“Well hello Mish Moneypenny, my pronouns are he/him/his and I apologish for my toxshic mashculinty and white privilege ash well ash this rather inappropriate boner”.
We all know by now that the James Bond most of us grew up with is no more, emasculated by that miserable humourless cunt, Daniel Craig. It seems the pernicious woke cult has finally wormed its way into the real life of Britain’s security services with MI5 , MI6 and GCHQ all receiving a guide written by national security advisor Sir Stephen Lovegrove on pronouns, white privilege and avoiding using terms like “manpower” and “strong”.
“Diversity and inclusion are both vital to keeping the country safe” says Lovegrove in the guide. “Use gender-neutral language to reflect on people’s diversity and reduce stereotypes and assumptions, for example about job roles and functions which need not be gender-defined” If you closed your eyes he sounds like a backbench tofu knitting cunt waffle from the Limp Dumbs and not a high ranking security chief.
Diversity and inclusion are a weakness that our enemies exploit. Just look at the Manchester Arena attack, where security staff were so fucking terrified of being called racist when witnessing the suspicious behaviour of Salman Abedi they didn’t challenge him and he slaughtered twenty two innocent people. But at least they used his preferred pronouns.
If he wants to cry about white privilege and obsess over gender pronouns then fuck off back to university or join the BBC but do not distract our spooks (ha! missed that one Stephen) with this infantile bollocks.
Its not like there is a massive international crisis underway with an unstable autocrat with a nuclear arsenal on the edge of Europe or anything.
Nominated by: Liberal Liquidator
That bullshit is infecting the US military and intelligence agencies as well. I sleep well at night knowing that those who keep us secure are up on the latest SJW wokeness.
I wouldn’t last a minute if I was still in the government. No vaccine, no mask, no pronouns, racist, homophobic, white…
I always had a saying when I worked for DOD: The government is on the cutting edge of everything bad, and ignores anything that works.
I am really fed up with all these Liberal Cunts, ( and to find that Clegg now earns yes! Earns!!! 9 million a year really pisses me off. )
There will at some time be a backlash against all that is going on , and quite frankly it will not end well. However, we are such a divided miss match of “brish” these days, Dog knows how it will end. I sometimes wish for a crashing Soyuz to take out the target. But which one, there are so fucking many?
We’re fucked Peeps, mesdames monsewers folks whatever…
How the fuck does such a man ,sorry person, rise to such an important position? I know that the Yanks have that weirdo in charge of their nuclear whatever but dammit , we’re British.
Sir Stevie Loveegg is ashamed of his white privilege,
His family probably kept slaves
Whereas our families back in the day were pretty much slaves.
Hes full of shite like most Whitehall rats,
Detached from reality because they live in a bubble of dinner parties, liberal gesturing and Coldplay concerts.
Fuck off Steve you fuckin maggot.
You and your kind have done enough damage to this country.
Mnc@ – When I storm to power I will have an involuntary relocation programme for anyone coming out with this bollocks – as in “fuck off and don’t come back”.
And I shall email “Sir Wokewell Prickby” or whatever his name is and ask him where the “diversity and inclusivity” was when my Irish (and English) ancestors were sold into slavery at gun and bayonet point by King George?
These bastards like Lovegrove have never done a days honest graft in their lives – born into a life of privilege and wealth, never seen poverty unless it’s every working class white area their Chauffer sweeps them through on their way to the opera but have very selective memories.
“White privilege” my fucking arse.
Nearly forgot – Vote Fox! ??
Diversity is a massive weakness. Even the word derives from divide. Equity is communism. These cunts are a fucking menace. Even Elton has gone full woke so the establishment has decided where the money and power resides. We need a fucking revolution.
And if the spooks are reading this they can lick my balls.
You can bet that, nowadays, they would.
And then put you in a grip (ooh err Missus) or in a holdall…
National Security Advisor? He’s a fucking communist. Here’s my advice……..fuck off to North Korea, wanker.
If someone asked me what my preferred gender-choice pronoun was, I’d assume that they were saying that I looked Fruity and punch them.
Dff – Morning Sir Fiddler – always best to be on the safe side, punch first and ask questions later, and if they are wearing a velvet jacket or a cravat this is definite confirmation – best give them a hefty boot in the guts as well – which will have the added bonus of releasing all the trapped hamsters cruelly imprisoned in their colon, the dirty fkers! ?
Is the world treating you well?
Why do the most hateful fascist bastards the world has ever known (The Auschwitz train loaders as I call them) insist on calling themselves “Liberals?”
And who will they hide behind when they are being chased down the street by a baying mob? – Waving a rainbow flag won’t stop you getting lynched.
Because believe you fucking me it’s coming.
I asked my spiritual adviser Mr T what do do about “Doctor Stephen Lovegrove” – he said “KILL THE FU! – Then have a glass of milk and bone some ho!”.
“Diversity and inclusivity” for all except heterosexual white Men – the only humans on the planet with no legal rights.
As I have said before – the “liberals” hate us and want us dead.
We need rid of ALL the cuntwipe, gutless, traitor politicians who allow, support and facilitate this bollocks through the Ballot Box at the next General Election.
Or our Country is finished.
That’s pretty much what it has come to.
