Brighton and Critical Race Theory

Hearken to me now, O mighty cunters. Despite much wriggling on the hook Brighton have had to come clean on teaching the loathesome racist filth that is Critical Race Theory in it’s schools. According to this piss-boiling study in fuckwittery even toddlers are not ‘racially innocent’. EH?! What the actual, ocean-going, all singing and dancing, gold-topped buggery fuck is that sinister throwup supposed to mean? Evil whitey pre-schoolers are itching to enslave and oppress? Are they nagging their parents for the Playmobil Triangle Trade Playset, with three-masted blackbirder and auction block? I’d ask if these pus-buckets are serious if I didn’t know that they are.

This evil dogshit needs be sluiced off the public pavement ASAP, of all the stuff transmitted by the USA this is the most evil, dangerous, wrong-headed and divisive heap of sick ever. Anyone peddling this dreadful arse dripping needs rooting out from all education, in fact walled off from children in perpetuity and given P45s (preferably staple-gunned to their manky, shrunken genitals). Brighton Schools, evil, racist, divisive cunt-hutches.

Nominated by International Cunt of Mystery

77 thoughts on “Brighton and Critical Race Theory

  1. Theyre right.
    I was a fascist toddler and im a fascist adult.

    I don’t need some little puff from Brighton to tell me that!

    I only played with other white kids( thats all there was)

    I never killed and raped my granny

    I didnt have a toy g@llyw@g

    And I dont like permed hair.

    Its a cultural thing.

    Although I did have a KKK action man outfit made out of my dads hanky,
    And the now rare and sought after Fisher Price Gas Chamber.

    So Brighton,
    Im unapologetic.
    You can fuck off?

  2. Kids in Brighton are more in danger from the sexual degenerates all around them than any mythical hood wearing “white supremacist”.
    Still, I expect they are already being brainwashed into believing that arsefuckery and trannyism are perfectly normal. Don’t we have a Department of Education in this country? What the fuck are the government doing about this?

  3. If the kids are taught that everyone can work hard and be successful, they will be ‘vulnerable to concluding that white people must just be better’.
    Well we can’t have children working that out for themselves, can we?
    I simply cannot understand why anyone straight and sane would choose to live in this filthy loony bin for bummers.

    • Brighton used to be about tits, bums and a tacky pier – all the paraphernalia of a grim, chav seaside resort. Now it’s about inter sectionalism, bum banditry and Caroline Lucas. I’d rather have the chavs.

  4. Stuff Ukraine, lets invite Putin to nuke Brighton. It will do humanity a huge favour. Any cunters and their kin should get as far away as possible.

  5. “Critical Race Theory” promotes the principle that black people are too stupid and lazy to be equal to white people so white people must be illegally discriminated against and disadvantaged so that stupid and lazy black people can do the same basic things that white people can – it is effectively saying “n*****s are dumb and idle”.
    And “Critical Race Theory” is only ever “Critical” of one race.
    How long will they push this shit before we have blood in the streets?

      • Mnc@ – Aaw – that’s normally my job!
        Admin will be sending the boys round for a word – I’m off! ??‍♂️

    • The race to the bottom. What else do you expect this bunch of uphill garden to focus on ?

    • CQ@ – No – but she got her smashing tits out in “Confessions of a driving instructor” – the dirty mare! ?

  6. Fucking bend me over and double penetrate me with two cucumbers; can’t believe this is for real!

    I might set up a school in darkey land to teach them how black supremacy is wrong and racially ignorant.

    Why is it becoming a world where we have to be more tolerant and accepting and more snow-flakey and WOKE, but there ain’t any hope in hell of these countries that these cunts come from (term used in plural because it nicely ring-fences a LOT of countries) being the same.

    Far from it, most want to blow us up, buy happy to come here and rape our NHS or be given lots of nice free things like houses, phones and money to live.

  7. “This evil dogshit needs be sluiced off the public pavement ASAP, of all the stuff transmitted by the USA this is the most evil, dangerous, wrong-headed and divisive heap of sick ever. Anyone peddling this dreadful arse dripping needs rooting out from all education, in fact walled off from children in perpetuity and given P45s (preferably staple-gunned to their manky, shrunken genitals). Brighton Schools, evil, racist, divisive cunt-hutches.”

