Shamishitta Begum is a total cunt, not only did she fuck off to Ishittistan to fight us, the country that has taken her family in and provided them with a much better life than they ever would have got in Pakistan, she is now offering her help to fight against the very terrorists she left to support against the UK in exchange for coming back to the country she hates.
She must be the ultimate in double faced, untrustworthy cunts on the fucking planet,so Shammishitta, fuck off nobody wants you here, im sure nobody wants you there and there is no forgiving what you have done.
Nominated by Fuglyucker
With further comment from W. C. Boggs:
The Paki version of Stacey Solomon who just can’t keep her ugly mug out of the newspapers is in them again.
Earlier this week she “begged” Boris to let her come home, so she could help “fight terrorism”, now, after waiting only 6 years to claim she was “sexually groomed” at 15 (why didn’t she mention it, even if in passing, 7 years ago?), she is using that excuse to get her “home” again:
I doubt that the little whore needed much “grooming” three kids by the age of 20 suggests she loves cock. The Western garb doesn’t fool me – or I doubt you – for a moment. She is, of course, also using the stock plea that she is “in danger” from Isis. I imagine her only danger is which member is going to get her legs open first.
Basically, a rat faced rat.
Fuck off and die.
Erm, morning all!
Let the cunt rot, “you’ve made your bed, lie in” still if they are shagging her there will be less of our children being raped by the Islamist twats….☠️
Dont get me started on muslim rapists. Fuckers want their balls cut off and fed to them.
Then hang the bastards, as a follow up deport the fucking families as well. Fucking puke making bastards.
I’m sure there are dozens of willing assassins in that camp that would whack her for a nominal fee. Get it done … for her own good … put her out of her apparent misery.
I’m an assassin. Pay me, I’ll kill her. Slow and painful.
Fuck off and top yourself you hideous desert monkey.
She can at least comfort herself in the fact she is only one more nomination away from being on the ‘Wall of Cunts’ and achieving IsAC immortality.
Shame the dirty fishy flapped cunt wasn’t in the house in Syria that the Special Forces of sleepy Joe raided earlier this week.
Rather than be taken (dead or alive, you’re coming with – in my Robocop voice) the Ragamataz leader of IS decided to partially blow up the house with his 80 wives and numerous sprogs.
If we let that whore back in she’s fucked anyway – maybe we should and move back to the old days where she’d be dragged through the streets in a stock and publically humiliated before hung, drawn and quartered, with her body parts sent north, east, south and west.
Those were the days!
Once shes back here she could start dating new PM Rishi suntan,
Sort of a cornershop version of Boris & Carrie?
Or a curry smelling Beckhams!
Doubt he’d want her anywhere near him. Hindus hate Muslims.
No, but politicians do.
That mincing cunt is lining up to be PM. Watch this space, we’re getting a Daki for a new leader soon!
I don’t think that will be a good move for the cunt-serve-atives.
Drawn, hung and quartered. Drawn is first. Dragged around, hanged until dead, cut apart and dispersed to the four points.
The Yewman Rights brigade can smell money.
Let her return, but make her my bitch. She be begging to go again within a week. I promise.
An intensive course of Pork cookery at the least, I hope.
We don’t have enough terrorists and other assorted foreign nasty bits of work in this country….we should welcome her back with open arms.
The price of beheading and other maiming equipment is also on the rise so it’s shocking the costs we expect the various imported miscreants to shoulder to murder us as we go about our lives.
I can honestly say if this trash got turned off by her own kind it would cheer me up.
We have more than enough cunt foreigners, but they dont make the news as it breeds racism (or tells us we’re right about the cunts). Instead we just get news about WHITE rapists/murderers. Same reason why we are never told about FEMALE paedos, only males.
She looks one of the twirling fart knockers with that outfit on. All this treasonous cunt needs is a napalm strike on her head Apocalypse Now fashion.
Certain people would welcome her with open arms. Perhaps, with her seriously prominent front teeth and luxuriant moustache, she could gain employment as a sort of Freddie Mercury/ISIS tribute act, with such gems as:
Crazy Little Thing Called Jihadi
Bombhemian Rhapsody
Killer Niqab
Don’t Stop Me (Beheading the Infidel) Now
We Will Bomb You
Good Old Fashioned Syrian Bomber
And the perennial favourite:
Another (UK Return Attempt) Bites The Dust
Fuck off.
Superb Paul?
You could add:
Mohamed to fall
Blow-him-iman Rhapsody
Bicycle ray-cist
Fat bottomed girls (in burka’s)
I love my car (bomb)
Etc, etc…..
