Michail Antonio

Yes, another chippy dark key footballer. This one is a team mate of cat tormentor, Kurt ‘it’s the taste’ Zouma.

When asked about this incident, this chippy brain donor said ‘Is what he’s done worse than racism.’

A bit like a mate of Ted Bundy saying ‘Is what he’s done worse than Harold Shipman?’

Basically, he can do what he likes because he’s fucking black then?

Get fucked!

Oh, and they wonder why racism (realism?) is on the rise, the thick twats.

Sly Sport News Story.

Nominated by: Cuntybollocks

105 thoughts on “Michail Antonio

  1. There are worse things than racism. I’m racist and get along in polite society. Who cares? It’s not the scarlet sin.

  2. Person of colour gets caught out committing an offence against a small, defenceless animal.
    Gets criticised.
    Like night follows day, the critics are then accused of racism.

  3. When Jeffrey Dahmer was confronted with the fact he’d eaten lots of blacks he became very affronted and explained he wasnt racist but had just eaten what was locally available.

  4. Obviously, as Kunt, sorry Kurt, couldn’t really play the race card, he’s got a mate to do it for him.

  5. Funny init, when I were a lad and even up to a few years ago I never gave race a second thought, mates/ workmates/ all colours- creeds no bother… now, well I think we know we’re this is going….. ☠️

  6. Why do these creatures always look like the idiots that, when HM The Queen used to visit Africa, they used to dance round her stark bollock naked wearing warpaint and showing her their arses?

    Really they are paid far too much. Give them enough to get a room in the YMCA at Brixton and a bit of spending money each day for dem red beans and rice and a weekend KFC bargain bucket. The money goes to their heads.

    This apologist is almost as bad as the cat batterer – it is always the well paid black man or woman who cres racism loudest – Butlet, Abbott, Lammy and now people nearly as daft as them – ball and cat kickers.

  7. I am officially convinced that anything and everything is now racist.

    Me included, simply because of the actions and words of cunts like Mr Antonio and his “bro” Mr Zouma.

    If one of these two chippy cunts lost a brain cell today, then the other brain cell would die of loneliness by tomorrow.

    Good nom and Good Morning.

  8. If he’s a victim of racism, why does he have a cushy occupation as a professional footballer on a one million pound a month salary?

    Chippy cunt.

    • It is about time that these fools realised how fortunate they are. Don’t like living in racist Britain? Go ack to wherever you came from; you’ll be happier and so will we.

  9. Well I suppose that if he wants to make himself look like a chippy cunt by acting as an apologist for his mate Happy that’s his prerogative.

    Morning all.

  10. Watching the “big match revisited ” itv4 the other day, not a racist sooty face to be seen, just big hair and a muddy pitch, where did it all go WRONG…..⚽️

  11. What an ungrateful foreigner.

    I’d be happy to discuss the matter with it briefly as I shut the oven door on it.


    • Wild bushmeat needs a lot of ‘tenderising’ before you cook it Terry…. I have a wide selection of clubs, bats and bludgeons eminently suitable to the task, only too happy to oblige in the pro bono application thereof.

      Alternatively, loosen the hide with a swift blanching, peel it and use it for a wetsuit.

      What has happened (and will happen once the filth have dealt with him) to the proceeds from Zouma’s ‘fine’ incidentally? I hope it went straight to the Cats Protection League.

  12. Do look beyond the end of your fucking nose you twat. GB nation of animal lovers. Pat Boon kicks cat 250,000 sign a petition to prosecute the cunt. Racism? Go figure. Highly unlikely, people just don’t do gratuitous cruelty to animals.

  13. Way worse than waaaysism in my book, being an egg and spoon is one thing that no one cares about apart from the shades themselves, booting a cat makes me want to give the cunt a joburg necklace…

    • Bollocks + Anvil meets 4lb lump hammer… which one do we think will fare worse? Let’s fimd out; over to Chops’ Hell Forge for live coverage…

  14. Exactly what the fuck has cat-kicking got to do with racism??
    Sounds like one of those cyril/sybil service recruitment questions.

  15. Desperation from this cunt, an attack on the little pussy has nothing to do with racism so why bring it up, what would he (Antonio) has said if the cat kicking cunt was white, answer, fuck all so why mention it just because the Happy Slapper was black.

    Just like the stuff that was sprayed all over the Rashford mural, instantly it was racist but when it was investigated it wasn’t anything to do with racism but these cunts are desperate to flash the card.

