The silence over Sasha Johnson.
‘Anti-racism/equal rights activist’ (as the BB fucking C call her) Sasha Johnson lies completely fucked up for life while her ‘communidee’ lays silent, rather than bring those responsible for shooting her to justice.
BBC says she was shot at a ‘silent disco’ (my arse lol) and Wikipedia are claiming all those quotes about enslaving honkies were fake. Well I’ve seen her being interviewed, and she’s vehemently anti honky to the point of out and out racial hatred.
And it seems her black arse doesn’t matter a shiny shite to her ‘bredren’, while a team of (no doubt) honky surgeons, paramedics and coppers came to her rescue when it really mattered.
Her dark key fellas fucked off too and left her as a single mum once she dropped sprogs.
You’ll see pics of her caved in head in the link, just in case you’re eating.
Nominated by: Cuntybollocks
Head like a Hole?
We have a winner! Well done, Hugh – NA.
Good show??
Karma is a bitch hey Slasha…
What a jackpot of cunt.
If she was a lesbian she may get the justice she thinks she deserves. Not enough boxes ticked. Better yet a tranny.
Well she identified herself as a “ RACIST CUNT” which plays out to a tiny minority of apologist middle class white wankers but the vast majority couldn’t give a toss about her including her own community!!
A useful idiot NO MORE………
I’m on my way out of London at the end of the week. I’m sitting in a pub with a group of black women moaning about wind rush and that no Ukrainians should be let in because of racism. Hilarious. Made my day.
Smugcunt@ – Knowing elderly black ladies and their propensity for, ahem, “wind rush” due to their terrible diet I’m glad you didn’t strike a match in the place! ?
They are still moaning. Moan moan moan.
Out of interest, did they order the friiiiiieeedd chiggun?
Black female primates do pass wind a lot..
Are you “with” these annoying wimminz, or merely in the same establishment?
Ps: Chiggun
Would you believe it? They reckon it was four men of a non white ethnicity who committed the act.
You is a rayzist innit bro. Where’s me payout?
RB@ – Terrible news – I was just getting up from “taking a knee” and bringing your reparations when a bunch of “darkened fellows” relieved me of the money at knifepoint – when I complained to the police I was arrested for racism! ?
“BLM” – a marxist, racist rabble of thieves, rioters, looters, arsonists, vandals, fraudsters, criminals, terrorists and murderers – fantastic role models for black kids there.
Not a word from the MSM that Sasha Johnson, the dumb, big mouth, spiteful race baiting rat was shot by black people, and not a word from the MSM about how they all closed ranks and refused to help “Da Powlees” in any way so the guilty party walked.
And now – yet again – the taxpayer is expected to fund this cabbage (sorry for sounding mean but it’s true – the kindest thing would be to switch the machine off) for lifelong NHS treatment.
But I don’t notice Sasha Johnsons Family turning down “white devil medical treatment” and taking her to Africa so a witch doctor can dance around some chicken bones and cast some spells..
I would call BLM and Antifa what they are – terrorist organisations – and arrest and charge every fucker who supports their vile movements and ideology.
Time to put a stop to this hateful nonsense.
yet the PL players are still “taking the knee”. What with that and clapping for Ukraine, it’s a good 5 minutes before the footy actually starts. I’m so bored with it now – it was the one bit of escapism form all the bollocks of daily life, and now they’ve even taken that away.
LC@ – I don’t watch the footer anymore for exactly this reason.
I asked Mason Greenwood to spearhead my campaign “respec’ fo’ hoes an’ bitches” but he is currently “indisposed”..
Yep.. You can always rely on the thick cunt millionaire footballers.
Well said.
It’s spring, and time to browse through this year’s new seed catalogues chez Twatt:
A new variety of red cabbage. Not popular, due to the bitterness, brown outer colouration and misshapen head. No longer in circulation, and likely to die out as interest in Sasha wanes. Would make good compost.
Indeed, CPS, after discussions at highest level, decided to drop the case, said the prosecuting QC to the judge. Some reasons were given, but naturally nothing that the judge could make public.
Hoeey. Even the Al- Beeb named the suspects.
Quite simply, prosecuting four eggand doesn’t fit the deluded BLM mantra.
The family say the are going to fight for justice.
Dream on, you have been hoisted by your own petards.
