LFT Hoarders & Greed Merchants

What the fuck is the matter with humans? Do they aquire selfish stupidity or are they born with it?

So from April 1st, Lateral flow Tests will no longer be provided by the NHS free of charge. So what do people do? Rush out to hoard as many as possible.

Now you might think that they’re just being prudent and wanting to keep themselves and their families safe. But no. The fuckers are grabbing as many as possible so they can flog them on eBay and make a few quid. Never mind vulnerable people like my grandson who depend on these things to stay safe from their own Family bringing it into the home. No. Fuck them as long as we can make a few Bob.

And then there’s Boots…

As of today, 24th February, Boots are already charging for LFT testing. Yes, charging. And moreover charging £5.99 for a SINGLE test. Shame on you Boots you nasty money grubbing profiteering cunts!

But the piece de resistence of this insanity and what really makes you wonder at the depths of stupidity people can sink to is the absulte morons who are so thick they actually post pictures on social media of their piles of test kits as if it’s something clever to be proud of.

Yes, people really are that stupid…


Nominated by: Rt. Hon. Dioclese

22 thoughts on “LFT Hoarders & Greed Merchants

  1. Hmm – the same kind of person stupid enough to demand testing for not feeling ill is the same kind of person who would complain when they have to pay for something they don’t need – what utterly astonishing fucking imbeciles.
    Probably the same kind of person who sits snooping through their net curtains reporting neighbours for having visitors during lockdown – but what kind of sour, nasty, malicious cunt would do that?
    The plandemic scam is over – and being exposed every day for the total bollocks it always was, but not to worry – Ukraine should prove a useful distraction for the slack jawed masses, as “our betters” count their money and think of their next way to enslave humankind – with their useful idiots and traitors helping them along every inch of the way.

  2. To answer the opening question, we are born with selfishness. It is the nature we all have that is passed from those 2 cunts in the Garden of Eden. It takes a conscious effort to overcome that nature. The way I see it let the selfish hoarders scam the suckers who think they need the tests. Cunts taking advantage of cunts.

    • MC@ – A fool and their money..
      On other news – who would like to buy a “leprosy preventing marble?” – Only £29.99 and a 25% guarantee the user will not get leprosy!
      Send cash to “Fox Medical, The Cave, 22 Tripe End, Yorkshire – I said bloody Yorkshire!”

  3. Gizza address to send to and I’ll send you a box gratis.
    I’ve got fucking hundreds

  4. On a similar thread remember the scramble for PPE a couple of years ago when every hospital and care home was desperate for masks and gowns, the government handing out lucrative contracts to any shady cunt? Well they are going to burn 15,000 pallet loads a month and write off the £8.7B cost because its now unusable.

    • Do they say why it’s unusable? Was it always unusable or is it that our wonderful NHS can’t be arsed to store or sell £8.7billion worth of equipment?

  5. Aren’t they still going to be free if you live in the People’s Revolutionary Anti-Fascist Democratic Socialist Republics of Jockland & Sheepshaggerland? Along with free everything else of course. Which amazingly, they’re going to pay for themselves.
    Enough of this, I’m moving north.

  6. Never used one. If all the sheep hadn’t either there would be plenty for the minority who do need them.

  7. People ,companies, big pharma making profits out of the pandemic. Pull the other one.

  8. Fucking sickening?
    The older I get, the more I despise humanity (some) and love my cats?

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