For Your Cuntsideration: Kurt Zouma, pussy abuser!
In the jungle, the mighty jungle
The lion sleeps tonight.
Not if Kurt Zouma has anything to do with it, though?
Who he? You ask.
This piece of shit:
(Apologies for linking to the “Scum”- other links were behind paywalls)
Yes indeed, another overpaid footballerist, with the IQ of a banana, thought it was a good idea to drop kick his cat across his “no doubt vast kitchen floor” (©Lord R. Fiddler), whilst a family member whooped and filmed the event. Later, he is seen chasing the terrified kitty and playfully lobbing footwear at it.
To carry out this abuse is bad enough-to think it wise to upload and distribute the footage-well, it speaks volumes…
Dont fuck with cats, Kurt. That’s the “11th” commandment?
*I am sure that the abusers ethnic background had absolutely nothing to do with this episode. Ohhh no. Nothing whatsoever?
Nominated by: Cuntfinder General
Prosecution Petition link provided by Little Lord Fontlacunt:
Several seconds starting with Miserable northern cunt:
Id like to second that nom if thats ok with CG?
I saw this savage tormenting a frightened cat with the other persons in his family and laughing.
So I asked the Met why they weren’t prosecuting him?
I asked if it was because he was wealthy and black?
I told them they were useless.
And they replied!
“Thanks for your email.
The RSPCA do have the Power to prosecute for acts of animal cruelty.
So not necessarily in our remit.
Fuckin cheers?
Im a taxpayer you cunt.
Why god invented sickle cell.
Supplemented by Cuntybollocks with this:
MNC – I think the RSPCA might just prosecute now. They’re being flooded with complaints and now they’re saying they can’t comment on individual cases but are aware of this incident and do prosecute bad cases of animal cruelty etc.
They could get good publicity/donations if they charge the fucking cunt.
Sick of it chimed in with this:
The cunt should be referred to the police, that video shows he committed a criminal offence
Herman Jelmet doubled down with this keen observation:
Kurt fucking Zouma
This cunt can’t be cunted enough.
I presume this low IQ despicable piece of shit will be fired by his club and his reputation forever tarnished for this act of cruelty?
Let’s be fair here, if it’s good enough for a certain Sarah Moulds, then it’s good enough for this thick cunt Zouma.
It’ll be very interesting to see how this one plays out.
And finally, Cuntybollocks weighed in with this:
I will also cunt this cunt if that’s ok. The excellent original nom pretty much covers my sentiments too, but what gets me is these fucking footballers (mostly of a certain hue, which is obviously a pure coincidence) have the gall to preach to us about morals.
Some of these ‘incidents’ are still under legal process, so I will refrain from using names, but in recent times we’ve had a few rapey ones, a drug test avoidy one, a n o ncy few and a woman beater few too.
They can all get fucked preaching their rights and wrongs for the little people, the fucking pricks.
Cats Lives Matter.
Let the looting and rioting begin..
… enough already.
Not just a French Africunt but also a Peaceful. That may explain the wokie police’s reluctance to do anything.
Black Lives Matter………
Cats……not so much.
The fact that he’s a peaceful escaped me, not being a follower of football the first I’ve heard of the cunt was this.
That makes it worse, rather than give him an excuse, as the peacefuls have religious rules against the mistreatment of animals, made worse in this case as cats enjoy particular favours in Islamic culture and law, then again, he is of African muslim descent…so not quite culturally the same thing.
Fuck me, I’ve just seen the RSPCA now have the cats in their custody, that surprises me…mind you, I did forget to factor in the fact he’s French as well in my previous rant about the inaction of the authorities.
African muslim? Isnt that a contradiction, like police intelligence?
Since AnalEase Dodds read this line in the nomination:
“For Your Cuntsideration: Kurt Zouma, pussy abuser!”
It has been revealed that she ran out of Parliament, waving her soiled knickers in the air, rushing on to a District Line train to West Ham straight to the locker room and demanding that Zouma abuse her pussy. It is understood Mr Zouma escaped from a back door and has given himself up to the Metropolitan Police.
Ho ho?
Met police are too busy raping women to care. Wrong kind of pussy.
If that teacher was prosecuted for hitting a horse and she lost her job because of that, then will this cunt get the same treatment?
Footballers are supposed to be role models not animal beaters, wife beaters, rapists, potential rapists or granny bangers (Rooney take note).
Kurt Zouma always reminds me of Zuma from Paw Patrol who is a cartoon dog so maybe he shouldn’t have a cat.
Val McDermid stopped her patronage of Raith Rovers however does nobody think it a bit creepy that a butch old dyke is in charge of the Women’s Team? All those pert tits and firm arses to letch over.
