

Some crafty old xunt, from Equador called “Mlton” – he refuses to give a surname – why? (a criminal running away from justice probably) turned up in London claiming to be a single man. He was given a studio flat (of course). In he fullness of time he bought over his tw children and then the spouse, and hey all lived together in disharmony in his little studio flat.

When the dust settled he asked fr a bigger home, and was rightly refused, as he had wilfully misrepresented his circumstances Now he is suing the council, and wll no doubt get away with his fraud:

It begs the question – if his English is so poor and his brain so small, who the fuck is helping him with his dishonest claims and the court case?

There should be one penalty for scum like this and his conniving family: Immediate deportation with no appeal.

Nominated by W. C. Boggs

102 thoughts on “Miltooooon!!!!

  1. How do so many of these cunts get to stay here anyway? Fucking hell, aren’t there enough people here already without importing cunts from everywhere else?

    • Thats our stupid sad-sap government, believe a sob story then let the cunts get on with it, before you know it there’s 20 of the cunts ‘family’ here sponging off us. Thats why our tax is so high and the NHS is overwhelmed. Find all these sponging cunts and send them back where they came from.

      • I’ve sent numerous emails to my fucking cunt MP debating why I have to pay for my fiancés visa to come here when any FUCKING CUNT on the planet can turn up, and just take the fucking piss. Standard Bullshit everytime. We are addressing the current immigration situation. Blah blah fucking blah. She is only now coming round to my way of fuck the system.

  2. How the fuck is someone from fucking Equador get to come here in the first place. Who let him in, who let him stay, who gave the cunt a flat. These fuckers need a good kicking.

    • Yep, and all those english homeless get fucked over because of it. Fucking government and councils. Fuck them all. Lets march on parliament, thats illegal but who fucking cares.

  3. It’s about time they built camps for these cunts. No benefits, no fuck all in fact. It’s only costing us mugs 5 Million a day. How much longer can this go on?

    • Yes!
      Camps, and when farmers want manual labour, or food processing factories need folk on the belts picking out bad fruit and veg, there you go!
      An honest day’s pay, for an honest and useful days work.
      I’m sure our dear leaders will supply memory foam mattresses, high tog duvets for the cold nights, satellite TV, etc. Maybe even a shuttle service into the nearest town centre, why not??

      Or why not send all these liggers home.
      The cost in special squads, holding centres and charters flights will surely be offset by the savings in nurturing these cuckoo’s, in our nest.
      As for the human rights lawyers, first prove you actually have human rights in mind, by doing your first 10 cases pro bono! Ya cunts!

      • Get rid of state pension with a date wrote in law for people under 16 (Unless in certain parts of the state sector). Lower the retirement age for private pensions, train the young and when do do retire pick vegetables for free. Stop telling younger people we are lazy, we are not we want families and houses of our own.

      • For people under 16 I don’t mean working. I mean of age when they can work.

      • The retirement age for people with private pensions is 55, as I well know.
        I was trundling along nicely, until my state pension kicked in.
        Now I pay tax on my private pension, to keep feckless, workshy people, their offspring and cunts from other countries, who contribute fuck all, in Ugg boots and I-phones.

      • It’s also now going up to 57. It’s going to be chase the carrot forever!

      • Oh also make sure that ever single politicians have one child and they join the military. Would be my policy.

  4. I can only think of one thing Ecuadorian that’s ever been newsworthy, namely that it’s the banana republic that gave Assange sanctuary in their embassy. So now that the mummy’s boy rapist’s room is vacant, how about the Ecuador government using it to house their fellow countryman and his tribe?
    Not a fucking chance.

    • I thought Ecuador was an evil shithole from ‘Lord of the Rings’ until I discovered Smirnoff.

      • Hmm, define mass government shit slinging and rape charges. You don’t flee for your life to any other country at any cost unless you know they are going to kill you.

  5. Equador?
    Not that mate of Sting’s is it?
    That cunt with a dinner plate in his lip?
    Naked accept for a few leaves round his pecker.
    Fit right in round here .

    • “Naked accept for a few leaves round his pecker”
      Poetry poetry.

