Here we go again, structural racism and this time it’s black women are 40% more likely to have a miscarriage than white women.
What do I hear, that’s a good thing, the fuckers breed like rabbits so if they weren’t having miscarriages we would be overrun.
On a more serious point, they (the BAMEs) want equality, but it seems in every aspect of life they need special treatment or a leg up.
Why do they miscarriage more than white women, ‘underlying conditions’ but also a new one on me, the different fanny bacteria ffs.
It’s a pity Kurt Zouma’s mum didn’t flush the cunt away, cat battering piece of shit!
Nominated by: Sick of it
“Is it cos Ise is blek” ?
No. It because you’ve got a dirty fanny.
I’ll give you an example of structural racism. It’s when the BBC advertise a job for ethnic minorities only. How on earth is this legal?
The BBC are already well over subscribed with effnicks
The BBC are utter cunts of the primary type. Fuck them & their funding.
Or when Joe Biden declares that his Supreme Court pick will be a black woman. Great. Will that shut them up?
I like my racism to have some structure.
Otherwise itd be anarchy.
After breakfast the first few hours are aimed at chinkys,
Squints and other yellow bellys.
Dinnertime, after a healthy salad (?) I get stuck into the sooties, dark keys and flipper lips.
Teatime and down to serious business,
The filthy fuckin parkys.
Carpet kissers, camel gropers, and goat molesters.
Nice cup of cocoa and a threatening phone call to Di Abbott and a pop at the French,
The foul frog kweers.
Might get up for a slash in middle of the night
If so its the turn of the welsh.
That sounds a very reasoned approach to the day MNC ! Karma.
I have TV Tourette syndrome, I can’t stop it every time I see a effnick I shout out N*gga or P*ki , I can’t help it ?
Miserable, you have just described my day to the T, I do try to have Sundays off though.!!
Clement Beaune is, like Dame Kweir, a homosexuality. Explains his “Ooh, Matron!” lemon-suckling face…
It stands to reason that If we all came from Africa, and we were all black, then the characteristic nature arises from that time. All racists are therefore BLACK ! ( its in their genes )
I’ve often heard that old bollocks trotted out. How can it be? What the fuck has ever been invented by Africans? How can whites and blacks be from the same genes – it just doesn’t make sense.
Just fuck off with it. So tired of this game, find a minority age then find ways in which they a disadvantaged that you can then call systemic racism or whether kind of ism is popular at the moment.
Don’t see the cunts leaving the UK for Africa for better pre natal care do you?
The other day some woke journalist was crying because someone had the temerity to state British born black folk are not indigenous. Fucking hell is there even a debate to be had?
The racism in this country is never going away until facts are dealt with as facts because fact is racism plays very little part in the issues facing immigrants when compared to their own self destructive insistence on refusing to integrate.
Pre natal care in Africa is a witch doctor with a stick.
Or a dick…
Went to the Royal Air Force museum at Hendon a few months back. Apparently, most of the RAF fighting the Germans was made up of black people.
That’s right. And Wing Commander Guy Gibson of Dam Busters fame had a dog called “Whitey”.
LC@ – “Drop da fried chiggun ova Dresden, blud”..
And here’s how they spoke
(wartime RAF station)
Jones: Morning, Squadron Leader.
Idle: What-ho, Squiffy.
Jones: How was it?
Idle: Top-hole. Bally Jerry, pranged his kite right in the how’s-your-father; hairy blighter, dicky-birded, feathered back on his sammy, took a waspy, flipped over on his Betty Harpers and caught his can in the Bertie.
Jones: Er, I’m afraid I don’t quite follow you, Squadron Leader.
The German’s complained that the dropping of da fried chiggun over Dresden amounted to chemical warfare… I kid you not.
I reckon most of it is salmonella-infested.
I bet those Spitfires had to be fitted with buckets for KFC and a bonga bonga for their dope.
That sounds a very reasoned approach to the day MNC ! Karma.
Come to think of it. If Jeez was an Ahrab, and the son of God. Does that not make God an effnick? So its all Gods fucking fault !
Jesus was Jewish.
No doubt that will suit the anti- semetic prejudices of a number of Cunters.
Im surprised Jebus foreskin didnt grow back the next day?
Youd think it would wouldn’t you?
Healing powers and all that.
Bet if you had it in a nice jar itd fetch a fortune at auction?
I should think the holy foreskin is capable of miracles.
Make a interesting watchstrap too.
It would. But I have a feeling I ate it in a Greek restaurant once, disguised as a piece of Kalamari (squid rings).
There’s an old joke about the mohel who collected all the foreskins after circumcision – he made them into a purse which got bigger when you rubbed it.
Another about the boy with no eyelids so the quack proposed to use is foreskin to fashion a pair
Dad: he will be cockeyed!
Doc: but he will have foresight!
