The University of Northampton

The ‘University’ of Northampton is a cunt.

Firstly, yes it actually exists. That should be sufficient for a cunting in its own right.

However, they have decided to put a trigger warning on Orwell’s 1984.

Seriously, the book that told the world how bad an autocratic, censurious society can be has been labelled as ‘containing explicit material’ and that it could be found ‘offensive and upsetting’.

I don’t whether to laugh or cry that the soft-bellied cunts as this alleged university have labelled their own playbook as offensive.

One last quote from the article. ‘Northampton, which gained full university status only in 2005, is ranked 101st in a list of the UK’s 121 universities.’

Can’t fucking think why …

Nominated by Dark key cunt…

And seconded by Geordie Twatt

I’d like to second DKC’s nomination of Northampton University.

A few years ago when my daughter was considering which Uni to apply to, we had a look through the annual Sunday Times University Guide. The leader of the Student’s Union for each institution was invited to write a single sentence to say what was good about their Uni. So most extolled the academic or social benefits. For Northampton’s student leader, however, it’s great selling point was the fact that it had transgender toilets. I kid you not. Needless to say, she didn’t apply.

101st out of 121 Universities? I should think it’s more likely to be 122nd.

78 thoughts on “The University of Northampton

  1. University of Northampton??
    So Keele has some competition…
    I’m amazed Northampton has any toilets at all.

    • I have family in Northampton. A more ignorant, thick, chavvy set of self important cunts you could not wish to meet. Yet they’re not even on the bad side cuntish compared to most inhabitants of that turd pool.
      Burn it

  2. The cunts at Northampton University that dreamt up this nonsense deserve to be thrown from the top of the Express Lift Tower in that benighted town.

    What is do upsetting in 1984 that deserves a trigger warning? Admittedly it a grim book – but that’s the whole point. Perhaps what they object to is that it satirises and savagely dissects their own mind-set?


    • 1984 is no more grim than the current reality that it foretold.

      This “Uni” sounds worse than the one at Aberystwyth. Back in the late 90’s I asked them: “do students have internet access?” They replied: “ we don’t need the internet we have the Library of Wales!” . God knows why we even half considered the cunts.

      • Maybe that’s why they hate the book so much. Even back then people knew their dream wouldn’t bring paradise on earth.

  3. They should issue real warnings to sensitive students instead of pretend ones, like

    Excessive bumming can seriously effect your arse hole


    A man believing he is a woman has serious mental health issues.

    PS, I thought the word ‘trigger’ had been banned because it’s too hurty ?

  4. Once students have left Northampton University armed with their degrees in Tibetan basket weaving and Lesbian Dance Theory for a career on zero hours contracts at Costa Coffee or volunteering at their local Sue Ryder they will need trigger warnings for the real world.

    • Lesbian dance theory-I take it a large proportion of the examinations will be “oral”?

  5. So, Geordie, I take it to understand that you wouldn’t permit your daughter to share the khazi with a stubbly transvestite ?
    That’s not very inclusive, how offensive.
    I don’t suppose you have a shortcut link of some sort , I’d like to give that spotty onanist a piece of my mind.

    • Certainly, Sir Hugh.
      The young man in question graduated with a first in Water Closet Studies and can now be found most evenings flipping burgers at McDonalds, Northampton.

  6. Given my name I wonder what they will do about the following passage while Winston and Parsons await their interviews in the waiting room of Room 101:

    “Parsons made a few more jerky movements up & down, several times, casting a longing glance at the lavatory pan. Then he suddenly ripped down his shorts. “Excuse me, old man’, he said “I can’t help it, it’s the waiting”.

    He plumped nhis large posterier into the lavatory pan….. Parsons used the lavatory loudly and abundantly. It then turned out the plug was defective and the cell stank abominably for hours afterwards”

    Will this be a trigger? Will Boggs be cancelled?. Take me to my safe space.

    • Sounds as if Orwell was describing from life an experience in the waiting room of Northampton train station.