    Don’t hold back. Tell us what you really think.

    I do, however, agree with every word.

  8. A real conservative government would ban CRT in educational establishments, particularly in schools.

    It can be summed up as volumes of cuntwaffle that just says, ‘whitey’s fault’.

    I’d hang those trying to push this evil shit into kids’ minds. It’s psychological abuse.

    • Totally agree. It’s about time the government got a grip on this nonsense. If it was discovered that a parent was teaching their kid racism and sexual perversion the cunt would be a prison. But these wokie fuckers get away with it every day. Who voted for this shit?

  9. There will be a poor little honky kid somewhere, who is the only honky in his class in some ‘diverse’ town.

    Imagine being him and some fucking prick teacher banging on to a room full of spear chuckers, that the honkies are evil oppressors of the dark keys. And that the honky has more advantages in life than them because he’s white.

    I’m sure he wouldn’t feel awkward and then get bullied to fuck.

    If I had a kid at a school who came home telling me their teacher said they were bad because of being white, I’d pay the teacher a visit and put the fucking cunt’s head through their desk.

    They would need to identify what’s left by looking at dental records.

    • Quite right.
      Im glad intellectual development wasn’t hampered!?

      Our class was filled with angels with dirty faces,
      Not a single Deontay or L,tonka,
      No Mohammed no ching Li,
      Just wonderous.

      A teacher tried this then my dad would of put the cunt through a wall.

      • Not many shoe shiners at my school either, but was about 60% peaceful.

        My best mate was from an Indian family but his race was never an issue. Just kids who liked kicking a ball around in the local park but we both loathed the Pakis.

      • Zero ethnics in my Lake District School.
        Unless you count Welsh cunt teachers?

      • Mnc@ – Not one non white kid when I was at secondary school in the 80’s – now it’s difficult to spot a fkin white face.

    • That’s my grandkid CB.

      Poor little sod went to a school just off the old Kent road.

      Only white face there and the Somali faction took a disliking to him.

      Even at six years old, they act like pack animals.
      The teachers and parents were also utter cunts.

  10. Why are all the Silver moons coming over the channel if we are so waycist. Any cunt preaching this in schools should have a 9 mm inserted behind the ear. They can then argue with the devil, evil bastards.

  11. What a world they live in down at Planet Brighton. When they’re not penetrating each other or voting for ugly, creepy weidoes who want to live in caves, they’re promoting this 100% pure racist filth. It’s like Bristol-on-Sea with more wealthier cunts and fewer wîggers

  12. The Ukrainians want to escape to Poland (or the nearest safe place) until it’s safe to go back home (if it ever is).

    The ‘I am the Ukrainiest’ mob want to go from the Ukraine to the UK.

    They can get fucked, but all they need is to get to Dover and buy a dinghy anyway.

    Whitey bad, but so many of these dark keys and goat botherers are fucking desperate to live in honkyland for some reason.

  13. This sort of shite brings out the ‘Ein Reich, ein volk ein Fuhrer!’ in me, the fucking cunts.

  14. I keep hearing these ads for teachers on the radio. They don’t say anything about being a Gaylord, a race baiter or a tree hugger but if you aunt a wokie you ain’t getting a job, we all know that.

    • There some on TV as well, all idealistic bollocks of inspiring kids to attain their dreams etc etc .Like some fresh university graduate in an inner city hellhole thinks they can become Robin Williams character in the Dead Poets Society. Making it through the day without being stabbed or spat at is more like it.

  15. I didn’t even know what critical Race Theory meant,so I looked it up…………

    “What are the three main tenets of critical race theory?
    Interest convergence, differential racialization, intersectionality, and the voice of colour.”

    I’m none the wiser…is it to do with uppity Sooties?

    • It’s a bunch of commies, degenerates and chippy dark keys blaming absolutely everything bad that happens, on honkies. And I mean everything.

