Lachlan Mantell and Luke Whitehouse

Story :

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Lachlan Mantell & Luke Whitehouse

Normally, this kind of “poor me – I’m a victim” story passes me by or I just ignore it…..but these arseholes really annoyed me to volcanic levels.

Basically, Mr Mantell & his ‘husband’ Mr Whitehouse were house hunting and used ‘Violet Building Blocks’ website. They saw a house they liked and asked to view. Vendors asked questions and then sent them a polite message ;
“Dear Lachlan and Luke, thank you for sharing your circumstances with us.
“We’re sorry but we would be unwilling for 2 men in a partnership to view or buy our house.. contrary to God’s Bible, etc” (abridged)

Normally I don’t hold with the ‘No g*y, No Bl*ck’ attitude, but the sellers are devoutely religous, it’s their house (Englishmans home=castle) and surely they can decide who steps inside and who they want to sell to. They sent a politely worded message, didn’t waste their time or slam a door in their face.

Now I would have chalked it down as experience and carried on house searching, but ‘Dumb and Dumber’ went to the Newspapers, on GMTV, ITV evening news and BBC Midlands today.
They were ‘upset, hurt, cried, felt angry and sad at what they were facing’
“We’ve experienced homophobia before but this seemed like it was on a bigger scale,”
“It was preventing us from progressing in our lives, not just a flippant remark”
“It felt like the biggest form of discrimination I’ve ever experienced.”
“We don’t wish the couple any ill will, we just wanted to …” send them a big F*CK YOU ON NATIONAL TV”
What a pair of self agrandising, “I’m a victim” “my life is ruined” CUNTS !
Grow a f*cking pair and act like men, not wailing babies, throwing your toys out the pram. God, this country is royally f*cked.

Nominated by Lord of the Rings

127 thoughts on “Lachlan Mantell and Luke Whitehouse

  1. Funny I am slightly against the Christians. I dont think there was any need to say that you cannot view or buy the house because you are two fruity gentlemen.
    They just could have made another excuse.

    • Exactly. Just say, “we just had a very, very generous offer from friends of friends, so we won’t be considering any offers at present. Thank you for your interest, we hope you find your dream home this year!”

      But a lot of these religious folk have to make their views clear on these matters, when they should just be discrete, ie. shut the fuck up. I doubt Ned Flanders would be this churchy-churlish.

      • Why be discreet about your faith eh? If the couple have the right to be openly gay then the other party has the right to be NOT discreet.

    • Isn’t truth a cornerstone of Christianity? Are they not being true to their faith by refusing to put the sale of their house before their belief in the bible?

      Likely they believe they would be offending god by turning a blind eye to the sin committed by Mr&Mr.

      I respect them for conviction of their beliefs.

      • Think where society would be this century if Christians constantly voiced their displeasure at gays? It would be like Saudi Arabia. The gayness phenomenon isn’t a big part of being on the Path of Christ. If it was, there would a long, detailed passages on knobs, arses, spunk. It’s actually a sin to ejaculate outside of the vagina, to waste your divine seed. Even in non-Christian cultures to, “spill the cup of Hermes (Trismegistus)” is a cardinal error. Some people link Hermes with Christ, Odin, etc. It is a bit insane to just wastefully spunk your jism/chrism/Christ like it’s phlegm.

  2. It is sad they felt the need to “cry” because they couldn’t get their dream house which happens to so many people every day. Man up, lads, Mince tall.

  3. I find it most appropriate that these two soppy little woofters have been nominated for cunting by Lord of the Rings.
    However the real cunts are the BBC et al for reporting this non-story.

    • I must be going senile, read that comment a few times until it dawned. Lord of the rings. Haha nice one.

  4. They’ve not tried to buy the place that wouldn’t make the “Gay Cake” have they? Oh dear!

  5. I find this a bit odd to be honest.
    I suppose that the sellers can refuse entry to their house if they want to, but denying a potential purchaser access seems like cutting off your nose to spite your face.

