Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe [3]

She’s back!!

The Iranian woman with a British passport has only been back 5 minutes, Vaseline Ziigy Ratarse has taken the opportunity in a press conference to slag off the British Government.
She should have been ‘home’ 6 years ago but the British Government failed to get her released, no mention of the fact that Iran doesn’t recognise her British citizenship and as far as they are concerned she is Iranian (#metoo).

Didn’t think of slagging off the government while she was struck in Iran and quite happy that WE the British taxpayer have shelled out £400 million to get her out.

Well, here is my idea, strip the ungrateful bitch of her British citizenship and ship her back to the Ayatollah.

Sly News Link.

Nominated by: Sick of it

81 thoughts on “Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe [3]

  1. 400 million for a weapons grade meddler who thought virtue signalling in an extremist regime was going to end well?
    She deserved to stay there for the duration for that alone.
    I want my money back.
    As for cuckold shite husband, fuck off and join her in choky.
    Then fuck off once more, come back and fuck off again.

    • He looks as if he would welcome a stiff sentence so he could get his afrsehole reamed. Yesterday he told one tabloid that he and the stupid old harridan was “negotiating the bed”. Yeah – I bet.

  2. I always hoped those Iranian devils would chuck her down a well or shoot her.
    They must have gone soft.

    Now we’ll never hear the end of the Persian spy.


  3. This cunt is going to dine out on this for the rest of her life. I’m sure her daughter missed her but the way the husband used her almost as a prop to emotionally blackmail and guilt trip the UK govt was nauseating. Now she is an authority on jailed Britons abroad how long before she starts demanding we take back the Begum bitch from Syria or where ever the fuck she is? Or becomes a Labour Party MP.

    • PS…I don’t recall this much fuss when Dick Fiddler was deported from Greece.

      • There was plenty of fuss from people in the U.K. when we found out that the old bugger was back amongst us.

      • I feel sure that all my good friends on “..isaCunt” would rush to contribute if I was being held hostage….although I must say that my “GoFundMe” appeal….” Vast Landowning Old Cunt wants money for Fray Bentos tinned pies and Bushmills” hasn’t been the roaring success I expected…..several “Fuck Offs” and an offer to come round and scream ” CUNTTTT” in my face was the sum total of my achievements.

  4. Mark my words – she will be the Kate McCann of the 2020s – she even has that same sniffy look as if Ian Blackford had farted in her face. She was giving it large on Wireless 4 World At One yesterday – I had to turn the whining old cunt off in the end. Yet again Boris gets the blame – yet the debt went back to 1979 – so she could equally have blamed Blair or Brown but of course their names were absent. It has encouraged piss artist Alistair Campbell into another Twitter rant, interlarded wirh frequent use of the 4 letter word.

    of ciurse the fact the old tart was locked up was all Brexit fauly, innit though?

  5. On her arrival back in the U.K. (I refuse to say ‘home’) Nazanin said that she was going to spend a week reconnecting with her family and staying out of the limelight. Well, she couldn’t manage a week before blaming the whole world and his goat for her six year sojourn.
    I am afraid that Unkle is correct in saying that we’ll never hear the end of this woman. She’ll be popping up all over the media to give her ‘expert’ opinion on Brexit, Ukraine, transrights etc as well as being on ‘Bake-off’and hosting ‘Songs of Praise’ ( if it still exists).

  6. I can see this is going to be a special wimminz day to forget. First we get Wee Krankie, and now this ungracious harpy. Who’s next Admin, Sparkletits?

  7. Iran. An Islamic country ruled by mad men. Journalism not one of Allahs pastimes. Especially not for women. Iran under western sanctions. Perhaps she took this into account when she went? Perhaps she should fuck off back there.

    • Even Sleepy Joe is not happy. I fail to see why it is a matter for rejoicing, in my opinion a national humiliation from a bunch of goat shaggers.

  8. Yet another cunt that can’t take a modicum of responsibility for her own actions. It’s not her fault for going to the flyblown shithole, or Iran’s fault for banging her up. No, it’s a foreign (ie British) government’s for not spunking £400m on her ‘return’ sooner. Fuck off you ungrateful bitch. She’ll be guaranteed endless appearance fees by the BBC for the next 50years, though.

  9. Stupid Cunt has herself to blame.
    What did she expect going back home to that shithole run by religeous nuts.
    Fuck off! And when you get there, Fuck off again!

  10. Am I the only one who thinks she is fucking hot??

    Moaning bitch but looks filthy .

    • She’s got 6 years worth to catch up on. You’re right, COTL, she does look a bit mucky. I doubt that nodding Churchill dog sat next to her will keep her satiated.

