Andrew Fox

I would like to nominate one Andrew Fox, a recently retired Major in the Parachute Regiment & now full time advocate for bringing as many Afghan’s to the U.K. as possible.

Andrew first came to some prominence when he acted as the Para’s media guy after the excellent programme “Men of War”, about the Parachute Regiment, was aired on British TV.. Andrew then took to the airways to talk extensively about himself & his time in Afghanistan & built a significant following on Twitter. Andrew now seems to feel that bringing as many Afghans to the U.K. as possible is his way of making amends for the failure of the U.K. & it’s allies to “fix” Afghanistan. When asked who will pay for the educational, healthcare, housing and other needs of these families, Andrew cheerfully admits that it won’t be him or his charity but the British state.

Andrew has now set up a funding page – insisting that all his 31k followers must pay towards bringing Afghans to the U.K. if they want to be allowed to continue to follow him on Twitter:

Andrew has made a name for himself as a mental health campaigner and his insistence on bringing as many Afghans to the U.K. seems to be his version of therapy – in coping with his feelings of guilt about his time in Afghanistan – a very expensive form of therapy for the rest of us!
(Help save a goat shagger link provided by our resident humanitarian, Night Admin – NA)

Nominated by: James

52 thoughts on “Andrew Fox

  1. He wants to dedicate himself to helping the 30’000+ homeless ex Miliatary personnel, currently bedding down in a shop doorway near you?

    Excellent cunting of an absolute cunt?

  2. Treason! Stuck this prick in the Tower of London then orf with his head.
    On a sumilar theme, I’m currently watching the snooker and eeuurrgghhh…poor Judd Trump is having to play a fucking carpet riding terrorist!
    If the guy loses, he’ll detonate the suicide bomb he’s wearing under his waistcoat and the Crucible will be awash with OAP blood, guts and partially-digested Worthers originals
    Although I like the sight of the white ball smacking into the brown and black balls.

  3. We failed to “fix” Afghanistan because these primitive savages need to be permanently ruled by civilised people…….what used to be called an Empire. I assume that this dozy prick and his wokie followers would hold up their hands in horror at such an idea. We had to pull out some time and, surprise surprise , after 20 fucking years the cunts went back to being the same murdering bastards as when we arrived.
    Every w*g in every shithole we used to rule knows they were better off in the British Empire. That’s why they all want to come here. Fuck ‘em the cunts. ??

  4. Every sob-story of the world wants to come here. War is terrible, but we have no responsibility to house, school and look after the health of Ukrainians. Every single cunt that arrives on these shores sends the indigenous white (and it has to be said, also black) working class further down the pile.

    I wish the ruling classes could just be honest and say, “look white working class people, you just embarrass us, so we are replacing you with people we like”.

  5. What do you call the first Afghan terrorîst off the dinghy?
    Second Afghan terrorîst?
    Amhere Azwel.
    Third Afghan terrorîst?
    Amhere Azwell Azhim

    Not all Afghans are terrorîsts.
    Some are drug-dealers.

      • And underage boys. I remember reading that American soldiers were appalled to find that Afghan soldiers had teenage boys chained to beds in their barracks but were told to look the other way. They are filthy fucking animals.
        They are also famous for fucking goats as we all know. Absolute trash, what the fuck are we doing letting them into this country?

      • Even Jimmy Savile, who diddled everyone from 5 to 75, mobile or paralyzed, dead or alive, wouldn’t have touched an underage muzzıe.
        Even a depraved pædo’s gotta have some limits.

      • Lawrence of Arabia used to bum arab boys!!

        He went native,
        Wearing nighties, flipflops, teatowel on his head,
        Eating sheeps eyeballs and bumming young arab lads.

        What do you mean “when in Rome?”!!!
        Disgraceful behaviour..

      • The BBC could make this into a new Saturday show. An Afghan in an armchair reads:

        “Dear Jamal,
        Please could you fix it for me to be penetrated by a ship of the desert.
        Rafiq, aged 8.”

        ? Camel dicks lick for yoooo, and you and you.

  6. I noticed that none of these cunts advocating for the flooding of the country with camel turds will put them up in their own homes.
    I find that interesting.
    Buckingham Palace has spare rooms I’m certain of it.

  7. Virtue signalling female doctor down the road to me has got a new pet Ukrainian and her son. Far from being a fat plough puller, the Ukrainian is quite fit. The old fella has some form as said female doctor is wife number 2. funny enough, I’ve seen him and the bird out on some evening tete-a-tete walks. How funny it would be if female doctor is turfed out of house and replaced by the Ukrainian.

    • It’s bound to happen somewhere My Lord. Good looking bird, long way from home, gets news that Hubble has been fucked up by Johnny Ruskie. Bloke fancies his chances with this exotic bird who does what she is told and is very compliant. Dumps the Mrs, she can fuck off the fat cow. It’s just a question of how many.

      • I saw local councils were warning of older men in their 50’s wanting to put up Ukrainian single women in their 20’s and 30’s and exploiting them for sex. I wonder how many of these same councils had Muslim grooming gangs diddling vulnerable white girls on their doorstep for years and did fuck all?

  8. I notice one of the donors is “Rollo Chrichton-Stuart” £125.
    He found that down the back of one of his sofas the posh fucking cunt. I wish these wankers would just stick to shooting defenceless birds and animals and mind their own fucking business.

  9. I guess he loved Man Love Thursday so much he wants to take it global…….. or should that be globo-homo?

  10. Oh dear.
    I always thought the Paras were the sort of British stalwarts who cheerily bayonet any and all foreign rubbish for Queen and country.

    The likes of Lft Colonel Herbert Jones VC are probably spinning in their heroes graves.

    What a disgraceful mess.

