Soaring Prices

A cunting for the Media, yesterday the chairman of Tesco said prices could rise by 5% by April, well I have news for him, I shop at Tesco and prices have already risen by more than 5% on some products.

The media immediately talk about soaring prices, wtf, 5% isn’t soaring, if it were 70% or 50% or even 20% that might be soaring but 5% isn’t soaring.

Then, to state the obvious, the price rises will hit the poorest families the hardest, good job we have food banks.

Rising energy costs, rising fuel costs, rising shipping costs, rising wages, well what next, yes rising prices…. Who would have thought it.

Never mind by April the weather will be warming up so the actual ‘soaring’ cost of gas and leccy won’t be so bad, it’s the poor middle classes I feel sorry for, they may have to sell one of the family cars or cancel one of the family holidays. The poor were fucked before all this shit so will still be poor.

Fucking media, give it a rest!

Nominated by: Sick of it

75 thoughts on “Soaring Prices

  1. My tofu and quinao has really gone up. And dont get me started on artisan soudough bread.
    Aldi has a lot to answer for.

    • Artisan…translated as” I saw you coming”
      That’s £500 pound please for half a dozen eggs in dalston

  2. Artisan/artisANAL is, IMHO, as a trained linguistic Ian, a total wank-word. As is “workshop”, unless used in an engineering context.

  3. Prices are going up? quelle surpise!!! What next 10% pay rises? I bet you the cunts in the house of cunts will get more. How about a PAY cut you troughing bastards?

  4. More media hysteria. Reinventing the wheel. Inflation has been happening forever. stuff like rent, public transport, energy, fuel, food has been going up for decades. Its not like greedy cunts who own tesco, edf, arriva you name it are suddenly going to turn around and say ‘lets make less profit’ or ‘the price of us aquiring that has dropped lets drop the price for the customers’. They just let people become used to the new norm. The biggest example of this recently is fuel stations when they didnt hand the bug drop in crude prices to the customers.

    My parents were poor though I have done alright from work but now I am a staunch believer in voting with your feet. Wherever possible, I refuse to overpay for things. I will not buy anything from a tesco express store. I avoid shite yet expensive chain restaurants. I wont pay £8 for a small bag of screws in wickes. I read reviews to see what the best balance between quality and price is. Even for stuff like bleach, soap and toothpaste i push a trolley round the poundshop. Cillit bang is £1 there and £3.65 at cuntrose(or is it ocado?).

    I feel a lot of people nowadays (especially middle class) just shop for convenience – buy anything they want at any price dictated.

  5. Welcome to socialism.
    And if we sit on our arses and do nothing it will continue.
    So how about we don’t?

    • Afternoon.Vern.

      “Welcome to socialism”…. I’m certainly no Economist but surely free-market capitalism has something to do with soaring prices?

      • DFF@ – Afternoon DF – free markets and capitalism stimulate competition which means if the price in one shop is too much then we simply go to a cheaper one, or to put it a different way – if there are three pubs on the same street all with the same kind of service, drinks etc and one charges a fiver a pint and the other two charge 3 quid a pint the pricey pub lowers its charges or goes under (I have seen this happen with the “artisan craft ale” pubs they continually try to open round here where ale is double the normal price – they go to the wall in 12 months but never seem to learn the lesson) – healthy competition keeping prices stable but this is universal and there is something behind this – shortages, and supply chain distribution are being deliberately compromised around the world and prices are being artificially manipulated and gouged upwards.
        There is something about this which does not add up, and I am suspicious – I have always trusted my gut feeling and something about this isn’t right.
        Nothing I can specifically prove or put my finger on, but I smell a rat.

      • but isn’t this Country one of the least “Socialist” in the World ?…I thought that “Socialism” was a system that advocated collective ownership whereas “Capitalism” advocates private ownership…which we have in spades in this Country.
        Some people would argue that the very fact that “Big Business” has so little oversight in this Country is more likely to result in “gouging” than the “Socialist” system that we don’t actually have in the U.K.

