This is a strange one I admit, but as some cunters already know, I do like a good crime documentary. The psychology of the killer and the cops trying to catch the cunt. Macabre for some, but fuck off I like watching such shite.
Anyway, I’ve been noticing a trend in a few documentaries in recent times.
It seems quite a few serial killers are gays. Coincidence? I’d need to see stats, but they’re hard to find. They do seem to be overrepresented though.
In these documentaries (and true crime dramas such as the one about Steven Port or Dennis Nilsen) there seems to be a cry that the cops and the media and general public are homophobic.
And that the gays are innocent victims. The recent ones on Dennis Nilsen and the one on Peter Moore were like this. Even the Yanks were at it on a recent one about Jeffrey Dahmer. They added a bit of ‘racism’ too (Dahmer bummed then ate a fair few dark keys).
Yes,everyone is a ghastly homophobe. They’re innocents (and for the most part, they are of course).
One fact is never mentioned though.
It was a fucking gay doing the killing.
Fuck off
Nominated by: Cuntybollocks
Seconded by: ElDiablo666
I have to second this. It seems these idiots go digging back through history, and then just make shit up to suit the ‘pro LGBT’ crap they already ram down our throats. I expect we’ll soon see that either Oswald or JFK was gay, or that George Washington won the American War of Independence BECAUSE he was gay. they love screwing with the past and making this crap up. For example, Batwoman is now a lesbian? Yeah, lets change a pre-made idea to suit our agenda, and ram our LGBT crap down peoples throats again. Of course, everyone knows that Churchill and such didnt win WWII without many black, asian, gay and lesbhan transgenders on his staff. Get fucked.
There’s something about a serial killer being gay that makes it seem worse.
(That’ll be the homophobia)
I find the idea of a gay serial killer doing over other gays positively life-affirming.
I watched the one about Dennis Neilson where it was implied all along that the cops were homophobes. This was after the W Yorks police showed shocking incompetence by letting the Ripper roam free as he was from the NE and targetted prostitutes. Both assumptions wrong.
As with the Port case it’s not homophobia but good old fashioned lazy incompetence. But that doesnt fit an agenda.
I think as far as the Steven Port case, positive discrimination probably helped the cross eyed cunt kill as many as he did. I can imagine that cops could be wary of investigating gays too vigorously in case they are subjected to calls of homophobia.
It doesn’t help when you are meeting up with strangers for soulless sex, often using drugs for stimulation, and keeping it secret from your families and friends.
I’m very phobic when it comes to homosexual serial killers.
I suppose this is a part of the trend to find offence in everything. Many serial killers are gay – ergo the Police must have been homophobic in persecuting them.
Well I imagine quite a few of those poofters have a terrible temper on them – a really deadly flounce, a cry of “oooooh, get the madam!” then it’s handbags at 10 paces as one woofter batters the other to death.
All serial killers seem to have their preferred victims, gays, women, old people etc.
I heard of one that was a professor at Oxford University targeting students, Hannibal Lecture.
I did find this random blog site, which lists 11 of the top 20 most prolific serial killers in the USA as benders (via a ranker website or summat).
There’s something in this but no cunt in academia will fucking touch it!
I wouldn’t be seen dead being murdered by a bummer.
The shames enough to kill me.
Just be careful if you ever hear, “Hello there honky tonk. I’ll fix you a drink..”
The discodancers probably use umbrellas to murder people?
Or something else deeply camp.
Like strangled with a legwarmer.
A sign of a ducky serial killer is streaked hair.
Tony the Tiger, he was a cereal killer.
Reminds me of that old joke about the shirt lifter trying to join the army.
Recruiting sergeant: Do you think you could kill a man?
Shirt lifter: Ooh, eventually darling.
Or the one about Lytton Strachey, a member of the Bloomsbury Group and famous homo, who when being cross-examined about being a conscientious objector in WWI, and asked, “What would you do if you saw a German soldier trying to rape your sister?” replied “I should attempt to come between them.”
I dont even hate the gaylords,
They have very nice money and im not homophobic about money.
Just because they wear their trousers too tight and are dramatic isnt enough reason to hate someone.
I save my hatred for ethnics ?
They don’t bother me either MNC, but I still wouldn’t take a drink off one.
I’ve seen that TV show too many times.
My point is that every cunt (on those documentaries and series) was up in arms and kicking off at community meetings with the rozzers.
They’re were all standing up going on about the persecuted gays.
I would’ve fucked up the mood with,”These murders are tragic, but let’s not forget the killer is a gay. So bollocks to your ‘homophobia’. And perhaps we need to look at why gays are so massively overrepresented as serial killers.”
(Booooo! Get him out of here!”)
“…..but bum him first.”
Trick is if they get hysterical or dramatic is a swift backhander.
