Ukraine – ensuring freedoms future
Just thought I’d get this nomination in before I’m converted into a pile of radioactive dust. Apparently this is going happen next Wednesday.
Now you might wonder exactly what the fuck is going on in the minds of American Military Intelligence – which is a double oxymoron in itself. Seems sleepy Joe has been told by his spooks that Russian will start WWIII on Wednesday. Is Putin really that thick? Or is it a deliberate leak to pile on the pressure or divert attention to starting the war on Tuesday while they’re all off guard. Either way it sounds like a pile of steaming horseshit to me.
Putin, I hate to admit, has a point. The Yank’s got out of their pram when the Ruskies wanted to put missiles in Cuba but apparently it’s OK for the Yank’s to put missiles in Ukraine right on the Russian border.
Ukraine could stop a lot of this crap by just doing a Switzerland and declaring itself neutral. That takes care of Putin’s main beef that they be denied membership of NATO which, to me, sounds reasonable.
But no. The warmongers in the West – being as bad as the warmongers in the East – won’t just agree to that so we have troops on the border from both sides. Seems that it’s OK for the Yanks to put troops on the western border but not for the Russians to put troops on the Eastern border. Clear double standards.
So Ukraine joins NATO, attacks Crimea to get it back from Russia despite the fact that most of the population in Crimea is ethnic Russian anyway. NATO joins in and directly engages the Russians. The big red button gets pushed, missiles fly, and we’re all dead.
Frankly if the human race is this stupid then the universe will be a better place without us. And in the great scheme of things, the universe wouldn’t notice anyway.
Yes, the human race is stupid and stupidity will be the end of us all.
So fuck Ukraine. Do a deal with Putin and sort it out. And while we’re at it – the US should get the fuck out of other people’s countries and stop stirring up shit. And start by taking your bases out of Britain and go ensure freedoms future in your own fucking country before we’re all slaughtered…
Nominated by: Rt. Hon. Dioclese
And this just in from MeatShits:
The UK and USA miliary in its entirety are a bunch of useless cunts.
Right now both are getting involved in this Russian/Ukraine shit even though it has FUCK ALL to do with them.
This will be a disaster for the simple reason that both U.S and UK military will be more concerned about wearing masks,social distancing,using hand gel and trying not to upset the countless trans non binary they/them fuckwits they have enlisted.
Russia will wipe the fuckin floor with them.
Then North Korea will no doubt join in and fuck em even more for being such limp wristed knee dropping woke LGBTQ cunts.
Secure the US southern border Biden, you shit stain cunt!! What a sorry piece of human garbage.
He is the lowest form of life. A politician. To call him a cunt is an insult to cunts.
I feel sorry for the innocent people caught in the middle of this stage drama, but I legitimately do not give a fuck.
Fear sells pharmaceuticals. Fear sells weapons. Just the establishment churning its industries, as per usual, whilst innocent people get used and abused.
Throw all the world leaders into a ring, give them a few weapons, and let them have at it. We don’t need this bullshit anymore.
Have them settle things with a chess tournament, or a game of Risk. Better still, I used to play an old PC game called Axis & Allies, have them sort it out with a game of that. Or maybe each world leader picks a person to play Unreal Tournament, best country wins, and they get to make whatever decisions and all others just accept. I volunteer as Englands player.
Great cunting Dioclese.
The Yanks should just fuck off and leave us all alone. The cunts set out after WW1 to steal our Empire, and our politicians let them – the cunts.
In my humble view Vlad is too clever to fall for the “invasion” trap. There is nothing in Ukraine for him – he has Sevastopol and Crimea, all the aircraft factories (remember Antonov?) have gone, along with 1m Ukie Russians. There is just a basket case of an economy left.
It’s all about the gas and oil.
This why we’re fucked:
May we all live a lot longer than next week
Keep the faith in ISAC
Big Al
Fuck me, I’ve just watched that shite. The west is fucked mate.
Wow. Says it all. When did we become such a sack of wet shit as a culture?
In the west, England was one of the biggest powers. The commonwealth, a large army and navy. We got rid of most of it, and lost some. Now we need our ‘special relationship’ with the US to look even half as formidable.
How splendid it is that we involve ourselves in yet another foreign border squabble yet our own sovereign borders are guarded by precisely nobody at all.
They can all get to fuck.
Perfectly put. We talk about controlling our borders time and again, do nothing about it time and again, and nobody is going to take us seriously seeing the UK for the bad joke it has become. Not only that but, as has been pointed out in the nomination, we actively send out the message that our armed forces have been emasculated.
