Another day and another footballer trying to suppress whiteness. More diversity in the curriculum.
Troy Deeney doesn’t want to remove parts of the curriculum but add a little bit of black (he has watched Roots so he knows his stuff). The teachers are on board with this, well yes why not they are all politicising eduction already so would welcome a bit more ammunition to their armoury.
It never ends with these cunts, white bad, black good, eduction is about teaching kids the skills to take them into adulthood, Maths and English, Science, History and Geography for context, if the subject requires reference to a particular race, gender or figure then fine but don’t look for ways to shoehorn something in just to hit the diversity quota.
Troy carry on kicking the football you cunt.
Nominated by: Sick of it
Seconded by: Field Marshal Cuntgomery
Birmingham City striker and footballs answer to ‘Sir’ Lenny Henry, Troy Deeney is a race baiting cunt. According to a YouGov poll commissioned by himself, it is clear that black and ethnic focused teaching should be mandatory for the school curriculum.
Two years after the ‘murder’ of chicken George, Mr Deeney and his family are still suffering abuse as nothing has changed and has absolutely nothing to do with his antagonistic antics on the pitch as a high profile football player. Having a Jamaican father and Irish mother left him struggling to find his identity and culminated in his expulsion from school at 15, and it’s all the education systems fault, poor lamb. Here’s an idea Troy. How about winding your neck in, on and off the pitch.
Stop your woe is me search for racism that isn’t there and basically leave childrens education to those who had the savvy to study rather than behave like cunts. Which you clearly did and still do.
Teach blek history?
Be a fucking short lesson.
Took ten thousand years to build a mud hut then ate the neighbours.
The end.
As for Troy?some proper English history at Tyburn.
The nasty little cunt.
Fuck me, Unkle T. Just spat my tea out! ?
Superb T, superb
Hahahaha fucking hell, that’s funny.
Unkle Terry@ You forgot “sired and abandoned 19 children for racist whitey to pick up the lifetime bill for”.
Although, in his defence, Deeney did spend 4 years at “mu Universitaah”
Left those toilets sparkly clean he did..
Hahahaha fantastic! I once read that until the white devils showed up, there had never been a stone structure built in sub-Saharan Africa…ever.
One million years of “human” occupation of a whole continent and what did they have to show for it? Spears, mud huts, AIDS.
Wasn’t this cunt crying because he had to go out and buy books about Usain Bolt and Serena Williams when the taxpayer should be providing them for some reason? I think the taxpayer laid out more then enough when they provided 3 meals a day for the fucker when he was in prison. Anyone called Troy should be piloting a Thunderbirds vehicle anyway. Wanker.
I’m all for the mandatory teaching of black, Asian and minority ethnic history…perhaps the chippy Cunts’ll learn that their own history isn’t entirely guilt-free and their ancestors were not all innocents crushed under the heel of Wicked Whitey.
Troy Deeney?…just a typical ” I’m a footballer,so I know” Cunt. It is also pathetic that the Education Minister has agreed to discuss this with him…why are fucking politicians so in the thrall of fucking footballers?
Dff@ Morning Sir Fiddler – perchance I should nip round to Troy Deeneys and teach him the history of the KKK?
“Educate him” as it were.
What’s that?
Why yes, given the price of unleaded fuel cross burning would prove fiscally feckless – best see if Troy can, ahem, “chippy in” with a financial contribution..
When these fuckers are being lynched in the streets they will look up at “the silvery moon” and think they should have shut the fuck up with the malicious race baiting.
Well, best get back to work – these white robes won’t wash themselves ?
Yeah, well the cunts would no doubt be as selective with their history lessons as they are with blaming whitey for the fact that they’re mainly:
1. Bone fucking idle
2. Thick as shit
3. Can’t stop stabbing each other.
People give this cunt grief not because of the hue of his epidermis, but because he’s a horrible turd on the football pitch and a baiting cunt off it.
Shut the fuck up or fuck the fuck off, preferably both, in either order.
And particularly repugnant looking too!
Chippy cunt.
Average? Career coming to an end? Not to worry, Troy Kaepernick has it covered..
Deeney moving to the African continent so he can use some of his vast wealth to assist his oppresed ethnic brudders?
Whats that? Got paid in firewater, shiny shells and bananas instead of actual “munaah?” Well, if Troy had taken some lessons in “da readin’ and da writin” that may not have happened..
Oh dear, looks like “Felon of Troy” best be co-presenting match of the day with Sasha Johnson then..
Fuck off Troy.
There’s bleks that have done well for themselves in the professions, academia, business and in all walks of life. They’ve done it by applying themselves and not dwelling on this blek oppression shite. Blek oppression is just the excuse of lazy gits and dimmos.
What a five against one merchant. I didn’t used to have a problem with race, I sure fucking do now. Thanks to cunts like this.
Roots you say ???
Let him add the teaching about savages in Africa running around chopping to bits other savages from other tribes. Raping them enslaving them. Covers about 10000 years history. Right up to Europeans tipping up in boats for trade. What ta got. I’ve got these freshly captured today. Ok.