Black people like hanging around with black people, Rinkydinks with Rinkydinks, ex pats in Marbella all stick together. My point? We all prefer our own but don’t necessarily dislike everyone else…….Hitler reached out to Czec, Poland, France, Russia and lots of other countries in a bid to form new friends and got called racist….Can’t win! CUNTS
but as soon as Vlad wants to join up his ethnically Russian Ukrainians, everyone’s having a pop at him.
Erich Koch – Prussiian gauleiter and Reichskommissar of Ukraine…
“…If I ever find a Ukranian fit to sit at my table then I MUST shoot him!”
In fact Koch’s ‘pascha’ lifestyle and his dislike of slavics was a key waypoint in Germany’s defeat as he took a population that was broadly supportive and let’s be honest had a massive backlog of ‘unfinished business’ with bolshevik jewry {due to the imposition of the Holodomor massacre/starvation/s} and were busy exacting their revenge with no encouragement from the nazis! Koch’s kleptomania and irrational racism basically turned them from a potentially powerful ally into pro russian partisans!
The fucking knobhead!
Everyone is obsessed with their ethnicity, “getting in touch” with their Irish-ness, Swedish-ness, African roots, etc. But it’s your HUMAN-NESS that matters most, everything else is cultural camouflage that can make you forget that…
“We’re all God’s children.”
“Iron” Mike Tyson
Why does everything have to be about allegedly being regarded as a second class citizen?
If someone had said we need to do some serious research into why these races miscarry more frequently, fair do, but to imply that they don’t get the same healthcare as other people, and this is the cause, is not doing their cause any favours.
Stop playing the race card!
All the woke types claim ‘we are all the same’ regardless of skin colour however it is clear that we certainly are not.
This story is just one example, the Covid hysteria has shown that genes played a part in outcomes for Asians.
The DNA differs between Europeans and Africans in the amount of Neanderthal DNA, when you consider that humans share around 99% DNA with apes it’s not surprising that small difference in DNA make up within the Human race can have an impact on medical conditions.
Best thing for all is for the Blacks is to go back to Africa where they can be sure they will have parity with their fellow man.
We’re all the same… until fingers need to be pointed.
Structural load of old whinging bollocks more like.
Here’s some more structural racism for you: New social housing going up around here at a rate of knots and is immediately filled with the other mob and Eastern European gypos. Go to the canter of town and every single genuine homeless person you see (not the begging Roma scum with new Mercs) is white British. Because that’s fair.
Ethnics, here’s a clue for you. Don’t do drugs, don’t break the law, do study at school. Whats too hard to understand?
These “findings” are simply excellent.
They intimate that there is a nefarious plot to discriminate and murder ethnic minorities.
If so,find the gigantic team of conspirators and try them in open court.
No?there’s no evidence apart from some selective and skewed statistics?
Oh dear what a load of race baiting nonsense.
The people who create this vile propaganda should be rounded up and shot for the effeminate traitors they are.
The disgusting craven cunts.
Maybe it’s diet.
Ever looked at what n’guzz buy at the store? It’s the worst shit you can fucking get!
Grape soda, frozen pizza, chips, cakes, white bread, instant dinners, microwave shit, etc.
Their uterus can’t build a body with that. It has to be jettisoned.
Ive always been a racist,
Before it was fashionable.
When my lad was born in hospital sometimes id amuse myself swapping the name tags on the ethnic kids.
And do you know?
Nobody noticed.
Not the parents
Not the medical staff,
The bleeding racists.?
Mnc@ – You wicked Man you!
Good form, carry on Sir, carry on! ?
Doubtless , Kweer Starmer will appoint Doreen Lawrence to lead the inquiry into this dreadful situation.
Doreen doreen
Doreen doreeeeen..
Im beggin of ya please don’t take my man.
Sang Dolly Parton.
Probably knew she wouldn’t take good care of him?
Doreen Lawrence killed my goldfish, Laughing Gravy.
Mnc@ – Laughing Gravy, never forgotten – a victim of a terrible (and hideously fucking ugly) monster ?- I have commissioned a small statue in the blue ridge mountains of Virginia..
But think yourself lucky – at least she didn’t clean the house out of valuables!
And I noticed your racism schedule – commendable Sir, commendable – but if you were up a couple of hours earlier you could fit the Irish and the Scots into the schedule!
I don’t do bank holiday racism though Foxy.
Otherwise it takes over your life.
Or Christmas, never racist at Christmas.
Im transphobic instead .
got no problem with a little race baiting, its not that im waysist its that through life experience i have concluded that a lot of of these groups are actually cunts for one reason or another, there are also a lot of white cunts, its just an easy way to categorize the description to apply to aforementioned cunt so as we are all singing from the same hymn book so to speak, a cunt of any colour is a cunt.
What a load of old bollocks. Most darkey’s have big flaps cos they ‘ave some many babies I would have thought that most just fall out with the mudder knowing she was preggers.