The difference is Putin has the balls to follow through. He isn’t stupid though. If he does start things off he will want to contain it to conventional weapons. It would then simply be a question of how much punishment the West wants to take.
In short, does the West back down after a bit of posturing or does it really want a bloodied nose? 80/20 I reckon.
This is, in part. the consequence of putting a doddering, senile old shitstain in power at the White House, just because he wasn’t Donald Trump (there is a lesson here for the UK as well) and the wokes, Liberals, poofters and Commies hated Trump. What they have now is worse because at 80 what has Biden got to lose, except many more pairs of rubber knickers and mattresses. The Donald tended to steer clear of non-domestic problems – we should, too. Iraq and Afghanistan should have taught us something, but history repeats itself, first as tragedy, then as farce.
As for Putin, if only he had the guts to admit he is the new Stalin or Lenin, rather than pretend to be a democrat.
Two democrats, Biden and Putin and neither are anything of the sort.
Let’s sink the French Navy afore they get a chance to collaborate with the Russians or hand their ships over to the Dinghy People…and for a bit of a giggle,of course.
I’m all for that. The French have not yet forgiven us for sinking their Navy in 1940. It certainly would be a lark to do the same thing now and lighten the mood a little. God knows we all need a laugh – and if it’a at the expense of the French, all the better. Fuck ’em.
Just think of Boris… broadcasting from his bunker…pissed as a fart,waving a cigar and in his party-hat announcing that he is “Channelling” his hero,Churchill, by bombing the fuck out of the Frogs…his ratings would go through the roof and, as you say..we could all do with a laugh in these depressing times.
Just to rub salt in the wounds we could ask our AUKUS pals, the Aussies, to lend a hand.
To think of the anger it would instill in Macron! – he would look like Bercow, another pompous little shortarse, having one of his tantrums.
MACRON – “Pah! Les Anglo-Saxons. Pig-dogs! I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries”.
DFF@ – Sir, you are hereby promoted to Commodore Of The Fleet!
Good form.
After the disastrous retreat from Afghanistan, Biden is talking tough over Ukraine yet doing so in such an amateurish way that he is putting all his cards on the table. A survey last week showed that only 43% of French and 37% of German people think they should get involved in this. I would love to see a similar survey of the US. Apart from Americans of Ukranian descent, I don´t think most want their soldiers fighting Russia over this issue.
Don’t think there will be any fighting. There will be sanctions and a proxy war with the US and UK arming Ukraine.
The West does not have the guts for a real fight and all the Trannies in the military will object to getting their powder puffs dirty.
I’d like to know how many Americans could find Ukraine on the map.
They can’t even find America on the map.
“Sheeeit, ev’rybody knows that Ukraine is in South America, hoss! Right next to Brazil. What them Russians be fuckin’ with lil’ bitty country like that for? Ain’t nothing but some mango trees there.”
Good nom.
All aboard the next fear train.
Sabre rattling and posturing from both sides of the argument.
Good lord above – Russia have amassed thousands of troops on…gasp …the Russian border.
Yes that’s right the Russians have troops on their own border, within the boundaries of their own country.
The sheer nerve.
Imagine if the the US amassed thousands of troops within their own borders instead of within other cunts borders, just for a change.
NATO, Creepy Joe and the US of A needs to fuck right off.
Meddling in countries that have little or fuck all to do with them – as per usual.
Countries whose cultures and demographics that they know little or fuck all about I might add.
(See the lack of awareness or understanding back at the turn of the millennium of the huge sectarian issues and violent divisions in the Middle East as an example of these ham fisted cunts gung-ho ineptitude)
They’ve completely fucked up the middle East and Libya with their “democratic” interventions and now it’s back to big bad Russia and Eastern Europe.
And yes – Putin is a cunt but is he any worse than the multitude of oppressive, medically despotic cunts in the West? (Trudeau, Andrews, Sturgeon, Macron, Biden etc etc)
Meanwhile on the coast of Kent, the detritus of all the previous freedom loving democratic interventions in far flung dust bowls, continue to wash up on these shores.
Bravo Herman,spot on.
HJ@ – Is the correct answer! ??
The Ukrainian president is trying to play everything down amid all the speculation from the western governments, can’t blame him because he hasn’t much choice, I can see that there will be a deal between Moscow and Kyiv. Crimea will never go back to Ukraine and Donbas will become and independent state of Ukraine.
The Kraut is going to Moscow this week to make sure they get their gas.
Ben Wallace was quoted as saying the negotiations have a whiff of Munich, by coincidence I watched the film this weekend, not sure why the sooty was shoehorned into the cast, must have been a quota thing because he was only on for about a fucking minute.
