For Your Cuntsideration: Kurt Zouma, pussy abuser!
In the jungle, the mighty jungle
The lion sleeps tonight.
Not if Kurt Zouma has anything to do with it, though?
Who he? You ask.
This piece of shit:
(Apologies for linking to the “Scum”- other links were behind paywalls)
Yes indeed, another overpaid footballerist, with the IQ of a banana, thought it was a good idea to drop kick his cat across his “no doubt vast kitchen floor” (©Lord R. Fiddler), whilst a family member whooped and filmed the event. Later, he is seen chasing the terrified kitty and playfully lobbing footwear at it.
To carry out this abuse is bad enough-to think it wise to upload and distribute the footage-well, it speaks volumes…
Dont fuck with cats, Kurt. That’s the “11th” commandment?
*I am sure that the abusers ethnic background had absolutely nothing to do with this episode. Ohhh no. Nothing whatsoever?
Nominated by: Cuntfinder General
Prosecution Petition link provided by Little Lord Fontlacunt:
Several seconds starting with Miserable northern cunt:
Id like to second that nom if thats ok with CG?
I saw this savage tormenting a frightened cat with the other persons in his family and laughing.
So I asked the Met why they weren’t prosecuting him?
I asked if it was because he was wealthy and black?
I told them they were useless.
And they replied!
“Thanks for your email.
The RSPCA do have the Power to prosecute for acts of animal cruelty.
So not necessarily in our remit.
Fuckin cheers?
Im a taxpayer you cunt.
Why god invented sickle cell.
Supplemented by Cuntybollocks with this:
MNC – I think the RSPCA might just prosecute now. They’re being flooded with complaints and now they’re saying they can’t comment on individual cases but are aware of this incident and do prosecute bad cases of animal cruelty etc.
They could get good publicity/donations if they charge the fucking cunt.
Sick of it chimed in with this:
The cunt should be referred to the police, that video shows he committed a criminal offence
Herman Jelmet doubled down with this keen observation:
Kurt fucking Zouma
This cunt can’t be cunted enough.
I presume this low IQ despicable piece of shit will be fired by his club and his reputation forever tarnished for this act of cruelty?
Let’s be fair here, if it’s good enough for a certain Sarah Moulds, then it’s good enough for this thick cunt Zouma.
It’ll be very interesting to see how this one plays out.
And finally, Cuntybollocks weighed in with this:
I will also cunt this cunt if that’s ok. The excellent original nom pretty much covers my sentiments too, but what gets me is these fucking footballers (mostly of a certain hue, which is obviously a pure coincidence) have the gall to preach to us about morals.
Some of these ‘incidents’ are still under legal process, so I will refrain from using names, but in recent times we’ve had a few rapey ones, a drug test avoidy one, a n o ncy few and a woman beater few too.
They can all get fucked preaching their rights and wrongs for the little people, the fucking pricks.
Anyone who would do this is capable of other cruelty no doubt. I wonder what he’s done to those who end up in his bedroom.
Spoiled, arrogant, tyrannical, little cunt. I would like to kick his chimp face in.
I’d like to see it try the same stunt with a Rottweiler.
Yeah, or a doberman. I’ve always wanted a pet Ocelot.
Had some rather interesting friends who owned a Bobcat, Yaks, Baboons and Meercats in their private zoo.
The Bobcat was fucking mental to the point that even the police dogs wouldn’t go near its enclosure every time they raided the place.
I bet he would not try on with Penelope the Rottweiler.
People who abuse animals are down there with terrorists, peter files and politicians.
Make this shutbag work in an abattoir for 200 days Community Service.
I’d like to watch a JCB shovel cleave the cunts head in.
Oven or barbecue pit?
Why would you do such a thing?
Why keep an animal to inflict pain on it?
And why, in the name of Jeebus, would you upload such behaviour?
Some serious BBT (Baseball Bat Therapy) required.
