The Cost of Living ‘Crisis’

The Cost of Living Crisis

Don’t know about you, but I’m sick and tired of hearing these snowflake whinging cunts banging on about the ‘cost of living crisis’. The yoof of today haven’t got a fucking clue. They had it so soft for so long that they’ve nothing to compare today’s so called ‘crisis’ to.

So let’s put the poor little fuckers straight :

Petrol prices : Todays headline screaming that it will cost £81 to fill your tank. Must be a fucking big tank. But that aside, the price per litre ‘could’ soon approach £4. Let’s ignore the fact that in 2008 it peaked at £3.96

Interest rates : Shock horror – bank rate has risen to 0.5%. Fuck me, in 1979 it was 17%

Mortgage rate : Current fixed rates are high for recent times at around 6.9%. In 1979 they were 15%

Easy access savings rates : This one really pisses me off. Currently around 0.45% but not a thought for the poor fucking oldies like me. In 1980 you could get 14.5%. When I retired 18 years back, I was getting around 6.5% on my savings but never mind what that’s done to my income ‘cos old cunts don’t count

And last but not least, inflation. Let’s all throw a wobbler at 5.1% ignoring the fact that it’s base was a year decimated by Covid so not really a fair percentage to quote. As recently ago as 1990 it was running at 7.5%

And while we’re at it, don’t start me on food banks. Let them eat fucking cake! We never had food banks and we lived to tell the take. What cunt thought those up?

So what the fuck is all the fuss about. Just fuck off, get a sense of perspective and stop moaning. You parents and grandparents went through far worse and lived to tell the tale.

Know nothing, woke cunts! Run back to your safe spaces and shut the fuck up. You’re really pissing me off…

 Nominated by: Rt. Hon. Dioclese

62 thoughts on “The Cost of Living ‘Crisis’

  1. That’s right these pussies have no idea what difficult times are. They think anything short of getting everything they want is an existential crisis. Have another half caff soy latte you soft cunts.

  2. “Know nothing, woke cunts! Run back to your safe spaces and shut the fuck up. You’re really pissing me off…”

    I cannot stop laughing – that statement is so, so true.

    Now, where is my carer? My nappy needs changing…..

  3. Snowflakes think it’s a crisis when the internet goes down for 5 minutes and they are prevented from accessing Twatter in order to persecute JK Rowling.

  4. Recognise every point you make there, Dioclese. Allow me to add two more;
    In the mid seventies in the wake of the ’73 oil crisis, inflation reached 25%.
    During 1979 our mortgage payments increased by 40% over a matter of months.
    Suck it up, wokies.

  5. I don’t remember petrol costing £3.96 a litre in 2008 that’s £18 a gallon.

    • Yes, petrol prices now are at their highest, not sure about in relation to incomes but Petrol is taxed to the hilt
      Actual cost of fuel + duty (58p) x 20% vat.

      Scrap the the duty and we a reasonable price, put duty on fucking bicycles ?

      • Indeed, there’s exploitation going on. I was listening to a bloke on the wireless last week. He was saying that the last time crude oil was the cost it is now petrol was 20p a litre cheaper that it is now.

      • Duty makes up about 58p of a litre of fuel and is FIXED, regardless of the wholesale price. On top of this goes an EXTRA fucking 20% VAT, so you are paying a tax on a tax. According to EU law, this is illegal. However, when were in the EU, the UK government argued that duty is the prerogative of the Crown and is not a tax, but an excise (whatever the fuck that means), so they carried on. utter, utter cunts.

  6. The “crisis” in part has been whipped up by the BBC and Auntie Kweer and is partners in crime – Sugartits, Lammy and all the other fawnin Remainiacs in the Labour Party – no doubt in retaliation to Brexit and their great desire to have Fancy Nancy Adonis’ “second referendum” bollocks – or at least the excuse to have it – Starmer lies about his own background so he would never bother about lying that he accepts Brexit, knowing all the time he would have a quieter life in his own party of UK Haters and traitors – though if they convince enough mugs that the “crisis” IS a result of Brexit, rather than the after effects of the worst health pandemic in 100 years, and old RIshi’s rash spending, well the cunt won’t even have to lie – he will be playing to the gallery yet again – the most opportunistic cunt in Labour’s history. He even makes Blair sound fairly straightforward – and Blair didn’t have TIntin hair.

    • WCB@ – I seriously doubt politicians could give an accurate answer on the price of anything – they get everything fkin free.

  7. Food banks are a mechanism to encourage a life on benefits

    The benefit system needs to be addressed, no one capable of work should be allowed to sit on their arses, out if work for 6 months then community service, may encourage some of the bone idle to look for work.

  8. Why would £81 mean a ‘fucking big tank’? I’ve had several standard cars that had a 70 litre tank. Even the £1.447 price at Asda round the corner means over £100 to fill the tank.

    • my 60 litre tank (not at all exceptional I think) costs almost £90 to fill up. Luckily, it is a Mercedes and built like shite, so it’s sitting on the drive at the moment with a broken rear strut (as it is made of plastic), thereby saving me money on fuel.