The West Ham cunts are a fucking disgrace but exactly what you would expect from the likes of money grabbers Gold, Sullivan and Brady. There’s a whole corrupt story involving the Pigfucker and the Jellyfish, brown envelopes and the Olympic Stadium which has yet to be told.
I hate the cunts. Now you can add this Peaceful animal torturer to the list.
Also the involvement of the notoriously vicious Canning Town Firm, the leader of which can be seen in various photos with West Ham bigwigs. Michael Gilliard’s book Legacy has the full low down.
Always a strong strain of villainy running through the Hammers.
The situation with West Ham and the Olympic Stadium is always been clearly as fishy as fuck to me and I know next to nothing about it, but you could smell the stench of corruption from 100 miles away at the time.
Cunt wants a prison sentence, then deported if possible.
These comments are just racist. Innit.
Which will, in all probability, be the defence?
These fuckers still try to tell us all about ‘good morals’ though.
And yet Moyes plays him and they still take the knee or promote the gayness.
No names, but recently we’ve had a Utd legend up for beating women’s heads in.
Another possibly up for rape and threats to kill soon.
One Frenchy/Algerian legend found guilty of blackmailing a team mate over a sex tape.
One kicking his cat around his house and finding it hilarious.
One up for multiple counts of rape, who may go down for life soon.
Another Jamaican (playing for England) who pulls out the race card if his performances are criticised, done for beating women up – but despite this, is still lauded as some kind of sage by the media.
I could go on, but you get the point.
I will not be preached to by these cunts.
They can all fuck right off.
Eventually, everything is exposed.
“You can’t fool all of the people, all of the time.”
This grift has been milked dry.
Typical behavior from a mud Duck.!
Throw him and his tea swigging piano moving family into a tiger pen.
Try kicking them and laughing, you fucking unevolved pricks.
‘ tea swigging, piano moving family ‘
‘Dad, do you know the pianos on my foot?’ You hum it Kurt, I’ll play it.
Cat should be rehoused though. He’ll be kicking fuck out of it. Could be badly injured too.
This would be justice:
Just heard the RSPCA have taken his two cats away from the cunt.
Social Services should take that mini bomber into care while they’re at it.
Put it in Michael Barrymores care.
Dont let it near the hamsters
Deport the cunt
Yeah, ‘violent home’, enough reason.
… no fan of cats but I’d never meaningfully go out of my way to tease or harm one. Footballers tho’ particularly those of a dark fruit flavour … definitely. This POS needs to become the focus of PETA … they’ll show him the error of his ways. Sack the cunt and deport … treat with extreme prejudice. Cunt!
Another dumb fuck egg and spoon who only talent is kicking things, he dosnt seem to be getting very much sympathy does he, i mean another footballer millionaire who is actually just a retard with a talent for licking things.
Sack the cunt, send the cunt back to France where animal cruelty is better tolerated, fuck off cunt
Haha, just read ‘a talent for licking things’ and spat out my beer.
Sorry El D that was meant to be kicking things…
I think a retard who licks things works better though.
Did thev eat it afterwards?
Not sure if they eat pussy, either kind.
Was it a black cat? That’d stop him playing the race card. #BlackCatsMatter #ProsecuteTheCunt.
Apparently West Ham have fined him £250,000.
So that’s a day’s wages he’s lost.
He makes Harvey Price look intelligent.
Chuck him into the lion house, his guts will soon be doing a Gary L special.
I hope the money s donated to an animal charity, preferably Cats Protection or similar.
Apparently he is a patron for an animal welfare charidee. Can’t make this shit up.
I see the cunt’s middle name is ‘Happy’!
Bet he’s in a good mood now that the roof’s falling in on him.
The Spammers have imposed a fine of two weeks’ wages, so that’s their consciences sorted then. Bravo.
Apparently he’s now facing charges in France which could result in jail time.
Oh dear. How sad.
West Ham played this cunt in their latest game. The manager put his “best men” in the team, apparenty. (Whatever that means?) Anyway I would love to have been there, as everyone was booing. Even the home side! What a great afternoon out.
Me too, Mi’Lord.
I’d have had the entire stadium meowing at him anytime he moved.
The chant ” that’s how your cat feels” was inspired and although, in general, I have no interest in football or its fans, I tip my hat to this lot for making their displeasure so vocally obvious.
Also, kudos to one of their sponsors withdrawing sponsorship. Some people are intelligent enough to know which way the wind is blowing.
And before you reach for the race card, Kunt, sorry Kurt. It isn’t because you is blik. It’s because you are an animal abuser, plain and simple.
I’m not a fan of cats but I’m even less of a fan of animal abusers. Get to fuck you cunt
West Ham’s main sponsors, Vitality, has pulled their sponsorship now.
If the cunts were just ‘protecting their asset’ then it’s just fucking backfired on them big time, the stupid cunts. They’re really pissed off Moyes didn’t drop him or that the club didn’t suspend him.