Thought #55…
He was annoyed that the cat had a much higher IQ. Personally, I would have ripped his fucking face off and fed it to the cat, lightly grilled with a tuna topping. I hope somebody batters this fucking gorilla.
Don’t worry everyone, it’s all ok now because he’s apologised for doing it, the fucking horrible pile of dark coloured shit. Fucking CUNT!
His apology is not worth a cup of cold piss.
David Moyes is also a cunt for continuing to play him at West Ham. There should be no place for him in either football or this country. He can fuck off back to France, preferably in a leaky dinghy.
He is our brexit bargain chip. ‘give us what deal we want or we give you Kurt Zouma’.
It looks like the police are getting involved, West Ham should have suspended the cunt not picked him to play last night.
I read that he got some stick from the Watford fans, the cunt.
Pitch invasion & give the cunt a good kicking while he’s down. At least the old bill have finally got off their arses to think about doing something about it.
I think that the words ‘Zouma’ and ‘cunt’ are a perfect match.
I see that in spite of the furore about this, the Spammers still had the twat on the park for them last night.
Nice one Spammers.
Morning all.
Entitled, psychopathic bully.
The police and RSPCA are cunts too, they should have broken down his front door the moment they became aware of that video. Too many non-crime hate incidents to investigate first, I suppose.
I can see them having a few ‘hate incidents’ to investigate where this shithouse is concerned Minge.
He might prefer to have his back doors broken – all the kissing and cuddling on the pitch.
I’d like to drop kick him into the tigers enclosure at Yorkshire Wildlife Park.
And I’d laugh while I did it.
Cunt. I hope the poor cat jumps up and scratches his testicles to kingdom come – if he’s got any.
Maybe the cat had bigger balls than him, or a bigger dick. Or maybe it gets more pussy without resorting to drink/drugs/rape.
Imagine the shitfest if it was Tommy Robinson ( can’t remember his real name ), that was filmed doing this.
” Zouma’s reaching for his back pocket. Yes ! He’s playing the race card ! ”
You just know it’s going to happen.
Get To Fuck.
Er… it IS a shirt-fest. And Tommy Robinson has a history of violence and thuggery. Not a nice guy, he’s a psycho, too. Video of Robinson battering a man at Ascot then abandoning his wife…
Why do people revere Robinson? He’s a psycho loser asshole.
Morning, Cunty. I use TR as an example, simply because you just know that the media would go into overdrive if it was him.
Yes, there has been criticism, but you can almost hear the eggshells crackling, as reporters creep ever so carefully around the story.
As for TR, I certainly don’t revere him, he’s not even likeable. He speaks a lot of sense, but that’s where it ends.
If he’d modified his behaviour, he could probably have had something of a political career.
As things stand, he’s a nowhere man.
I don’t “revere” the bloke but that MSM piece lacks all context.
It has all the hallmarks of just another smear .
Animal cruelty gets the same reaction whether it’s a universally-loved national treasure, say someone like… David Jason or if it was someone like… Piers Morgan? You’ve dropped the mask when you inflict pain on a helpless creature like a cat or an elder in a care-home. Those people should be made to run a gauntlet from John O’Groats to Lands End via all the big cities, dressed in a pink nappy while we throw non-lethal objects at them. Like a Naked Rambler (remember him!) meets Mad Max.
No, Robinson just attacked that lightweight posh guy and then claimed self-defence. Yeah self-defence involved punching a fallen man six or seven more times. He’s a piece of shit who should go live in the woods and drink his own pish.
Without Tommy Robinson the rape of thousands of children ,over decades would still be swept under the carpet
I like Tommy Robinson.
If nothing else because the elites hate him.
I saw him speak over the road from my mam an dads.
Hes a good public speaker.
Agreed with everything he said too.
Ohh Tommy, Tommy.
Tommy, Tommy, Tommy Robinson!!!!???
Tommy R, whatever people think of him (yes he is a cunt) he had the balls to stand up to the peacefuls when everyone else had their heads in the sand (no pun intended).