      • Plastic on a car!. When I bought my first car, a Mark ll Standard Vanguard, it was built like a tank, and no plastic as far as I remember. MInd you that was in 1959/60, long gone, alas – I can’t drive these days, but I suspect even the Standard Vanguard would find the mass of the frame of the spouse too much, even for it. I think we would have to have a real tank now.

      • As a matter of interest Mr Boggs ,does Mrs Boggs ever read your offerings on this site?

      • Remember the MkII Standard Vanguard well, WC. Unfortunately I always associate it with a maths teacher at my old school in the sixties. I say unfortunately because he was a really nasty piece of work. One of his foibles was that he was an out-and-out, dyed in the wool, unreformed and unapologetic misogynist. His attitude to women wasn’t kinder, kirche, küche; it predated that by centuries. Yes, I’m talking about you Mr Clark. Well, I’ve got that off my chest. Hope you’re keeping well WC!

  9. Just cost me £91 to fill up my 2litre Ford kuga at £1.49 a litre. That’s an extra £20 since last September I think. £5 on my BT bill stuck in contract for another 8 months. All this before the hike in domestic fuel bills and the constant rise in food. Now shopping at Aldi. Not that much cheaper I might add. I was born in the 60’s and remember all the power cuts , 3 day working week and when I lived in London in the 90’s the interest rate was about 9% on my mortgage before the crash. It’s all bollocks. Bring on Armageddon and give me a H&K mp5 and few boxes of ammo. Let’s go postal.

  10. Well, as a cunt on a below average wage, living alone with a mortgage and the associated costs of running the house and car, I’m feeling the fucking pinch. Don’t do luxuries, cook my food from scratch, and rarely go out, so I’m not living beyond my means in any respect. My 1.2 runaround was costing me £38 to fill up a year ago, now it’s £55.
    I’m not some whining millennial who moans that they can’t afford fuck all yet spend £10 a day on coffee, and have two foreign holidays a year.
    But I’m skint, and there is no help for me.
    Remember there are honest hard working people who are finding it difficult, and now with the world economic crisis unfolding because of Russia, worse its going to get.

    • Unfortunately Dio can have a tendency sometimes to look at the world through a very bourgeois lens. I respect all he’s done for the site but he could do with being a bit more open minded.

    • I think the nom is more about expectations, when we had the banking crisis of 2007/8 it sent out a warning that economies are fragile but it doesn’t seem to have had any effect, the boom and bust just continues. Yes it tough but it isn’t the first time we have been through hard times.
      There were many people who were concerned about the dash for gas at the expense of nuclear power and now wind in preference to nuclear. Finally it seems there is some light shinning through after the dramatic rise in the gas price. We are hit by this twice, domestic heating and electricity generation.

      Anyway GJ, stop complaining it could be worse, you could be black ?

      • Even if I was black I’d still be skint, I’d just be even less popular here than I am already!?

      • Hehe, black and skint, go for gay as well ?

        PS, I am not homophobic, my hatred for Owen Jones has nothing to do with the fact he is shirt lifting little twat.

      • Every sympathy here GJ. Bit better placed now but I’ve been skint and for some years. People who say, or imply it’s somehow romantic have never fucking tried it.

  11. Prices rose at the pumps within 8 hours of finding a war was starting. Since Thursday, all shop prices seem to be reviewed in an upward direction, and there will be worse to come. Seems a little contrived all these hikes, a bit like…it was planned all along!

    • Yes, indeed, the fucking cunts!
      You can’t tell me that every petrol station in the country took a delivery of overpriced fuel overnight.
      Fortunately, I had a 7p off a litre voucher & so daughter was able to fill up at Wednesday prices.

  12. Well whatever the cause it didn’t take long for our great leaders to link rising prices to supporting the people of Ukraine.
    It’s akin to some slapper showing you her tits whilst nicking your watch.
    Just another quick distraction.
    Anyhow I’m off to turn the oven up.

  13. And house prices/rent? Stagnant salaries (excluding executives and politicians) vs increased productivity?

    Why you’d actually argue for the current state of affairs is beyond me. It seems about as virtuous as the grey haired life on a silver platter cunt Nigel Farage calling for National Service for the young.

    It’s alright once you get in on the ponzi scheme in this country and the average pleb is more than happy to oblige it seems, through mortgages on hilariously overpriced property and climbing up.

    Then out comes the sneering self-righteousness to disguise the shame that you’ve just been fucked in the ass by a corrupt system that mugs you off at every conceivable opportunity – new MP pay rise soon.

    Why defend it. It’s bullshit. Have the humility to admit you like everyone else has been conned.

    • Did I argue For the current state of affairs? Did I fuck!

      Just pointing out that we’ve been here before and the wokies have no concept of what earlier generations have already been through. Basically they’re self centered and soft as shite. Need to grow a backbone.

      “keep calm and carry on”

  14. Dioclese rightly says it’s been this bad, or nearly so, before. But the past difficulties were easier to overcome than those now facing us – and indeed past incompetence has added its legacy to today’s cumulative clusterfuck.