      • Shes been getting it ‘doggy fashion’ for the past 6 years, with a ‘spit roast special’ thrown in every Sunday. That’s also helped to kept the cobwebs out.

    • She also looks a bit like Gina Miller, so that would put me off straight away. Not much bounce in the funbags either. I’d give her a miss. Her prison guards might have been fucking her as well, so God knows what you could catch. If she contradicted them, like she did her milksop “husband” yesterday, I hope they gave her a touch of the lash as well.

  11. I was just thinking of coming on here to cunt this but we done for the nom.

    I watched this with some disgust yesterday and actually shouted art the TV “oh, fuck off!”.

    Unless I am mistaken, it was like she was suggesting that the Government should have just paid the 400 million 6 years ago. I, on the other hand would say, more fool you for going there in the first place. Cunt should be a little bit more grateful I think and I see:

    A film deal (Netcunt lining up I bet)
    A book deal
    Motivational speaking opportunities

    I think she / they are going to do quite nicely out of this $$$$$$ – not bad for six years. I’ve worked my arse off for nearly 20 and got fuck all no where!

    • I suspect she might even be lined up to become a Labour MP – lets face it, that hatchet faced old dyke Kim Leadbetter had been in ze party for too short a time to become a PLP before she got the Kweer call. It’s not what you know but who you know, and Starmer loves to grovel yo he poofs and wimminz . She might even be a chick with a dick, so that will count in her favour as well.

    • I bet she’s eaten pork all weekend – she looks very good for someone locked up for 6 years.

      Shame my wife doesn’t look the same…

      • She spent the final year under house arrest at her parent’s house, which would account for her surprisingly healthy appearance and radiant beauty.

  12. I didn’t really follow all this, but from what I gather, she got a bit gobby and preachy while in Iran. Not exactly a beacon of woke and progressivism.

    It then took a £400m bribe to get her returned to the UK.

    Now, I wonder, seeing as I 100% look the archetypal ‘gammon brexiteer’ , how the media and government would react, if I went to Saudi and started gobbing off to the locals about fucking moo hamed off and then either being atheists, or turning to Christianity? And that they should get rid of the no booze laws and anti pornography laws?

    I wonder if the £400m would be whipped out to stop them lobbing my bonce off in the town square?

    No, she knew the risks of even going to a country like that in the first place, let alone getting a bit mouthy.

    But looking at that picture above I probably would have a go on it. Not for £400 million though.

    She got saved because she’s a protected class. Woman and not honky.

    I’d have never got out or been mentioned again in the media after a few days.

    • Like all of them sand dancer types ungrateful as fuck.
      No thanks or ill try to pay the £400million back.
      Oh no.
      Expects it!!

      I wouldn’t of paid shit for Ninety nine ziggy ratface.
      Id of dared the mullahs to top her.
      Certainly not millions,
      And her blushing husband would of joined her
      The Notting Hill p0nc3.

  13. Ungrateful shit-stain. Typical of the darker shaded types.
    She should just be thankful the ayatollah psychos didn’t ‘disappear’ her, just for her to turn up on a YouTube head parting company with her body clip. You’d think after getting back, she’d think ‘Thank fuck for that’, zip her gob & keep a low profile. But no, bad whitey let her down & now she’s going to be vocal about it.
    An immediate return trip to Tehran might just straighten her out a bit.

  14. It seems the modern way.

    People get themselves into a pickle and then expect the government to get them out of it (examples – see idiots going to ‘fight’ in the Ukraine getting people killed due to their need to virtue signal, or prats who go on mountain walks dressed in a t-shirt and shorts).

    Here’s an idea.

    Make her pay it back (or as much as possible). 50% of her salary and pension for life and sell everything she and hubby own.

    She should be on her knees in thanks. Instead of course, it’s moan, moan, moan…

    Cheeky cunt should be sent back for her ungratefulness.

  15. Shemima Begum of whatever the cunts name will be back soon, mark my words.

    Nom nom, slurp, slurp…

    Spreading the wisdom of her legs to get what she wants.

  16. I foresee her leaving hubby behind. Watch the body language – she can’t stand him near her.

    Perhaps she tasted minge in prison and is now a fish supper convertee?

    • Oh I very much concur PM.
      The only reason she will stick it out in the short term is to secure Cash for Questions.
      Then when suitably comfortable she’ll be off like a startled grouse.

      The odious cunt.

      • Paul@

        Once shes had big Bethsheba upto the knuckles
        Blushing fop Richard was history.