      Miles, your thoughts if you please…?

      • London, 1802

        Milton! thou shouldst be living at this hour:
        England hath need of thee: she is a fen
        Of stagnant waters: altar, sword, and pen,
        Fireside, the heroic wealth of hall and bower,
        Have forfeited their ancient English dower
        Of inward happiness. We are selfish men;
        Oh! raise us up, return to us again;
        And give us manners, virtue, freedom, power.
        Thy soul was like a Star, and dwelt apart:
        Thou hadst a voice whose sound was like the sea:
        Pure as the naked heavens, majestic, free,
        So didst thou travel on life’s common way,
        In cheerful godliness; and yet thy heart
        The lowliest duties on herself did lay.

  6. Obviously he’s a cunt but more so are the authorities for continually allowing this. Whether it’s future terrorists invading, Health tourists, or just bludgers from East Europe looking to claim benefits, we are a soft touch.

  7. It seems that every country in the world is unsafe except the UK, the only solution to the fucking invasion is two words Fuck Off.

    The problem here is how the fucking is this cunt even allowed to go to court, secondly why hasn’t the cunt been deported.

    We are becoming a third world shithole, diversity will be the end of this once great nation.

    • The UN has lost all sense of diplomatic measures they are now the world’s biggest people smugglers in my eyes. The original purpose had good intentions and now it’s just shit and woke.

    • I agree, Diversity is the last nail in our coffin. Do you remember the UK sharia law problems a while back? Bunch of islams wanted to ignore this countrys LAW, and do their own shit. Like raping their daughters if they go against family wishes, forcing burqas on the women, and basically being allowed to call our girls whores for wearing a skirt! You want to that, fuck off home and do it.

  8. ”It begs the question – if his English is so poor and his brain so small, who the fuck is helping him with his dishonest claims and the court case?”

    Easy to answer. The same cunts who get rapists off planes bound for Jamaica and elsewhere.
    Publicly funded. By us. While the legal profession waxes fat.

  9. Round my way there was a builders yard that was bought by the council. They built a small block of flats on the site, about six flats it looks like to me.
    I have no idea who is living there but a couple of months ago I was walking past and two young birds were putting the bins out. Obviously I noticed them because they were well tasty but I also noticed they had Yank accents. Sorry, but what the fuck are two young, tasty Yank birds doing living in a council flat in Londonstabistan? Who’s cock have they been sucking?
    Not mine that’s for sure.

    • Probably Romanian, they learn English watching American TV.

      Keep walking passed the flats, they might invite you in for a bit of fun ?

  10. Is Ecuador a stealth EU member, that somehow the general public didn’t know about? Did he enter the UK, seeking work, as a EU citizen, and has been given leave to stay?
    If he’s here to work, how come he was and is receiving benefits of any description?
    What specialist work was he doing, that no UK citizen couldn’t /wouldn’t do it?
    Short of cleaning shit out of sewers with his bare hands, I can’t think of owt so specialised.
    Now we have his wife, presumably not working, his son, presumably not working and his daughter, who’s being educated at our expense.
    Let’s hope she discovers a cure for unbelievable idiocy, when she’s at Med school, after her sponsored University education.
    I fucking despair, to think that even a fraction of the tax I pay, even though I am a pensioner who was sensible enough to have a private one, goes towards the support of these liggers.

    • The truth is the Elites prefer any fucking cunt before the British working class. They will never forgive us for voting Brexit….. that shook them up, make no mistake! Of course they would be better off trusting us than these filthy foreign fuckers but that’s not the way they see it.
      They can only see the enemy on their doorstep not gathering in the background.

      • Except ‘any fucking cunt’ can’t vote for these cunts.
        I think it’s posturing. Look at me, I’m trying to help a potential terrorist to stay here legally, because I’m a fucking muppet!
        Just show me a politician who doesn’t do wheepy, waily, poor boat people.
        I’ll vote for them.

      • Most of the farmers who moans usually will have an originic can sell to the EU stamp on the sides of things. It’s a foreign company who owns the farm and then all the profits go there.

