OK, but it works both ways.
I’m sorry, folks, but I certainly don’t want some 6 year old girl having to look at my junk while rushing for a wee.
Nor do I want to see some woman with PMT strutting her stuff.
I don’t know about other Cunters, and it may be due to my age and small stature, but I feel particularly vulnerable when in a store toilet.
Also, wimminz have female issues.
I’m not interested in them.
Never have been, but they sound unpleasant.
Nominated by: Jeezum Priest
Any man who exposes himself to any of my grandkids is going to get his head kicked in whether he’s wearing a dress or not. And that’s the fucking end of it.
Yes, that would fix it Smug.
why does the ‘neutral’ symbol look like there’s a rape stick hiding under the skirt?
Good cunting. Gender neutral toilets are a perverts dream come true. Great for men that get turned on by the sound of women farting.
I cannot think why any sane woman would wish to use the same toilet facilities as a man.
When I used to go clubbing in the late 70’s and early 80’s there’d be a steady stream of girls coming into the gents because of the queues for the ladies. It was disconcerting at first but I got used to it. They mostly weren’t interested in your cock (sadly), they were just desperate for a piss.
Happy days……?
I wasn’t so much John Travolta as Oliver Reed.
I was at Wembley Stadium for a concert in 1984 and the same thing happened there. Massive queues for the ladies so these two bints just hoiked up their skirts and did it in the trough in the blokes’ bogs.
Fine by me.
They don’t Guzziguy, that’s the problem. It’s blokes in frocks that want to use women’s facilities.
Sick, twisted individual’s with mental health problems.
Agee 100 % To me there is something special of the female form. I don’t want that spoiled by hearing them shit piss bleed and fart. All the trannie bullshit needs to end. There are just two sexes. And a small percentage of freaks driving the bus right just now and they are cunts. Even though they have dicks
“Trans people need safe spaces.” No they fucking don’t. They need sectioning and given some kind of treatment for their psychological disorder.
Failing that they can have a fucking good kicking. Stay at home you dirty cunts…….that’s a safe space.
The very last thing any chap needs if caught short is some deranged hairy cunt wearing lipstick trying to invade his cubicle.
Very likely to disturb cable laying.
And let us not dwell on the filthy nutters using female changing rooms at swimming baths etc.
As Tony B Liar once said
“Public toilets are the best places to go out and meet new friends”
I dont want some freaky tranny stood next to me at the urinal
Or curling out a big turd in trap 3 while im sat in trap 2.
So let the puddled cunts in the wimmens bogs instead.
Let them deal with the cunts.
One thing tranny’s have got right about claiming to be wimmin is the fuckin moaning.
Whining and moaning theyve got that to a T.
Miranda I think it was, wasn’t it?
Next, they’ll be making glory holes compulsory with a jail sentence for ‘homophobia’ for refusing to suck the tranny’s/gay’s nob.
“As you sow,so shall you reap”
For years I have been lobbying M.Ps,contacting the Press and walking down my local high-street wearing a sandwich-board demanding ” Keep Britain Safe…Make Public Toilets Fruity-Free Zones”…I have been scorned,ignored,abused and on one memorable occasion had to flee when confronted by a counter-demonstration of The Gays led by a visibly enraged and engorged George Michael…not looking so mental now,am I ?…..If everyone had listened to me from the start,we’d have none of this unisex-shithouse nonsense
DFF@ – Afternoon Sir Fiddler – the public service and dedication of altruistic chaps like ourselves is never recognised or rewarded – I have a “thieving smack rat rehabilitation scheme” which receives huge local support but no funding or the OBE I definitely deserve! ?
“Enraged and engorged” ? ? ?
Does anyone remember the good old days, when some pervert would expose themselves in the ladies room and would receive several hundred blows over the noggin with stiletto heals for their trouble?
The resultant bloodied mess would then be dragged outside by furious husbands, boyfriends and fathers for a sound kicking as a reminder that there are lines you simply do not cross. The threshold to the ladies loos being one of them.
What changed?
In moderation?
Women stopped wearing stilettos, in case people thought they were trannies.
God knows why, it’s not a problem in Sunny Sheffield.
The trannies hide, quite sensible really, as they don’t want to end up dead in a canal.
The ladies stopped wearing stilettos and started carrying them instead?
They stopped being afraid, and got angry instead?
I personally will not go anywhere near a bunch of harpies, sorry I meant ladies, on a night out.
They are like rabid badgers, look cute but are lethal.
Unisex bogs, indoor bogs,
I never thought id live to see such things
What next flying cars?
The world has gone mad.
I’m a touch claustrophobic so I always use the cripple bog in public, if available. Trannies should be barred from all public facilities and made to use the nearest piece of vacant crown land with a shrub and then charged with public exposure regardless.
Trannies don’t need a shithouse, they need the nuthouse.
700 volts to the bonce again, Dr. Cuntybollocks!
Followed by nutty priests like in that Da Vinci Code, who will then flog these deviants to within an inch of their lives whilst screaming ‘Repent!’ for hours on end.
That’ll sort these cunts out.
Women have been the ones pushing this shit, so well done and give yourselves a big pat on the back when some n o n ce gets his erect member out in front of your six year old daughter.
This shit needs sorting and those who’ve been pushing it need locking up.
A relative of mine has kids in a school with mixed toilets and she told me the girls are wetting themselves as they’re hanging on until they get home.
Fuck all to do with trannies I admit but just plain madness.
Re. trannyism, you’re either child bearing or ball bearing.