Brilliant and thoroughly deserved cunting for an A-grade cunt. It’s yet another example of the slow, inexorable demise of the West through the cancer of wokeness. We are truly fucked as a civilisation with Stephen Lovehandles and thousands of his spineless ilk running the show.
Cunt’s a Russian asset. And is doing his bit to undermine the West’s cohesion.
Piano wire, meat hook.
A society can survive its fools, but not its traitors.
Don’t worry everybody! There’ll be none of this shit in 20 years time when the peacefuls are running the country.
“The name is Bond………..James-Jemima Rastas-M’Bongo Mohammad Tiffany Bond (personal pronouns she/her)”
He got the name from a book. The something of British Birds by James Bond.
He said he wanted a very ordinary name.
I often think if there was just a change in one letter. Pond is an ordinary namd. A common surname.
But it just doesnt have the same ring. ‘The name’s Pond, James Pond’.
James Pond would fit Daniel Craig’s Bond though, Miles. A bit of a wet.
This book?
Birds of the West Indies was the book by JB.
Good job Flemming wasn’t reading “The history of the Swedish surveying office and geographers” by Jacob Faggot.
Lovegrove eh!
Sounds a bit gay to me. ?
They’ve put Quentin Crisp in charge of MI6.
Quentin Crisp had more sense, a non conformist and far from being politically correct. The polar opposite of this Lovegrove fuck.
Afternoon Mechanical.
Afternoon Ruff – or I should say evening.
Last head of MI6 was Richard Dearlove. Conspiracy? I think so…
Lovecock more like
Congratulations sir-you are the WINNER???
Everyone with a knighthood is a cunt.
The only exception that comes into my booze-addled mind is Michael Caine.
Freedom for East Anglia.
No even Carter turned into a vax shill.
Ok it’s a non binary apologist fool, but, male or female (fuck me nouns and pronouns) either way it’s a cunt.
He’s right. We clearly need to engage with the many woke folk that inhabit Russia and The Peaceful Lands.
Utter cunt and CUNTITUDE.
And they wonder why Putin thinks the West are a set of woke, limp wristed, soft sacks of shit. Despise Putin yes, but I tell you something, if we had a leader with just a quarter of his ruthlessness and utter contempt for wankers like Lovegrove. The balloon will go up with all this fucking nonsense. What a country we’ve become.
totally agree. Paul Joseph Watson did a good talk on this on youtube today
See you wouldnt know that ‘Q’ was a man or woman. Same with ‘M’.
007 is gender neutral.
This is old hat.
Karla was a woman. Carla.
Q is an abbreviation of Quartermaster (or Quarterperson as it’s probably now known)
RIP 007 and good old British life in general
The only way this evil insanity will be stopped is for members of the public to stand as independent candidates against every last one of the 650 sacks of shit pretending to be “politicians” we currently have at the next General Election – 100 force a coalition, 226 more and we form a Government – and, finally, we get politicians BY the people, OF the people and FOR the people. There is much work to be done.
If the system is broken those who have actively engineered it will not change it.
So we must.
There is no other choice.
Democracy is over-rated and will never change anything.
“It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place, which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice; ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government; ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money.
Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess? Ye have no more religion than my horse; gold is your God; which of you have not barter’d your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth?
Ye sordid prostitutes have you not defil’d this sacred place, and turn’d the Lord’s temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices? Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation; you were deputed here by the people to get grievances redress’d, are yourselves gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors.
In the name of God, go!”
Oliver Cromwell – April 20, 1653
‘Oliver Cromwell – April 20, 1653’
He must have got out of the bed the wrong way that morning. Sounds very grumpy.
I think the rules of grammar trump this twat. It’s he/she/it if singular. If not a he or she, then it’s an it. Simple.
Stick a fucking bayonet down this cunt’s jap-eye.
The Wokles
Song lyrics …
“They Love You”
They love you, yeah, yeah, yeah
They love you, yeah, yeah, yeah
They love you, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
You think you lost your love
Well, I saw them yesterday
It’s you They’re thinking of
And They told us what to say
They say They love you
And you know that can’t be bad
Yes, They love you
And you know you should be glad
They said you hurt them so
They almost lost their mind
But now They say They know
You’re not the hurting kind
They say They love you
And you know that can’t be bad
Yes, They love you
And you know you should be glad, ooh
They love you, yeah, yeah, yeah
They love you, yeah, yeah, yeah
And with a love like that
You know you should be glad
You know it’s up to you
I think it’s only fair
Pride can hurt you too
Apologize to them
Because They love you
And you know that can’t be bad
Yes, They love you
And you know you should be glad, ooh
They love you, yeah, yeah, yeah
They love you, yeah, yeah, yeah
With a love like that
You know you should be glad
With a love like that
You know you should be glad
With a love like that
You know you should be glad
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Gender neutral language:- cunt, fucking cunt, total and utter cunt.
This cunt looks like the Annoying Secret Agent Boss in the Armstrong and Miller show.
Offering them a birthday cake when dealing with matters of national security:
No doubt Sir Stephen Bumboy has his gender pronouns up on Microsoft Teams:
Another irrelevant cunt.
I am so weary of them.
What the fucking hell do they think they are achieving, apart from the total hatred of every person.