    Morning all (again).

    • I agree – the pink pound is as good as any other pound and maybe you could get them to pay more if the rest of the market doesn’t want to sell to them?

      • It’s a sellers market at the moment. I often get letters (advertisement leaflets) from estate agents telling me how desirable my house would be on the market. I would only sell it if they would take the spouse as a sitting tenant -no takers yet, but perhaps the two gay lads could take her as their daily woman and she could fag for them?. |Give her a duster and a tin of Mr. Sheen and she could polish their knobs. Save them the trouble.

      • The ‘pink pound’. That’s why Gay ‘couples’ have so much money. Its all ‘disposable’ income.

      • It’s terribly strange for gOD-botherers, devil-dodgers, or bible-bashers to be against homôsexuals.
        Jesus had two dads.

      • Why you so bothered sbout ‘god botherers’. That’s all you’re bothered about ‘god botherers’ it seems. ”god botherers’ this, ‘god botherers’ that. You’re always bothering about it. You dong seem to bother with anything else. And It seems to bother you greatly. Youd be better just sayin- ‘I aint bovvered about god bovverers’. And leave it that. Give us all a fucking rest.

      • Listen uncle, compared to the myriad of dull shit you complain about, a few jokes about loony gOD-botherers are fine.

    • Reminds me of how we used to laugh about the “purple headed mountain” when we had to sing hymns in assembly. Probably do a call to prayer now.

  6. If they had the cash available then I would sell it to them.

    My father who died a wealthy man told me to never do anything on principle and I agree.

  7. It’s fantastic that some people are willing to make a stand against abnormal sexual behaviour.
    For far too long the rest of us have had to tolerate bummers behaviour, gradually encroaching upon every aspect of our lives, such as school and TV.

    I hope this is just the start of these deviants being slapped back into place.
    Sod off and sodomize each other where we don’t have to know about it.

  8. Apparently the real reason was an issue with security and a vulnerable rear entry point.

  9. The sellers were a bit daft giving a reason. Should’ve said nothing and refused their offers/refused to reply

    You can even say, ‘I don’t want to sell it to you and I don’t need to tell you why.’ Nothing illegal about that.

    Had a Joe Daki once knock on the door of a house I was selling and offer the asking price in cash.

    I had heard of his type messing around towards the end and trying to get a reduction once you are in a chain , so I just said I’d let him know.

    Never did and I sold to a honky and it went smoothly. It may have done with the peaceful too, but I had a few people warning me about how they operate.

    He never bothered asking again until after I’d accepted an offer from the other party (he knocked again). He did ask why I didn’t accept his offer and I just shrugged, smiled and closed the door.

    I wasn’t daft enough though to say, “I don’t trust your type not to fuck me about at the last minute and there are too many of you around here already.”

  10. I see the Seller’s point…I wouldn’t let Sooties view my extensive property for fear that I was robbed and stabbed….common people for fear that they stole something…disabled people for fear that they leaked on my priceless Indian carpets,… Veggie-pushbikers for fear that they screamed “CUNT!!!” in my face… so I certainly wouldn’t let a pair of rampant Homosexuals enter for fear that they botted me.

    I might let a Jew view as long as he wore boxing gloves the whole time so that he couldn’t “slight of hand” any of my objets d’art

  11. It would be nice to be in a position where you can turn down an offer on your house. They can’t be in a rush to sell it. And the backlash now from the alphabetty spaghetti brigade will be relentless, as they love a cause like this.
    I’ve never understood how gays can be religious, and there’s a lot of them within the Christian Faith. Either they believe in the bible, which is pretty clear that it hates them, or like most religious people, disregard the bits that they don’t agree with as allegorical, or some other excuse.
    As much as I don’t like the look of the fruits, they remind me of a late 90s boyband, or a pair of yet to be disgraced children’s TV presenters, the pink pounds they are offering is legal tender, so fuck it.
    It’s a battle of cunts, so the winner will be a cunt regardless.