Good idea Dick, and whilst we’re at it, how about the RAF doing something useful for the first time in 77 years and carpet bombing Dresden once more? I see Mutti’s love child (whatever he’s called) is off to Moscow to kiss poisoner Putin’s arse. All because the Krauts are dependent on Russian gas for their energy needs. Well closing down your entire nuclear industry has turned out to be a really good idea, hasn’t it Mutti?
So NATO won’t show a united face to the Russkies because of the Bosch. Time we taught the lager-swilling, lederhosen-wearing, emissions data-fiddling, sausage munchers a proper lesson.
Don’t take on the Russkies though. They’re right evil fuckers, led by a right psycho. Steer well clear of them.
I always wondered why the Greenies never screamed for a nationwide boycott of VW Audi Group products after the emissions thing came out.
If it had been a British manufacturer (and if we still actually had a fucking car industry) there would have been hell to pay…
BB@ – Random one – I used to work for VW and was one of the technical team who were in charge of the emissions thingy!
Anyway, back on topic with me! ?
I miss our old Jaguars
Hitler won us WWII by making the stupid mistake of attacking Russia.
Putin has ZERO intention of invading Ukraine – the Ukrainians remember the Holodomor and they are itching to open up some Russians – I know some Ukranian types and even the old Women and kids are tooling up with firearms and digging in. The Ukrainian military (and people) are tough, savage, fearless, very well armed, very well equipped and in a turf war on their own ground the Russians would be shipping dead soldiers back in their thousands – bypassing the propaganda and lies the fact on the ground is that Ukraines attitude is literally “bring it, bitch” – it will be Putins Afghanistan and politically it will finish him – Putin is evil, not daft.
This is a distraction tactic – Putin is causing his usual toxic mischief and sabre rattling to twist yet more concessions from a weak and cowardly west, predominantly with regards to the pipelines he wants to run through Europe. Putin has destroyed the Russian economy with his theft and mismanagement, and is desperate for income.
China Joe Biden is a wanted criminal in Ukraine, his dirty fingerprints (and his degenerate Peter Phile junky Son) are all over the theft, fraud, bribery and threats he has committed in Ukraine, Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky is not playing ball handing over the incriminating evidence which would see several members of the Biden crime Family in prison for life and Biden desperately hopes that if Putin were to invade he would conveniently “lose” all the incriminating evidence – he clearly does not know Putin well.
This is smoke and mirrors bullshit to deflect from the fact that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama paid people to spy (a VERY serious criminal offence in the US carrying a maximum tariff of life in prison) on Donald Trump when he was a serving US president and have just been caught for it – the commiecrats are in very, very deep shit in the US now and they know it – distraction time then, as always with these rats.
With grandstanding nonsense like this never look at what is happening on the surface – look for the wheels turning in the background and what they are hiding in plain sight.
Dark farce.
And if the worst comes to the worst the Ukranians could just invite the Canadian freedom convoy – they have done more for freedom and democracy in two weeks than any piece of shit parasite “politician” has done in two years.
UK Government reports the fat shambling tramp is going to Ukraine.
He will make a good sized sandbag I suppose..
Or a barrage balloon. The twat has plenty of hot air to keep him aloft…
“Double oxymoron in itself”, sums up the Yank government and their whole political system which is fucked.
War ??? But it is scary stuff. Especially as the west are led by clowns.
Good point re missiles in Cuba. FFS invading other countries is wrong but half of the Ukraine are bloody Russian.
Give the dog a bone and move on. Peacefully
Well if Mother Russia does decide to go kinetic life will get very interesting very quickly. If it does kick off do not make the mistake of assuming that it’ll be a war on a distant shore.
My thought too. There was Russian activity recently off the coast of Ireland. You constantly hear of the RAF being scrambled because of Russian planes.
Back in the Cold War days, the RAF and Soviet pilots used to wave to each other. Just another day at the office…
Baron, WWI pilots used to wave at each other. Then they started throwing stones, then taking potshots with pistols, before guns were fixed to the planes.
I think it’s all a game – Russia is so isolated, they get bored and poke the ribs of other countries to relieve the boredom. I mean, they held the World Cup in 2018 and it went great, one of the most peaceful World Cups ever, unlike Brazil which had riots during it. I think that Russia gets lonely, it must be lonely in the Kremlin and still having the perception of being the “bad guys”.
Instead of getting bored they should get shot of that murderous little kleptocrat in the Kremlin and set about building a strong, decent economy.
Lots of military grade helicopters been buzzing around lincolnshire lately.
Flatten Knightsbridge with a daisy cutter. Job done. And wel get rid of the ragheads at the same time. Win win.
