World War 3

World War 3

After completing some IT work for a customer on Sunday, my friends and I paid a visit to the local boozer for a rather nice carvery.

We got talking about politics, about Boris, and Covid and Brexit. But the main bone of contention was the pending energy crisis and who was to blame.

One friend said its “those people who voted Brexit” (he is 23), another friend said it was “capitalism” (aged 31 I think), and my two other colleagues (44 and 50 something) said it was a combination between Britain’s suicidal march towards going Green, and all the shit going on with Putin, Germany and Ukraine.

The conversation then moved on towards a possible war in Europe, which could escalate westwards and inevitably involve the UK. The naïve 23 year old shook his head and dismissed the idea as pure nonsense. The oldest among us reminded him of the Cold War years of the late 70s and early 80s and the nuclear threat/deterrent.

But again, he dismissed it as ancient history, and that such things could never happen today, although he never explained why.

But that didn’t stop him taking a pop at Britain and the US for “inflaming” and “prolonging” the 2nd World War, and that both countries should feel ashamed for killing/murdering so many innocent people, especially in Germany and Japan!

There was a stunned silence for a few seconds before we all waded in to him with a few facts and observations. But he wouldn’t have it. To his mind Britain and the US were the antagonists and should have been far more conciliatory and diplomatic with Germany and Japan. He then said the same about Iraq and Kuwait back in the 90s where Britain and the US were again at fault for being too macho.

Inevitably the conversation more or less ended there. We paid our bill and fucked off in separate directions. But my two older colleagues and I bemoaned the young cunt for his myopic view of history. And that perhaps another world war, or European war might just focus the mind.

Not that it would make any difference because the cunt would still blame the UK rather than Russia, probably because of Brexit and racism etc.

Nominated by Technocunt

170 thoughts on “World War 3

  1. This shit has been brewing for nearly a decade. From the annexation of Crimea to shooting down the Malaysian airliner, Russia has been pushing the west for a reaction, and apart from a few words, there has been nothing of consequence.
    Russia assassinating its enemies on British soil using nerve agents was also left unpunished, as does its daily cyber warfare.
    The west in turn sticks two fingers up at Vlad the arse impaler by promising Ukraine safety from Russia by allowing it to potentially join NATO.
    It’s disastrous retreat from Afghanistan, and it’s current political disarray would be a perfect time for Russia to strike the west. However, Russia is nowhere near as militarily capable to have a limited global war, and only a nuclear option makes it truly dangerous.
    Hopefully a face saving compromise that Vlad can take back to his people as a moral victory will prevail.

    • “assassinating its enemies on British soil using nerve agents”

      You missed out …highly traceable… nerve agents which immediately pinned it to Russian labs. If you’re gonna ice some dissident you don’t do it like that fer fuck’s sake, you set it up as a simple fatal street mugging, a single paragraph in the local fish wrapper, an unsolved crime number, job done.
      Smearing it on a door handle??? Why would you do that with all the concommitant risks of collateral deaths all trackable back to the ‘assailant’s’ known and databased stockpiles?? Makes no sense at all, it was either a false flag, a set up (my tuppence worth) or he was smuggling the shit and fucked himself. (also more plausible)

      • Or the Russians wanted it known it was them so that dissidents know that no matter where they go, they are not unreachable

      • They need no ‘warning’ O.Fart, those with reason to fear know full well they have a cross hair trained on their forehead. And not just a Russian one either, usually such people become simultaneous strategic targets.

  2. World War Three, it will be Boom!

    I can remember discussions going on with military types of a limited nuclear war within a ‘European Theatre’

    Russia won’t back down until they achieve their objectives, just sitting on the border with Ukraine. The Kremlin will be calculating the cost of annexing Donbas, the region has a high number of ethnic Russians.

    Gas prices, countries using less coal and more gas, fucking Germans have kicked nuclear out and are trying to prevent it being on the EU wide sustainable energy source.

    All the talk about sanctions of Russia, we are heading for a real winter of discontent (next winter).