  11. I notice the fatty is making something to eat in the photo.

    Well, hopefully, ‘Milton’ blagged a flat on the fifteenth floor and the lift is fucked. She might lose a few pounds then.

    Still, what may I ask, are he and his family doing here in the first fucking place? He’s playing football inside a crowded room in his flat.

    They’re not sending us their brightest and best, methinks.

    Maybe he’s one of those doctors or engineers I keep hearing about, or do they only come in on those dinghies?

    This country is finished.

    • Or maybe turn up the Grenfell style central heating. Ill rock up with my marsh mellow van. Everyone wins.

  12. Keep voting Tory, “Labour” or Loon Dem and it will continue.
    The answer is in our own hands at the next election, and at the risk of “continually banging on about this” I still believe the only hope our Country has is an apolitical coalition of like minded people with the brain to see what is wrong and the salt to risk the ersatz wrath of the traitor and the “always offended” who are prepared to put a stop to this (and one HELL of a lot of other things) – what we have is a joke at our taxpayer funded expense.
    We change things or we die of indolence.
    Time to wake up and crack on.
    Or fall.

      • MB@ – I am in the process of trying to set up a network of independent apolitical candidates to stand against all 650 current MP’s at the next election – there are rumours “The Farage” may give his backing which would be massively useful – 100 of us elected forces a coalition, 226 more and we form a Government.
        I have checked out the “independence parties” and TBH they are a bit of a joke – all they want is your money, and I keep asking Richard Tice, leader of the “same as every other fucking mainstream party” whenever he emails begging me for money – “you are a millionaire Richard – how about putting your hand in your OWN pocket, or getting your multimillionaire Tory partner Isobel Oakeshott to cough some cash”?
        Fucking grifting leeches, one and all.

      • I’ll stand, but I’m a bit of a lazy cunt with gout. Just get me in and I’ll do fuck all for anyone but still pay me. I am the man for the job. And I see myself in the next 10, 25 years doing exactly the same but for more money.
        Now vote for me so I can bum more rent boys, and think you are all bigots.

      • @Vernon.
        Independent candidates rarely win and usually lose their deposits. Farage stood 8 times and lost on every occasion. What makes you think your candidates will fare any better?

    • I would vote for the

      ‘Kick all the sponging foreign cunts out of the country’ Party

      Ban the words asylum and refugee
      No foreign cunts allowed
      No legal aid for foreign cunts
      Dismantle all the mosques
      Shoot anyone who takes the knee
      Force the bone idle to get to fucking work

      And then we can start thinking about some real right wing policies ?

      • I’m OK with that
        Except for dismantle all the mosques.
        Surely they could be turned back into the carpet emporium or curry house they used to be?

    • See, Vern, who do we vote for?
      Some political can ask me what I want, put out a tailored leaflet with what I want to see on it. I vote for the cunt and they do a Boris.
      What now. They are almost all liars, self seeking and, ultimately, uncaring apart from their own nest feathering.
      The MP who truly wants to make a difference is a very rare bird, indeed.

      • JP@ – Agreed, all as bad, all as greedy, self serving, incompetent and duplicitous – I could count the number of UK politicians I respect even slightly on the fingers of one hand.
        A clear manifesto – “This is what we will do within a year of being elected” – 10 things which are a priority, and have something legal in place (unambiguous and not “open to interpretation – sorry, shifty evil lawyer bastards – no fat on this one!) so if they are not done whoever in charge resigns and a new election is called.
        Good business practice.
        Because in business you set a deadline for completion of a project and if it goes over time, over budget or doesn’t deliver your arse is out the door to the jobcentre – it focuses the mind! ?
        And it is past time for someone in charge who runs UK PLC like a business not a charity for everyone in the world but the natives, and when what you buy says “Made in Great Britain” not “Made in China” the people will see – in real life – progress is being made.
        Furthermore, before I shut the no good propagandists down, I will order the BBC to play The National Anthem every evening at midnight – that will annoy the hell out of the lazy soap dodging lefty fkers!

