Jo Luhman

Whodat? Well evidently a person of great importance.

”A Camberley headteacher has told MPs there should be an apology for Jimmy Carr’s joke about Gypsies killed in the Holocaust.”

Apparently there has been an impact on bullying of traveller children. And attendance (??) Yes, the children of thieving illiterate vermin are being picked on. Cant think why.

Carr is a bit of a cunt but his joke, in bad taste perhaps, was just that. A fucking joke. At the expense of the dregs of humanity, as every fucker who has had dealings with them knows.

Where I live they trespass, wreck, thieve, litter on an industrial scale, kill hares, mistreat dogs and shit at random.
And an historical note. The gypsies killed in the Holocaust were not the Irish pikey scum we are infested with.

So, Jo Luhman. Fuck off and get a life. You’ve had your 5 minutes.

It’s no joke – link.

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

79 thoughts on “Jo Luhman

  1. Camberley is a shithole.
    Soulless, overpriced and fucking unfriendly.
    I know there are a few nightclubs owned by Pie-key families-an associate dang Saar had dealings with the twats.

    Jimmy Carr deserves a fucking Knighthood for saying what the vast majority, including politicians, really think?

  2. Well for one, they hardly go to school and from what I know about that filth, they usually do the bullying, so if a few got bullied (which I doubt), then good.

    The cunts stole my beloved dog a few years back from outside the shop. I know, I shouldn’t have left him there. I feel awful for that. Had him for 7 years from a pup and he really was my best pal. Any race of people that can take a beloved pet isn’t going to treat them well. I’ve had nightmares about what they might have done to him.

    Now I’m a relatively young man, god knows what an elderly person or young child would feel if it happened to them.

    I used to hate Jimmy Carr, I found him in-funny and smug, but since that joke, I love the man.

    I think gypos (especially the Irish travelling type) should be ovened and unlike Jimmy Carr, I am not joking.

    There are no words for what I feel about the cunts. Vermin and human excrement is as near as my limited vocabulary will get me.

    Gas the fucking lot of them.

  3. Good luck bullying a Gypsy kid. The little cunt would probably stab the other kid in the eye with a pencil.

  4. If I see a pie key lurking near my property, I always recreate the “rehabilitation” scene from a Clockwork Orange!


    “HERE, TRY THE LOCKS!!!!!!!”

    They always make their excuses to leave after about 10 seconds

    This creature has probably never been a victim of pie key crime so would never understand the sentiment, the vile cunt!!!

  5. I do hope this encourages a large of gypos to set up camp on her lawn.

    Let’s see her kissing their arses, after they’ve syphoned of her leccy, stole all the lead on her roof, stolen everything in her shed, beaten her kids up, used her beloved pets as bait for gypo fighting dog training and left her garden and general area looking like Hiroshima 1945, the fucking Nimby cunt.

  6. Stupid PC cunt. I’m sick of these shit-stains deciding what I’m allowed to laugh at or not. If you don’t like it, fuck off & listen to something else, you humourless bitch.

  7. Do what you likeys are all cunts. Send them packing back to Oirland and end free movement from the “Republic”.

    • Camberley is full of squaddies and Poîkeys. There used to be a good club called Joe Bananas where you could escape them and pull a slinky bird who’d slither out of her knickers for a cocktail bucket.

      Incidentally, it was a good gag by Jimmy Carr.

      • ooooooh the days of going to some sticky floored club and bouncing your balls off some tasty young bird who’s up for it are well gone for me, got the right old horn now thinking about some of my early misdemeanours.

        Where’s the wife, oh good, asleep drooling in the corner…

      • Cap-Joe Banana’s was one of the clubs owned by pie-keys.
        My associate nearly bought it-a bit of research about the “deal”, soon changed his mind?

      • C-G, was it really? If so, they sensibly didn’t allow in any of their own kind. I had some splendid times in there. 5 quid entry and copious amounts of quim.

      • This was in the early 2000’s.
        It may have been owned by a different set of “criminals”, in your time ?

  8. I know there are many other, perhaps more notable, examples of how the world has lost its fucking mind. But a comedian, telling a joke during a live comedic performance is now the grounds for demanding an apology?