    Calling a Cunt blick b’stard doesn’t even come close to drop kicking a cat in severity and in this particular case (Zouma) he fucking deserves it!

    Great header pic, definitely a career change for Antonio, exhibit at the London Zoo monkey house ? (yes I know that is racist, but he fucking started it ?)

    • And the fucking Beeb piously declined to show the footage thereof…why? Not because it showed a defenceless animal being heinously abused (though fuck knows that’s bad enough) but because it showed the mindless and spontaneous aggression these silverbacks are capable of! THAT’S what they didn’t want us to see.

  16. These days have been coming … all the chippy shit these dark fruit flavour fuckwits have been spouting is being redirected back at them. Don’t like when they are focussed upon for what they really are …
    To be treated with extreme and unashamed prejudice … make examples of them and make them suffer the consequences of being ignorant fools by those that invented the notion of being a proper cunt.
    Fuckin’ retards … gotta have the last word.

  17. You watch fellow cunters, now Suckdeep Kunt has managed to oust Dick from the MET there’s gonna be a daki, darki, or some other muslim-martyr installed.

    I can see Big juggs Patel now in front her Maj:

    “but ma’am, London is so ethnic it has to be this way…”

    • In the twenty-first century in the capital city of one of the world’s most advanced coutries the rug muncher head of the police is fired by the parking stanley mayor. Think about it.

      • This country regresses for every dinghy paddler that arrives in the south coast. With the full support of ‘our’ government.

      • “…the rug muncher head of the police is fired by the parking stanley mayor. Think about it.”

        …and reported to us on the state broadcaster by a n1gger whose effective boss is an ex Goldman Sachs banker!

  18. Just like that Labour MP was a black woman in a white man’s court now we have a black man, torturing animals but censure is racist and worse than cruelty.

    These fuckers really are the dregs.

  19. The charge of “racism” trumps all others…don’t mention child-grooming gangs..it’s racist,don’t mention black on black stabbings…it’s racist,don’t mention FGM..it’s racist,don’t mention forced marriage…it’s racist…don’t mention “honour” killings…it’s racist,don’t mention domestic slavery…it’s racist,don’t mention Kriss Donald’s murder…it’s racist.

    Don’t forget,Cunters….Diversity is our strength.

    • DFF – That’s the one – when a big nosed p*ki d*arf throws a piss useless dyke under the bus (presumably his Father driving it)!
      “Diversity” fucking over “diversity” – these people have the moral compass of a hungry rat.

    • “…don’t mention Kriss Donald’s murder…it’s racist.

      Don’t forget,Cunters.”

      Your memorium of Kriss Donald is noted and appreciated Dick. For cunters who aren’t au fait fer fuck’s sake google it. Should remove any lingering doubts you may have had.

  20. I would love to see the whining *** participate in a game similar to the one in the Jean Claude Van Damme film Hard Target. Give the cunt 5 mins head start and then watch him get pursued over Essex by a posse of bikes and cars. Each car has a passenger and a substantial stock of tinned Whiskas Supermeat on the back seat.

    First one to knock the cunt out with a well-aimed tin to the back of his fuzzy haired noggin wins the game.

    • Do we get to drag our prize back to the clubhouse behind the car?

      If we do, I’m choosing the route with the most dog shit, sharp pebbles and broken glass.

      • “Do we get to drag our prize back to the clubhouse behind the car? ”

        ‘Fraid not Odin, Fiddler’s hounds leave nothing you could throw a rope round.

    • The backlash against Zouma was overwhelmingly about animal cruelty-there will be some racism involved-human nature.

      Remember Miles: their msn was a role model for impressionable youngsters, a brand representative for companies like Adidas…..
      He has fucked himself. The stupid cunt?

    • You mean like the former Yorkshire cricketer who wasn’t squeaky clean was called P*ki by one of his ‘mates’, anyone would think he had been hung drawn and quartered. ?

    • He could’ve easily fucking killed the cat the way he kicked it, it’s lucky he didn’t ffs

      • Quite. As my name here suggests, I love cats. I would batter this cunt to death with a fence post. Or force the bastard to eat 10kg of cat shit, complete with litter.

      • Our mental Siamese cross managed 10k in one shitting today I think.

        Feed him that. It was bigger than what the Blue Peter zookeeper slipped in.

