Sacking Repercussions

Sacking cunts who deserve to get sacked is a cunt, it could only happen nowadays where you sack some useless, moody gobshite cunt and get taken to the cleaners.

Hearing this sort of thing regularly nowadays, you are carrying some waste of space employee, who cant do their job, but are to scared to get rid of the cunts for fear of the law suit later on, the above manapausal bitch being the case in point, nobody wants to be around stroppy tarts in this state, imagine this moody bitch at a customer services desk barking at customers and generally making a cunt of herself, if you cant sack her what can you do, arrange an accident or something, or even not take on wimminz of a certain age, then you get sued for that, your fucked whichever way you go..

Nominated by: Fuglyucker

44 thoughts on “Sacking Repercussions

  1. I always thought sacking someone would be hard.

    Taking away a mans living
    A black mark against future employment
    He might not get another job for quite some time,
    Having to live on benefits.

    But no, its dead easy!

    I sacked someone when in my second year of trading,
    He was a pisstaker and asked for it.
    Fuck him.

    If in doubt, sack.?

    • Mnc@ – Morning Mnc – yep, sacked a lot of people, with damned good reason.
      Everyone gets a chance, nobody gets a free ride.
      Perform or get the fuck out the door.
      It’s business – and I really wish everyone in charge of the public sector could be sacked, today, with no big payoff and no pension.
      Commie bastards.

  2. At one time you would have to have been employed for a period (pardon the word, Ms, Best) of at least 2 years before you could claim unfair dismissal. This seems a frankly stupid claim – frivolous at best, malicious at worst. Luckily most of my working life with other men, where an “oh fuck it/you” would clear the air – these nagging harridans are quick to complain, but if anyone dare say anything in retaliation……

    I suppose she was pissed off she couldn’t “work” from home, after listening to Wimminz Hour.

    I would never employ a woman who was either of childbearing age, or menopausal. That said I wish the spouse would get up off her fat arse and go and do a bit of charring.

    • WCB@ – That is still the case I believe – unless of course you are a wimminz, ugaboo, carpet rider or snowflake.
      In which case employers pay them a fortune and they move on to the next employer to do the same.
      Beats working for a living I suppose.

  3. Over the years I’ve noticed fewer people seem to want to work and now how to play the system when getting a job, then going sick and waiting to claim against the employer when they don’t follow correct procedure in getting rid of them.
    I thank fuck that I work for myself these days, because some of the things I’d said (usually joking) in a office would certainly have seen me up before the bosses and sacked.
    Can’t anyone have any banter at work anymore?

    • A teacher at the school I worked at played the system for about three years. Claiming to have a bad knee ,she would not turn up for six months then work a couple of days (in order to restart her full pay entitlement) before disappearing for another six months. The school knew that she was swinging the lead but was unable to get rid of her until the stupid bitch posted a video on social media of herself playing on a trampoline with her kids.
      For thee years this teacher’s classes were taught by a succession of supply teachers; the exam results were not impressive.

      • This was about 20 years ago; I’d be surprised if situations like that one have not increased.

    • I worked for a company a few years back where some cunt stopped showing up for work. I don’t recall exactly how long this went on for, but it was a number of months. Every now and then he’d send an email about illness or some other excuse, just so that the trail didn’t go completely cold. All this time he was getting paid. Then, somehow or other, the company found out he’d started a new job with another firm and that’s where he’d been all that time.

      Great way to swing two salaries for a while before people catch on. What a fucking cheek! It’s cunts like him that made management believe most people couldn’t be trusted to work from home. It took a pandemic to prove them wrong. Cunts.

    • She looks like the mental, neurotic sort who’d cook you dinner, break down in a fit of nail-biting and tears, suddenly be joyful, then cut off your hampton.

  4. Have people work for you on a self employed basis.
    Pay them for what they do or what they produce.

    If you employ someone on a contract for a 40 hour week you can be sure that between playing around on Facebook, drinking coffee, having a shit, chatting to their colleagues and lunch breaks you will get about an hour’s worth of actual work out of them a day.

    Add to that their paid holidays, sick days and maternal leave you are basically paying for fuck all work.

  5. A sickening story really.

    20 grand??!!

    A covid obsessive, menopausal, callous, shite stirring bitch.

    Just about the last type of employee any business could do with having on its books.
    Second only to women who are constantly up the duff and on a par with pampered, money obsessed young lads who are still attached to mammy’s nipple and their mobile phones.

    I’ve worked with all types over the years unfortunately.


    • “A covid obsessive, menopausal, callous, shite stirring bitch.”

      Her stage name is Emily Thornberry

  6. It must be a nightmare employing any cunt these days, they all seem to be lazy, self entitled cunts. Except Abdul and Mohammed of course. They are hard working immos who do as they’re told.
    But they have envious eyes, very sharp knives and they know where you fucking live.
    Alan’s Snackbar!!

  7. I bet her former employers are delighted to have provided her with the means to start up her own rival company.
    They must be wishing her every success!

  8. Fear not, when 60%of the global population works for Elon Musk & Associates, the other 30% for Chinese electronics, this shit will be history?