Fuck right off. Always the whitey’s causing the darkey’s problem. I’ve said it before, I will say it again, if you don’t like it fuck off back to BoogaBooga land.
Maybe I should complain more, next time I go past the doctors surgery and pipe up.
“Excuse me Dr. but I think you’re being a bit racist, all I mainly see in this established surgery is either eastern European gippo types, darkeys, or raggies, that’s a tad racist isn’t it my good Dr. where are all the whiteys, where is the inclusion and representation”
The, no doubt, Asian doctor would tell you to fuck off. If you ever got a chance to see him/her/it/them/whatever.
I expect a lot of these miscarriages are caused by DaddyRastus trampling da babeeMomma as he bolts for the door on hearing the wonderful news.
Or “de azz wippen dat bitch git for holding out on her man” by hiding her (his) cash in her bra under her revolting simian hangers.
Or maybe dat lil picanini come out too damn early when he smell dat friiiiiied chicun! Hmmmmm hm oh lordy yes indeed!
Just the same as with the covid deaths. Structural racism, or vitamin D deficiencies in northern climates and diabetes?
Fucking race grifters.
You can play about with statistics to suit any agenda.
I would take a guess that the majority of babies born in the UK are to black and Asian woman.
If you look at any inner city school you will be hard pushed to spot a white kid.
The most popular boy’s name a few years back was Mohammad.
So if black and Asians are having the majority of babies then it stands that they will have the majority of complications.
Hospitals are staffed by blacks and Asians.
It’s hardly likely that they would offer their own kind second rate care.
I’ve fought right wing bootboys on the streets, told home truths to Sikhs, blacks and Gypsies and taken the piss out of white Chavs. Dont care what colour, or race you are just as long as you are not a Cunt from Cuntland. But if you keep calling me racist I might bring out the old hugo boss uniform and show you what I’ve learnt…
Thomas Sowell is the voice of reason and its men like that which stop men like men from turning to the dark side.
OVSF – Correct – Thomas Sowell is a decent and intelligent Man – he sees straight through this shit.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who is a fan of Sowell…….
Dont mean Brian Sewell do you Foxy?
Hmm – no problem – get your whining chippy arses on a plane, fuck off to the African continent and have your medical care performed by a witch doctor as you chow down on bush meat and buffalo piss.
Off you fuck then, you ungrateful,chippy, whining, victim playing, scrounging, dirty, dumb inbred cunts.
Because if you carry on with this shit the removal “may not be voluntary or pleasant”.
There is a tidal wave of racism in the UK – and the vast majority is targeted at white Men, over the age of forty, working class, heterosexual and predominantly English (AKA – the MEN who built and protected our fucking Country) – and it is not only ignored, it is accepted, encouraged and any who rail against this are immediately branded as “fascists, bigots, gammons, waycists and nazis”.
Well I have met the REAL THING you daft little clowns – they would make your blood run cold and your blue hair turn fucking white.
Push decent people too far and you will not like the result.
Or us indecent people.
If Dawn Butler and Flabbot are anything to judge by, it’s no wonder many dark- key foetuses decide to leg it.
I do think that the Stanley’s and Ch!nks handle Racism quite well, they just Poison us and blow us up! On the other hand the African contingent are too dumb to come back with a retort, they just moan and Knuckle drag their miserable carcasses around bleating about the injustice cast upon their species, if not for Slavery they would still be one Gene behind the Neanderthal man, get with the program you lazy Wankers.!!
Is the header pic Lewis Hamilton at the moment his mum told him he was black
No, it’s just some ugly black kid.
He’s been told that he’s been born in England, and he he is so overjoyed, that he’s just soiled his nappy.
The moaning over slavery and wanting reparations has always made me laugh. So you want money for something that never happened to you from people that didn’t do anything to you? Everyone from that time is long dead. Also, slavery has done western blacks a favour. If it never happened, they would be in Africa really enjoying themselves on the best free healthcare, education, housing, social security etc, with great public transport, fair government, human rights, clean streets…wait, hold on.
Additionally, Queen Victoria spent 40% of the national budget buying black slaves’ freedom.
All the while, white slaves were STILL being bought and sold in the ottoman empire.
Well, I want reparations from Italy. The romans enslaved my Celtic ancestors.
And isn’t it funny how Islam isn’t demonised for its long and ongoing role in slavery? And what about the black African slave hunters and dealers who made the whole thing possible to begin with?
It’s just another excuse for the lazy apes to get something for free.
You bunch of racist cunts!!
Goddammit I love ya!
I wonder what happened to black and white cunt?
Flexicunt@ – B&WC Is our inside Man in Downing Street – he is working undercover for our freedom organisation!
Laarvly! ?
He knows nuffink abaaaaaht Partygate.
He was last seen boasting about avoiding the jab.