The BBC (59)

The BBC (and mainstream media in general) are cunts. Nothing new in that, I guess. But my reason for nominating them here is for their double standards.

I saw a piece on the BBC website earlier about food campaigner Jack Monroe. Turns out, Jack Monroe is actually a she, and she has written books and articles for the Guardian and Independent, among others. Now, my cunting isn’t for that, but more for the way they describe Ms. Monroe. She wasn’t born ‘Jack’ – her birth name is Melissa – but she now prefers to be called Jack, and the BBC are happy to play along.

Now contrast this to the way any reports of another campaigner, Tommy Robinson, are framed. It’s always Tommy Robinson, “real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon”. As if his real name somehow invalidates his work.

It’s the same with the Trans lobby – the mainstream media always happy to play along and defer to whatever the person has decided to call themselves this week, for fear of offending and ‘deadnaming’ them. But if it’s someone the MSM dislikes, they’ll do anything to try and discredit the message.

Cunts one and all.

Links: (paywall, I’m afraid)

Nominated by Le Cunt Noir

97 thoughts on “The BBC (59)

  1. Tommy Robinson’s real name is Stephen Yaxley Lennon?

    Next they will be telling us that Suckdick Khunt’s Dad was a bus driver.

  2. Typical BBC double standards.
    Here’s another example. Whenever they mention David Lammy, they never say ‘whose real name is Guy the Gorilla’.

    • I don’t recall ever hearing the BBC refer to Muhammad Ali by saying ‘whose real name is Cassius Clay’. Another Mudslime convert.

      • “whats my name?!
        Eh? Whats my name?!”

        Ali to Ernie Terrell.
        After spanking his arse proper.

      • Evening Mis.

        Ali – What a boxer.
        What a character.
        What a man.
        He had to be the greatest.

        I visited the Golden Fleece the other night.
        Classic boozer.
        Three Tuns and Ye Olde Starre Inne were excellent as well.
        (Aspalls on draft in the Ye Olde Starre so I think that edged it)

      • Evening Herman ?
        Glad you liked York & the Golden Fleece.
        Used to go every year for the Jorvik viking festival .

        Yep. Ali was the greatest in my opinion,
        A one off, totally unique.
        My hero as a kid.

      • Hey Miserable I had a go at Captain M earlier. Fuck me he does annoy me. A bit aggressive really.
        I’m a bit of an aggressive god-botherer me.

      • I know, saw that.
        But you & Maggie have never got on.

        Lots of strong personalities on here,
        Lots of different opinions.

        It must be a absolute nightmare for admin?

        Squabbles break out all the time.
        Like herding cats for admin.

      • What’s that from a fairy tale? ‘And you shall go to the ball.’
        I am thinking of what the Queen said about Camilla today.
        And you shall be Queen one day.
        We live in a fairytale.

      • You admire Malcolm X Miles?
        How come?

        I admired Ali.
        Yes, he said Clay was his slave name.
        Ali was a walking contradiction.
        But he was kind to All kids,
        All old people.

        Ironic my childhood hero was a black yank Muslim.?
        But some people transcend religion…

      • Yeah, I admired Jack Johnson too.
        He had the bollocks of a elephant!!
        As well as being the greatest fighter of the age, and pushing his luck he liked motor racing.

      • Love Muhammad of course Miserable. How could you not?
        Probably Caotain M doesn’t because he hasnt got got a heart.
        But but…he is linked in my mind with Sammy Davis Jr. Why?
        Sammy Davis Jr supposedly converted to Judaism.
        He would make a joke —he was very rare ‘a one eyed black jew’.
        But he didnt really convert because he woke up one morning and thought the Jewish religion was true. He converted because Racism had made him anti-Chrsitian. Christiany was the power and and it had failed him
        Same with Muhammad Ali. He didnt really embrace Islam becuse he loved the doctrines of Islam. Get to the point-he rejected Christianity for political reasons. 5hey both rejected Christianity for political reasons. Not that they funadamentally were convinced of the teachings of Islam.