I see a likely increasing reluctance on part of authorities to prosecute any black-on-black cases, cos it’s waaaaayciist, innit?
Of course, “fighting for justice”, means a payday of “George of de holy chiggun” proportions!
Grace Jones is looking rough. Slave to the rhythm of the ventilator
Crying with laughter OVSF ?
Youd think there
Would be MSM coverage wouldn’t you?
Dont seem arsed?
Or dissapointed by the shooters not fitting the profile?
They wanted FAR RIGHT thugs to be the shooters lets be honest,
They had ideas of statues, charities, schools been renamed for their new martyr.
Sasha is not going to recover.
You see her fuckin nut?!!!
Like a easter egg delivered by Amazon,
All fucked up.
She fills that dent with water itd be a bird bath.
Naw, shes proper fucked.
No coming back from that!
And if by some miracle she did?
Couldn’t tie her own shoelaces.
A crayon eater .
Unplug her?
Do deaf people realise that theyre at a silent disco?
who’s looking after her brats? Or are we coughing up for that as well as the fathers sure as hell won’t be around.
Mnc@ – “Can’t tie her own shoelaces? A crayon eater?”
I sense a new Labour MP for Hackney at the next General Election ?
Funnily she went for a interview for the labour party,
Her mam and sister took her.
They made £4.60p at penny for the Guy.
Katie Price can adopt her in place of Harvey for when he does the inevitable and puts himself on a cold wash spin cycle after getting locked in the washing machine.
Hey LL youve given me a cracking idea!
Remember the 70s blaxploitation film “Blacula”?
(Black Dracula)
Wonder if I could get funding to make a black Bride of Frankenstein?
Sasha as the bride
Harvey as Frankenstein’s monster.
Just about….
This is the best counting ever! Ive never laughed so fuckin much ?????
CUNTING, not fuckin counting ?
Top idea Miserable, the luvvies are already creaming their pants for the 2023 Baftas.
She’s going to need a new hat.
Looks like a blow up doll with a slow leak.
I had one of them once; I took it back to Ann Summers and said, “It keeps going down on me”. Shop wanted to then charge me extra…
Her perpetrators were playing mind games. They certainly got inside her head.
Looks like Pete Sutcliffe as set about her with his 15lb Ball Pein hammer.!!
If she had been knocked down by some whitey driving through Peckham (keep your doors locked for fucks sake)
he would have been dragged across the coals, painted as a white supremacist by the media and every detail of his life examined to tie him to the mythical “far right.” He voted for brexit?…….fucking Nazi!
But no…….shot in the noggin by black criminals……not a story. Doesn’t fit the agenda. Hardly surprising they can’t find a single eye witness. Would you grass them up and end up like Slasha?
This happened in Peckham and lips are sealed.
I heard a rumour the real shooter wore a flat cap and a sheepskin coat and made his escape via a Robin Reliant with his younger brother.
Returning 5mins after as theyd forgotten grandad.
Sasha now resembles one of those self inflating sex-dolls that Del “acquired”.
What a load of dog shite. In brighter news I see the dark key F1 cunt fuck is chsanging his name in “respeeeeect inni” to his mudder.
Wouldn’t piss on this cunt if he was on fire.
Bit of a mouthful that isnt it?
Like a tongue twister.
Lewis cobbleblaster Hamilton
His mam Carmen gobblemeister.
Just simplify!
Like mr T .
What a complete cunt. More virtue signalling, when is he going to come out of the closet the poor little victim?
He’s a total cunt of the highest order.
I also smell a Michael Jackson coming along, you watch he’ll he white within a few years.
Does the cunt realise she is white?? Fell out with daddy bro?? Hate the cunt, but he was robbed of the championship by a fucking shithead ozzie…..
Fuck me! His momma is de whiiiiiteeeest ho in de whole damn world?
Surely her maiden name was Alabaster?
Sir Lewis de Alabaster vroom-vroom d-kneeler Hamilcunt
Very aristocratic.
When Me-again dumps young Hewitt, she should get together with Little Lewy ?
Change his name to Cunty Bollocks
Sorry ?
Sasha Johnson.
That cunt is brain-dead. So no change there……
I heard that night in Peckham was mind-blowing.
I do actually feel a little sorry for her. No cunt deserves that. Maybe I’m getting soft, but she was/is young, idealistic and no doubt brainwashed by academia and the media to hate whitey.
