Off Limits Justified Criticism

The latest being:-

”Attacks on Carrie Johnson are “sexist” and “misogynistic” the health secretary has said following the serialisation of a book about the PM’s wife.”

Here we go again. Just like any criticism of St Marcus of Rashford, BLM and their anti-semitic dodgy agenda is racist, any suggestion that muslims dont fit with Western values is Islamophobic, and any debate about trannies is transphobic.

Now justified and researched comments on Carrie Johnson are sexist. No debate allowed.

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

61 thoughts on “Off Limits Justified Criticism

  1. Wimminz are a protected species now like dark keys, mincers and benders and trannies. Good morning.

    • Unless the wimminz criticise the transbenders as not actually being wimminz.

      Then an utterly confused and confusing shitstorm occurs around trannies not being able to give birth, have periods or breast feed a child.

      Just sit back and watch the woke devour each other.

    • I think you’ll find that women have dropped down the pecking order a bit in the last ten years, unless they have additional factors, such as race, religion, and sexuality.
      To think of what the original feminists wanted, which was equality of opportunity was quickly revised by the militant brigade into the warped sense of entitlement, is a shame, as I can see nothing wrong with equality in its true sense. Opportunity and merit should have been the ultimate goal, but it’s never enough for some, and unfortunately it’s become the business model for every ‘equality’ cause ever since.

  2. Great cunting.

    Wimmin’s sports commentators/pundits too.

    I recall that brain donor, Professor Rio Ferdinand PhD, telling Leeds Utd to ‘back off’ when they simply pointed out Karen ”147 caps for England’ Carney was wrong to say they only got promoted because of Covid. There was nothing malicious in what they said on Twitter. Just facts delivered in a polite way.

    You’d think they’d said ‘Get back in the kitchen and shut the fuck up, before you get the back of my hand.’

    If you’re going to stand on a public forum and gob off, on national television in many cases for fuck’s sake, you’d better be ready to stand by or retract your comments.

    Funnily enough, I recently saw some old game where Brian Clough was on the panel and getting a ribbing from the others for his opinion. He simply said that he takes no joy in upsetting people (some twat wrote in complaining) but ‘These are simply my opinions, ITV pays me to give them, so I give them and I stand by them.’

    That’s all these pricks need to say really.

    But no, you can’t argue back if they’ve got a cunt, are a gay, a spacca or worse, have a permanent sun tan.

    • There was pile on too from the usual cunts after Granny Rayner (shock horror) said terrorists should be shot on sight and questions asked later. The same people who say wimminz voices need to be heard.

      • He took the knee in ‘solidarity’ with BLM.

        Wonder what he’ll do to show the same solidarity to the bummers?

        “In solidarity with our fudge packing pals, I hereby open my arse cheeks for this group of moustachioed, leather clad arse bandits.”

  3. Carrie “the horse” Johnson is evil incarnate.Full stop.She wants burning at the stake.Witch.

  4. The Prophet Orwell (blessed be his name) foretold the menace of “thoughtcrime” and it’s sinister remedy, “crimestop” –

    “The mind should develop a blind spot whenever a dangerous thought presented itself. The process should be automatic, instinctive. Crimestop, they called it in Newspeak. . . . He set to work to exercise himself in crimestop. He presented himself with propositions—’the Party says the Earth is flat’, ‘the Party says that ice is heavier than water’—and trained himself in not seeing or not understanding the arguments that contradicted them.”

    Whenever we are told some idea is sexist or racist, it’s woke crimestop, designed to destroy an individual’s freedom of thought or expression.

  5. None of these words mean anything anymore. Being called a bigoted , racist, islamophobic transphobic misogynist Nazi simply means you stand with the Canadian truckers and their families. One third of whom are Sikh.

    • You have hit the nail square on the head, Smug.

      It’s those damn Sikhs with their work ethic, family values, willingness to integrate and generally sunny disposition that are the problem.

      They may as well be Hitler.

      At least that’s what Trudeau tells us.

      • I didn’t know a lot of those Canadian truckers were sikhs!!
        Learn something new on here every day.

        That Justin is a despicable cunt,
        Something deeply flawed about him.

      • Trudeau, along with Arden, those woke pin- ups, have gone mad and totally lost the plot.

        Drunk on the power of having been able to control and tell people what to do over the past two years of pandemic, they have forgotten the meaning of liberty. A pair of cunts, both on the paths of Hitler and Stalin. Admittedly to a lesser degree, but on the same path, nonetheless.

        I think the tide is turning against them and their ilk.


      • Good Morning MMCM

        These leftist woke politicians (and there’s a few of the cunts across the EU as well) who were elected while exuding kindness, tolerance and whatever other woke buzzword or phrase, are rapidly proving themselves to be anything but what they ever claimed to be.

        Man child Trudeau, at this rate, is firmly on course for a Nicolae Ceaucescu moment and I for one would love front row seats to see it.

        The cunt.

      • Morning Herman. I totally agree. Can’t wait for the spectacle myself and hope the Canadian truckers are the beginning of the end for Turdeau.

  6. Spot on.
    We live in disturbing times.
    Nuanced debate is dead.
    Having an opinion other than that spoon fed by the MSM is treated as a thought crime.
    The Quislings now control the media.

    What a vile mess.

    • Nuanced debate is dead? Seems to me ANY debate is dead. We cant even question something sometimes. Hang the PC diversity woke brigade! Fuck the lot of them. Our society is discriminatory against straight white males, and it makes me sick.

  7. Soft.
    Modern people are soft.
    Easily upset.
    Get tearful over hurty words or critical appraisal.

    In return I get called a nazi, fascist, bigot, neanderthal, knickersniffer etc
    All which are true,
    But you cant get round me with flattery.