    When you think back to the ‘offend’ comedians that have gone before (e.g. Bernard Manning), it does provide context to how pathetic this is.

    What kind of key can open any lock?

    • The joke Carr told would’ve been used by Bernard Manning during his children’s matinee.

      Although some of Manning’s fairly inoffensive jokes could be funny.

      “Yorkshire couple retire to Spain. They get to their house at night. Wife makes their tea and says, “Eeh bug ger. Thas fergetten t’gravy and bloody shops cloo-osed now. Seth, can thee ask thy neighbours over t’ road if we can borrow some gravy? They’re an English couple.”

      The husband says “Aye luv. I’ll go thee now.”

      (Knock knock)

      “Ahst’ any Bisto?”

      “Fuck off you Spanish cunt”

  9. Carr always got on my threep’nies owing to his:
    a: Being a tax-dodging shitehouse, and
    b: Looking like a possessed ventriloquist’s dummy.
    Until this. I’d like to be a better man, a more tolerant man; but I’m not. Gyppos not only make it easy to loath them, they make it inevitable if not de rigeur. All hail Cuntbubble say I…

    • She could be one of those * ‘little’ people from Lord of the Rings.

      * Hobbits, not Bercow-type dwªrves.

  10. One of the few things Hitler DID do right.
    Is Jo Luhman apologising for poisoning the minds of children with left wing extremism?
    Any apology from the gypsy community for the murder of a copper who tried to stop the thieving bastards nicking someones car?
    Thought not.
    Anyone who has actually had any dealings with these filthy sub human rats knows what utter fucking vermin they are – all they fear is extreme violence. (From my “alleged” experience?).
    If I get elected I will propose a law called “Trespass Seizure” where if they decide to invade land, take over and continue on the spree of robbery, littering and intimidation as they ALWAYS do they shift within 60 minutes and move all the shit they have dumped or all the vehicles and caravans are seized (I volunteer to do the security) and sold at public auction to pay for the clean up which is always needed and to compensate all the local people the fucking filth have robbed – and I wonder if Jo Luhman would feel the same if these fuckers appeared behind HER “exclusive property in a verrah good araah?”
    Time to stop appeasing shit.
    Fuck off.

    • Fully agree with your sentiments there Vern, but I would suggest no new law is required just the enforcement of existing ones. All of their vehicles have no MOTs, Road Tax or insurance. Most of them have dangerous faults. The drivers don’t hold driving licences. All the vehicles could be seized without notice. The drivers could be summoned to court; they would of course fuck off in short order. The pie key problem would be greatly alleviated.

      • arfurbrain@ – Evening Squire – unfortunately the law will never be enforced against any of them unless it’s murder, they do not give their real names, never pay fines, never register the vehicles to themselves, never turn up at Court and if the cops do collar them for anything they intimidate them and claim “racism” (I was unaware there was a race of people called “thieving cunts” but hey ho) – then if they are wanted by the police they disappear.
        When they have finished their crime spree they scoot to Rathkeale in Ireland with their stolen and conned money (cash and gold only, no bank transfers) where it’s gypsies only and anyone else gets bought or intimidated out.
        But they demand their ratlets are educated, demand NHS treatment etc but never pay a penny in like we, the mugs who fund them do.
        They are leeches and the only way to deal with leeches is to stamp on them.

  11. My tears of compassion at the “offing” of so many (alternative Lifestylers” ) is matched only by my strong desire to “off” a few more

  12. Another fucking sob story that nobody gives a shit about.

    As Field Marshal Montgomery said”Oliver Cromwell or the Germans would soon deal with them”..he was referring to Irish terrorists in the 1920’s but how prophetic!

    Those cunts are simply rubbish that nobody wants nor needs.


  13. Reminds me of an incident I “heard about” when I was but a lad – some locals “became annoyed with our lovely Romany chums”, got tooled up, smashed the shit out of ALL of them, set some things on fire and chased the ones still capable of moving down the road with a hail of bricks and bottles shouting “Fucking come back here again and see what you get yer bastards!” (The local cops knew the score and stayed well away – they knew what was going down and figured the thieving fuckers deserved it).
    That was around 44 years ago, and they have not been back since.