She was a fucking cunt though, I’m not letting her off that one, don’t worry.
But this attitude dark keys have (towards white people) is fucking everywhere now and it’s getting more ridiculous.
I’ve just finished watching the documentary series ‘We need to talk about Cosby’.
I spent most of it shouting abuse at the box. It was made by dark keys and the vast majority of those interviewed were dark keys.
Long story short, they seemed to spend half the time having a go at whitey for some reason.
That’s right. A dark key TV star abuses his power and the trust he had (mostly due to playing the dad in ‘The Cosby Show’). He drugs and rapes dozens of women (black, white, Asian etc) and somehow, the whole thing starts to be about ‘evil whitey’.
I watched it in amazement at the outright fucking hatred towards white people.
Although at least one brave dark key victim said that the biggest obstacle (and abuse) was from black people and their attitudes to them being raped by Cosby.
These people are fucking cunts and openly, smugly (which is when I get really fucking wound up with these cunts) and brazenly cunting us off.
The fact is, they couldn’t handle a ‘black icon’ being a fucking evil cunt and thought they’d dig out honky for it, the racist cunts.
They can get fucked.
Many ‘black icons’ turn out to be fucking cunts, it seems.
Not our problem!
You suffer from the same thing as me, a conscience
And a soft heart.
Willing to forgive, help your fellow man.
And yes Sasha was young and idealistic.
Funnily I dont feel a fuckin thing.
Fuck her.?
Fuck her, MNC?
Shhhhh, for crying out loud! I told you that plan in complete confidence, you swıne.
Besides, after I was caught trying to möunt her last week by that porter, they’ve increased security on the intensıve care ward, the spoilsports!
Whilst your filling your boots Thomas have a beer!
that dent in her skull acts as a cupholder/ashtray .
Or fill it with warm water to wash your winky in when youve shot your beans…
Where is Jimmy Saville when you really need him?
Now then now then
Right at the end, the narrator (who also made the series) went on a tacky monologue, which ended with him saying something about how honkies do the same but get away with it. He showed footage of that Republican Kavannagh bloke as if to say he got away with the same shit because he was white, the fucking bastard.
Let’s compare the two cases.
Cosby accused by around 60 women. Plenty of evidence and he got convicted (and then let free on a legal technicality – he’s still guilty though).
Do you think if a honky star did the same to many black women (over half of Cosby’s victims were white) he’d have got out on a technicality? Would Derek Chauvin ever be released for similar reasons?
Kavannagh was accused by one female. Decades after it ‘happened’.
So what ‘happened’. She dreamt he raped her. She asked her mates about the evening in question and they said it never happened, relax.
Still, he got his named dragged through the mud by this mad bitch. Because of a fucking dream. Thankfully, it proved a ridiculous accusation and he was found innocent.
And yet this fucking cunt compares him to Cosby?
Fuck off!
He could of course chosen Harvey Weinstein who’s crimes were comparable to Cosby’s and he was found guilty and sentenced , with more cases pending. Using victims of sexual assault for racial point scoring is sick, what the hell is wrong with the fucker?
I think because Weinstein got prison and unlike Cosby, he won’t be seeing freedom ever again.
His narrative is bollocks.
Comparing Kavannagh to Cosby is like comparing Fred Perry to Fred West.
I hope Kavannagh sues the cunt for that snide (and pretty obvious) insinuation.
The cunt deserves what she has got . If your full of hatred, an anti white racist, anti establishment, anti law and order cunt, then reap what you sow. Don’t expect the honky white powlice to come out bursting a gut to find those that filled your head with lead. Part of the establishment that this cunt was against are now keeping the cunt alive. Turn the fuckin machine off, save us all some taxpayer money. The perpetrators should get a medal for shutting this cunt up.
Ha ha ha tough titties you slag.Rot in your vegetative state.Zero sympathy.Why hasn’t a Doctor smothered her using a pillow?
Or his knob?
Now I’m wondering if the diameter of her newly-acquired skylight is of a suitable cock-size…
Bloody hell Thomas.
I reckon you’d need a stronger stomach than the rozzers who had to watch David Fuller’s ‘home porno’ collection to watch your grumble collection.
The medical professionals are overthinking her recovery, CB.
Just pop a couple of tablespoons of rice pudding into the hole and get one of her (presumably) many fatherless kids to make a papier-mâché skull fragment to close it up.