His behaviour has let him down and he should have been aware or better advised that MSM would get him, the problem has always been that voices speaking up against the peacefuls have been shot down in the normal discourse, Sarah Champion for example so maybe the only way forward is the Tommy R approach.
Because he told it how it is with regard to foreigners. The rest is bad though.
Robinson-Yaxley-Sebastien-Smythe III or whatever his name is, he got the ball rolling in bulldog style, but his time has passed and now calm, level-headed people need to take over in the free-speech, justice-seeking, truth-seeking community. I’d have an all-women organisation take on the grooming gang degeneracy scandal as having men involved in it will make it look mobbish, pitchfork-ish. Get those mothers, sisters and
grannies to massively pressure the government, police, media, etc to do something about it. They can’t ignore Old Granny Gladys when she gives them the withering stare like they do when nutters like Robinson are going full Charles Bronson at them. Oh and make sure loads of MUSLIM WOMEN are on the Grannies v Groomers justice league.
Career over, maybe even LIFE over for this spastic. Okay, I get that there are animal abusers in this world, but the ones who VIDEO it then POST in the webz for shits and giggles?! Eh… no, if you do that, you’re taking a quantum leap and including ME and millions of others in the depravity. Prison for this cunt and let him enjoy the company of people well-versed in cruelty…
Big Ron, the Rotherham Rapist: “Ere, ain’t you that footballer cunt who tortured a kitten? Yeah, well, I think we’ll make YOU our pet here, soccer superstar! Make you lick up our cream from the floor. See you in the laundry room tomorrow, Kurt.”
True. Doing it is a crime, and posting it online is a crime I think.
Playing for Everton should be a crime!
Next time he plays, arm the audience with bog rolls and bananas – it’s all his sort understand. Better still, let’s use modern slavery, send him to the cotton fields, where, if he doesn’t pick enough bales of cotton a day, he gets a whip across his arse, I’d love to see the cowardly little bastard pleading “please don’t hip y ass, boss”
He saw fit to torture the cat in fron of his brother and his young son – poor little bastard (he probably is) – what a lesson to teach a child. I pity the poor brainless tart who made him a father.
What a horrible thing to do. You wonder why he even has a cat. I prefer cats to dogs but I saw something recently that made me furious. It was not cruelty in the sense of using violence against a helpless animal but an affront to nature. A guy walked past with a big black poodle whose fur had been trimmed and styled as though it was a part of the topiary in Versailles rather than a dog. It had a pom pom hair style, a shaggy chest like a Game of Thrones character and little fur boots at the bottom of Olive Oil legs. The poor mutt looked ridiculous. I wonder why people who presumably love their pets do things like that.
Mr Polly@ – Was the “Man” walking it Keir Starmer?
Yes, Mr. Polly, there are many canine and feline owner cunts who subject their pets to such indignities, They bask in the imagined admiration they receive from onlookers, when it’s actually distaste and revulsion and a desire to fill the offender’s orifices with dog poo. Then there are the dog and cat owners who kiss their pets open mouths , oblivious to the fact that said pet has probably recently licked it’s own post-crap arse. This show of affection is for the onlookers benefit too.- ” Aren’t I so fond of my pet?” Total cunts
Sounds like the old poncey way to do the fur.
Dressing the dog up too, I hate that.
Hmm, I have a cordial hatred (I use that strong word advisedly) for cunts who abuse and hurt animals – it brings a quivering “feral” feeling in my guts if I ever see it and I have to intervene.
I had occasion some time ago where some big bruiser was leathering a staffy which had run away (it’s kind of what the little fkers do!) to intervene – the daft fucker took a swing at me so I punched him so hard in the sternum he simultaneously doubled up and sent out a stream of puke! (“Local ‘ard man, this clown was, apparently).
I stood over him and said – “with gusto” – “Got owt t fuckin say then”?
Maybe Zouma would like a little Mano et Mano bare knuckle stylee entertainment with me?
I shall contact West Ham and ask the cunt!