  3. Locking down the world was a disaster for the business world. War this decade would pretty much kill business in the world. We have a symbiotic relationship with China, people forget that. They produce 60% of the world’s grain, they produce 30% of the world’s plastic, and so many other things. Russia and China, are they really great allies? Hard to say. Russia might want a piece of Ukraine, but the idea of a war brewing over this is… hasty? Media hysteria? Rumours of war sell papers more than any other subject, but once the war begins, reading – and seeing – the gory details aren’t as popular. The media need to shut the fuck up and stop their fear porn.

    • Nice post, CG…one wonders how the WEF/Schwab, Soros and the banking cunt families like the Rothschilds and the Rockfellers fit into this puzzle that involves both the “can’t drive for toffee” vodka guzzlers and the slanty-eyed dog guzzlers.
      Stuff obviously goes on behind the scenes several levels above western national governments and even more levels above that lying oaf in No. 10.

      • The banking dynasties are subservient to Rome. Jesuits were setting up their intelligence network in China before Rothschild had even established its first banking business in Germany.

        They conquered China and turned it from the farmland dank swamp into the environmental shitheap factory it is today, using the multinationals under their control to do so.

        These cunts were manipulating geopolitics whilst the average person in this country was still an illiterate peasant fucktard. Hence why the Jesuits have been banned and evicted from dozens of countries down the centuries.

      • 15th century Venice is where modern international banking started. It was stumbled upon by accident. “Hey! What if… just bear with me on this, what if… we loaned money to other governments of countries? Then we’d swimming in gold! And if they didn’t pay us back, we’d OWN THEM!” Not quite accurate, but it was roughly like that. And that set off the modern world, along with the sugar-slavery trade, culminating in the “discovering” the “New” World in 1492 and the first bowling alley strip club being opened.

      • Aye. Everyone has heard of Soros and Rothschild, but not many know of Medici or Orsini or the black nobility families that go all the way back to ancient Rome. The jooos get all the blame!

        They love a good scapegoat, and use of proxies. That is what the City of London is, it’s their proxy for conducting global financial affairs. Washington DC is the proxy for military affairs. All states within states, like the Vatican itself.

    • I would normally agree with you that the prospect another world war is frankly ridiculous. But after the the joint statement from Russia and China where they said they will unreservedly back each other, along with their recent land grabs (Crimea for Russia and China pretty much annexing the south china sea by building an artificial island, and laying claim to Taiwan) I think there is some substance. Also North Korea has gone quiet, and they were a puppet state of China, they may have been a useful distraction. Whilst I am hopeful it is just posturing, If I was Russia and China, I would push my luck and go for the land, After all the major western powers are embroiled in internal politics. Sleepy Joe has little confidence from the public, Germany is suffering from post merkel trauma, Macron is getting protests from the people.

      Right now the only threat we are offering is financial sanctions against countries and people who could probably afford it, especially after they took over other countries, and we paid our gas bill.

      I expect Boris to come back and wave a piece of paper declaring it is peace in our time

  4. We should be worrying about our failure to protect our own borders from an invasion of dingy-filth before we worry about Ukraine’s borders.

    • Evening Mr F, I trust you’re well.
      Has your local council taken in any dinghy types, transported up north in luxury coaches, spreading the darkıe spongers around the country?

      • Evening,Mr.Cunt-Engine.
        The Council may well have done but there’ll be none sent out to the sticks,I reckon…they seem to prefer to stay in the cities,thank fuck.
        Can’t see rural Northumberland featuring as a preferred destination for Abdul anytime soon.

    • We might end up with thousands of Ivans on our shores if Ukraine does end up being occupied.

      I don’t think there’s any spare 4* hotels left. And 1, 2 and 3* hotels are just not good enough for our poor homeless refugees. Perhaps a few 5* hotels in the Smoke will suffice, especially in Chelsea, Kensington and Islington

    • Contrary to what others have said here, there has been more interest in what type of nibbles were served at these parties than what is going on in Ukraine. The media has seriously under reported this growing crisis.

      • Not so much ‘under reporting’ as misreporting. It’s how they can claim to be ‘covering’ world events whilst simultaneously hoodwinking their audience.