      • But Mr Fox what about the poor not at all lying scrounging (I don’t speak English) no papers, illegal criminals, aged between 16 to 30? These poor people have travelled across many safe countries to claim asylum because there was probably a war once ? In your heart can you not see the plight of the non existent women and children ? Please for the sake of the world and Gary fucking Lineaker, fuck your own country up and feed the world.

    • It’s a good point very well made Vernon.

      We have in essence a 2 party system and there’s very little to choose between the sorry set of bastards when you look at the outcomes.

      It’s like you’re voting for the least worse party rather than the one that you think will genuinely act in yours and the countries best interest.

      How very depressing.

      I like your idea, no doubt people will say it will never happen, but they said that about Brexit.

      It’s got to start somewhere ??

    • I will happily lead a new political party. Somewhere between BNP/EDL and the all-inclusive wokie cunts at Labour/Tory. How do I sign up and start a party?

  13. Also, on what grounds were his wife and family allowed entry?
    Are they here as tourists, in which case I think they may have outstay Ed the terms of their visas.
    You see, Milton, when you start stirring the shitpot, the stink rises and becomes unbearable, and those of us with legitimate reasons for being here start asking uncomfortable questions.
    Bet you wish you’d kept it shut now!

  14. From the Spanish speaking country of Ecuador.

    So why not go to Spain?

    The reason is that he would have to work for below the minimum wage, probably in the farm industry in order to be able to eat.

    He would be entitled to absolutely fuck all and when he is eventually caught as an illegal immigrant he would be deported without any trail.

    That’s what happens here, and I suspect in every other country on earth…… Except in the UK.

    I think that the people of Britain should accept that National Identification Cards are necessary.

    Anyone that does not meet a strict criteria for having the correct documentation should not be able to claim any state benefits at all, and they should be fucked off back to their own countries.

    No exceptions.

      • But isnt it our fault?

        I see Macron blames the British for effectively enticing illegal immigration because of the generous benefits and all the rest.

        He is right I think.

      • A point to ponder. But, what do we do with these shitehawks?
        Are’nt there some decommissioned North Sea platforms we could use as holding centres?

      • Oh it was some Minister:

        ‘Poor management of immigration makes the UK “too attractive” for migrants, France’s outspoken Interior Minister has said, in the wake of the death of 27 people in the English Channel on Wednesday.

        Gérald Darmanin used a radio interview on RTL to once again criticise the British for encouraging illegal immigration through its allegedly lax welfare system and poorly regulated labour market.’

  15. Fuckin Equador!
    Cheeky cunt Milton eh?

    Go scrounge off the fuckin yanks.
    Did he come via Amazon?

    Hes not welcome here anyway,
    Fuckin guinea pig eating,
    Pan pipe playing cunt.

      • Dunno, LL, at this particular moment, hobbling like a granny, cocaine sounds quite good.
        Knackered the back, that’ll learn me..

      • I only wish, MNC.
        Where I live, you never have more than a fiver on you.
        The cunts soon learn.

    • MNC@ – “Ecuador”? “ECUADOR”?
      Sounds a bit foreign to me – bit far away from York or Leeds for my liking!
      Keep an eye on this situation Sir! ??
      Shifty no good fkin foreigners..

  16. All foreigners are shifty, and no good.
    Apart from those lovely healthy looking ladies from Australia, Austria and New Zealand.
    You can tell they’re here, taking the au pair duties seriously.

    • Agree normally.
      But today I met a Czech lady who was nice .
      Hard working, polite, it was a pleasure to take her money .

  17. Fact of the matter is that our borders are being fucked. One they are in they claim asylum and have twenty kids on the council and then get the right to buy.

    Everything then goes up in value and then no can buy.

    I have no issue with legal immigration (especially if their families get raped in communist and fascists countries for having and opinion, what I don’t get is why are they not doing it on their own land)

    I do have a problem when I feel that I cannot speak myself without being called a fascist. When my own family has fought for free speech.

    I’m English and British and if people cannot speak the truth to their own populice which vote them in power, why should I vote?

    I’d rather abstain. Which gives the traitors less power. Stop falling for this shit actions speak louder than words. Priti Patel is an absolute joke.

