointed out by the Asian head of first year that the names of the houses were going to change. Names like Brunel, Elgar and Wellington were old hat and an irrelevance to youngsters nowadays he said, new names were needed that were more relevant. Not one of the list of names he read out was that of a white person. Even fucking Stormzy and Malcolm X got a mention. Cue dumbfounded silence in the hall from the (thankfully) predominately white audience present. This is the kind of narrow minded, blinkered, woke shit we and and kids have to endure. I can’t see it ending well.

    • The reason names like Elgar and Brunel have no resonance with school children today is that our woke dumb as fuck teachers fail to teach children about them. Instead they learn about cunts like Malcom X and St Floyd of Chiggin.

    • I don’t think they actually educate children any more, I think they just brainwash them these days.
      What did the Jesuits say?
      Give me a child until he’s 7, and I’ll give you the man.
      Same thing going on in Y1and Y2 now.

    • Your post set me thinking Field Marshal. Our eldest started secondary school in September 1999. We had made the decision to leave Birmingham in 1998 and the main driver in the decision to move to Buckinghamshire was her education. We were not disappointed; she is a doctor now. I would not dream of telling you what you should do but you may want to consider your options over the summer. The secondary school my sister and I attended in the West Midlands in the 1960s had over a thousand pupils of whom maybe half a dozen were ethnic. My nephew and niece attended the same school in the early 2000s when it was about two thirds ethnic. It is now rated as requiring improvement and heading towards special measures status, though having said that my nephew and niece both did well academically. We found that estate agents were very clued up as regards catchment areas and entrance criteria whereas local education authorities were very cagey and not above telling bare-faced lies.

      Reading this back I’m afraid I may have given information which you find unsettling. If so I apologise. I wish you well and I wish your son the very best of luck.

  9. They’ll not stop until the entire country favours Mogadishu.

    Eventually things will come to a head.

    Then the rubbish will be swept away.
    Fingers crossed.

  10. I also subcribe to the view that such cunts as infest Brent council are a literal fifth column that require full Oven.

  11. Gladstone was a great man. Flabbot – not.

    Although ironically Flabbot Park might be a more suitable name because the bushes need trimming, it’s infested with vermin, it stinks of shit and piss and it’s ugly.

  12. Teachers chose the possible names, the fucking shithouses.

    If kids chose the names, you’d have ‘Fortnite Gardens’, ‘KFC Park’ (well it is Brent),
    ‘Playstation 5 Fields’, ‘Haribo Park’, maybe ‘Mr Jones is a wanker Park or even ‘Daz is Gay Gardens’.

    • Gay Gardens would be a good name for Streatham Common or Clapham Common as they are infested with the filthy bastards. That’s only after dark of course so perhaps they could have a different name when used by normal people during daylight hours?
      Sounds like a job for Suckdick’s “Night Czar”, a fat American lezza scrounging taxpayers money for doing fuck all. Londonstabistan is so wonderful these days. Makes me proud to be a born and bred Londoner.

      • I’d like to stick the London Borough of Brent in a huge version of Uncle Terry’s oven. I might exclude the Ace Cafe on the North Circular but that’s all.

    • That ex copper who owns Ace is a bit of a twat. He never sorts out the thieving scrotes that get up there.

      • Yes – it’s all those lawless motorcyclists that congregate there. The English breakfast is great though.

      • A poseurs paradise. There are actually yuppie couples who turn up in matching Italian leather’s, expensive helmets and boots-yet their car is parked around the fucking corner?

    • I love the way they say these 2 goatfuckers “have instructed lawyers to begin legal proceedings”. These illiterate savages couldn’t instruct their own arseholes.
      They’ve been picked at random by wokie libtard lawyers looking forward to filling their bank accounts with taxpayers money.
      What a fucking country. No wonder every p*nce, criminal and sex offender can’t wait to get here.

      • Fucking right Terry! To quote Shakespeare (Henry VI, part 2, act IV, scene 2); “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers.”
        As mentioned on ISAC on previous occasions.