  5. I seriously doubt Putin will invade Ukraine – just more sabre rattling and mischief from a gaslighting chancer who knows the west is weak and this is a good opportunity to twist more concessions – “gunboat diplomacy” as it is known.
    But Ukrainians are tough fkers, the vast majority (in the western areas) hate Russia and given the size and capability of the Ukrainian military I significantly doubt that victory of any sort on the ground is achievable – modern wars are run on a step system – win the sky, hit the comms, clean the ground and Putin will not be able to clear the skies and every inch the soldiers advance will be paid for in blood.
    He also knows even HIS well oiled propaganda machine cannot disguise the evidence of thousands of Russian soldiers returning in body bags.
    Ukraine is ready for Putin, and if he is fool enough to try he will receive one hell of a wake up call.

    • Looking back the last thing Putin will want is another Afghanistan or Chechnya . The timing is interesting, I don’t think he would have pulled this shit if Trump was still in office.

    • Tough fuckers they may be Vern but Russia will be able to take out its command and control within 48hrs. one memorable quote from Andrei Martyanov, one of the world’s top military analysts.
      “Basically speaking, the whole of the Ukrainian ‘navy’ is worth less than the salvo of 3M54 or 3M14 which will be required to sink it.”

      Russia doesn’t want to invade Ukraine because it doesn’t have to!

  6. I like the Russian attitude.
    Saw some documentary and lots of young russians were very patriotic.
    Theyre a hard people.
    Nothing soft about them.
    They arent keen on multiculturalism or LBQT types
    As that Peter Tatchell found out.
    Cant see many russians having panic attacks over the name of a pub?

    • They won’t because the negativity of communism is their inheritance.
      That’s what genuine ‘woke’ is all about.
      Glasnost? Glass vodka more like.

      • Very true Hugh… communism metaphorically froze social attitudes in the 1930s, when glaznost and perestroika got a grip the societal ‘permafrost’ began to thaw and old school attitudes and mores re-emerged unsullied and unchanged by the bombardment the West had endured for 60yrs.

    • Mnc@ – My experience of Russians is that they are dumb, violent and morally bankrupt.
      And aren’t keen on fruity gentlemen or whining lefties! ?

      • Evening Foxy,?
        Like Ruffs never met a vegan,
        Don’t think ive ever met a Russian?
        Met Ukrainians though.

        I saw some documentary and they were all very pro Putin.
        Some were in this gym learning self defense,
        Including knife fighting.
        The western journalist gave them free reign to talk and air their views,
        Dont think many would be attending ‘pride’ or the Rainbow collective reggae night!!

  7. 20 somethings are tragically fucking dumb, too engrossed in (anti) social media likes and perceived ‘feelz’ to ever be eligible to connect with current reality.
    The tragedy being these vacuous, attention seeking fuckers are going to inherit the shitstorm they invoke.
    Fuck them all.
    Chesterfield armchair, cognac and a big fat cigar in the front row of the afterlife for me.

  8. Putin…. This short arsed big nosed bald headed boss eyed ugly as sin tiny minded bastard hasn’t the brain to think all this could destroy the World – Typical so called ex-Commy Cunt

  9. A small part of me wonders whether we would not be better under Russia/China rule. After all our politicians of the last couple of decades have been weak, corrupt mealy mouthed, self serving vote chasers who have no spine and are letting our country get overrun by minorites, celebrity snowflakes and cancel culture twats.

    The press are no better, they are more interested in covering celebrity fluff pieces, Brexit, covid, or going after anyone who won’t or can’t afford to sue them. The time was, the Press were the fifth estate who held the people in power to account. Now they are just lazy puppets who mostly regurgitate things from social media, stories that were spoon fed to them by someone with an agenda, or whatever statement anybody wants to release to them in their own interest. In short they just do stories they can do from their office and won’t get them sued. And then stick “gate” at the end of the name of the story to make it seem important. Lazy arsed wankers.

    If Putin took over, these wankers would be fucked, so hence wondering if it is a bad thing

  10. Techno, your work colleague needs a real education not one from our terrible comprehensives/polytechnic indoctrination centres. Send him links to useful books until he cries.

  11. On the subject of World War 3, Is it time for the Hell March from Command and Conquer yet?

    I think i’ve put it on social media a few times over the years when things looked they might involve a scrambling of Typhoons.

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