Alarmingly the picture I’ve just painted is how I imagine Londonstan to look today or Detroit.
Roots you say?
As they’re fond of the history of slavery, and fond of applying colour revisionist fuckwittery to history, how about a reimagined “Roots” where the Kunta Kinte character is some poor white bastard who’s kidnapped by Corsair slave traders from a coastal village in Britain and taken as a slave to Africa….ah, no, maybe not, as that’d be based on inconvenient historical facts instead of a bloody work of fiction…and if they did make it, the Corsairs would all be honkeys and they’d make the main character a schwartzer.
He’s a shit footballer anyway, just a bully and a thug. But the fact that he is famous somehow gives him the right to lecture the rest of us. It’s got nothing to do with skin colour either……whitey fucks like Hugh Grant and Steve Coogan can fuck off as well. Get on with your jobs, take the money and shut the fuck up you cunts.
If they taught black history rather than the sanitised, made up , Mary Seacole crap black people would be fucking ashamed of themselves.
Mary Seacole is a load of old shite as well – she ran a fucking cafe, and was probably a brothel.
Jamaican father and Irish mother.
Is that a Naddy or a Pigger?
A Poikamaican?
A Nikey?
The first one I saw was called a Phil Lynott.
Isn’t that Harvey Price? What’s he doing out of his cage?
TtCE@ – Well, someone has to lick the bus windows clean..”Harvey! Get off Mummys tits!”
Can’t wait to watch “celebrity black mastermind” with Harvey Price, Sasha Johnson and Troy Deeney, Patrice Cullors in the background thieving lighting equipment for crack money..
Who would you most like to see Harvey fight, Mr Fox?
Lenny Henry for me.
Ian Blackford??
Morning Thomas?
Or even eat?
David Lammy for me
For all the comments I can honestly say I’ve never heard of the cunt. So I don’t see a problem – who listens to him anyway. Just another ‘footballer’.
I have an idea.
Don’t like my Country?
Fuck off to another one and don’t ever come back.
There yo go – problem sorted.
Why the fuck do these half castes always say they are blick?. Just pretend you are a swarthy Boggie and get the shit ripped out of you even more. Who the fuck is he anyway?
HTB@ He runs around in a little vest and shorts – good fitness training for when he is running round London away from the machete wielding bredren who want to relieve him of his Rolex I suppose.
A violent criminal who has managed to gain three GCSEs in ten years (it’s true) is held up as someone whose views we should embrace.
Fuck off.
GG@ Those “GCSE'” certificates appear to be written in crayon..
I’m all for more black history. But as they couldnt write we should have contemporary items, lke the attached.
I read this report with horror but not surprise. In order to find more information I went to the BBC News website but could not find any coverage of this dreadful event.
I saw that link and thought, hang on a second I sat and watched that case then realised it was just a similar one. Says something that!
The irony is that racial justice warrior Troy spent 3 months in the nick for affray and got away with a similar charge on a later occasion. He plays for Birmingham City, managed by Lee Bowyer…..twice convicted of racially aggravated affray.
And these are the cunts we are supposed to take lectures from?
Yeah, in your fucking dreams.
Black and Irish, so extra thick ?
I don’t get all these mixed race cunts, struggling with their identity, the Meghan and Hamilton and others alway have to pitch on the dark side rather than the white side, ‘is you ashamed of your white heritage’
Nope, it’s safer to be black, ring fenced with victimhood.
Lammy visited Chester Zoo recently where they’ve opened a rival outlet to KFC.
It’s called KFS
Making history…
I visited Chester Zoo, several years ago. Those chimps are fucking savage-aggressive, conspiratorial, jealous, vindictive and far too fucking noisy.
Just like ……..,.
He could not contain his inner chimp. I bet even the jam spoons would not eat seagull.
Push him in front of a bus
Troy’s got a funny shaped head hasn’t he?
Like a Cadburys misshape or a black Stewie Griffin.
Anyway hes right, black history should be taught in schools.
The teachers should sit on their arses all day and the pupils fetch water from 10mile away.
Also teach about black traditional jobs,
Jazz musicians, shoe shines,muggers, drug dealers,
Chimney sweeps and poachers of endangered wildlife.
It’s very simple; if whitey is so evil, why are you living in his nest of demons? Go live in Africa if you can’t stand us. After all, African countries all have free education and health care. They even give you money and pay your rent when you are out of work. I even heard they hand out places to live for free (especially if you come from another country).
Well, what are you waiting for?
Fuck off or oven.
The cunt has a head like a toffee left on the radiator.
Troy looks like he suffers from alcohol foetal syndrome to me.
Oh and he’s an obnoxious ugly cunt as well.
Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, or FASDfor short ?
Watching Roots backwards, might raise a smile here.
A brief history of George Floyd:
1. A drug dealer.
2. Convicted thug.
3. Convicted armed robber of a pregnant woman’s house.
Here endeth todays lesson kids.
Why the fuck should I be interested in any diarrhoea that dribbles out of a football era’s facial orifice?
Spaccy-looking cunt, am surprised he even knows what a ball is.