  7. Northampton … university … intellect. Try as I may … I can not imagine those three words in the same sentence. That said … the detritus that oozes from the crevices of these dubious institutions loosely termed ‘universities’ does not inspire confidence nor can you attribute much by way of intellect to them. I see cunts … lots of cunts that are guaranteeing themselves a very poor future … or what there might be of one.

    • “Northampton … university … intellect. Try as I may … I can not imagine those three words in the same sentence.”

      Let me help.

      Northampton was once known as the home of fine English shoes but is now home to 12 000 students of low intellect unable to secure a place at a real University.

  8. I will tell you how good Northampton University is, I was once asked to give a lecture there! 🙂

  9. I bet they wouldn’t ban a novel about vegans, tree huggers, poofs and trannies bumming the fuck out of each other and gradually taking over the world, ending in them all being slaughtered by the Peacefuls?

    PS I haven’t written it yet.

    • You’re too late Freddie, it’s already here. You’ll have to write a history instead of a novel. And better get a move-on, is that the sound of scimitars being sharpened?

      • Might be a bit difficult to write a history when my Infidel head is decomposing on a spike on Lambeth Bridge.

  10. I understand the trigger warning.

    1984 satirises the way the fuckers think so is important to retain individual gullibility.

  11. It seems there’s something circular and self-fulfilling about the institution in question. Geordie Twatt and his daughter, presumably being approximately normal, steered well clear on reading about the gender neutral latrines.

    But imagine the dog-whistle-like magnet that would’ve been for the woke, deviant cunts that increasingly infest the world?

    Hey presto, a few years later, 1984 is banned.

    I suspect this is all by design. The SU president, presumably didn’t want the august institution filled with normal heterosexual types so he advertised their deviant credentials, presumably to maximise their own chances of scoring some bum fun, scissoring or whatever depravity they’re into.

    As for the censorship of 1984 (oh the irony), It is the commie playbook, but the methods described are probably more effective when the young minds they are manipulating are unaware, so censoring it makes sense.

    • UT@ – “Bombsite” would be my personal preference – people are a lot less uppity after a good ordnance campaign – just ask the fkers in Dresden and Hamburg! ??

  12. The ‘uni’ is right by the river, hopefully there will be some sort of klaxon call that compels these zealots to wander blindly, like the Eloi, into a watery grave.
    We could have a grand day out, a cunters day out enjoying the benefits of stoodent apple bobbing only using clay pigeon launchers and flechettes.
    Hire a merry charabanc laden with cider and expletives and play death race 2000 on the return journey.

    • Can I book two back seats please???
      I will bring sandwiches for we cunters & a large back of assorted brick rubble to offer to the flailing, drowning, student body, as buoyancy aids ?

      • CG@ – If we let MNC know he might provide beef paste ones – and crisps! ?
        We shall send the bill to Fiddler – I’m sure he won’t mind!

  13. The acceleration of censorship and totalitarian ideology should alarm everyone.

    Conditioning the youth to turn away from unsettling content deemed subversive. Who needs book burning when you can just engineer people out of their desire to even read the books.


    • That was exactly Aldous Huxley’s fear. Orwell feared that books would be burned, while Huxley feared that books wouldn’t need to be burned because no-one would want to read them anyway.

      • I suspect Huxley’s vision of the future is more likely than Orwell’s. “You will own nothing and be happy.”

  14. I lived in Northampton for 25 years, I lived and worked in various parts of the shire. I would like to defend Northamptonshire but I can’t think of any redeeming features.

    Northampton itself is split between locals who are challenged, Eastern European’s of Polish and Romanian extraction and the descendants of London overspill topped off with Asians and blacks. To the east there is Corby where 3rd and 4th generation Glaswegians who’ve often never been near Scotland still retain broad Glaswegian accents and mostly like to drink and fight, also there is Wellingborough the locals call it woggingboro, nough said.

    Not to forget Kettering that back in the 80s had the dubious honour of the town in England with the most STD’s per thousand of population.