      • Didn’t George Orwell predict that, in the end, you wouldn’t be able to tell the two sides apart?
        Both sides of the coin accumulate money and power whilst treating the rest of us as farmyard animals to be “shepherded”
        Cunts all…

  6. As London is currently experiencing the worst storm in the history of the Universe (or it’s been a bit windy, as we say up North) I expect the price of fence panels will be rocketing. The media will be in hyperbole overdrive this evening over Storm Eunuch.

    • I`m thinking that Storm I`m Going To Twat The Fucking Bastard Lot Of You packs more of a punch than Eunice.

    • Ive put on another t-shirt!
      Bit of a breeze and London is in a state of emergency ?

      • Mnc@ – Yep – had to go to the extreme of putting me jumper on – no need for any reckless actions like turning the heating up! ?
        Bit of a breeze and the snowflakes think it’s Armageddon..

      • The heating on is just a theory,
        A rumour, in our house Foxy .

        A few star jumps and a cup of Bovril .
        If your lips turn blue?
        Get that balaclava on I got you for Christmas from the Army&navy store.

        Although I suspect when im out they sneak it on.
        Im going to padlock the boiler cupboard.

      • Some wokeflake on Sky News informed us all “to stay safe out there”. I was only going to bring the bins in not storm a German bunker on D-Day.

      • Saw that LL,
        Has he never been outside the tv studio before?
        Is he a weather virgin?

        Whats he scared of?
        His hairdo getting messed up?!

      • Are you going to risk the moors Miserable? No fucker will be out, just you and the dog!

      • My missus put the news on and some utter BBC cunt said, “If you have to drive today, keep both hands on the wheel.” Fuck me!

      • Haha
        Some people do all kind of things behind the wheel.
        I got sent a video this week of a woman playing with her tits, driving and doing the KitKat shuffle, occasionally grabbing the wheel and steering. The person filming was looking down from a lorry into the car.
        Couldn’t believe my eyes the first few times.

    • The snowflakes were horrified at the prospect of a power cut, forcing them into self-reflection for a couple of hours. They were worried their virtue signaling would go unheard, unseen and unliked.

  7. Now it’s official that there is a Cost of Living Crisis every corporate cunt and his dog are coming out of the woodwork to set their stall out for price increases.
    Nowt new.
    Any excuse.

    Hopefully the minority of the population with functioning brain cells will simply cut back or boycott these mealy mouthed vermin.

    99% extra oven.
    Fuck Off.

    • ‘Due to covid, brexit, the 5% of inflation rate and the existence of ducks, the price of a loaf of bread is going up 60%.’

      I dont get why so many of our population cant see there is no correlation

  8. Sick of it@

    You bloody Tesco types are always complaining.

    So theyve put 3p on tofu burgers?
    Werthers original are £1.99p at the checkout?

    Quite your bleeding whining and put your hand in your pocket!
    Your not on benefits,
    Your not Oliver Twist,

    Food banks?!!!
    Bloody foodbanks?
    Oh la di da,
    My account at the foodbank is overdrawn and theyve cancelled my overdraft.

    Tight. Thats what this is about.

    • I know Mis, Tesco is my level, I could never aspire to Sainsbury, never dream of Waitrose and M&S may as well be another planet.

      But, I look down (slightly) on Morrisons and those Aldi scumbags, I just hope my meagre income will keep me in the life to which I have become accustomed.

      Food banks, top up for the permanently idle benefit lifestyle.

      • I love Aldi Sicky.
        I feel like Viv Nicoles in there.
        I could buy anything in the shop
        Moneys no object.

        I say to the till monkeys there

        “If you work hard like me one day you to will be able to afford cheap copies of luxury brands”.

      • I go to Aldi about once a month so I can feel superior, don’t actually purchase anything, it’s obvious to the general shoppers that I am far too sophisticated to be in Aldi, they probably think I am one of those eccentric types doing a bit of slumming.

