Well here she is again, our own little national ray of sunshine. It’s Katie ‘Cut’ Price; back from her latest botox and facelift, and looking more than ever like one of those plastic sex dolls.
It’s very strange. We’re told that this ludicrous tart is bankrupt, and that she owes her creditors a shed load of cash. Yet she buys and wrecks expensive cars, narrowly avoiding going to prison in the process, indulges in very expensive ‘cosmetic’ procedures, and generally jets about the world having a good time.
How does she do it? I can only conclude that she’s got a magic money tree in the garden of her very expensive yet filthy house.
She is, in more ways than one, a real piece of work. Kim Kardashian minus the class. We’re so lucky to have her.
Nominated by: Ron Knee
Again? For fuck’s sake.
A vacuous nobody. Ignore.
She actually looks quite presentable in the header picture. Must be photoshopped to fuck. Will anyone get the horn?
A joke for your weekend…
Sorry, I forgot…
Freedom for East Anglia.
Im more upset over her housekeeping skills the scruffy fucker.
And the fact she cant cook.
No wonder blokes squirt an run.
Rather than placcy surgery having a inflatable arse and big lips shed do well to hire a cleaner and do a basic cooking course.
Katie, youll always get a guy with a pie.
Unless your ovens broke.
No oven no pie ? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UgQZI7J63fU
Worth a watch listen
Marry a cooker, not a looker.
No wonder so many young women are unmarried. They can’t and won’t cook, clean or tidy, and many don’t seem to want to work. Many are clinically obese and on pills for their disorders.
Millennial women; Pigs in knickers
A Ukrainian wimminz could be the answer, for traditional cunter types ?
Anyone can have her and often do.
Q. What is the difference between Katie Price and the Eiffel tower?
A. Not everyone has been up the Eiffel tower.
Erm I have been up the Eiffel Tower but nowhere near Katie’s wotsit
An oldie but goldie lol!
Oldy but moldy- katie price
I’m sorry. I couldn’t resist it.
I’ll get my coat.
I presume she’s inflatable.
I’d like to see it when she gets a puncture.
Well she must be made of tough rubber because she’s had a shedload of pricks in her time.
Those plastic sex dolls are more lifelike than Katie. And they almost certainly have a higher IQ.
Plenty of businessmen go bankrupt and yet seem to retain all the trappings…perhaps she has a good accountant who steers her in the right direction.
Although Sir Philip Green certainly isn’t bankrupt and has,apparently, done nothing illegal,I personally find his,and others, creative use of pension funds as equally distasteful as Price’s behaviour.,,still,they’re respected business leaders aren’t they?
Neither works saturday mornings either.
Morning Dick.
Beautiful morning up here…touch of frost.
Same here,
Nice an fresh.?
I’m sure Katie does a Saturday morning paper-round. She loves having big thick wedges shoved up her letterbox!
I bet she can hardly walk after taking on the Sunday Times!
Peter Jones has been bankrupt at least once. I’m sure Duncan Bannatyne went bankrupt a few years ago. Always seem to land on their feet though ?
Some of these Gordon Gekko types see it as a rite of passage.
Philip Green, while not financially bankrupt, is most certainly morally bankrupt.
Along with Lord Archer, the famous storyteller and fiction writer.
Bin her off
It wants it’s cunt welding up and face blow torching.
Perhaps she’s not as thick as we all think.
Takes a good mind to go bankrupt and remain well off.
Maybe she lets a very good accountant slip her one in return for his excellent services?
Or maybe she puts Harvey on the door when the bailiffs turn up and tells him that they’re going to take the fridge away?
And the Ukraine should try and enlist Harvey’s services.
He can rampage through the Kremlin like Godzilla, on the promise of unlimited KFC family buckets.
You’d need a Lockheed Galaxy for the airlift.
Or even eat the bailiffs?
Bankruptcy hasn’t made a blind bit of difference to her lifestyle.
Whoever is advising her knows all the loopholes!
Shes been in and out of my Deadpool choices for awhile now.
I thought she was heading for the final blowout a short time ago,
But shes like a cockroach
Nigh on indestructible.
So is her vagina mnc, good afternoon
Fuck me the Daily Mirror is a shithouse rag.
The lovely Ms.Price?
Dead in her 50s,all that general anaesthetic plays havoc with the ticker.
Never mind any other hobbies..
When you are a famous publicity hound like Katie you get loads of shit for nothing. Cunts want you to be seen wearing their clothes, driving their cars, dining in their restaurant, staying at their hotel. Do you think the Beckhams ever pay for anything? Sparkletits? Of course they don’t. That’s where the magic money tree is. It’s growing out of our arseholes only we don’t know it.
You just make sure your possessions and wealth sit with someone else….a company, trust or another individual.
This means you own nothing but it has the added advantage of be untouchable should “business recovery” come a calling.
People also get away with it by having shite on finance which means it doesn’t belong to you so cannot be seized…cars, houses and guarantees on expensive items.
Katie is great example of someone who generates wealth but doesn’t have the life skills to spend it properly and wastes it on crap and addictions….like the lottery winner who buys an Elizabethan Manor and constructs a quad bike track in the walled garden.