  9. Young men can be ehipped into shape tout suite; we’ve employed a couple of lazy cunts who, upon being told they were lazy cunts and about to be fired starting working hard and then, after the boss gave them some genuine praise and encouragement (something, it turns out, that they’d never had), they both turned out to be fine young men and an integral part of the business.
    I’d never employ a young woman though, bunch of useless, lazy tarts, always on their bloody phones (like I am now!). That said, the 25 year old bird I work with is probably the most competent person I’ve met in a few years.
    When I asked her how she is so competent at a very difficult and highly technically job, she explained that her Dad brought her up properly and took her to work with him from a young age. Aah, that explains it!
    So it’s not all bad news, employers simply have to be ultra-selective about who they employ and the boss needs to be ruthless yet fair.

  10. I think her employer sounds like a total asshole and deserved to be taken to the cleaners.

    I’ll get my coat.

  11. Business only gets difficult when you employ people…I found it much easier in the end to keep the business at a managable size.

    I worked in corporate recovery for a few years and we came across everything from liars, theives, cheats and fraudsters.

    A liar / fantasist will know all the tricks to make your life a misery when you try and dump them…

  12. With all the Olga’s coming over now from Kiev the market will offer a quality selection and more completion. Probably the only bonus Ivan’s military excercise.

  13. You may as well advertise jobs as- looking for a long term pain in the fucking arse, must be moody as fuck, must be on some sort of work avoidance scheme, must be a moody as fuck with zero sense of humour.
    Must make my life a living hell, make me dread coming to work and look forward to the day i can stick a loaded shot gun into my mouth.
    You will be required to be a total cunt for at least the next ten yours, start arguments at every given opportunity, be hated by your co workers, cause nothing but unhappiness for anyone who has the miss fortune of coming near you, shirk as much work as possible, pull as many sickies in a year as you can [gives everyone a break from toe irritable cunt you are [ thats why your nickname is Thush] and generally be as pleasurable as exploding piles.
    At the end of all this i would imagine getting rid of this cunt for a mere £20k if fucking good value, im sure the employer would have paid at least double and is having the last laugh [ but quietly]. This fay blonde space hopper has a face i would never tire of kicking in.[ imagine what that would have cost].
    Well done ex employer your well rid of this useless, gob shite, free loading cunt, let this be a lesson for all employers, and if your interviewing and this mental moose turns up, go through the motions and then file 13 for her application…..

  14. Youd have to be out of your mind to employ women. I only employ English men over 45. Seems to have worked out so far.

    • From my experience white males over 45 are prime functional alcoholic territory LOL

      I empolyed one guy (ten years ago now) who seemed great at face value but soon I discovered his true calling was the bottom of a bottle.

  15. I was sacked recently (walked into another job since) and rightfully so. I deserved it and therefore didn’t make a fuss apart from the tsunami of hate in Gaelic towards the poor Pommy security guard that nabbed me at the gate for being pissed.

  16. I work for myself because I despise gossiping, whiny sows, adult children and their pathetic bitch behaviour and people who think “a days work” is faecesbook on their iphone (AKA ALL of Capita management).
    Work is not hard – turn up, on time, do a decent job and a bit of graft and have a good attitude.
    The office environment is perfect for the Karen/snowflake/ugaboo/carpet rider types to take the flying piss, and shifting them is hard work.
    I hate the lazy, chippy bastards.

  17. Unions are the worst for this. Especially public sector unions which should be fucking illegal.
    Show me the most pro union employee in the place and I’ll show you the most worthless cunt on the payroll.

  18. “…if you cant sack her what can you do…?”

    Promote her. At least half the time, that’s what happens. She (or he – let’s be woke about this) has got this far by crawling up the rectum of someone in higher management. All sorts of games may ensue. She may represent a threat to the suit she befriended, and his rivals will be happy to encourage her. Or she may be a safe block to the promotion of someone competent but difficult. She may have nagged her supervisor incessantly, until the supervisor’s health starts to suffer – either the supervisor or his/her manager bows to the inevitable.

    I’ve seen this, and it ain’t pretty. Far more able people are passed over to give some utter shit a bump up the ladder.

    • Seen it too Komodo. Place I worked a few years ago employed a guy who was so hopeless at the job and so lazy it was breathtaking. After causing chaos generally and upsetting numerous customers he was promoted. He then gave up working Fridays which reduced by 20% the mayhem he caused and gave us all a break for one day a week. Still survived for several years strangely enough.
      Couldn’t have anything to do with the fact he was blick I suppose?
      Perish the thought.

  19. Should have just made her go on furlough then say there wasn’t a job to come back to as cut backs etc.

  20. I thought that one had to be female to have a menopause. I don’t know what that thing in the nom pic is but one thing I’m certain of is it ain’t a woman!

  21. The old trout looks like Katey Prices granny i would imagine, i bet the battle axe has been married 3 times, drives a car covered in dents, and the local deliveroo guy spits on her food.
    This is the cunt usually found out side the ladies loo in pubs with her make up running where she,s been crying after to much vino del collapso.
    You know the fucker you avoid just in case you accused of touching her inappropriately, get the fuck away from me dragon, the power of christ compels you!

  22. We have this with a useless pile of shit employee. His mistakes and fuck ups cost us greatly, and he is the most vile shit stirrer ever… an utter cunt.

    He is also gay and has ‘mental health issues’…… and due to this any complaints about him never get upheld, human resources department do jot want to touch it.

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