They might have to sack the cunt because no company will want him running around with their company logo on now. No matter what you think about it, you’d have to be a loony to put your company’s name on his shirt. Very bad for business.
He’d have a job getting a club in England or Europe as whole, for that reason alone.
The bat munchers will take him though. Some of those clubs pay about 150k a week. They dgaf about beating animals there.
I think his career in the limelight is over though.
PG Tips might sign him up if he gets lucky.
That’s fucking brilliant news??
If an employee is shown on video being violent, you bin the cunt like a foosty yogurt.
I understand Newham Council is always looking for lavatory attendants, so he will probably get a job where he can be himself – a real turd
I hope the Afrikunt also gets cat AIDS.
If that doesn’t exist then I will be satisfied if the blek shitstain dies in agony of Ebola.
In any event I can only recommend oven for the whole family of parasite ne’er do wells.
Not particularly a fan of cats to be honest as I’ve mentioned in previous posts but I, like most sane people, can’t stand deliberate premeditated cruelty to any innocent creature.
This overpaid, ignorant cunt is obviously both tapped in the head and not very bright.
I’m also glad David Moyes played him last night so he could face the chorus of constant boos that came is way whenever the tosser went near the ball.
The fact that these clowns are still kneeling to fight racism (yawn) and whatever other sjw crap cause before each match is just becoming a pathetically bad joke.
Perhaps in the interests of consistency, they should all take a knee in future against say – casual cruelty to domestic pets, a knee against rape and sexual assault within their own profession.
Seems that racism and promoting bumming are the only causes worth virtue signalling for.
What a cunt Zouma is.
What a sport full of cunts.
Clap two fucking bricks on the cunts gonads. See if he finds that funny. Motherfucker.
Dont give him ideas. Oh, I see, you mean him.
No fan of cats. Evil horrible murdering creatures in my book.
This cunt footballer and his ilk, can however fuck off back to whatever 3rd world shithole they came from. Unwanted and un-required in this country.
What’s more tiresome to me is that that he’s a footballist and at 7.30 this evening or any given weekend these utter fucking tosspots will be taking a knee with aim being to lecture and preach to us about the great uneducated honky and the evil of his ways.
They can fuck off, along with any cunt that supports them or their fascist BLM wankfest.
That is all. Good evening and fuck off.
Only evil murders if you let them roam.
My cat is strictly indoors, busy main road, bus route, urban foxes etc. He stays in.
Mind, he’s called Dexter, serial killer vibe going on, there, and he’s a huge Bengal, so he could probably deal with a fox, and possibly a single decker bus, too.
Zouma’s cat is a big Bengal as it happens and the story goes that it shat in his trotters, and claims it was a one off and they are well looked after family pets.
This also happened quite sometime ago, whilst still playing for the rent – boys.
Evil horrible murdering creatures? As carnivores and predators, cats are natural hunters. The same is true for other non-human carnivores and predators, so they can’t be ”evil,” ”horrible,” (while it isn’t nice, mother nature is a cruel mistress!) or ”murderers.”
Having seen the fuckers rip fledging chicks from their nests, bite their heads of and leave the body flapping, toy with petrified mice until the thing literally dies of fright and generally hunt for ‘sport’….. al after they have been well fed and watered by their owners ….. rather than Mother Nature, I’m afraid you won’t convince me otherwise.
Adidas have told him to fuck off
West Ham should tell him to fuck off
The UK should tell him to fuck off.
Oi! Zooooooma. Fuck off. If only ’twere that simple.
I think we did, SOI.
‘Here we see the football player in his natural habitat. Watch as he exerts his dominance by harming smaller animals. The football players comrades seem delighted by this, laughing and cajoling.’ – David Attenborough, Green Planet.
The laughing (cameraman) comrade being his brother, Yoan, another fucking football player, who’s now ever-so sorry that he acted ‘out of character’ etc. bloody etc.
Not very often that you see Munkeys attacking cats, I expect nothing less from a footballer, never mind I’ve heard P.G Tips are interested in signing this giant Turd.!
My old cat, poppy (first of three generations), would sit at our front gate and attack any big dog who got too close. Little dogs, no bother, but labradors staffies and anything bigger learned to stay away. She was soft and playful with my granddads Jack Russell though. She’d have a go at a fox I think, but we didnt have any in our area.
I can’t find words to adequately describe anyone who would
a) torment an animal like that, especially one which relies on them
b) find it amusing to do so
c) think these actions are something worth recording on video
d) put it on the internet for everyone to see.
I’ve signed the petition. I hope he’s prosecuted for animal cruelty and that his club is pressured into showing him the door. He can then go back where he came from. Living in a country of animal lovers won’t suit him.