      • It was easy to tell a few years back, but it seems most blokes under thirty dress like they are. I blame Beckham and the likes for this metrosexual cunt look!

      • ‘Either they believe in the bible, which is pretty clear that it hates them’

        I think it’s pretty clear that Jesus wants us to hate the sin but love the sinner.

      • And murder them if they transgress.
        ‘Love thy fellow man…..No, not that way, kill them!’

      • Aye up Wanksock.
        I never noticed the shorts until the wife said ‘those shorts are rather camp’.
        I must also say that they look so tight that I’m amazed that they don’t crush his nuts when he crosses his legs.

  12. “This is a straight house for straight people, there’s nothing for you here!”

    Iron hooves normally have more money, even the most ardent sky daddy worshiper would rip their hand off for a deal!!!

    • There’s a ‘rainbow’ bar in Edinburgh which has got a sign outside saying ‘Dogs welcome. No children’.
      Reminds me of the old ‘Room to let; no blacks or Irish’ signs you’d occasionally see around Brum.

  13. Seems a bit “holier than though” to say I won’t sell to you because you’re gay. Surely gays have the right to buy a house as much as anyone else? If I was selling my house I wouldn’t care who bought it as long as they paid. Having said that, their bleating about it is typical of pansies.

    Everyone in this story is a cunt.

  14. Mind you, we have a couple near us. Lovely lads, very polite, tidy and look out for all the elderly neighbours. No fucked up old cars on the drive (like me). If I was a neighbour of those selling, I would be more worried about them NOT selling to a gay couple as the alternative may a load of stanis or east europeans. I know a guy with Romanian neighbours and they make his life fucking hell – he’d love to swap them for a couple of irons.

    • I can see it from all points of view. The house owners probably think the couple are quite charming, but they’re shackled by their religious beliefs and aren’t allowed to think for themselves.
      I’d bet the one on the right is the bender and the one on the left is the shirt lifter.

    • Quite right, Lord C. I’d rather have poo-pushers as neighbours than cunts from Paxtan, Poland, East Africa, or anybody who’s paid for the Channel Dinghy service. Rather a neighbour who’s a bottom-burglar than an actual Romanian burglar.

      How do you know you’ve been burgled by a homo-sexual?

      Your ironing’s done and there’s a Cottage Pie in the oven.

    • Romanians have to be the nosiest motherfuckers on Earth. It’s always AGGRESSIVE SHOUTING, never normal-level volumes of speech. And they love playing their music louder than when the USA army bombarded Noriega out of power. My mate had them as basement flat neighbours, about eight of them in one flat. He said it was mental. Communism fucked that great people for eternity, I think. We have a few Ceaucescus in power these days that t need a Christmas Day funeral.

    • And is that YHWH speaking there or some village nutjob? And is YHWH the True God, the eternal source of all things? Or some… impostor super-humanoid being?

      The whole palaver of homosexuals and religion needs to just end. It’s meaningless. Animals fuck arses. Fucking arses, is it that big a deal? It keeps the numbers down, this arse-fucking non-breeding amendment to Constitution of Nature. People make too much of a big deal out sexuality, always have, it’s nothing you. Sucking knobs and licking fannies is sodomy/buggery. Wanking used to be heinous sin. In 1870s England, an unmarried woman living with a man was marked-up as a prostitute, that’s why you see that spurious figure of there being 70,000 “prostitutes” in mid-1800s London. It’s time to move on from all this frenzied cultural bullshit about sexuality, race, idiology this century. The way people cling to old values, traditions, cultures, norms, mores, laws, rules, etiquette, has held us arrested our development for 10,000 years and fostered all that senseless bloodshed and suffering.