    Northamptonshire’s industry was footwear, the locals toiled in leather works and shoe factories whilst striving to breed offspring with double figure IQ’s.

    It truly is a shithole of a county, the opening of the midlands and ever deeper deprivation.

    Northampton itself has three junctions of the M1, personally I feel the junctions should be demolished.

    The fact Northampton University is shit will come as no surprise to anyone who’s ever lived there.

    • I think there was an excellent Hitler Rants parody on YouTube about Northampton, Wellingborough, or Corby. Or possibly all three.

  15. It’s not just Northampton…all Universities are nests of degeneracy and moral turpitude.

    Elderly Homosexual Dons, Lezza lecturers and Tranny tutors polluting the minds (and bodies) of the very few decent students who attend…these students are the Hearties,more concerned with a good game of rugger than fucking book-learning.

    I couldn’t give a fuck about the other “scholars” …. the Coloureds, the sexually-confused, the swotty,weedy bookworms,the State-educated,the disabled etc…they should just get a fucking proper job and stop wasting the taxpayer’s money studying a load of boring and pointless shite.

    I’d shut all Universities down and burn the books just to make sure.

    • George Orwell can’t hold a candle to Sven Hassel when it comes to writing a book.
      Was he a Fruity Gentleman?

      • Monte Casino is a classic: the image of soldiers having to piss on their larger calibre machine guns, to desperately try to cool down the breach, bring home the horror of those campaigns….

      • DFF@ – Get Tiny and the Legionnaire to interview Orwell – if there was any fruitiness he would soon confess! ?

  16. In maaaaah day, during Freshers’ Week we were given warnings about the dangers of excessive alcohol consumption, drug abuse and unprotected sex.
    Ah, the good old days.
    Personally I find the mere idea that twats at this place have issued such a warning to be deeply dispiriting.
    Why don’t the wankers at this tinpot academy do something useful, like actually leaving students to form their own opinions without trying to slant their perspective?

    Afternoon all.

    • Nowadays students are given warnings about studying whilst unprotected tranny buggering has become mandatory.

      How the times have changed.

      • ‘War and Peace’, by Tolstoy.


        ‘Contains graphic violence and death, sexual content, and outdated social attitudes which those of a nervous disposition may find deeply disturbing or offensive’.

      • The French invade Russia? Loads of dead Frogs and Ivans everywhere?
        What’s not to like?

      • Absolutely Geordie.
        You can apply this nonsense to ANYTHING, from bloody Shakespeare to the Teletubbies. In fact, I’m surprised that some cunt hasn’t already called out the latter for ‘fat-shaming’.

      • Ah, you forget Ron, the small one with a handbag was obviously a transbumder-that trumps all other “ism’s”.

      • And to be fair CG, they’re a range of different colours as well.
        Trust the Beeb to ‘do’ diversity properly.

      • I watched The Royal last night, and it came with the same warning as War & Peace..
        Bloody absurd.

      • Didn’t one of the Teletubbies have a small penis? Tinky-winky.? How he must’ve suffered… I hope!!

    • RK@ – “Freshers week” is now a Man in a dress warning students of the dangers of capitalism as all the white children apologise for breathing.

      • A while back at my old stomping ground (Uni of Edinburgh) they were giving out ‘personal pronoun’ badges during Freshers’ Week.
        Fucking hell; all we were concerned about was the location of the best bars, and which females were up for it (just about all of them, as far as I could tell).
        Students are right little up themselves dickheads these days.

  17. A well-deserved cunting, DKC. Hope you’re getting on OK in Leicester, m’duck!

  18. My grandad met that George Orwell.
    Said he was crackers.
    Paranoid like, bit tinfoil.
    Scared of everything.

    He was on the road to Wigan Pier .
    On a Thursday!!! Hehehe
    Everyone knew Northern soul night was a Friday!

    Daft cunt.
    Burn it .

  19. 1984 and Animal Farm are two bluddy good books. I see them as a good look at the cunts and problems of our society. George, you were a fucking genius. Those two books should be required reading, especially for any cunt wanting to be a Politician.