Rochdale man gives birth to baby boy after shock pregnancy – https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/i-didnt-believe-could-pregnant-23363588?utm_source=whatsapp&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=sharebar
You’re a shitty little bastard but all mine.
He was only weeks into his testosterone treatment when he found out he was pregnant? Women who likes to pretend she’s a man gets pregnant and now she is a mother.
Stop pandering to insanity cunts!
And the newspaper all ga ga going along with the idiotic lie.
They need a little girl in the crowd to say “but she has a uterus”
People who call toilets restrooms are cunts, another stupid Americanism, do you sleep laying a log or spitting out of your japs eye? Anyway, men stand to piss women squat, that is all its human nature
I asked for the toilet in a bar in New York. Got the reply from the barman (barperson?) “the rest room?” “No, the toilet, I want a shit not a kip.”
So many times in a public establishment
with a woman:
She: Where’s the toilet?
Me: Have you seen it between the front door and here at our table?
She: No
Me: Right well it must be further in. Hint: there will be signs
Public toilets are a necessary evil. Thing is I’m never comfortable doing my business in them anyway. Try and avoid using them.
Women don’t want to use the same facilities as men and the average man doesn’t want any company during the act.
Trannies and the gender disoriented should have their own toilets in their own shops nowhere near the rest of us. I don’t want some 20 stone loon in a dress anywhere near me.
Talking about not wanting company… This may be naivety on my part, but what is it about guys who leave a cubicle door unbolted and a few inches ajar. I’ve had one or two occasions I’ve been desperate for a dump, opened a door, only to find it already occupied.
Personally, I suspect the fruitiness, a desire to have someone walk in on them.
Bloody annoying.
Exactly right, but they are exhabitionists, they are just human works of art, in their own minds.
The gasp of shock, surprise, horror is all they need.
I’ve trained myself to ignore this. I simply piss as if the stall was empty, they soon shift.
Have three sets of bogs, Male Female Nutjobs.
A lot of French bars and restaurants always did have just one ‘chiotte’ for both sexes. Public bogs were holes in the ground, and utterly disgusting. You were better off going behind a tree, and that includes for dropping a log.
Filthy French fuckers.
“Gender neutral” toilets, “spaces” etc only ever seem to be pushed by people who should not be around Women and children and used by people who should not be around Women and children.
All it takes is for one politician to stand up in the House of Comedy and say “this is bollocks promoted by degenerates and predators, and there are only two sexes – these cunts are mental and need to be locked up in a nuthouse!”.
But none will – for fear of “offending” the 1% who are fucking insane.
The filthy spawn of “The Loony Left” (as they were correctly known in the 70″s) and decades of these marxist rats indoctrinating children in education has brought this about – time to have at these evil bastards and get them gone.
I note that the cunt Smarmer has stated that trans women are women as enshrined in the Law. What a cunt. Even Pixie Balls Cooper won’t be drawn on the subject and she looks like a bad change job.
I hope your son falls for one complete with it’s snatch smelling like a tramp’s perineum.
It’s not right, what do the shirt lifters think about this, the male toilet in a park is a sanctuary for the dirty bastards ?
It is common sense, decency and safety to keep Male and Female toilets separate.
But we live in a world where people who state the medical and scientific FACT that there are only two sexes – Male and Female – are demonised and potentially criminalised for telling the truth as degenerates, predators, Peter Philes and p**verts who screech otherwise are never called out for their evil lunacy.
Dark farce and madness.
Absolutely, Vern.
Unisex toilets, who do you think will be hanging around in them?
Small children who are proud of their ability to pee unaided want to “go” on their own, as does my rather gorgeous 12 year old grand daughter ( thats not pervy, she’s beautiful) of course.
I wouldn’t under any circumstances allow her to go unaccompanied & if her Mum isn’t there, I ask a female member of staff to check the toilets are Peter free first.
Every transbender I’ve seen in the UK has been a dead ringer for the Eddie Hitler character in Bottom! Remember the episode where he was in drag staying in the hotel! Fucking classic. Out here, at least the ladyboys are fucking convincing!
I saw one freak at a garden centre, Looked like Bluto from Popeye.
The left have an unhealthy perversion with sexual matters. They are a bunch of weirdos and freaks….
I suspect that following the money will help to explain this manifestation of woke idiocy. Unisex toilets reduce the cost of an ERS (Excretory Relief Station) by half, don’t they?
There is probably room for a PhD thesis on the topic of the profitability of woke (vegan, eco-) bollocks. But it is unlikely that the profits remain onshore…
Well if any cunt wants to be in the vicinity when I have a massive shit, accompanied by a symphony of monster farts, best of luck to them! Their intestinal fortitude would almost match my own.
Colonic irrigation? Fucking colonic armageddon more like.
The solution is to only have single person restrooms. Then it doesn’t matter anymore.
Even then neither my wife, 11 yr old daughter, nor I will ever use a public toilet unless it’s a genuine emergency. I can’t stand sitting on a public shitter with a seat still warm from another ass.
Ugh yes their ass germs ? still jumping off the hot seat ?
Does anyone remember the word for a “man” in a dress who frequented women’s toilets back in simpler times?
I do; nonce.
It’s ok if gender neutral toilet is a third option, who cares, when you have a choice of 3. The problem is when institutions make all the toilets gender neutral and expect everyone to use the same space. Fuck off with that.
Why does a man want to listen to period poo agony and why would a woman want a man or man presenting as a woman with meat & veg intact in the same space?
What is the point of gender neutral toilets anyway? Seriously what do they achieve? Bonkers bs.
No telling what might come through the glory hole
Only pe@do’s and sex pests want these.