Anwar Hosseni

Anwar Hosseni is beyond a cunt. Who is this sub human filth I hear you ask. Well this utter twat thought it was a good idea to cause £10,000 damage to the memorial dedicated to the victims of the Manchester bombings. They (moose limbs) just hate us don’t they, they despise all that is decent about living in a civilised country with accepted freedoms, freedoms they can only dream of in the rat infested shit holes they come from. He may be ‘British’ and I’m sure the media will delight in saying so if he is, but we all know where his heart lies. Dirty horrible scum.

MSN Link.
Express Link.
(Additional & more detailed links brought to you by Night Admin – NA)

Nominated by: Bertram Cuntatious DCO

80 thoughts on “Anwar Hosseni

  1. He looks like he should be getting mauled to death by a “trained, harmless” tiger in Las Vegas. He should be made to run the next London Marathon naked, smeared in bacon grease and have rabid starving rottweilers chase him for 26 miles.

  2. The judge could do everyone a favour and sentence him to a one way ticket to Xinjiang, over to you Mr Jinping.

    The camps look really nice and very secure ?

  3. Whilst there are clearly some exotic and well thought through means of exterminating this cunt articulated hereabouts, I’d just treat it like the human rat it is and send a round from a 7.62mm straight into its malformed cranium, from between the eyes.

  4. He looks like that yoke that won the Eurovision a few years ago a fucking trans bummer quare cunt. Stick that in your wHoran
    Only last Thursday some nut cunt named Yousef murders violenty two old left handers in Sligo Ireland .the Garda charged him and now all news is suppressed .
    The photo of Yousef shows this 21 year old with tight cropped hair that runs almost level with his eyebrows , what the fuck are countries leaving in.
    Even a badly trained psychologist that interviewed him on arrival would come to the conclusion after five minutes of questions that he was not fit for society .
    Fucking madness

    • Saw that one too, what the feck are they letting into our country. The killer certainly wasn’t from any parish I know.

      • How ar yah Mickey, thought you might have succumbed to the cough but you knowing about the consumption that reeked havoc among our parents generations probably gave you the antibodies for what ever cough comes?

  5. Pure evil looking cunt.Should be dragged my his hair until he is dead by a truck.

  6. There is no answer, he’ll be charged with vandalism, ordered to pay reparetion and fined token sums.
    I absolutely despair.
    Even if he gets a sentence, we’ll be paying.
    Just shoot the cuntn

    • Jesus where are you, we need you , come back ,ah come now it’s not like it was before
      we won’t crucify you this time , just saying like
      Tell em about love and peace again Jesus , need to be reminded

  7. Flail him alive, flog him, boil him in piss, then ten minutes in Terry’s oven gas Mark 10, then a little flogging with a cat and nine tails, then a little crucifixion, because it is easter, then douse the cunt in petrol and reach for the Swan Zestas.

  8. A search on companies house (Public records) for this cunt’s name throws up three allegedly different entities for someone born in August ’97, who are most likely (with a 99.999% degree of fucking certainty) this self same cunt, engaged in whatever sort of sketchy business shitwankery an ‘Unkle Terry’s Oven Ready™’ like this gets up to.

    The following companies names are associated with this name;


    The SUPERMODEL ARTIST LTD giving the street address mentioned in the court, but with the house number…how kind of them (Public records).

    His nationality in the Companies House data for these ventures is given as British..

    British, Really?…but wait, there’s one more to check…


    Nationality: Afghan

    Bingo! The bit our heroic, obsessively fact checking and ever so fucking truth telling media by mere happenstance neglects to mention…

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