Not forgetting “I want to ride my (burnt fence toothed fugly daki cunt) bicycle”
There are a few vacancies in No.10, special advisor on ISIS ?
What a cunt, leave her in the sand, best stuff for covering up shit.
Aww, her Jihadi ISIS kiddies are all dead. Boo fuckhng hoo. You became an ISIS whore by choice, fucking stay there you Jihadi Islamist Terrorist-making slag!
And we are bloody lucky they are all dead. Imagine what their view of us would have been had they lived.
If they let this ISIS slag back in, I’m marching on Parliament. Who’s with me? I’m totally fucking serious.
I have a nagging fear Diablo, that it will be secretly returned and supplied with a new identity and a new abode far from where it used to live in the UK. It won’t be at risk of being recognised on the street as benefits will be paid directly into its bank account and a trusted “human rights” nerd will do its shopping or any other errands required.
No surprise this shitstain is still moaning. She only wants to come back to the UK for free NHS dentistry on her buck teeth.
The government would have to be morons to let her back in. Oh…hold on a minute….
I don’t think the NHS dentistry department has that kind of money for her teeth repairs. I could do it with a cricket bat for free.
Treacherous bitch! She should fucking well rot out there.
One of the few faces that ‘domestic violence’ was intended for. She makes my skin crawl.
She looks like a Bisto’d version of that dog-awful Cheroot B Liar.
Claims to have been ‘sexually groomed’. Fuck off. She went there of her own accord, and married one of the terrorist cunts. Let her back in after that and who knows what will happen. ISIS are done, but Islam terrorist aren’t, she could be a plant a spy, sod the terrorist-loving bitch, stake her out and leave her to the fucking crows.
She’ll be allowed back. UK government: idiotic saps who believe any refugee sob story. Shooting this bitch is too quick, make her suffer, set an example to terrorist-loving harlots.
Feel free to return.
Provided you are being hung for terrorism.
We face a simple choice in the UK – remove islam or be annihilated.
Fuck her. Not literally. Though I’d make her regret her life decisions. Condom, of course, dont want the clap from her Jihadi-fucking pussy.
Sharp poker in the pussy so far it comes out of her mouth. Job done. Mount her on a landmark as a threat to any who go join terrorists. Allahu ackba.
The UK will make a big show of keeping Begum from returning as it looks like they are doing their bit to keep us safe, but there are around 500 who she fought alongside that have successfully returned and are getting on as if nothing has happened. Perhaps some are being monitored but that isn’t enough to stop them if they are determined.
Any of the returnees who commit a crime should be booted out of the U.K. along with their extended family, any assets sold to pay compensation to the injured and the fucking politicians/civil servants who allowed them back in initially, have their assets confiscated.
And the human rights lawyers should be crucified.
Government should name and shame. Vigilantes will do the rest. I’ll do all the cunts myself for 10 grand. Kickstarter it.
She’ll be getting an honour and a Nobel peace prize before we know it.
One for Prince Andrew maybe?
She’s long past her “sexually abuse by date” for Prince Andrew.
Are there no open seats on a dinghy?
Its Shamimas 3 mini bombers I feel sorry for,
A short dusty smelly life.
Theyll never get to wear a suicide vest or have sexual relations with a goat☹️
Real baby boomers……
I enjoy imagining that evil cunt made into offal.
Bet her pussy tastes offal
Daft bitch…..just get on a dinghy like all the other fucking p*nces.
Heard on the radio that we are spending 4.7 million A DAY just on the fucking hotel bills for those cunts.
Bastards like Kweer Starmzy will want to be photographed licking her terrorist arse. With any luck she’ll whip out a scimitar from under her letterbox gear and cut his useless bollocks off.
Alan’s Snackbar!
Picked the wrong side. Tough shit. Made her bed, now has to lie in it, with loads of greasy ragheads queuing up.
Should we do the decent thing and let her come back, and prove how civilized we are? Er no. It’s about time we stopped being decent and civilized and taken advantage of.
Just send someone in to put a 7.62 mm round into it’s head.Then leave slices of bacon on it’s cooling corpse.
Assassin for hire. Pay me enough and I’ll do the terrorist bitch. Slow and painful, to send a message.
Asinine for hire? ?
Ill do it for fun – just point me to her
Pork chop up her quim is an even better assault !
Not enough of an insult.
Begum, her clan, her race, are little more than the droppings from a Camels bum.
I wonder if “lessons will be learned” after the next terrorist atrocity – there are thousands of them in the UK just waiting for the moment to strike, and of course the perpetrators will be “known to security services” yet again.
Yep.All of these “brain surgeons” and “rocket scientists” who are traveling via dinghy’s.A match and a can of petrol.