    Im not 7yrs old name-calling makes me laugh.

    But when I return fire they burst into tears!

    As for Carrie Johnson I wouldn’t let her deep throat my winky
    Her teeth look like farm machinery,
    But id certainly like to do her up the bum while we both wear Waffen SS uniforms.

      • I like to think if shed let a flabby stuttering albino like Boris rattle her teeth shes game for anything?!!!

        Probably one of these nymphomaniacs ive heard about and never met despite looking.

      • Oh nymphos exist. Years back when I split up with a mad tart, I let two of my best mates rent a room each off me to help pay the mortgage.

        I was in my mid to late 20s and it was a wild time. We’d go out on the pull at weekends. A bit mad hearing your mates or them hearing you banging away.

        But one night one of my mates scored and me and the other mate didn’t. He gave her one in the middle of the night. Then I heard her go into my other mate’s room and he gave her one.l too.

        I was thinking ‘Nah..Dave must’ve done her twice I’m imagining things.”

        As I was thinking this. She opened my bedroom door in the noody. Not bad too.

        I said “I’m not having thirds! I’m not fucking prodding about in me mates’ jizz, fuck off!”

        I then heard roars of laughter from the other rooms, as she then let her spunk filled hole out of the front door.

    • Mnc@ – I get that all the time – the insults do not bother me one bit as I quietly and politely say “say that again and I will smash your fucking face in” – they magically lose the power of speech!
      And Carrie says all you need is Joe Stalins hat – the dirty bint! ?
      Slamming down with sleet and snow here, bit chilly on ‘t mountain bike earlier! ?

  8. This shit makes me laugh, and get angry. If some foreign guy steals your phone, you hit him and get it back, police say it’s racially motivated assault. ‘Um, no, I didn’t hit him because he was foreign, Officer, I hit him because he’s a thieving cunt.’

    • Cuntymort@ – Turdeau won’t get that far – there are rumours he is gone next week.
      And I caused a run on Canadians banks this week by advising the freedom convoys and supporters to empty their accounts! ??

  9. I have no idea if this description of political correctness is true but I think it is.

    (1) Tokyo , Japan
    0800-September 1, 1945

    To: President Harry S Truman
    From: General D A MacArthur

    “Tomorrow we meet with those yellow-bellied bastards and sign the Surrender Documents, any last minute instructions?”

    (2) Washington, D C
    1300-September 1, 1945

    To: D A MacArthur
    From: H S Truman

    Congratulations, job well done, but you must tone down your obvious dislike of the Japanese when discussing the terms of the surrender with the press, because some of your remarks are fundamentally not politically correct.

    (3) Tokyo, Japan
    1630-September 1, 1945

    To: H S Truman
    From: D A MacArthur and C H Nimitz

    Wilco Sir, but both Chester and I are somewhat confused, exactly what does the term politically mean?

    (4) Washington, D C
    2120-September 1, 1945

    To: D A MacArthur/C H Nimitz
    From: H S Truman

    Political Correctness is a doctrine, recently fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and promoted by a sick mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a piece of shit by the clean end!

  10. I’ve actually met Carrie….while skiing down the black run on my vast private mountain in Austria I saw a figure trespassing……I immediately skied straight off a cliff before deploying my Northumbrian flag parachute and landing,with unbelievable skill,right on top of the figure…..” Get orf my private Mountain,you fucking wanker” I screeched at the prone figure..turned out it was Carrie….of course when she saw the sophisticated figure in front of her,she frothed right up…I could see the leaking minge juice melting my snow….ripped off her ski-pants and demanded “Take me you magnificent Vast land-owner”…well,no sooner said than done…I undid my belt and braces,dropped me strides and had at her like a nodding-donkey on speed…left her a quivering,wrecked -for- a- normal- man heap in the snow….as I performed a triple-axel dismount and wiped my cock in her bedraggled hair I thought to myself “What a fucking Slapper.”..this is how I know that any criticism of Carrie as an “eye on the main chance” Harlot is probably justified…she’d undoubtedly have attempted to move into my (much bigger than Prince Andrew’s) luxurious ski-chalet if I hadn’t had the foresight to steal the identity of one of the Russian assassins who had earlier in the day chased me down the hill in a snowblower until I rammed a tobogganing Diane Abbott up their blow-hole.

    The trouble with the “shut down cliticism”bunch is that they just can’t handle the truth…they are probably also Homosexuals or Sooties.

    • I have often wondered what skills Carrie possessed. Other than giving good head, of course. Glad you saw the minger off, Dick.

    • Dick. Were you wearing Roger Moore’s bright yellow ski suit as well?
      Nobody does it better… ?

    • DFF@ – I am not surprised – gentlemen of deportment and breeding such as your good self and like what I proper am are irresistible to the frothy brained “Laura Ashley Laydees”!
      It’s a cross we have to bear..
      BTW, they were not Russian assassins – it was the fkin HMRC – A much more terrifying prospect!

  11. Any criticism of a male from a male should be met with cries of ‘misandrist!’.
    P.S. Trudeau is a Cnut of the highest order

  12. Cummings ‘she tried to appoint complete clowns to key jobs’ well pot – kettle ?

    I think all this negativity about Carrie is unjustified, she obviously hasn’t got the brains to influence anything other than what colour bog rolls to put in the carsey.

    Shortest biography in history ‘Blonde bimbo airhead’ (could also be Boris).

  13. Just don’t ever try to criticise Alexandria Occasional Cortex because that just means you want to give her a length.

    • If I’d been the shop-owner, I’d have chucked in a free nosebag, and a 3 gallon bucket for her Shergar dentures…

  14. I voted Tory.
    I didn’t personally vote for the Jellyfish.
    I certainly didn’t vote for his impedimenta, who as far as I know, was not on any official candidate list.

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