    Structural inflation due to the necessity of keeping the banks’ Ponzi scheme going ( otherwise Wall Street Crash v 2.0) has been successfully concealed in the ever- inflating property market via “growth” targets, for decades. Covid allowed it to escape, and we’re looking at major supply-side bottlenecks for the next few years at least.

    Actually, we need a war. It’s the only action likely to reset the world economy and force a major rethink of our priorities.

    Meanwhile I’m really glad I chopped in the old litrebike for a Tracer 700. On a good day it actually produces petrol…

      • I didn’t think I’d be impressed when I got it, but I am. The finish is a bit cheap, but it does what it says on the tin and handles beautifully.

    • We need a war? Fuck that. Let the financial system collapse and then barbeque all the cunts in Westminster and the City of London for delivering us to this point.

      Digital programmable central currency coming soon.

      • MNC, you can have Anna Netrebko’s useless cunt of a husband, a Russian tenor. Nobody wants him, he only gets his jobs because of his wife, and she ain’t exactly flavour of the month. Probably tastes of salted whalemeat.

      • I love some of Anna Netrebko’s stuff HBH, including the duets with Elina Garanca but I confess I know nearly nothing about her outside the music and less still about her husband. Is she not “flavour of the month” due to her politics or just because she is Russian?

  15. I get the main gist of this nom in as much as price rises are reported by the likes of the bbc through the prism of snowflake millennials who don’t know better. Or Oliver and Gemima types whining about only having one foreign holiday a year or having to lay off the housekeeper. Where I have an issue is that these current price rises are going to have a real effect on every average joe in the land, with the added annoyance of knowing that every fucker, including our own government, are only too keen to take advantage and fuck us over. Saying ‘you should have been around in my day’ is a bit like telling a Ukrainian who’s house has been destroyed that it was far worse in 1942. It’s the here and now that matters, not historical comparison.

      • Fair point. I’m only judging by my own experience I guess. Although I am in my fifties, I suppose I avoided the worst that life can sometimes throw up.

  16. Not so much a crisis, more of a shameless profiteering piss take at the expense of the middle and working classes.

    A few weeks back, I went out for drink with workmates. 3 Guinness, 2 estrella and a double vodka with a splash of cola…add 20 B&H Into the mix and that’s £56.50.

    Utter piss take.

    And the Guinness was shit too.

    • Never drink Guinness in the UK, only in Ireland, unless you
      A. Enjoy dropping your guts &
      B. Have a death wish.

    • That’s not a piss take Odin, it’s fucking horrifying. No surprise the pubs are closing at a rate of three a week.

  17. These woke cunts still have it easier than we did in the 70’s. We had bin strikes that saw the local park waist deep in bin bags. No fun to play footie there. 3 day weeks, strikes and they cut off the gas and electricity. We had to sit round a candle and eat our own snot.

    • Eating your snot? Luxury!! Best we could manage for ‘ot meal was what t’ cat left in its litter tray!

  18. A lot of the moaners about this are the idiots who buy shitty takeaways and live far beyond their means with 100 quid phone bills, the daft cunts.

    • I live in an area that has a lot of students in it ( unfortunately) and it is very noticeable that there are masses of these blokes whizzing around delivering takeaways all the time, people must eat a staggering amount of takeaway food now. How the hell do they afford it? Occasionally the other half and I will have fish and chips which seems to cost about £16 quid a time, and even though I enjoy it very much, I can’t help thinking about what food I could have bought and cooked , probably several days worth, with £16. It’s almost as if some cunts are racking up loads of debt with no intention of paying it off, just enjoying it all until they have to take the inevitable low paid admin job , conveniently below the earnings threshold.

  19. Remember COP26 ?
    Now remember we have billions of oil and Gas in the North Sea ( and fracking as well )
    Net zero my arse
    Fuck wee krankie while I’m at it

    • Tell Putin to stick his gas up his ares and crack on with the fracking under Lancashire. Apparently there are 500 years worth of reserves under there and drilling was stopped because of Russian backed tree huggers telling lies about tremors that the local residents never fealt.

  20. Good! A huge increase in cost of living will a) lead to a shortage of fat cunts eating all the Gregg’s pies and 2) hopefully deter the fucking gimmigrants from besmirching the UK with their disgusting presence! Fucking snowflake generation have no idea what it is to struggle, the tired lazy cunts! I love the thought of the UK being drawn into a conflict so bloody that it requires conscription. I savour the thought of wading into Starbucks with my baton drawn (ooh err, missus) and clouting the conscientious objectors in the teeth with it. Verminous little cunts!!

    • I understand your sentiment but it ain’t so great when they drop a bomb on your house or kill your nearest and dearest.
      Of course, we could do it the American way and only fight wars in other people’s countries…

  21. Good! A huge increase in cost of living will a) lead to a shortage of fat cunts eating all the Gregg’s pies and 2) hopefully deter the fucking gimmigrants from besmirching the UK with their disgusting presence! Fucking snowflake generation have no idea what it is to struggle, the tired lazy cunts! I love the thought of the UK being drawn into a conflict so bloody that it requires conscription. I savour the thought of wading into Starbucks with my baton drawn (ooh err, missus) and clouting the conscientious objectors in the teeth with it. Verminous little cunts!!

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