Dizzie Rascal

Dizzie Rascal

If you haven’t heard of him, he’s a ‘grime artist ‘ (shouts obscenities in sootie language to fast drum beats and dalek music).

He’s quite famous, to the point he got an MBE. A role model for the stabby kids to look up to, apparently.

Well, he’s just been found guilty of assaulting his ex. He did it with a little kid in his arms at the time and took phones of her and her mum to stop them filming his attack.

I’m sure he asked nicely.

At first he admitted the attack, but then changed his mind and said she attacked him or some shite.

Yup. He dindunuffin, innit bruv?

It gets better. As he left the court with sentencing due at some point soon, he then attacked a photographer, smashing his camera up with the media watching.

Not the brightest, is old Dizzie. And not the fucking big role model after all then, eh?

Serves the BBC et al right, for sucking his knob for the last few years.

He’s a fucking cunt, like most ‘rappers’.


Nominated by Cuntybollocks


50 thoughts on “Dizzie Rascal

  1. He should be shipped in a cage back to the jungle. Caution: they throw shit at people.

  2. I have heard of an excellent medical cure for “Men” who beat Women – it consists of smashing your fists into their face 10-12 times then a nifty knee through the ribcage – by all accounts this hurts a bit!
    Although I must stress I am not medically qualified, but I am told this “home made remedy” seems to work jolly well! ??

  3. That’s what happens when he’s denied his bananas. Time he was recaptured and returned to London Zoo.

  4. I won’t hear a word said against rapping. With rising energy prices and currently a fixed income and the spouse watching TV 17 hours a day, I am thinking of busking at the station – I won’t use my real name, of course, I will call myself Johnny Wrappers. You dig, honey child – papa’s got a brand new bag I’m gonna grove it all night long – we gonna work it out baby

  5. Can’t blame him, it’s his African heritage….

    You can take sootie out of the jungle but….

    It’s genetic, Katanga!!

    • I concur. Can’t say I’m surprised at all with these sort of “artists”

      • You must have at least 2 breaks consisting of 4 minutes for health and safety reasons. Then during the act to pace yourself, you must imagine Guy Verhoffstadt shagging Emily Thornberry. If you can recover from that salacious image then you should safely reach the 10 minute mark.

    • I hope he goes for the full cost of equipment plus loss of earnings along with mental health anguish, wrong pronoun used etc etc. should get a nice five figure number out of the compo. Will try and keep an eye out on that outcome.

  6. As usual, the mongrel offspring of a Nigerian crossed with a Ghanaian.
    A dog born in a stable.

  7. I’d like to see the cunt do a fancy simian dance just as the oven door clans shut behind it.

    Dizzy? Fucking would be.

    The vermin.

  8. So he shouts obscenities to a loud beat and slaps women around. With that kind of behavior he’d be just another rap “artist” here in the states. But in your country he gets an MBE. Her majesty must be so proud.

    • Angry oppressed, women abusing black man taking a knee in front of an elderly white woman with an antique sword is one of our finest traditions, General.

      • Ah, for the old days LL…the Glory days of England. When an ill mannered lout knelt before someone with a sword it was on the scaffold.

  9. Apparently this wifebeating, hardman gangsta comes from the mean streets of Sevenoaks. Not exactly Straight Outta Compton is it?
    Total prick.

    • Hey Freddie,

      Since we’re doing American movie (film) references;

      It doesn’t matter where they’re raised, they still behave like “Gorilla’s in the Mist.”

      • Evening GC.

        Since we are referencing the US of A, I vote we all chip in for our chippy chimpanzee to stay at “The Lorraine Motel”, Memphis, checking out on April 4th.

      • Afternoon here in the states CG.

        Continuing the culture references:

        Where the groids check in but never leave.*

        (*A bit of poetic license with that one.)

  10. Nothing to write here. I thrive on direct primate references and blatant racial slurs.
    Sooty Cunt!!!!!

  11. Dizzy Rascal?
    Maybe a ear infection?
    Nowt worse.
    Id suggest this young man sees his GP forthwith.

    Kept it civil Admin!
    No monkey business from me.
    Or slurs.
    Not really sure who he is!


  12. Bearing in mind the warning from Admin, I’d just like to say that this chap does not seem to be someone I’d wish to have living within 50 miles of myself,my family or any female friend.
    Fucking Animal – that’s what he is!

  13. To be fair, I think the admin doesn’t want unwanted attention brought to our little free speech corner of the net. Certain words can trigger all kinds algorithms. None of us want to loose this space do we.

    I work in web development and use a technique called SEO (Google it) and I know from experience that if this website ends up peppered with racist words and phrases, it will end up at the top of Google’s search results when said phrases are looked up. Some woke bell end will report the site to WP and it will end up banned.

    I shall stick to such phrases as “the other mob” in future.

    Tip to admin: Use WP.org, not WP.com. Get a non WP template to easily build a new website on and find a small, independent web host (I can supply a list) to host both it and your domain. That way, if reported, it can’t be taken down.

    Am I missing something? We’re not allowed to call a violent black bastard a violent black bastard? The site has gone PC? If so, you can all fuck off.

    Being a violent bastard has nothing to do with his skin colour. In the interests of keeping the site out of hot water, we constantly have to make judgments about what is OK, what is really close to the wind and what’s over the line. Some of the colourful language for this nom has been over the line, hence the warning. We like to let things flow whenever possible, but must always protect the interests of the site as a whole. If you don’t like it, feel free to fuck off. Final warning for you. Admin.

    • However, government statistics themselves show that persons of colour are more disposed to violent crime than others.

    • Admin; in the same vein I see you have taken down the post I made earlier. I apologise, point taken and understood. I shall be more circumspect in the future. I certainly do not want to put the site at risk.

      Cheers arfur. We appreciate that. There are ways to slag off the cunt without going directly to terminology which might cause us an issue. We haven’t gone all PC or woke or snowflake at all. We like a sweary rant as much as you guys, but freedom of speech isn’t the freedom to say absolutely anything. We let a LOT of stuff go because Section 19 of the Public Order Act of 1986 is open to interpretation. Sometimes we need to reign it in so a nom doesn’t descend into hate speech directed at a cunt because of their ethnicity. A cunt is a cunt, irrespective of their hue. Admin.

    • Agree, Admin. We don’t refer to Jimmy Savile as a degenerate “white” paèdo, or Tony Blair as a corrupt “white” war criminal, do we? Seems that skin colour is only important here when it’s not white.

      Quite so, RTC. We have to draw the line somewhere. Some get that, some don’t. Thankfully tomorrow’s nom are not racial. Oh wait, the gypos are nominated again. FFS! 🙂 Admin.

  15. No class at all, fucking mbe whoever nominated this cunt should be flogged. As dear gran used to say “The higher up the monkey goes the more he shows his arse” she was not in anyway racist she applied the previous to any overreaching cunt.

  16. More shite poetry from a crotchety opinionated old cunt.

    Who is this Dizzy Rascal I ask you kind folk?
    And why his ability to turn this site woke?

    ‘N’ words and primate references can be no more,
    As Admin have snuck open that PC door,

    It’s just off the sneck and barely ajar,
    But how long will it be before it’s swung open afar?

    Time will only tell as our free speech is impaled,
    As Snowflake terminology will soon be expelled then inhaled.

    Unhindered expression is now under threat,
    A decision well-measured or one we’ll regret?

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