      • Ali was one of the greatest personalities of the 20th Century:

        He was a great boxer in an era of great heavyweights. He fought and beat them all-which adds credence to the claim he was the greatest. Relatively small in comparison to modern heavyweights, but athletic and with the heart of a lion.
        Brilliant ring craft too.

        An icon to many, particularly black America: he had massive influence.
        His refusal to fight in Vietnam and public conversion to Islam were huge moments in American history.
        Was he a puppet? Used by the Nation of Islam?
        I think he had a good heart and was a force for good.

        Am inspirational man?

      • PS – Malcolm X was a complex character, murdered by Islamic extremists. On balance, imo, he was one of the good guys.

        PPS – Didn’t know Jack Johnson was into motor racing! You learn something new every day.

      • Ali’s speech could have been written by Joseph Goebels-that is what I meant, when I asked:

        Was he’s puppet for the Nation of Islam,

      • Joe Frasier always laughed at the state Cass ended up in proudly proclaiming I did that. The cunt had called him an Uncle Tom back in the day, smoking Joe was not anything like he still lived above his Gym in the wrong bit off Philly when he died.

    • That hasnt answered your question about Mallcolm X. I am really fucking radical in some way. I like the X bit.
      I also think he saw through the Nation of Islam shit.

      • At the end Miles Malcolm X fell out with the Nation of Islam.
        Started calling it out which angered Elijah Mohamed.

        Thats why they killed him.
        Think Ali started to see through them around then.

  3. Double standards are the rule of thumb with the beeb.

    I dont care if some fish supper wants to be called Jack.
    I’ll decide that.

    Id soon get fishfinger to change its name to Melissa.

    “Hi Jack!”?
    “Eee Jack you late”?

  4. I’ve never “got” this thing about “real name: Stephen Yaxley-Lennon.”
    So the Al- Beeb has NEVER before d/w someone who had changed their name? Really?

    • They don’t do it with Transsexuals as that would be ‘dead-naming’.

      Ugh. the pretentious fucktards.

  5. The BBC’s real name is:-
    Big b lack c ock
    Bias bullshit corp
    Bastard Bullies Cunts
    Betrayers of British Citizen’s
    Brexit blaggers Cunts

  6. Trannies are dangerous.

    Just finished watching the Unabomber documentary series. I never realised he applied for a sex change.

    Robert Durst was another murderous tranny. The Suffolk Strangler, Steven Wright, dressed up as a woman at times too. BTK dressed up as a woman when posing for old school selfies with his dead victims.

    Fucking loads of them turn out to be serial killers.

    Silence of the Lambs was a documentary.

  7. Minor OT but related point re links on paywalled sites,

    If you want to avoid them, check to see if the link has been archived first on (, etc), the page had already been archived by someone last October;

    If it’s not there, archive the page and post their archive link, they do a reasonable job of stripping the paywall shitwankery out from a lot of sites, besides, it deprives the paywaller of the tracking data and ad revenues they’d get, and the trackers are denied the gathering of just a little bit more aggregate data on your browsing.

    If gets too bolshie with their captcha crap (I think I’m on their captcha shitlist thanks to the amount I’ve archived), try, they’ll usually have a copy of the link as well.

  8. Look. This really has to stop. Wasting separate cuntings on the continuous, uninterrupted festering sink of cuntery that is the BBC is inefficient in the extreme. Pretty well everything the BBC does is cunt, most of the people it employs are cunts and it is a cunt black hole into which every conceivable instance of cunt is remorselessly pulled, only to orbit the event horizon, emitting heavy cuntons, for far too long before it disappears.

    Can we please take it as read that whatever the BBC does will inevitably qualify for a cunting, and use the BBC Shit thread when it excels itself? Otherwise what’s the point?

    Jack Monroe does however qualify for a cunting in its own right. almost to the point of requiring a Jack Monroe Shit thread. Absolutely stereotypical wokeflake and possibly (allegedly) not above a bit of benefit fraud either.

    • “ is a cunt black hole into which every conceivable instance of cunt is remorselessly pulled, only to orbit the event horizon, emitting heavy cuntons..”


  9. Double standards from the British Communist Cunts?
    Surely not?

    Never forget, they allowed and supported that Sophie Dark-Key to say:

    “When we say kill-whitey, we don’t mean it. (We do!)”