  13. Diane Abbott would be entirely unsuitable for naming a park after. She has connections with Britain hating, IRA loving, Jeremy Corbyn, for a start. Also she has made numerous racist comments about white people – more than she can count – and drinks alcohol on trains and goes out wearing two left shoes.

    • I’d forgotten about the two left shoes. Did they both have “ Left” written on the toecaps?

      What a hopeless spaz.

  14. Back in the 80’s my colleague’s and I always referred to said council as “bent”. Still a bunch of cunts then.

  15. Diane Abbott Park.
    If labour ever get it and decide to ban public schools they would have to rename the park again because she sent her bonkers son to private school ?

    I have connections to slavery, I am white and English, therefore by default I have benefited from the slave trade, strangely all the cunts who bang on about it could fuck off to some other country that hasn’t had any slavery issues, but they don’t ?

  16. This country has been royally FUCKED by all the political cunts no matter which flag they fly…I wonder why they hate the whitey so much.

    After all we built the fucking place that all these sooty fuckers live in.

    Makes me v/angry….?

  17. At least if it was named after Diane Abbott, there’d be no dog shit on the surrounding streets. Every dog walker in 100-mile radius would take their mutt to that park to drop its guts.

    • Like it.
      The ‘Dianne Abbott let your dog shit freely Park’

  18. That other beacon fo good governance, Slough Council (Q: what do Brent and Slough have in common?) are bankrupt to the tune of around £1 billion. Like that will ever get paid back. The chief exec of Essex council is, apparently, sorting it all out on £1100/day. Yes, because Essex council is also so well run.

    Bring back Thatcher and surcharging.

  19. If I had control of the Park I would turn it into the fucking Nuremberg Rally Grounds mark 2. Watching all the wokes spontaneously combust in shock as another torchlight parade went past would be fucking great.

    • Ah…..the Zeppelin Field, been there a few times. Sadly it is now the nightly haunt of druggies and other detritus. Go during the daytime and you will see a few tourists wading through the bottles and cans and discarded drug paraphernalia.
      Still you can stand on Hitler’s podium, have your photo taken and………I’ll leave the rest to your imagination. The comparisons between Weimar Germany and Wokie Britain are fairly obvious.

      • Been there too Freddie. Nuremberg is one of my favourite places, great buildings, old town and history. As you say, the old town is great, then you go through the suburbs on your way to the rally grounds and it’s a shithole. I don’t think I have to say which ethnic cousins are in the suburbs.

  20. We’ve local council elections coming up next week, as I’m sure everyone has.
    Bet your looking forward to voting!
    We also have election for the Mayor of South Yorkshire.
    Yes folks, we’re no longer important enough to have a Mayor of Sheffield, Barnsley, Rotherham or Doncaster.
    We have to have a one size fits all Mayor.
    Who decided that? I didn’t, nor did any one I know.
    Having said that, I’m actually going to vote for the Independent candidate representing the Yorkshire Party.
    I hope he wins.

      • Oh no, RTC.
        I’m deffo voting for the Yorkshire Party candidate for Mayor.
        The one for councillors, I’m going to write money loving skanks, the lot of you! across the ballot paper.
        Normally, I wouldn’t even bother to vote, but I really want this bloke to be our Mayor.

      • No one standing for mayor in our constituency, Jeezum, so it will be “No to voting Conservative till Boris is no longer leader” or words to that effect, scrawled across my ballot paper.

        Easy for me to do as the Tories don’t stand a chance anyway, for local elections anyway, it’s a LibDumb / Labour constituency.

        Our MP is a Tory who’s been on the media defending the indefensible, so it may give him something to think about.

      • All they think about is keeping their greedy snouts in the trough. I keep being told that all these MP cunts could do other jobs where they could be pulling down big slabs of wedge and living the high life. Is that right?……..well why don’t they fuck off and do it then and stop free loading off us the cunts?

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