Post of the Day !
No time for a war, all the squaddies are at diversity and inclusivity courses.
If we capture Russian soldiers the interrogation will be– ‘Name, Rank, and Serial Number and Personal Pronoun Preference’.
And If they refuse to give up their ‘Personal Pronoun Preference’?
‘Ve have vaze of makin’ you talk’
Yeah the light shining brightly in the eyes…
Applying the thumbscrews…
Adminstering the electric shock…
Finally, broken, head down, gives the information up…
MP@ – “Name! Rank! Serial Number! Makeup bag”! This mascara is to die for, and I’m taking it”!
Name rank and serial number bitch, or I’ll shove this AK up your cunt and blow your guts out your mouth.
‘I was born male, but identify as female’ ‘Really? This is Sergei, after two hours with him you’ll either identify as a man or he’ll make you a woman’
Putin has waited till the time was right to show the world how ‘tough’ he is. The USA is split down the middle politically and is looking inward. Russia pretends to get friendly with China, who go along with it because they know the rest of the world detests them because of the corona virus.
Putin knows that NATO is a defensive democratic alliance, with or without Ukraine, and even in the unlikely event that half of NATO wanted to attack Russia, the other half would vote against it. As the aggressor, what he objects to is NATO making itself defensively stronger.
If he had intended to invade Ukraine from the start it would have happened long before now. He’s built up their forces on the border at a snail’s pace over weeks and months allowing everyone to see what they were doing and chuckling as half the world’s diplomats worked themselves into a lather. He may yet take a chance and order an invasion, but only if he realizes that his bluff has been called and he isn’t going to bully the West into giving him any concessions.
Bombing the shit out of Libya wasn’t very defensive it was downright evil aggression.
Good target practice for the Russian pilots on the Syrian front…
WWII told everyone ‘you dont fuck with russia’. All putin needs to do is make ONE attack somewhere and we’ll all surrender. Either that or the whole world will have to team up against him. Though China and Japan might not get involved, and North Korea may take the opportunity to attack us all.
I don’t give a fuck for Europe, and of its Nations and certainly not the French. If Vlad wants Europe ( but who would really want that pile of shit ) he is welcome to it. He can enslave the lot, and that includes the umpteen millions of Merkels guests.
If their is any danger of a war, it has been well stoed up by the thick political classes aided and abetted by the shit stirring media.
As for the interventions of Johnson. That fat cunt would start a war tomorrow to cover his arse from the forthcoming frenzy of Partygate.
War ? Go for it Vlad!
Yeah, fuck Europe. Lets get Brexit done first though.
Didn’t Hitler do the same thing… We’re only occupying Czechoslovakia to protect the ethnic Germans living there ?
Whatever happens , Adolf must be swivelling in his grave watching how pussified his nation has become.
Jawohl, mein herr. Rauchen ist verboten.
Western Europe is Putin’s bitch.
Patton had the right idea.
Another Hob Nob and a refill.
Don’t mind if I do.
Good afternoon.
JTC@ Afternoon Sir – I wonder if we could get Putin to invade France?
Now THAT would be an easy win! ??
Shifty smelly no good French fkers..
If it stops the dinghy riders, I’m all for it.
Evening, Vernon.
In cinemas now
“Cold War 2- The Sequel”
Starring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Vin Diesel, Chris Pratt, Ben Affleck, Brie Larson and Daniel Craig as Vladimir Putin.
Special appearances by Steven “Fat Cunt” Seagal as the aircraft carrier flight deck, and Jeremy Irons as the token British presence.
Co-directed by Zack Snyder, Michael Bay and Roland Emmerich.
Distributed by Apocalypse Pictures.
I’m painting myself white to deflect the blast…
You missed out the smattering of gays, lesbians, trans, blacks and muslims that would have to be crowbarred into the cast.
Well NATO were asked by the Russians to keep OUT of eastern Europe, dozy tossers didn’t listen and signed up most of the former eastern bloc. The Russians are slightly xenophobic (who can blame them?) invaded by the Germans twice the French twice the Swedes the British and the Mongols.
Putin has western Europe by the short hairs and knows it. All he has to do is turn the gas off and Europe is fucked.
I hope it doesn’t lead to war, but the situation is very similar to Europe in 1914.
Excellent cunting gents, keep up the awesome work.
So many experts here, so many doomsters who know the outcome of this conflict and dare I say, so many patriots. Get your white flags out cunters.The actual outcome might well surprise you. Britain will never, ever be slaves.
British? Who? When?