    Defending her by saying:

    “Racists don’t have a sense of humour.”

    Then they are all over Jimmy Carr and his holocaust joke about people NOT talking about the thousands of gypsies killed by the Nazi’s-as people don’t like positives.

    Complete double standards.

    Don’t even start on the hypocrisy surrounding Robinson and Islam?

    • I didn’t know Nick Robinson had a problem with Islam. How the he’ll has he kept his job?

      • Maybe he’s referring to a problem Nick Robinson had with Faisal Islam? Advances rebuffed?

      • I was referring to the BBC and Mr Yaxley-Lennon (aka Tommy Robinson).

        My head cheerleader knew this?

  10. Jack, became famous for what, well as far as I can see she managed to open a tin of beans.
    No idea why the media give the silly cunt any publicity, except the BBC of course, they love all this ‘campaigner’ shite.

  11. Well to be honest, my immediate reaction on seeing that pic from the Times article was ‘what a gorgeous looking woman’. Should I be worried?

    As for the Beeb, I’m with Komodo (4.29 pm above). Maybe Admin could think about instigating an ‘ IsAC Lifetime Cunt Award’ for the tosspots and have done with it.

  12. Isn’t this the one who successfully sued Katy Hopkins for defamation?
    I agreed with her over that-Hopkins did defame her and refused to apologies. “ Jack” said she would accept an apology/retraction and a small charitable contribution of her choice.
    Hopkins doubles down and lost her house.
    Silly cow.

    Sometimes you need to know when to lose the battle, to win the war?

    • Didn’t Saint Yaxley of Lennon do the same thing? After he got sued for defamation of that Syrian kid, and had to fake divorce his wife so he could declare himself bankrupt and hide his money and property? He’s got form for fraud, so it’s more than likely he’ll get caught again. And for what, picking on some kid?
      Great role model.?

      • Gutstick:

        Increasingly, you seem to be following me around IsAC, trying to deride most of my comments?

        Is there a reason for this?

        Perhaps I should be flattered?

      • I thought it was relevant, as it was as I pointed out very similar to what Hopkins had done, and both were playing to their followers. Also, Robinson is mentioned in the nom, and in several posts, so it’s relevant in that respect too.
        I’m just trying to put some perspective on the bloke, who seems to be admired by some, and worshipped by others, and I see it from completely the opposite angle.
        If you would rather I didn’t comment on your posts, let me know and I’ll stop.

  13. I’m choosing to use the name Rastus M’Bongo George Floyd Chiggin III this

    Hope that’s ok? It is it cultural appropriation?

  14. Utter nest of vipers, needs a tactical nuke deployed. Utter bastards.

    Apparently the fucking BBC are being sued by that old oirish bog trotter Gerry Adams, as apparently they have defamed him. Interesting given they’ve spent the last 40years with their collective tongues firmly embedded in the ring pieces of anything anti British.

    Gary Lineaker aka ‘jug eared sanctimonious Uber cunt’.

  15. Wow, there is actually a taboo on IsaC. Tommy Robinson. Don’t dare insinuate that he’s a former football thug turned race baiting political shock journo, or you will get cancelled, a concept that is regularly loathed on these pages.
    It’s also true that most of his apologists who insist he isn’t a racist then go and make racist comments on other noms, making them something that combat 18 would wank over. I thought the bottled water nom the other day would be safe from it and provide a bit of light relief, but even that managed to cram a few race hate posts in.
    Ah fuck it.

    • Not taboo with me. I’ve seen him refer to a taxi driver as a P@ki on camera. He was off his tits. I’ve seen his videos confronting soft students on claims of racism. Many are clearly quite fearful and mentally lazy. He might want to confront other people on their accusations. I’m sure if he asked why I thought he was racist i’d ask him why he was talking about people being p@kis while being filmed amongst his mates abroad.

      Having said that, the cowardly media seem to misrepresent a lot of what he does and says.

      I agree there should be no sacred cows on this site, or even sacred cunts.