If you play your cards right, bankruptcy can be liberating. Always make sure that you have cash and property deeds stashed in offshore companies for a start. Then you can live like a rock star till it all goes belly up. When the balloon goes up, you can wipe out all debt and pass your future earnings and investments through a manager or trusted family member. As long as there are low end tabloids and daytime telly, the likes of Katie Price will never be without a decent income, because the they’re all so desperate for a story. Washed up pop stars, soap actors and footballers won’t be found driving taxis or stacking shelves in Lidl. Having multiple issues and mong children certainly helps.
Geoffrey Hayes (of Rainbow fame), did end up stacking shelves in a supermarket?
David Van Day from bubblegum pop duo “Dollar”, frying onions in his burger van.
Ex England footballerist Gary “never been booked-never been totally fucking committed to a game” Lineker, ended up sucking black and brown cock, on national television?
Ps: good morning IsAC?
Good Morning Cuntfinder General
Good to see you back
Yeah, but Linekunt found the magic money tree….it’s called the BBC.
The true gift that keeps on giving for the talentless goon willing to comply.
The BBC is a good example of an organisation that has it’s money shovelled to them instead of having to earn it. It’s very easy to waste money you haven’t earned yorself.
A tremendous post Spanky.
Well said!
Somebody with a chainsaw needs to do a short video.
I’d call it The Lineker Edit.
When I look at a picture of Katie & Harvey it reminds me of my holidays as a child.
A plastic bucket full of crabs and a spade that’s broken.
Cracking analogy.
All those “surgery” holdays she supposedly goes on…nonsense: she’s a Dubai Port-a-Potty if ever I’ve seen one. A cut-price one too.
Not for our Katie to be attractive enough to receive a muzzıe senior royalty jobbie in the face. No, she’s got to make do with enduring being plopped on by the Dubai equivalent of Prince Edward.
She’ll never reach the depths allegedly plumbed by Lindsay Lohan, that of have her mush “brownfaced” by the very Sultan himself.
Imagine being the poor cunts she owes money to, I reckon one day she, s going to be getting a gold plated and pink bullet in her empty head.
Always thought she would end up topping herself or taking an overdose, but I think she, s going to get whacked, purely for the reputation of her creditors.
Different kind of bang to what the fuckwits is used too..
Katie looks great in that nom pic.
Katie was my favourite lass out of the 1994 page 3 calender I had as a horny teenager.
It certainly all turned to rat shit for her after those halcyon days.
Good Morning
Although I feel guilty about saying it, that nom pic is making me twitch.
Morning all.
I’m starting to warm to the silly slapper. Now she has gone down the road of weekly facelifts, each one is going to be more grotesque than the last. The current head has that permanent startled look that surgery addicts get after going down that route, and she’s fickle enough to want a new head within a week.
This time next year you will only be able to identify her by taking a DNA sample.
Cat face next.?
Like this weirdo, GJ.
Don’t look if you are of a nervous disposition.
She was the original freakster, and the one to beat for self mutilation. Self harming doesn’t get any more extreme. Or expensive.
Here’s another freak. Is there something in the water or what?
Sorry linkhttps://www.thesun.co.uk/news/5925643/controversial-german-model-martina-big-who-turned-herself-black-accused-of-lying-about-her-age-as-school-pics-emerge-suggesting-shes-40-not-29/
Aaah, Wildebeest. I’ve seen her looking worse!!
It’s a beautiful morning, high pressure ,clear blue skies and crisp fresh air , and not a puff of wind ,the closest to heavenly experience we are going to get on this forsaken planet.
The shit that the tabloids run keeps Katie in the money
When will these lowbrow cunts leave us be and enjoy the fine day that dawned
Kim Kardashian minus the arse maybe, Kim Kardashian “class” ?
Er the ‘KK minus the class’ comment was meant ironically BB!
Oh, I thought you were just, justifiably, taking the piss.
Exactly mog, given that Kardashian has no class to start with!
Sorry RK still a bit hammered when I wrote that comment under the, impression some evilist had hacked your account !!
Bloody good comment now the effects of the devil’s holy water have subsided.
Close your legs, love.
I can hear the flies.
Speaking of silicon and botox….
Ugh! Looks like a fucking death mask.
State of the fat cunt.
I’ve always hated the narcissistic piece of human excitement. Hope she dies of cunt, arsehole and tit cancer slowly after loosing her eyesight.
Madam X? Stupid twat.
Have a look at the pic of her hand holding the bag. Looks that like that of a withered old granny.
You can botox the face to death, but the hands tell the real story.
I see the whore is in Thailand at the moment.She must be working in a Short time bar there to pay for the trip.
Negro’s supper.
Verdict: oven.
Talking of freaks, has anyone had a look at this woman from Grimsby who has England’s biggest eyebrows
I think there is a Nom about this vacuous twat.
I was going to give her a ridiculing myself, but if you read the comment left, you’ll die laughing.
Cupid Stunt!
I hear that this peice of shit is due to tour the country night clubs with Harvey in some circus freak show in an attempt to pay off her £3m bankruptcy debt. You can pay a £1 to listen to him say “Hello you cunt”