With energy prices going through the roof now that the Price Cap has been raised by an extra £700 (and will no doubt go up again in October 2022), energy companies have been writing to their customers telling them that their direct debits will be increasing by far more than the 54% price cap increase.
Some companies are offering fixed tariff deals whereby the increase cost for units used won’t go up quite so much, BUT the standing charge will double.
So if your current standing charge is something like 23p day, it could double should you choose a tariff with a relatively lower increase in unit cost.
This carrot and stick option is favoured by the energy suppliers because its more or less a fixed daily fee that you can’t wiggle out of even if you use no electric or gas.
For most people choosing that kind of tariff it will mean you’ll be hit twice: 1/ for the slightly higher cost increase for unit used; 2/ a doubling of your standing charge.
It will be interesting to see if the cost of the standing charge will fall by the same amount when energy prices eventually return to normal (could be 2 or 3 years away yet). I somewhat doubt it.
(Helpful link provided by me – Part Time Admin)
Nominated by: Technocunt
The ways things are going I can see me throwing Mrs Twatt on the fire to keep warm next winter.
The standing charge, the cost of delivery, so it appears when the gas and electricity prices increase the cost of transporting the stuff seems to be more expensive…. Fucking con merchants.
I have applied to the-home 300 Ukrainian’s.
I hope they burn well??
If the amount of alcohol I go regularly through is anything to go by, you’d have a problem putting the fuckers out.
Are you a Ukrainian then Moggy?
Have you got relatives in the war zone? I hope they are safe ?
“I can see me throwing Mrs Twatt on the fire”…. Having trouble getting wood, Geordie?
Not really, Ewan, but she’s usually so pickled she should go up like the Hindenburg.
Had the revised charges through from EDF a couple of weeks back.
Apart from the gas and electric going up by £750 a year, I was reassured to know that EDF are doing everything they can to help….. Themselves to my bank balance.
Fucking rob dogs.
If only Boris would stop fantasizing about “Net Zero” and sack that stupid fucker Rishi Sunak, who is a grotesque cross between John Major and Suckdick Khan, we might not have to worry about astronomical energy bills and fucking Starmer and his “government in waiting”. Sunak has the high priest voice of Major and the fuck you I’m alright attitude of Khan. He has to go.
What is the point of Net Zero UK when you have China and India giving it large? It will be a piss in the North Sea by comparison. Anyway, we will never get to Net Zero it’s a pipedream
The moment someone farts that’s above zero.
We should institute a National Farting Day.
If we were serious about moving away from the dependance of shit holes like Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela for fuel we would be exploiting the North Sea again, fracking, going nuclear and firing up coal stations.
Mark my words, one this Ukraine crisis is over it will be business as usual with Net Zero back on the agenda. Only a mass uprising will deter these cunts from Net Zero.
Net zero is impossible. Try telling the skulls full of shit under age 25 that fact though.
Carbon is necessary FFS!
Like low cholesterol diets. We fucking need cholesterol!
And fat.
And salt.
As ever it’s an unregulated free for all. You’d think that someone would have thought of ensuring that standing charges were also capped, but that would go against the sole purpose of Ofgem’s remit. That is, to protect the suppliers profits, and nothing else. “If we don’t let them charge like a raging bull, they’ll go bust” is Ofgem’s mantra. Fucking let them all go to the wall i say. Then Boris can stand up in parliament and take the flak instead of every cunt blaming everyone else.
Plus the fucking water company’s, Severn Trent charge me by the month since they changed their business supply arm to water plus( a tax dodge I expect).used to charge twice a year then quarterly. £30 a pop for being connected to the mains. I use fuck all water as the lock downs fucked my business, maybe two kettles of water and a flush of the bog a month, robbing cunts.
Forgive derailing the thread but if anyone has Peter Bowles, the actor on their Deadpool – Wireless 4 has just announced he has died of cancer at the age of 85
Also, actor Ron Pember died about a week ago, but his name did not seem familiar from DP…
Plus Jeremy Child another face that’s in everything 70s 80s
I guess the ‘Standing Charge Free’ tariffs are now long gone. You could go away for a year, & when you returned, as long as you hadn’t left the landing light on, or had a gas leak, you owed them fuck all. My supplier Ovo Energy wants an extra 17.5p/day so 41.75p in all. The gas only went up (mysteriously) by another penny. So an extra £67.50/year that I never saw coming.
The whole cost of living crisis is seen as an opportunity.