      • Yeah!
        Phone the store beforehand.
        Say your a reporter and is it true a major celebrity is due?
        Wear massive sunglasses
        And pay some benefit pauper to approach you and ask for a selfie.

        Youll get the full star treatment normally reserved for people off Hollyoaks or Bernie Clifton.

  9. I`m fraught: I don`t know where may next tin of Ginger (anag) Brown boot polish is going to come from, not to mention the VAT on soot.

  10. You have to think outside the box with this.
    Your average weekly shop at the supermarket gone up by £7.85p?
    Your being diddled by the supermarket.
    Level up.
    Stick a salmon in your missus knickers,
    Fill your pockets with small expensive items.

    Go through the self checkout and dont scan a few bottles of whisky.

    Its not theft.
    Look at it as tory economics.

    • Mnc@ – I did – the miserable little fker at Sainsburys mad me put the 60″ TV back!
      Shifty no good security guards..

    • I have been saving my Tesco vouchers for such a rainy day, feel like a king when I do my shop for free ?

      I must have about 50 quid by now, keep me in spam for months ?

  11. This cost of living crisis has been imposed, or at least made worse, by our own government with their NI hike and green taxes on energy.

    As they made the problem they can solve it. Not only be removing these taxes but running a pipe up Johnson’s butt and connecting him to the National Grid. There’s enough natural gas up there to run the country for the next 100 years.

    • Johnson should be slapped with a Todger Tax, retrospective to when he took his first tug. The economy would be billions better off.

  12. I watched a report on GB news, the Money show or whatever it’s called, ‘levelling up’ I couldn’t believe it, straight into the MSM playbook, fucking Jaywick and the old chestnut of some toothless old hag showing her empty fridge ffs

    Levelling up, Jaywick should be levelled to the fucking ground ?

    What gets my pass boiling is all the bullshit about well paid green jobs, what about all the fucking shit jobs, they aren’t going to disappear, still going to need the lower orders to do the crap jobs, get out of bed every day and take a bus to some minimum wage job while the bone idle sit on their arses complaining about having to use a food bank.

    • “ some toothless old hag showing her empty fridge ffs”.

      Why can’t she eat her feet? She won’t need them for much longer.

      With that attitude this country never would have got through the Blitz.

  13. Fucking food banks at Tesco….. cunts make TWO BILLION POUNDS profit and wNt you to buy their stuff and give it to a food bank. Cunts give some of your bloated profits to the food bank.

    • Is that what they are?
      I thought they were community bins!!!
      Ive been putting bags of empty tins and old worn out undercrackers in them.

      • Save up used johnnies, and put them in a bag marked FAO Katy Price. Tesco will forward them.

      • Mnc@ – No need to be fiscally frivolous – get some safety pins in the waistband of your underpants – hold em up lovely they will!
        Borrow the safety pins from a neighbour obviously – no need to be wasting money now..

    • All the products they throw away could fill the food banks and the homeless. Absolutely criminal waste.

      Every little helps the shareholders. Cunts.

      • Not to worry Miserable, some immo benefit leech has probably used your old pants as a romper suit for one of her mini bombers.

      • If it be clinical waste, or chemical waste, but criminal waste? Well that sounds like the ash left over in Unkle Terry’s oven.

    • Fuck the food banks….There’s a fellow I know who was in the paper bleating on about how vital the food bank is for him…he doesn’t work….on the sick….but can afford plenty of waccy-baccy with the savings he makes from not having to pay for his food,presumably.

      • DFF@ – I used to be a debt adviser for the CAB, and in a very sizeable majority of cases that is exactly correct – pub on Saturday, dealers on Sunday, “Can’t afford to feed me kids”? on Monday.
        I got so annoyed with this I left – need I understand, needy I do not.