  11. Haven’t we got about 20000 Afghans here already, how many more do we need for a full set.
    The labour, Libs, green and Scot’s Nazis are moaning like fuck about shipping the dinghy riders to Rwanda, the only solution they have is to open more routes, fuck me the more the merrier.
    Let’s go for a target of 100,000 Afghans 100,000 Syrians and 100,000 Mongrels oh almost forgot 200,000 from Ukraine, the makes a nice round number. I would be more than happy for my tax to go up to pay for it ???

    Kick the fucking lot out!!

    Andrew Fox is indeed a cunt.

  12. He should fuck off back to Afghanistan and suck some Taliban balls the slap headed cunt.

  13. If Andrew Fox wants to do any virtue signalling how about getting homes for UK veterans forced to sleep rough as invader shit gets put up in hotels at our expense?
    Fuck of to Afghanistan if you are that bothered, cunt.

    • We could do with with cutting down on the legal ones as well. Our ‘betters’ don’t care that the services in this country haven’t been able to cope with the ever increasing population, for decades, because it doesn’t affect them. We’ll see what tune they’ll be playing when it does. Except it’ll be far too late by then, if it isn’t already.

      • I’ll add that those ‘betters’ will be, by far, the worst off because us plebs are used to being fucked over. They think they are invincible and will learn, in very short order, that they are the first targets in any sort of revolution, be it social or religious. Me? If I live that long, I’ll be laughing my bollocks off at their assumed superiority, and squeals of victimhood, as they hit the ground at 125mph after being thrown off the top of the Shard.

  14. Major?
    Yeah, major pain in the arse.

    Probably chairman of Hope not Hate at Sandhurst.

    Look Andy, I didn’t like you in Right said Fred and I dont like you now.

    If your missing your boyfriend’s cock fuck off back to Afghanistan.
    Dont see why we should fund the smelly backward cunts.

  15. How many are muslim Countries taking?
    That’s right – fucking none.
    Not our problem.

    • You can’t blame them. After all, why would they want any more of the smelly bastards?

  16. I must be missing Andrew Fox’s point, but I thought the British military was sent to Afghanistan so that we didn’t have to put up with their shit in this country.
    I’ve always had the greatest respect for the Paras, but this bloke doesn’t sound like he belongs to them. Perhaps he’d like the Taliban to have a party in the Houses of Parliament?
    Oh silly me, they already have. It’s called Labour.

  17. He seems to look a bit like a “demon of the sand”, are you sure that’s the right photo Admin?, he doesn’t look white enough for her majesty’s most excellent paratroopers!

  18. Didn’t that cunt learn while he was in Isshittistan, leave the fuckers to their fly blown shit hole, there are enough freeloading fuckers in th UK as it is, it would be better if he went there…..

    • A distinguished military career.
      He successfully petitioned for free school meals at Sandhurst.

      Him and Rupert deVere smythe charged the line at a midnight feast pillow fight.

      He had the regimental band play a topping cover of No woman, no cry.

      And once selflessly cooked the naan bread for curry night at the Officers club.

      His one ambition is to go skydiving as he met someone whod jumped out of a plane and its meant to be jolly spiffing !

      • Andrew says his proudest moment was being promoted to shaking Prince Harry’s cock after pissing whilst serving in Afghanistan.

      • Somebody could do us a favour and replace his parachute with a back pack full of copies of the Qu’ran. See if they soften his landing.

  19. Hehee!?
    Yeah I like that.
    Repack his parachute with a Persian rug.
    If caught, can say you thought it was of the flying variety.

    Offer to donate £5 to child refugees rather than a prison sentence.

  20. Afghanistan only has two exports……..people and the products of the poppy fields. Take one and the other automatically comes with it.
    Well done Bozo you fucking clown.

  21. Perhaps I’m being stupid here but I can’t find where he wants to bring “as many Afgans to the UK as possible”…I’ve found where he wants to help people being hunted by the Taliban escape to neighbouring Countries and where he wants to help Afgans who want to legally apply to come here but not where he wants to open the floodgates.

  22. Afghanistan, should not have got involved, if the population disliked the Taliban so much why did they not fight them.

    • Evening Jack, hope you’re fine and dandy?
      Stacey’s Mom is a physical standard every 40 year old bird should strive for. Simple formula…have a body like that woman, administer regular bj’s and don’t nag. Then men wouldn’t have affairs and wimminz would feel happier with themselves and life in general.
      Instead, most bloaters in their 40’s look like these Cthulu-esque sea monsters:

      • Revolting Mr Cunt Engine but points given to the land whale a few seconds in using some flab as a makeshift table to scoff her family sized cake on.

      • Evening, Thomas. I’m in fine fettle. I take it you are too ?
        Hope your outrageously gay ‘tache isn’t attracting the wrong kind of attention.
        Rachel Hunter looks most delicious there, doesn’t she ?
        Your link is quite grotesque.
        Well done.

  23. Like politicians who demand more immigration I doubt this man lives along the Kent coast where the dirty bastards sneak in, nor in the London suburbs which get more infested with them every week.

    I srill think the Archbishop of Cuntervury should be made to give them shelter in Lambeth Palace. Kent already has too many of them.

  24. We are bankrupt. Fact. Enough is enough. Indigenous white UK nationals are the priority. We are told we have to tighten our belts but £37 billion on track and trace that doesn’t fucking work, £1 billion in aid and arms to Ukraine, Foreign aid budget etc etc.. Amazing how the government magics up this money but proper UK working class employed nationals can basically go fuck themselves, we are an afterthought. Afghans are not our priority.

  25. If this guy misses Afghanistan so much why doesn’t he fill his back garden with sand and sit there with a tea towel on his head.

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