        Nowadays Ninety nine is on a strict fish supper diet.

  17. I suspect she might even be lined up to become a Labour MP – lets face it, that hatchet faced old dyke Kim Leadbetter had been in ze party for too short a time to become a PLP before she got the Kweer call. It’s not what you know but who you know, and Starmer loves to grovel yo he poofs and wimminz . She might even be a chick with a dick, so that will count in her favour as well.

  18. I’ve always maintained this woman is a wiener and should never have been allowed back…some on here disagreed with me but now you can see I’m right.

    Hopefully, she’ll poke her big spy(y) nose where it doesn’t belong again and get locked up for good.

    I cannot stand her and her hubby, never could and never will.

  19. This ungrateful twat epitomises the third world shitty immigrants that are desperate to make Blighty their home, once here and settled in like fleas on a dogs back, mission is.
    1: claim as much benefits as possible.
    2: breed as fast as possible/bring over long lost “family ” members.
    3: play the race card as / when required.
    4: slag of the indigenous population/ democratically elected government.
    5: rip the arse out of GB in every way they can.

    When will we ever get a political party with a big enough pair of balls to say,

    “ENOUGH “

    • This is exactly what is going on, JM. In plain sight no less. And the lefty liberal cunts who support the destruction of anything and everything truly British have created an atmosphere where saying this instantly brands you as racist, xenophobic, far right, anti-humanitarian…you know the list.

      I, like others I’m sure, just don’t understand why they’re doing this. They are complicit in architecting (see what I did there?) their own destruction.

  20. Is this what my father fought for after getting torpedoed by U413….

    I very much doubt it….!

  21. The debt relates to Iran’s order of 1,750 Chieftain tanks and other vehicles that ultimately was not fulfilled by the UK after Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was overthrown in the Iranian revolution and replaced by an Islamic Republic.

    The £400m was paid upfront and almost none of the tanks were delivered.

    The Government has not confirmed whether the debt has been settled but previously said it accepted it should pay the “legitimate debt”.

    Foreign Secretary Liz Truss told Sky News: “We have been clear this is a legitimate debt that we do owe Iran and we have been seeking ways to pay it.”

    • Their excuse up to now for not paying the debt was due to restrictions on bank transactions caused by international sanctions imposed after the Iranian Islamic revolution of 1979. It appears they have now found a way round the regulations with the £400 million being “ring-fenced for humanitarian aid.”

      • Thanks RTC.

        I feel our collective minds can all rest easy now that any appearance of a ransom payment has been laid to rest.

        Phew! What a weight off our minds. 🙂

  22. Excellent nomination-I was genuinely shocked at her venom against we Brit’s, for bailing out a chippy foreigner?

    The fucking ungrateful cunt has miscalculated the feelings of the majority of British people, outside of the woke metropolitan bubble-who have had their own freedoms curtailed, for the past 2 years.

    Iranians are arrogant cunts.
    From personal experience of “Persian Princesses”, they are entitled, bigoted and have contempt for the west?

    • Not a foreigner, she’s a British citizen. But we mustn’t let the facts get in the way of our hatred, after all feelings take precedence over facts in our brave new world of wokery.

      • Hehe, born in Tehran, came here as a student and never left, until six years ago.
        British citizen, my arse ?

        Be interesting to know if she travelled to Iran on a British passport or Iranian goat shagger pass.

  23. Do certain people not know how it works in countries such as Iran, North Korea, Burma, Russia etc? If they do know and they start interfering whilst IN these countries then they can fuck off in my opinion. These people then put other people in jeopardy eg Armed Personnel who may try and get them out. Just keep your fucking noses out you woke twats.

  24. The only saving grace is this monumental, ungratefull cunt is going to take the limelight from all the other media jackers for the next few months, i think Katey Price will be trying to find out where she lives if she keeps it up.
    Like Shammishitta Begum probably would be safer where she was, its the husband i feel for, he should have met someone new and fucked off, i reckon she may well be a brainwashed loon now, he has to sleep with one eye open in case she tries to cut off his infidel cock….good luck with that one Ratty

  25. Day before her release her sister said she’d meet her kid and cuck hubby and it’ll be a private affair.
    We knew it wouldn’t be.
    Cue film crews as the doors got kicked open and the slaughtered pig squeal emitted from said doorway. Probably scaring her kid half to death.

  26. On Landing at Heathrow, I distinctly heard her mouthing off about some chap called Mohammed ( since long dead I believe ) and slagging off his current fan club which I understand meets each Friday.. Her threat to shove a pork butty up his arse seemed a tadge unnecessary in my opinion..

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