    Labour/Liberals/Conservatives. They are all the same on a fact finding witch mission, they simply cannot dedicate their professional lives above their own personal vendetta.

    • Gassed while wrapped in papaya leaves and we all have a rum cocktail.
      Respecting others cultures is only right.
      Wear a poncho.

      • Evening JP,?
        Yeah bit fresh isnt it?
        Freeze over tonight.
        I love it but know im in the minority!
        Get a stiff drink and put another bar on the fire!

  18. How in God’s name do they manage to do this? You can’t claim asylum coming from Ecuador.
    As usual some grubby lawyer will make a pile from this. Cnuts.

    • Yes, indeed.
      How the hell he got access here, got accomodation, claims benefit?
      Some one needs to ask awkward questions.

  19. google immigration solicitors,, WE ARE FUCKED in GB….it’s a massive £££££ earner for the CUNTS….?

    • Poor old David Lloyd George proper liberal. Don’t worry about anything he said, go off piste!

    • Hes in for a rough ride Sixdog.
      Find out who his friends are now.
      Spots on panel shows will dry up,
      Venues cancelled,
      The wokes want blood.

      It was a joke in a comedy show,
      Tasteless? Definitely.
      But worse on ISAC.
      Gyppos aren’t the most popular group on here!?

      This will snowball,
      Plenty of his fellow comedians calling him out.

      • Him and Whoopi Goldberg should do a comedy double act, Fiddlers rugby club are available for Christmas bookings.

      • Hehehe ?
        Why do these airheads like Whoopi feel the need to make social commentary?
        Rich enough so plenty to lose.

        At her age youd have some idea of self awareness.
        Youd think
        ‘ im none too bright,
        Dont know any facts,
        I’m ill informed, and possibly a bit slow.
        I’ll keep it shut and keep taking the money,”

        A mans gotta know his limitations….
        Harry Callaghan

      • Mis: Whoopi cushion is as thick as pigshit.
        She parrots critical race theory at every fucking opportunity.
        She should stick to making unfunny comedy films dressed as a nun?

      • He’s a big boy, he’s enjoyed swiping at the non vaxed, Brexit voters and those of the right. I don’t think it’s possible he didn’t know the reaction that would get, he’s a fast thinker and there’s no way he didn’t fully comprehend that joke would set the wokerati off.

        I don’t know why he wanted to press the button but he did it knowingly. Maybe he’s just one of those who likes to play with fire until they get burned.

      • Interestingly, I has never watched a Jimmy Carr stand-up show-until tonight:

        His Netflix show had a few genuinely amusing moments-he stole a few older comedians gags and repackaged them.
        The Gypo gag was one of the funniest.
        He is obviously a clever comedian.

        However, I have just watched Joe Rogan’s Netflix contributions and he is much funnier-in my opinion.
        Rogan has a much better “connection” with his audience?

  20. I would like to nominate Andrew Bailey as a Cunt. This cunt who is on 550k a year urges us not to ask to ask for a payrise, and I say go fuck yourself. I work in the low end of the job market and as a result of the credit crunch, caused by banks, I was out of a job for a long time, despite trying. I truly suffered financially and resorted to taking jobs I hated.

    Now things have changed and there is a shortage of people working in my sector and my earnings have shot up, and I will ask for a payrise. I will rape the shit out of the economy if it means these posh, rich wankers are jobless, payback is a bitch wanker. Your amazon ptime subscription gonna go up bitch, Same for any other fucker who whined about remaining. I am you worst nightmare. I am the one who picks your order, serves you in a shop, drives a lorry, Fixes your plumbing, builds your house. We are the ones who suffered during the last financial crisis, and now we are the ones in charge. What goes around comes around. Brilliant. Love it 🙂

  21. Just checked all available info on this. Does he expect to win a case? The council offered to help in various ways, he refused all. Council will have a record of all that too. Fucking moron. He is responsible for his situation, dont like it mate, fuck off back to Ecuador you lying sponging twat. And what twat landlord is letting 4 people live in a studio flat? Thats an eviction notice immediately.

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