Hearken to me now, O mighty cunters. Despite much wriggling on the hook Brighton have had to come clean on teaching the loathesome racist filth that is Critical Race Theory in it’s schools. According to this piss-boiling study in fuckwittery even toddlers are not ‘racially innocent’. EH?! What the actual, ocean-going, all singing and dancing, gold-topped buggery fuck is that sinister throwup supposed to mean? Evil whitey pre-schoolers are itching to enslave and oppress? Are they nagging their parents for the Playmobil Triangle Trade Playset, with three-masted blackbirder and auction block? I’d ask if these pus-buckets are serious if I didn’t know that they are.
This evil dogshit needs be sluiced off the public pavement ASAP, of all the stuff transmitted by the USA this is the most evil, dangerous, wrong-headed and divisive heap of sick ever. Anyone peddling this dreadful arse dripping needs rooting out from all education, in fact walled off from children in perpetuity and given P45s (preferably staple-gunned to their manky, shrunken genitals). Brighton Schools, evil, racist, divisive cunt-hutches.
Nominated by International Cunt of Mystery
Only the Prince Albert pub should be left alone, the rest of Brighton should be levelled by Grad missiles.
Im afraid, not of putoon or wwiii . Im afraid for the sanity of humanity in this non stop spin after spin
I really think that something will give and that reality as we thought as a rock, will blow up in our stupid faces
it is getting ridiculous and bordering on insane, the leaders that represent our aspirations
Tell them to eff off and that your sick of it and i will not send my child to your school of utter bollocks , fanniasim, and transeiam and langerism and fuckwuitism
My child only needs to be educated Not Indoctrinated to Quar Cunts
I’m white. It’s great and I feel no shame for it.
That is all.
Im sort of ‘grubby white’,
Like chewing gum on the street.
But yeah,
No shame here either…
You whitey bastards. You are responsible for slavery, fucking up the planet and making the benders feel really really bad about themselves. It’s because of you that everyone has got the mental elf you cunts.
Plead guilty, change your evil ways and you might find redemption.
Or you could just send me some money.
That’s Lenny Henrys script for Comic fucking Relief.
I know, I stole it from him. But then I’m a whitey myself…….it’s the sort of cuntish thing we do.
‘fraid not, Freddie.
That’s a NO from me.
I’ve shed loads of cash, but it stays under my mattress, as any sensible person does, along with the gold and diamonds.
It’s an uncomfy sleep, but at least I know it is safe.
I will use it to feed the poor and save the fucking polar bears, I promise.
You can trust me……..it’s for charidee.
FtF@ – Will a cheque be acceptable? Not sure who’s name it will be in of course – depends who I can mug! ??
Absolutely not. Cash, in a big brown envelope please. I’m not a virtue signaller…….let’s keep this very private.
Lost in admiration at ICoM’s command of invective. I think he will go far.
Critical = Social Studies graduate buzzword, now deprived of any meaning, to be included in any random Arts graduate thesis title.
Race = Social Studies graduate trigger word, causing sexual arousal in writers of Social Studies graduate theses. Such graduates believe that we are (a) all brothers, sisters, ungendered siblings, whatever, and the world is a great big melting pot, and (b) irreparably divided by race, which makes it necessary for white people to be ashamed of themselves and be extra nice to black ones.
Theory = unsubstantiated bright idea. A science graduate would require some evidence supporting it even before taking it seriously enough to try to disprove it, but Social Studies graduate accepts it…un-critically. See ‘critical’…
‘Implicit Bias.’ There’s just not enough of it about these days.
It’s your lemonades that should been putting a stop to this.
“Winston you have a lovely baby boy, also a victim that liberal cunts will
never let him forget it”
The Race card is being played more and more…
Thank fuck where I live, I see 1 macaroon every couple of weeks, and that’s once too many
The race cards will be wearing out soon surely? They have been dealt out and played that many times.
Lenny Henry and David Lammy have shuffled the spots off them.
But fear not, Waddingtons will be releasing a new deck of linen finish ‘race cards’ to replace them. The sooties can buy them in Home Bargains at the ‘sooty special’ rate of 99p per pack.
They can swiftly pull one out of their pocket anytime they feel oppressed by honkies.
They will have to use them sparingly though, because the spades and jokers have been omitted for sensitivity purposes.
They’ll have to find a more acceptable name than spades, though…my bid? Three sooties.
By the way…that obnoxious TV And for beach holidays which has the Perry Como Xmas tune..showing a complete list of arsey twats…the ad was..created by an agency called Quiet Storm..the producer was a dread locked ‘digging implement’..called Trevor Robinson…https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trevor_Robinson_(advertising). 22 carat cunt…
Predictive text…TV Ad
So the Crackers are holding the poor black people back, nothing to do with the average IQ of native African people being 80 then. I can understand not wanting to hurt their feelings but making this CRT bullshit up as an excuse for their stupidity and behaviour only makes them worse. Australian aborigines are even more intellectually challenged, the majority being classified as mentally retarded. They just sit around getting pissed all day before abusing their women and kids.
On a similar note pretending that gender dysphoria is anything other than a mental disorder is counter productive and only induces more screeching in the long run. It’s time for decent people (and the denizens of isacunt) to stand up and start telling the truth at every opportunity. Good luck with getting on Points of view without a hate crime conviction though.
If critical race theory is correct then how come Lammy, Abbot and the rest of the useless bastards get such a lovely cushy job. Oi suckdick that includes you you fucktard
Brighton Council are shit stuck in Gods trainer soles, the sooner they realise that the better for all. Or purge them with ?