The companies involved don’t even bother to hide their grasping claws.
Ofgen and all the other paper tigers are put in place by people who never pay any bills themselves.
The whole situation is a sorry mess that will make some people as rich as an Arabian prince.
Just like the panto that was covid.
Mind you, I can ignore cheap cremation ads on the box, as a “Grand Incineration” (Tom Lehrer) seems a possibility…
Can’t understand why Bulb’s electric prices have increased given that it is supposed to be 100% renewable and not reliant on fossil fuel.
Go figure…
They are robber baron cunts?
When you drive through northern Germany there are wind farms as far as the eye can see. So Why the fuck are they so dependent on Russian gas.?Because wind farms only produce as much power to dimly light a bedsit . It seems to me these wind farms are their as a virtue signaling token to appease all the loony tree huggers .
Start digging coal again and build nuclear . Renewables won’t provide for the over populated world we live in.
The Krauts need to get out more, start farting…
Agreed FF. Those wind turbines are moments to cronyism and human arrogance. What a waste on so many levels with no worthwhile return. Someone on making a mint on those things with massive taxpayer funded subsidies no doubt.
The sight of them simmers my piss.
Monuments not momments.
Talking of “renewables”, a man I worked with had solar panels on his south facing roof. The inverter was in the garage because the noise it made resembled the dentist’s drill but was rather louder and more penetrating. Until a cloud passed over, then it went silent. This is in England; go figure.
By chance I noticed today that a near neighbour has had solar panels installed on the rear roof of his house. They are facing due North. I despair.
Standing charge for the infrastructure that’s already been paid for. There was a small gas leak up the road to us. Waited weeks after it was reported. Three blokes turn up with a digger and dig the hole – then fuck all for weeks. Then 6 Cadent vans turn up, all with one gormless cunt inside. All looked in the hole then retired to said vans for a read of the paper and a cup of tea. Supervisor (I assume he was) comes down and also looks in hole. Each of the Cadent twats then lumber over and watch one bloke doing the work (one even had a fag on). They all fuck off then the digging crew return a week later to fill hole in. No wonder everything is so fucking expensive.
oh, and they were doing their bit for net zero by keeping the van running all day.
Albany Rd Cardiff, just outside PO stank of a gas leak for years before they had two or three attempts at digging up the road to find it.
Boris and his green daydreams and bragging to his euro hippy mates the cunt.
Get mining, fracking, drilling,
Cost of living is fuckin raping poor removals cunts like me.
I feel proper sorry for myself.
Shelled out £500 garage for broke strut & spring, then £150 for brake pads,
(Worn a bit thin, dunno how I hardly ever brake)
The sicknote dog has a ear infection and abcessed tooth,
£200 at vets
Then next week booster jabs £70.
By end of this month a extra grand? Grand and half?
Its a disgrace!
Im shelling out soon as I earn.
And looking for a scapegoat I blame that pale slug Boris and immigrants.
Everyone can just fuck off.
Oh and my undercrackers are looking threadbare.
Have to make a DIY pair from a old t-shirt at this rate..
Time to re-start your early morning “washing line antics” again Mis ??
The carrot and stick approach. They beat you with a stick and then shove a massive carrot up your arse.
You’ll be grateful for the carrot when food prices go up tenfold.
Can’t running machines somehow be put on the national grid.
Maybe a meter to see how much energy has been achieved per person.
Make use of all this gym stuff. I haven’t thought this through of course.
I like the idea if prisoners can work the hamster wheels for several hours a day. A modern version of hard labor.
Let’s make prison unpleasant again.
Black Mirror “fifteen million merits”
My standing charge now about £150 a year, that’s my council tax rebate down the shitter then
If we want to stay warm we could all fuck. off to Africa. They don’t want us here anyway. Leave all the wokies and w*gs here and let them get on with it.
Standing charge?
For what? – the privilege of being robbed?
Fuck off.
If politicians actually paid any of the bills on their two free homes I guarantee prices would be lower.
Fantastic to see diesel going up every day as well – these fuckers.
should have a mask and a three corner hat
Planned and contrived ages ago. We are being played for mugs. i hope Johnsons place gets shot down !
Has no one found a loophole yet?
Something like vintage cars not having to pay road tax?
‘I have a vintage boiler so I want my gas for free?’
I’m sure the government types will have something up their sleeve whilst the rest of us have to pay double because of their stupid green decisions
I’m not saying that I’m a dirty bastard but my water bill is always in credit.