      • Missing a treat with them two. Though I watched the tv series of Alex Rider a while back. After reading the books, the series was a let-down. Making series and films out of books usually turns out shite. Lord Of The Rings was ok though, Hobbit not so much.

      • Only books ive enjoyed Diablo was the guide to scouting by Baden Powell,

        And the Necromicon with foreword by James Saville.

        Although while in the library for a warm I enjoy writing racist comments in the National Geographic!

        Lots of black birds flopping their tits out?

      • Ah , the National Geographic….., free wanking material provided by the Council. That’s what the word “community’ means in my world. I was definitely affected by the opening scene in “Zulu” as a child. It wasn’t the titties it was the shiny black thighs on those birds that got me going. Imagine my my disappointment when, years later, I found out the “Zulu Girls” were, in fact, a bunch of prozzies who had been bussed in from Johannesburg.
        But that’s what growing up involves…. nothing is what you thought it was. Father Christmas, the tooth fairy doesn’t exist. Unless you are a wokie of. course.

      • Mnc@ – I read me one of them high falutin’ “Books” once – got ideas above my station, went into town to buy a bow tie and some pince nez glasses – but got frightened off by a man with a fob watch!
        Won’t be making THAT mistake again..

  20. I read Animal Farm and 1984 as a small child on the advice of the headmaster of the primary school – to my surprise this qualified me as someone the teachers would share politics and their world view with me, and they were all of the same mind – socialists and fascists calling themselves “liberals” will hollow out and destroy the Country if allowed.
    For a nine year old kid to be having political discussions with teachers who actively hated commies was a real eye opener, and a very good early education.
    It’s hard work kids just getting through school these days without getting bummed by p*rvy teachers or being sent to the cock chopping clinic at the age of 12 because teaching assistant “Rainbow Unicorn Moonbeam” has identified they are trapped in the wrong body”.
    Send a boy to school in Rome he will return a Roman, and when the fascists are demonising a book from an oracle who warned us how the future would be if we did not resist fascism this tells us all we need to know about the increasing danger we face.
    We are sleepwalking our way out of existence.

  21. Orwell’s 1984 is a satirical novel about a nightmare dystopian future. It is NOT an instruction manual! Despite what our politicians may claim.

  22. Living in the declining city of Leicester, I like to visit the nearby cities, and have been many times to Derby, Nottingham and even Coventry. I have been to Northampton once. Enough said. Everywhere seems to have a University nowadays and so it is no surprise that one of the calibre of Northampton Uni has come out with this twaddle.

  23. University of Nothampton? Surely this is some kind of joke? I assume it resides in academia somewhere between art college and bricklaying school? I apologise in advance for insulting bricklayer school and art college for the insult. You are better than the University of Northampton

  24. Changed abit since the 13th century.
    The university was established by royal charter after approval from King Henry III in 1261. It was the third university in England, after Oxford and Cambridge, and the 22nd in Europe. After being advised by bishops and magnates that Northampton was a threat to Oxford, Henry III dissolved the university in 1265, and signed a Royal Decree that banned the establishment of a university in Northampton.

  25. The only trigger warning that book needs, is one telling the reader just how fucking boring it is.

  26. “Tory MP Andrew Bridgen said: ‘There’s a certain irony that students are now being issued trigger warnings before reading Nineteen Eighty-Four.

    Our university campuses are fast becoming dystopian Big Brother zones where Newspeak is practised to diminish the range of intellectual thought and cancel speakers who don’t conform to it.

    ‘Too many of us – and nowhere is it more evident than our universities – have freely given up our rights to instead conform to a homogenised society governed by a liberal elite “protecting” us from ideas that they believe are too extreme for our sensibilities.’”

    YES. Spelling it out, the language is being changed intentionally to block inconvenient ideas, just as Orwell warned.

  27. Formerly Northampton Technical College amongst other “institutions”.

    Mind you I went to music college so I’ll keep my head down on matters academical.

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