  14. I think I’ve mentioned this before, but I’m surprised no-one with a terminal illness hasn’t gone on the rampage and taken out a load of peacefuls or pikeys.

    I do like the above suggestion of getting the pikeys to set up shop in this silly cows back garden.

  15. I always get mistaken for a gyppo.

    Just have that air about me?

    I sometimes chat to some,
    Drop off scrap for them to get my weight down if on a tipping job.
    To be fair theyre alright with me but wouldn’t ever trust them.

    They aren’t wokies at least I suppose?

    • True Miserable, but then again their kids don’t go to school often enough to be brainwashed.

  16. Ps
    I like Tyson Fury, a worthy heavyweight champion gyppo or not,
    I think hes great for boxing.

    • Bizarrely, I have just received a photo taken a few years ago, of an ex-girlfriend, posing with Fury at a charity do.
      It’s 45 years since I was stepping out with her-time has been very kind?

      Funny though-6’8” G.ypo standing next to a 4’11” petite blonde bird.*

      *I wonder if she went 6 rounds with him??

      • 6’11”?
        I bet he could badly tarmac a driveway, botch up a roof repair, nail UPVC fascia boards over rotting timber or “flat-top” trees, with the best of em?

    • Mnc@ – Yep – agree with the Tyson Fury thing, he has been through the mill and come out the other side – I have boxed and walking into the ring knowing someone could be legally be dead in 30 minutes is a sobering thought – takes a serious pair!

  17. If you see somebody wearing glasses on top of their head stay well away. They are guaranteed fucking bullshitting cunts. You can take that to the bank.

    • TtCE@ – Richard Rich and Edward Hitler – Sterling fellows!
      (Guest House Paradiso is also excellent!) ?

  18. Parking Stanley’s, Nog Nigs and Gypo’s all ought to live together in Outer Mongolia and should be hunted by trigger happy Weekend Warrior’s from The U.S.A.!

  19. There was some upity female mick on Radio 5 today saying we don’t appreciate the traveller / Romany and we should embrace how much they enrich our village playing fields and laybys.

    She failed to mention the piles of rubbish, rats, illegal vehicles, excrement, old fridges etc that they very thoughfully leave us to deal with.

    Bless em.

  20. Jo Lurpak has never met a gypo in her fuckin life.

    She probably thinks they travel in horse drawn barrel top caravans?
    Play violins?
    Wear headscarves and read Tarot cards?

    Like a fuckin Cadburys Flake advert.

    Hope she gets to meet some soon, and the tarmac on her drive never sets…?

  21. Jimmy Carter is fucking brilliant.

    Regardless of his tax dodging / avoidance he remains almost a lone voice within the ‘comedy mainstream’ with the exception of Ricky Cervais,
    that is so massively box office he can’t be cancelled.

    I love that and I love the ‘fact’ that he knows exactly what he’s doing with those ‘career ending jokes’.

    He’s deliberately targeting Ms Lehman and her ilk.

    I’m sure he knows full well that he will be the entire topic of conversation at their West London dinner parties.

    And I’m sure he would have been delighted at Ms Lehman’s appearance at the CSC meeting.

    Talk about scoring a treble twenty, double top and bulls eye……

  22. I wasn’t aware that pie-keys are a different race to European Caucasians. The learned headteacher and MP in the article seem to think they are.

    That would, however, explain many things. A sub-race of underdeveloped, sub 50 IQ mutants who thieve and stink to high heaven.

    • Fucking brilliant!! For some reason, it reminds me of “The John Major song”… I’ve got a brand new pair of Underpants…

  23. The only thing I hate more than Gypo’s are Gypo apologists who usually live 200 miles away from any temporary Gypo residence.

      • Is Vanessa a Gypo apologist Vern? Be about right, in her gated community preaching to the great unwashed.

      • Now there’s a name from the past. I wonder if she’s still breathing? The late Bernard Levin labelled her coven “Vanessa’s Loonies”.

  24. Free to roam, free to steal, free to shit in public. Driving around in cloned vehicles with no documents, making the lives of ordinary decent people miserable.

    You’d think the cunts would at least have a sense of humour!

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