Have they tried smelling salts* under her unnecessarily large top lip?
*KFC gravy
Better (and far funnier) to let it slobber, wither, piss itself, shit itself. . .
Not really newsworthy in this country.
Inconvenient stories such as this magically disappear,never to be seen again.
Savages murdering each other?
Sounds like an African problem.
No more mither from this evil bitch any road.
She might yet recover enough to be able to operate a Stephen Hawking style voicebox, UT!
The um bongos could wheel her out at some sort of London-based simian conference and she could say “Fuck da white man an’ ting”. In Hawking’s voice.
Edit: there’s a voice generator online! No need to download anything.
Just enter “Yo yo yo, fuck da White man an ting” into:
I’m going to have some fun with this!
Now that’s fucking funny lol
Perhaps unsurprisingly, I’m making Professor Hawking say terrible things…he’s currently proclaiming his lust for Worzel Gummidge after the “hanging around with children” 70’s icon was experimenting with donning Aunt Sally’s dress and makeup.
Not so much a Darlek as a Darklek.
Exterminate n sheet…
Horrific injuries. Courtesy of the Blek communnidddee in Londonistan. Not a whitey in site that evening.
BLM – Blacks Love Murder.
Brain Injury? She got a brain ? So ? Next please
BLACK LIVES DON’T MATTER, to blacks anyway.
I’m fully supportive of this behaviour so long as it stays within their community.
Needs about a bucket of Pollyfilla to fill the depression in its skull, around the clock care and court expenses (legal aid) all sorted via the good old U.K taxpayer yet in Africa or any Negro!d shithole she would have died at the scene, the whole shot fest stinks of Munkey shines.!!
You could not invent this shit.
Using my contacts in the music industry, I have managed to get several “big names” on board, for an album of acoustic songs, with all proceeds going to Sasha Johnson’s family.
Hopefully, by the summer of this year, you will be reading about “Sasha Johnson UNPLUGGED”, everywhere.
All suggestions for songs to include, most welcome?
You popped a cap in my ass.
AC/DC…Shot in the Dark
The Smiths…Girlfriend in a Coma!
Brown Girl In The Wrong – Boney M
‘Gimme Back My Bullets’ – Lynyrd Skynyrd
Shoot You In The Black – Motörhead
Superb chaps?
Dat bees a hole in yoh head, dear Sasha, a hole in yoh head, dear Sasha a hole.
Brain Damage – Pink Floyd
Pop three caps in my forehead if you love me…twice in the back (BANG BANG) if the answer is yo!
There’s probably several rap groups already got a “tribute” song written, recorded and ready for release, CFG.
Probably sampling that awful ” Every Breath You Take”, like the last “Tribute” song, which makes me want to pour acid in my ears every time its played.
So be sure to get yours out quickly!
Pouring acid in your ears will allow you to mimic the Sasha Johnson look.
The Charlatans…Can’t get out of bed
Motorhead… (Brain) Death Forever
Ooops upside your head – The Gap Band
I can’t get you out of my head – Kylie Minogue
Did the whack on her head displace grey matter into her full lips or were they always so fucking rubbery?
Blame Thomas Cunt Engine-he has been sneaking into her ward and giving the female coma patients his “special” collagen lip filler?
A real Russian woman employee has just signed her death warrant also as she interrupted her news braoadcast on Russia’s state tv ( BBC in Russia)
“Stop the War
Don’t believe the propaganda
They are lying to you”
There was another women in the background of the live state tv broadcast displaying a banner written in English
They are currently being detained
Sorry just one woman detained, the one with the poster
I just thought it was brave but probably foolhardy
I hope she gets to live
I shot the Sasha but I did not kill the depudee Eric Clapton Gundown remix
“Die you bastard” : Motor(dented)head.
White lives matter.
Fucking good riddance to the piece of shit. The irony and karma is absolutely fantastic. I couldn’t have wished for better news the day I heard she’d been popped. The only thing that came as close to bringing joy to my heart was seeing her laying supine on a spastic bed with a KFC gravy bowl dent in the black bastard’s ape-like nut.
The only cunt is the amount of money she’s using up being cared for.
Pull the plug, then oven, then bin.
Silent disco? Bollocks. Those bonobos don’t do silent anything and certainly not music.