      And anything good made by honkies was done on the backs of oppressed dark keys, so the honky inventors deserve no praise for things like the combustion engine, the printing press, medicine (real medicine, not dancing around some chiggun bones), the electric light and the internet.

      We only made this shite because we oppressed the Lionel Josephs you see.

      They would’ve done all that shit and much more, much faster, if da honky wasn’t so evil.

      That is CRT, DF.

      • Cunty, there is no doubt that without Honky to drive things along, the good-for-nothing, bone-idle swarthy types would still be lying around in the shade under a oogabooga tree in Africa. The problem is that it’s unproveable & the jam spoons can just say ‘Whitey kept me down, that’s why I amounted to fuck all.’ But we all know that’s just an excuse, the thick cunts.

    • As a infant Fiddler, CRT must have been at the forefront of your thoughts as you re-enacted Rorke’s Drift in your miniature red coat and pop gun.

      • In the gardens of Osbourne House (Queen Victoria’s Isle of Wight residence and where she died), there is a brilliant miniature fort, with ramparts and tunnels-no doubt the Royal children re-created lots of “Fuzzy-wuzzy” bashing adventures?

        Rule Brittania??

    • “What are the three main tenets of critical race theory?
      Interest convergence, differential racialization, intersectionality, and the voice of colour.”

      It seems they’re letting thick cunts into ‘yooni’ now who can’t even count to four.

      I make that three ‘main tenets’.
      These pricks are running the country too.

      We are fucked.

  16. Should be a question at interview.
    Interviewer: ‘If we employ you, are you prepared to attend a Critical Race Theory course?’

    Candidate: ‘Yes of course’

    Interviewer: ‘Get out! Next!’

  17. WTF , I read the link. Once again words fail me, the piss however is boiling over….

  18. Brighton is a a festering bum hole full of lefty shirt lifting fucktards. I’m happy to convince Putin it’s actually part of Russia, he’d educate them on critical race theory but I’m not sure he’ll paint the tanks with rainbows?

  19. Racial theory? Sounds like something Dr Goebbels and Reinhard Heydrich would be proud of. Those teaching this shit should be sacked and imprisoned for treachery at the very least. No surprise it’s Brighton. It’s either there or Bristol that this kind of shit usually springs up, or Islington. I visited Brighton last summer after an interval of 25 years or so. It’s still, beyond the paper thin facade, the same shit hole it always was. The only difference being that the crumbling walls of Victorian slum buildings are daubed with gay pride colours and night club flyers. A few tactical nukes would improve the area greatly.

  20. I used to go to Brighton for the occasional day out, it used to be quite OK. But I haven’t been since mid 80s, IIRC.

  21. Critical Race theory is about as scientifically sound as Phrenology.
    Utter bollocks.

    And ive seen it called out by black people too.

    I was black id resent being told im destined to fuck up,
    Im a victim,
    I don’t know any better and its the fault of someone else.

    Personal responsibility.
    Stand on your own two feet,
    Be self made,
    Answer to yourself.
    Dont think of yourself as a victim.

    Thats better advice than any Marxist teacher will give you.

    • Saying that I always feel sorry for myself and blame others.

      But then im privileged.
      So get fucked.

  22. Indoctrination of kids with race bollocks.
    Race bollocks in general.
    Loss of patriotism cos we is guilty slavers, innit. And imperialists.
    Cancelling history that doent fit the woke agenda.
    Sexual degeneracy pushed as the norm.
    Shrieking trannies threatening women’s rights and spaces.
    Green bullshit making us dependent on imports of oil and gas.
    Net zero bollocks.
    At least 2 of America’s high offices occupied by degenerates.
    Joe Biden.
    Boris Johnson.

    I wonder why Putin feels safe?

  23. When my kids were at school, I expected them to be taught to read, write and add up.
    A bit of history and geography, too.
    A good all round, grounded education, to give them the skills they needed to get a job!
    How the fuck is this shit allowed by Ofsted?

  24. This shit is worse than the Catholic churches “original sin” bollocks. At least that only affects Catholics.

  25. Putin would never have done this shit with Trump in the Whitehouse. Whatever else he is he’s very unpredictable. He’s also a massive cunt so I wouldn’t mess with him.

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