Theyll sob but stop creating a scene.
Although they might like it then your in trouble!!
Limp Larry and Soggy Hampton the gay academics both said this is the best course of action.
Why would anyone be surprised by these statistics? Homosexuals obviously are unhinged, in the seventies the DWP classified them as disabled. And this adoption of the word “gay” is risible. All the homosexuals I have ever met have been the most miserable bastards out there.
They need to come to terms with their bumfuckery. I have a mate who’s a bender (straight-acting) and he is at peace with it all and is nice fellow.
On the odd occasion he and I go into a bent pub, most of the p00fs seem quite jolly.
The rug-munchers on the other hand…fucking hell, they all seem to look like wee Jimmy Krankie and are more miserable than an alcoholic Eeyore
Evening Mr Cunt engine.?
Lot’s of my best customers are Fish suppers and Sword swallowers.
None of them have made a issue about their sexual disability, not that id take any notice,
Probably in awe of my rugged masculinity and a bit star struck.
Obviously they probably all fancy me,
But none have tried to seduce me.
Im probably too much for them.
A very good evening to you, MMC…at some point you’re going to meet a crafty butcher who’s even larger than you and with an even bigger beard and looks like a sort of colossal cissy Brian Blessed.
He’ll overpower you, make you snort some poppers and go to town on you.
It would still be less grotesque than being forced at gunpoint to eat out Dianne Abbott.
Id not give this monster the acknowledgement he needs Thomas.
Id say to this shitty rapist,
“Was that it?
You didnt touch the sides you little sissy.
Where can I find some proper sausage?
Youve left me frustrated”.
Then çry.?
It’s a shame Dahmer was killed by a fellow inmate, I’d have force-fed him pureed Diane Abbott until he choked on his own puke.
Somebody mentioned Churchill… Doesn’t half give me the horn, that Alexandra Churchill bird. Bet she’d be a right goer in a bowler hat, chomping on a cigar. Phwoar…
I’m no psychiatrist or physiologist, in fact I’m probably a sociopath, but I think when a woofer kills one of its own kind, it/they/them/feline actually killing itself, because it/they/them/feline actually hates itself, etc.
I just can’t be bothered to type it all, you get the idea.
Trying to find gayness in historical figures is something that pisses me off. The author, Ben Macintyre, has an obsession with homosexuality in his otherwise quite decent books. Kim Philby, Paddy Maine (of SAS fame) and countless others are all assumed by Macintyre to have been closet arse bandits, without any evidence other than that they went to university or weren’t constantly sunk to the nuts in some blonde tart.
feline is actually.
Bugger me, this predictive text deserves a special place in Hell.
Safer to just assume that every Gay is probably a serial killer…a ruptured ringpiece can be counted as a “lucky escape” if you drop your guard in a Fruity Gentleman’s company.
Good evening, Mr F, how goes it?
I sincerely hope I don’t metamorphose into a serial killer…I’ve grown back my moustache, y’see.
It’s bigger, fuller and fruitier than ever…and I had a dream the other night that Owen Jones and I were having a fistfight whilst both wearing gold lamé hotpants and matching Doc Martens.
What’s my somnambulant subconscious trying to tell me, I wonder?
Oh,I think we are both in no doubt as what you’re “somnambulant subconscious” is trying to tell you….all we need to know is, in your fight with Owen Jones, who comes out on top?…or do you just take turns?
???? hehehe
More fine examples of the promotion of all things degenerate these days.
Yes I am saying the gays are degenerate. By choice I might add.
We need to encourage those who feed off the trannies. Way too many of those loud mouthed cunts, could do with thinning out.
If a silly wimminz who hangs around with benders is called a faghag, what ought the entourages of transbumders be known as?
We at ISAC need to invent a phrase…
Brotherhood of Tran?
Ha ha, Dragslag!
Nice one MMC, you nailed it (not the tranny).
Some poofters refer to each other as “her” or “sister” (believe it or not in the Royal Navy in the early 60s!) , so how about “tran-sister”?
Heard a good one the other day. Someone referred to a homosexualist as a ‘Tadger Badger’. Of course having the gayness is like being a Witch. You can be cleansed of it by burning. Also, binding the hands and feet and being launched into a freezing river can also cure them.
Used to live round corner from the Wealdstone gay serial killer, can’t remember his name but he seemed a nice chap. He wasn’t gay he claimed, just enjoyed picking up gays and offing them. Must look him up on google, he doesn’t get the same notoriety and respect other mass murderers are afforded.
Also met Robbie Coltrane years ago, not suggesting he’s a psycho serial killer but he often portrays giants and tall people on screen, when in reality he’s a fat dwarf. If you’re prepared to lie about your height I reckon you’re capable of almost anything. That goes for Tom Cruise as well. Changed his name from Tom Cottage, probably.