  16. Off topic, but I’d like to share this.

    A man dies and finds himself in hell.
    The Devil says “This is your lucky day. I’m feeling generous, over there are 3 doors and behind each door is a task. If you complete all 3 tasks you can go to heaven!”
    The man asks what the tasks are and the Devil says “Behind door 1 is a litre of Jack Daniels and you must down it in one. Behind door 2 is a 600lb grizzly bear with a sore tooth, you must pull the tooth. Behind door 3 is a nymphomaniac and you must satisfy her.
    Complete all 3 tasks and you can go.
    The man agrees and heads for door 1. A couple of minutes later he staggers out bleary eyed and heads for door 2. There’s roaring and screaming and banging coming from behind the door and 30 minutes later the man emerges, his clothes are ripped to shreds, his body is covered in deep scratches and bite marks and there’s blood everywhere.
    He staggers over to the Devil and says “Right, Where’s this nymphomaniac with the sore tooth?”

    • Erm,,
      I don’t think you’re allowed to say that.
      They could very well take offence.
      I must admit I was initially confused.
      But it’s quite clear to me now.
      Jack was born a girl, but when she became a laydee, they decided they was both a laydee and a man.
      Greedy fucking cunt. In Yorkshire, we’re only allowed to be one or t’other, but this grabbing attention seeking cunt/knob gets two goes?

    • No ElD, I said earlier that she looks (or should that be looked) very attractive.
      A real waste if you ask me.

  17. I absolutely HATE the BBC and it’s anti normal/white/straight male/British (except peacefuls) etc etc agenda.

    Point in case: what the fuck has some old Bollywood singer that no British person has heard of or cares about dying got to do with us? Why is it front page news? No Rotherham pedos, peaceful Lord pedos or masses of homeless British white people with no home (including soldiers) on the front page, but some wailing old hairy cunt dies and it’s on the front page.

  18. Boris Johnson is congenitally incapable of learning from his mistakes.

    Today he appointed ex BBC chief political correspondent Guto Harri as his Director of Communications.

    Harri recently shot to infamy by taking the knee on GBNews:

    Well done Boris. You couldn’t fucking make it up.

    • I was just reading about this:
      If anybody had any doubts about Boris and his political allegiances……:.

    • Who?
      Never heard of him/it/they/them.
      And what exactly was wrong about him taking the knee unless he was “gasp” doing it in an ironic way?

      • He can appoint whoever he wants, everybody knows his Mrs keeps his bollocks in her handbag anyway.

      • @JP – re: “And what exactly was wrong about him taking the knee…”

        I find it hard to imagine that I am the first person you have encountered who considers taking the knee to be grossly objectionable. Are you not aware of the arguments pro & con?

        That said, it’s good to know this site is not an echo chamber, unlike so many others others.

      • Well, I did rather hope someone would say yes, it was ironic, in which case I’d have elevated what’s his face to sainthood.
        Stick around, MJB, of irony, you will learn about.

      • And no, he certainly wasn’t doing it in an ironic way. I witnessed the broadcast live.

  19. Lots of people nowadays dont know if theyre a Arthur or Martha.

    Being pretty quick out the trap I figured it out while still a toddler.
    50yrs later im still convinced of this decision..
    Shows how much smarter I am than a lot of people.?

    • Imagine another 50 years when society has gone further down the shitter. I can do my best “I’m a man” Frank Spencer in my care home, “yes of course you are dear” says the nurse of unspecific gender.

      • No care home for me, LL. I have an agreement with the kids.
        They are to allow me to die from starvation, which may be sooner than they think, then deep freeze me for as many years as possible, while collecting my pensions, then bury my corpse as deeply as possible, somewhere remote, and report me missing, on the grounds that I’d become senilly.
        I’ll teach the cunts to fuck with my pension retirement dates.

      • JP@. I do like a bit of lateral thinking.
        I wish you a long and profitable death.
        Screw the cunts for every penny. ??
        Good evening.

  20. The media and the BBC in particular dont give names or descriptions of criminal perpetrators where it infringes their protective racism.
    I saw on BBC news that a large number of men had been arrested for child sexual offences in Calderdale. No names were given,
    I wonder why?

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