No way this degenerate can walk into a football stadium again. Remember the woman who put her cat in the wheelie bin? Jesus, that woman had death threats for YEARS. This Zouma cunt won’t be able to show face, he’ll have to go and play in Middle East or Africa. Why the fuck would you post a video of you abusing an animal on the webz? “Oh bruv, this video will get LOADS of views, man!” Yeah, it will, dummy. How degenerated can someone be these days?
Whether it’s torturing dogs, hurting cats, bear-baiting, bullfighting, or fox-hunting, these leperous cowards are all cunts.
You are going well beyond cuntism when you hurt people, animals, you are entering the realm of evil.
Fox hunting, jesus. Fox hunting was fine back in they day, but in the last 50-ish years it kinda changed. It became less about the chase, and more about the dogs ripping the poor thing apart. Wasnt that started a couple hundred years back just to control the population?
Hello Foxy,
Some UFC fighter has beaten you to it.
Called Zouma a cowardly motherfucker and offered to fight him.
Zoumas not only, a orrible cunt,
A dumb fuckin sootie,
Hes a FRENCH cunt.
Truly meant to hang.
Mnc@ – Bah – my damaged hand is fixed and I’m ready to go!
Fkin UFC stealing my punchbag – this will never do!
Right, time for a drive to sunny Manchester, got stock to collect!
Send the cunt to Hartlepool then. They know how to treat the French.
It is part of their culture “innit” ? I mean abusing pussies, its a right of passage. Oh what a wonderful and meaningful contribution to our “enrichment”.
Perhaps he should be encouraged to visit the Serengeti, and perhaps kick “Lil Pussy,s” big cousin in the nuts! (I’d pay good money to see that !)
Put the singled celled cunt against a gorilla, something his own size! A brown bear perhaps. Yes, I would film that.
Singled cell or sickle cell?
Good point C.G. As amoeba are similar to bacteria, I will say that Both Lives Matter.
Something off about this story. Why would you film yourself doing it, or allow yourself to be filmed?
Then the non-reaction from the authorities. Result = everyone is fucking angry.
Call me a fucking cynic, but perhaps there’s something political going on elsewhere we should be looking at?
That’s what I’ve been wondering. We all know animal cruelty goes on. We all know some people fill it, ie. dog fights, badger baiting, cockfighting, etc. But you never see a person uploading their own personal animal cruelty to the web. That’s like me filming myself beating my grandma up and laughing at her, then uploading it to YT, IG, Tik, etc. There’s more to this, I reckon. A distraction, get everyone angry and taking their eye of the ball, pardon the pun. We’ll see a lot of that this year, it’s desperate times for the powerful people/psychopaths.
10 years ago you’d be called a conspiracy theorist for suggesting they deliberately manufacture events to manipulate mass psychology.
Captain Tom, clap for NHS, the dancing nurses.. admission by government they use nudge units, behavioural psychologists.. it’s all conspiracy now not theory.
I’d quite like to see a video of Fiddler beating up his grandma though.
We’ve been manipulated and brainwashed for aeons. The frenzy of life keeps us from stepping back and going, “oh, it’s mostly all bullshit and walking away from the cultural/societal booby-traps.
TBCC, I think it happens because these foreign uneducated twats don’t understand the British love of animals. To him, this was just normal animal abuse, probably been doing it everyday & thinks that we’d find it funny. What they don’t realise is that this kind of shit in the UK can severely affect their careers & he will definitely get shit at every away football match he plays in, if nowt else.
Take your point about diversion tactics, but using something like this might be stretching it a bit…
“…To him, this was just normal animal abuse, probably been doing it everyday & thinks that we’d find it funny.”
Correct, didn’t even cross his mind that the casual brutality that comes so naturally to the african doesn’t wash amongst civilised people.
Here’s why the silverbacks think as they do…
Chunky: I think the non reaction from the police, is “cos e’ is black, innit!”
Initially,WHFC stated that they intended to ‘deal with the matter internally ‘.