  15. Pair of pricks, should have gone with Lavender bricks obviously. The state of education in this country appalls me.

  16. What disturbs me slightly about this kind of story is the complete absence of Christian charity from the allegedly Christian sellers. Plus the assumption that once the property is sold it remains, in some mystical sense, theirs.

    But, “I’ll sell it to whom I damn well want” is as far as I know defensible in law – there is no requirement for any reason at all.

    “It was preventing us from progressing in our lives…”

    Really? Entered a state of suspended animation, did you?

    • I suppose maybe their thought was if they sold it to them they would be giving house room to immoral practices. Literally.

      • I hope you are not channeling Jesus there, Miles? Luke 7? Or is it Paul, who seems to be unaware of that passage (Corinthians, passim)?

      • It could either a deep distate of Homsexuality or simply a ‘scruple’ about selling it to them.

        I notice the quote is from KJV. So Bible based believers with the lack of charity that often goes with it.

    • “that once the property is sold it remains, in some mystical sense, theirs.” Lady C and I once toyed with the idea of moving to Norfolk. Loads of houses, the fuckers wanted to sell but keep rights of way/shit business operating in back garden/mineral rights/any increase in value if you got planning permission/etc.. Greedy cunts.

      • I am sure you gave the correct response, Lord C.
        Or, more politely,
        “Lust of possession wreaketh desolation”

  17. I will do business with ho-mos and be polite and Profesional. They are usually great to deal with.
    The worst are the male decorators/designers as these are the most flaming, arrogant, vain, and unrealistic cunts on Earth.

    • Hi Admin. I assume my comment is in moderation because I tweaked my I.D. (From Mingejuice to Minge Juice). Please accept my apologies for any annoyance caused, I promise not to change it again.

  18. I completely agree with the vendors, it’s their fucking house they can choose who they like to view it. I wouldn’t want a pair of uphill gardeners around my gaff or anyone of the fruity persuasion (I might bend the rules for a couple of young horny lezzers) for fear of catching the gayness. I don’t believe the lying cunts anyway, there’s no proof that that was the exact wording of the supposed message they received. One of the crybaby cunts said this, “…we just wanted to get a message out that this kind of thing happens and it is not acceptable.” Well, I think that a bloke sticking his fucking cock up another bloke’s Gary Cooper is totally unacceptable as well, so fuck up you mincing pair of publicity seeking cunts.

    • ‘Gay couple’ it says on the link. I hate that to be honest.

      Yes there was a lovely young couple at the party. They were thoroughly engrossed in each other. Two blokes.

      That dear old couple who like to go to the tea dance of an afternoon. Two blokes.

      It just doesnt work.

      • What do you mean, Miles? There are LOADS of old gay men couples. San Francisco is teeming with age 70+ gay men with muscles like Arnold and you better not cross them! Brighton has some society for old guy men. You don’t see them as there aren’t that many of them in most crappy rundown shithole cities, they moved to their wee poofy paradises!

  19. Well, I can say from personal experience that allowing morally bankrupt sexual degenerates to move into a quiet street in a nice area badly affects the value of surrounding houses – prices where I am have dropped 30% since I moved in!

  20. I agree that all four are cunts:

    The vendors for showing that religious types are the biggest bigots and hypocrites

    The pearl clutchers for claiming victimhood

    Life isn’t fucking fair, you fucking wet cunts?

  21. I’m a gay. If I was declined a house viewing on that basis, it would be fine. I’d look elsewhere. Same with the cake bollocks. There a lots of cake shops. Everyone is entitled to their opinions.

  22. I applaud their honesty, fuck your feelz, fuck PC or genteel society, take your chutney ferreting somewhere else we don’t approve sodomy here.
    Dirty uphill gardeners.

    • Any thoughts on Vivian Stanshall being gay/bisexual? A lot of his fans think has not 100% hetero.

      • Not really, never crossed my mind. He was libidinous to be sure but only hetero as far as I knew.
        Anyways, he’s dead and I’m not sure what your question implies or its relevance?

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