    • MP@ – On the one side it could seem overkill, but the fact he thought he could do this and get away with it because he chases a bag of wind up and down someone else’s lawn seriously grates.
      Compare that to the treatment the Woman “mistreating” the horse got.
      And, it has been my lifelong experience that people who are cruel to animals are wrong ‘uns in some way, shape or form.

      • It would appear that a large proportion of these wrong uns also seem to play football for a living and have a permanent suntan.

  21. Basically 99% of footballers are as thick as pigshit, hence comments from this chip on his shoulder like the rest of them, fucking idiot. My Dad always used to say “You can’t argue with an idiot”. Ain’t that the truth.

  22. One night a few years ago I was in the custody suite at Southall nick when a young blick guy was brought in. It was apparent that he had been pulled for drunken driving. He was gobbing off that he was only there because the police were racists but the fact his speech was slurred and despite hanging on to the furniture he was swaying back and forth slightly undermined his case. He was threatening to “fix” the coppers when he stopped talking mid-sentence, rolled his eyes and then produced the largest volume of projectile vomit you have ever seen. The coppers didn’t turn a hair, I don’t think for them it was a new experience. One of them caught my eye, smiled and asked; “Do you do sick?” to which I replied; “Only if it’s in the computer.”

  23. I’d rather be called a cracker or a honky than have a giant kick me around a room. Ask the cat what’s worse, you thick ****.

    Zouma is sorry apparently. My arse. He’s sorry he got caught, that’s all.

    I love how West Ham are sending Zouma on an ‘Animal awareness course’.

    Fucking hell. How can you think it’s ok to boot a small pet around the room for laughs?

    Thing is, you can’t unless you’re a twisted cunt.

    What next, a ‘serial killer awareness course’ for Rose West? Awww. She just didn’t know better.

    Load of fucking shite.

    Twisted cunts need only one thing. Terry’s oven.

    Or just send the tea swigging piano mover back. And his fucking chippy mate while you’re at it too.

  24. Disproportionate response? Really?

    White, middle class schoolteacher gets filmed punching a skittish pony, which remember, was riled up because anti-hunt yobs on quad bikes has spooked it.
    She used forced to get it into the horse box, for its own safety.

    She was targeted because she was a member of a hunt.
    She lost her job-by all accounts, an excellent teacher.
    She was forced to sell her house and move-due to numerous death threats, from the “usual suspects”, no doubt.

    This footballerist was back on the fucking pitch the next night-fined the equivalent of 2 weeks wages and read out an apology written by WHU’s media team.

    The Met and the RSPCA were not interested in getting involved-it was only after a massive, very public outpouring of anger, that the RSPCA was galvanised into action-all about money:
    Don’t intervene-lose funding
    Prosecute-get funding.

    Look at the Kurt Zouma thread- I and others, predicted the race card?

  25. Did this bell-end use the argy-bargy between Luis Suarez & Patrice Evra as a comparison?
    They always do.

    I would not describe Luis Suarez as “white”, for fucks sake.

    The left and it’s obsession with intersectionality and wokism, is eating itself alive?

  26. I think every single one of us on here knew the race card would be pulled but honestly I thought it might have been a few days coming not 36 hours.
    Hey FA!! Now there is the racism you keep bending the knee for. It’s not whitey that’s doing it.
    The sound of bells and the rustle of tumbleweed me thinks at FA headquarters

    • The actions of this Africunt and the defence of his actions by his Africunt team mate, the “all criticism” of blacks, for whatever reason, is racially motivated, which will be parroted by many other Africunts, politicians, media et al,.

      This reinforces the truth about sub-Saharan Africunts and IQ.

      • Weird idea of humour that zooma.
        What else makes him and his family laugh?

        Stamping on hamsters?
        Setting fire to dogs?

        Strange mind, alien.
        While im not a fan of animal cruelty,
        Id happily put on my best clothes, a straw boater hat,
        And go to the village green to watch a Lynching
        And have my grinning face photoed next to his dangling corpse.

        Humour is where you find it, ..boy.

      • “…I’d happily put on my best clothes, a straw boater hat,
        And go to the village green to watch a Lynching.”

        And rightly so, a box Brownie and m’ best tweed lynchin’ breeches; a thoroughly wholesome and instructional family day out.

    • Mis, I would like to join you at the event; we could be photographed sipping mint juleps beside the corpse.

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