I love how everyone on the internet is now an expert on Ukraine, just as they are with everything else that gets thrown up on the media outlets. I don’t know anything about Russia, Ukraine. All I know is that Putin has been building a $1 billion mansion for himself and I always saw him stepping down this decade – he’s 70 in October – and so I don’t see him ending his career with a massacre of innocents or general mendacity before he enjoys a peaceful retreat to his lair for the next twenty years. But the weirdos in the West want some sort of conflict, don’t they? They always kinda seem gleeful when that goes on. And Covid/vax has been winding down now, so this seem to be their next chapter/act to get us through the next year or so, before the true insanity begins. Can’t we just have a decent, FUN decade for once? Does it always have to be the fear porn, fighting, idiocy?
Cunty Gordon@ – Eastern Ukraine has traditionally been pro the USSR and pro Russia, western Ukraine has a pathological hatred of Russia following the Stalinist genocide committed on them (“The Holodomor”).
Easiest way to sort this mess out?
Annexe Eastern Ukraine to Russia (it is already Russia in everything but name, like Crimea), Western Ukraine joins NATO, Putin has a buffer Country between Russia and NATO and it’s done. Ukraine is rich in terms of natural assets and would be a valuable ally to the west, and they hate the Chinese and our “carpet riding chums”.
Then invade fkin Russia – that will teach Ivan for getting lippy! ?
All I know about Ukraine is they have some damn sexy ladies.
This is the Great Game in action, prevent eurasian integration i.e. an eastward facing Krautland (WW1 et al). Psychopaths playing power games with us as prawns, what a load of kunt.
Talking of which, crispy bread, sliced iceberg, prawn cocktail, squeeze of lemon and a few drops of hot sauce mmm.
The way the Germans troops were goose stepping at Merkel’s torchlight leaving parade, I think they’ve got 77 year old itch to scratch. Found out the other day the present day German Panzer Division still has the Deaths Head emblem on their uniforms like the SS of old.
Fuck it. Roll on Wednesday. I’m past giving a fuck…
Makes you feel like that Dio, a big calamity to put us out of our fucking misery.
I love how wars have schedules! Bill Hicks had a bit about that…
(12 minutes, from 1991, but worth a listen)
Yeah, they have to be planned these days. That way all parties can scrounge up enough ‘soldiers’ to slaughter each other, then rape the women and little girls.
It’s a distraction, as the Fox eloquently put it.
I’m expecting a false flag event to be reported, Ukraine will be Putins death knell, he can’t win.
Bidens handlers need to fuck off.
As do theBiden/Clinton/Obama clans.
America can fuck right off, sticking its nose in other countries business, got into a right row with some yank cunt on you tube, cunt was banging on about liberty and how America gives it to the world, I told the cunt what about the liberty for the indigenous people before the European nations stuck their oar in, told him his liberty didn’t go so well in Korea and Vietnam and Afghanistan, I am no fan of putin but I hope he tells the American military to fuck off
What about the ‘liberty’ of the indian tribes of america? Mercilessly slaughtered or herded into prisons called ‘reservations’ ? Then they have the cheek to celebrate Thanksgiving every year, which is based on a massive lie.
ELDIABLO666@ – The original inhabitants of the US came from Europe, quite probably Vikings and they were there a long, long time before the “native Americans” as fashion dictates they are called these days.
The “happy hunting grounds” which they are incredibly reticent for anyone to dig on or explore has turned up bones, artifacts etc which pre-dated the Indian tribes by many hundreds of years, and the Indians are paranoid these discoveries could diminish their claim to their “ancient tribal lands”.
Vernon, you are referring to a recent theory. Though that theory suggest that the indians are descended from ASIANS, not europeans, and crossed into america via land following and hunting Bison. This theory therefore confirms that ‘indians’ were there first. However, my point was about americans claiming to be ‘liberators’ yet took the liberty of the indian tribes.
Vernon, i’ve never read such nonsense.
Vikings landed in North America several thousand years after the migration from Siberia.
Sid@ = Korea anf Vietnam were necessary to stop the aggressive communist expansion by the USSR and China.
Gan was just a fucking shitfest which we should have never got mired in, lost some good people there – I would bomb that vile shithole and everyone in it to red hot dust in a second.
Hi vern, irrespective of stopping communism, they still got beaten fair and square
Further attempts to reduce the World’s population are going well.
He summons now the warriors of the night. Feel the burning touch of Odin!
Give me enough money, and a gun, and point me in the direction of the cunts looking to start a war. Having said that: war and virus/disease are the two best ways to combat (see what I did there) the over-population problem. Maybe this war is being engineered as a way to help ‘prevent’ or ‘slow’ climate change. Stupid shits.