  14. It will hit everyone from middle classes down, and it will hit the full time minimum wage earner most.
    But my piss thermometer started to see an increase when I read of some couple in poverty wracked Wiltshire complaining that he couldn’t manage with the £1000 / month part time earnings topped up with over £1000 Universal Credit; his outgoings included pet insurance, car etc.

    • The cunts just earn enough to qualify for the full fucking hand out, then complain it’s not enough ?

    • I thought it was Alan Bennet researching a new play:

      Old Woman: Eee, excuse me luv, which aisle is the cake on?
      Tesco employee: Dobjay dobjay. What is cake on?
      Old Woman: Cake! I ‘ave to buy some lemon drizzle.
      Tesco employee: You want buy Borcsh?
      Old Woman: Ooh, no. I don’t drive.
      Tesco employee: Borcsh best food. Poland eat. Dobjay Dobjay.
      Old Woman: I just want drizzle.
      Tesco employee: Borcsh good. Is best.
      Old Woman: Alright, but I don’t think the W.I will like it.
      Tesco employee: Sorry. Tesco not sell Borcsh.
      Old woman: By ‘eck. What a cunt.

  15. When I started work in 1978 inflation was 18% or thereabouts.
    When I bought my first house in 1981 I paid 15.5% interest.
    I don’t really think anybody in the media actually knows what ‘soaring’ inflation is.
    Everyone’s personal inflation rate is different but it’s pretty obvious it’s the less well off who suffer most. The energy price increase will hit hard.
    Should have gone fracking. Billions of cubic metres of gas there to be extracted, all the technology is there. But no, the cretins in charge think that we can run a modern country on unicorn farts.
    I fucking despair. This ‘inflation crisis’ was largely avoidable but no one gives a shit about the white working class man who is the one who makes things, builds things, repairs things – you know, the one who actually makes the fucking country run.
    Aaand, relax.

  16. £15 fuckin quid for a warbys loaf!!

    Having to use dusters for socks.

    Sharing a vest with the wife

    Cooking streets pidgeon over a candle.

    Vote tory they said.

    Thanks for that .

  17. “Shrinkflation” is never too far away either! That can be more than 5%, depending on how you look at it.

  18. Hello Omg this site is hilarious, I very nearly pissed myself with reading the various comment pages. This site will keep me entertained for a very long time.

    Please can I add the poor dears who will have to do their own cleaning as they won’t be able to afford their foreign cheap labour, utter cunts (I feel so naughty using such a word).

  19. I’ve had arguments (for want of a better word) a number of times over the years with people about money.

    The starting point has often been “the cost of living”. Somebody bitching about how they can’t afford X,Y,Z or the price of electricity.

    Typical retort: going on holiday this year?

    “Oh yes, two weeks in Florida and then a skiing holiday in the new year”

    Suggestions that if things are a bit tight, maybe do without or consider something cheaper and nearer home are always met with various forms of indignation.

    You have means – and yes, it might not always be fair – but do try and live within them. It’s your (trigger warning!) responsibility to do so. Don’t spend money you haven’t got and never forget that debt is a commitment against future income.

    If you’re struggling with bills and you have expensive holidays planned etc, then basically it’s your fault and you are a cunt, deserving of no sympathy.

    Oh there is much cuntishness imposed on people making them struggle, but counters, let’s reserve our sympathy and empathy for those that deserve it

  20. I understand the worry caused by rising prices, but it has been exaggerated by the media. I used to spend no more than £100 in petrol a month. I am now paying £130 a month. This is for a tiny 1L Ford eco-shite. This is because of record high petrol prices and petrol being watered down from E5 to E10.

    Food prices are increasing but not things you would expect:
    1. In supermarkets minute steak has been either not available or expensive.
    2. Fruit juice like Robinson’s 1L has increased from £1.50 to £2.50 a bottle.
    3. Shortages of things like Ritz Break crackers.

    Tesco’s clubcard discounts are annoying. Just charge the proper price for things.

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