How fucking clueless is it possible to be?
Maybe his wife did it, perhaps he abuses her and this is a way to get back at him. If not his wife then who was in his house filming the shit show, a team mate maybe who wants his place in the team.
Or maybe another sooty mate who thought it was all good fun and would be an amusing little video to put of fuckbook or whatever platform they used.
You may be right BCC and you’re definitely right to question the narrative. But Ockham’s razor would suggest the simplest explatiion is likely the right one. That being, this guy is a monumentaly dumb cunt.
Paraphrasing what someone once said, do not ascribe to malice that which can be explained by stupidity
I’m not saying he was put up to it. More that they picked up on it, accelerated it, and then control the reaction.
He’s still a colossal cunt either way.
1 – people really can be that stupid
2 – the ‘it’s only an animal’ mindset is sadly quite common
If he isn’t locked up then community service with Longleat’s lions will suffice.
From what I have been told, it was his own fans who were booing him the loudest?
Perhaps he will be “sidelined with a pulled muscle” for the next few games, hoping the anger subsides.
Interestingly, the Sun is the only newspaper to have this dreadful event on its front page; it is also the only newspaper whose front page does not feature on the BBC News website today.
Really? Well, there you go, mainstream media is 99.9% bullshit now and we all should boycott it.
“…mainstream media is 99.9% bullshit now and we all should boycott it.”
Way ahead of you on that one Cunty G.
But people still addict to mainstream media. BBC has been cunted here endlessly, but every day you see a link! Fuck me, don’t give them views! Loads of mainstream media links get posted here. I don’t want a journalist’s/editor’s spin on an event, just give me the raw facts. Sometimes on the BBC News, there is about 25% facts and 75% verbose derping speculation from a journalist that is no better than an ordinary person who doesn’t have a clue what just happened, but will give you their spin on it anyway.
After I contacted the Met about this fuckin bonobo and his retard family I emailed West Ham.
I asked what action would be taken against such a degenerate?
But my email was in a queue apparently?
Ive had no reply to date.
The west Ham song,
“Im forever blowing bubbles”?
I never realised Zouma was Bubbles.
I remember him as Mickey Jacksons boyfriend.
Mis: inspired by your e-mail to the Met, I tried to contact the RSPCA. Their e-mail was down “due to technical problems”, apparently?
Why report it to the police?
It’s a government gay op and Kurt Zouma is simply a crisis actor involved in a false flag operation.
Fucking obvious innit?
MNC@ – Just had an email back from the RSPCA, stating they were aware of this and investigating before it hit the news, and they have involved the police so I expect the cat to get 20 years for racism..
A pulled neck muscle at that.
I had the same thought, pulled at least 8″.
Admin: thank you for the fucking hilarious nomination photo of Cat-cunt?
Having showed it to several people, the reaction has been the same-hilarity ?
A career as Bubba, in a stage adaptation of Forrest Gump, perhaps?
As this also involved a child, add the fucking social workers to the mix of the authorities who should be involved, but wont do a thing.
They’ll play the old ‘sensitive to different racial folkways’ card, besides, bolstered with money and the lawyers it could buy, he’d not be as easy a target as their usual junkies etc.
Had the cunt been poor and white, however….
And as for the RSPCA, again, as he isn’t poor, white, or a pensioner, or a farmer, they’ll do fuck all…
And for any of the Police reading this (as you do…), this bastard commited a premeditated crime (on camera, ‘sa commence’ – it begins, with the cameraman laughing knowing what’s coming) and, let’s not forget, involved a minor in the abuse, sorry, that’s your bailiwick.
You’re the ones with the legal powers and responsibilities, not the bloody RSPCA who are, despite their uniform and rank fetish, only private citizens, and have only the same legal powers as the rest of us.
The man’s a cunt, so is whoever filmed it, and so are the authorities.
1 rapist, one wife beater and one animal
Common denominators please!
N i g no gs
Moyes should have dropped him last night. No ifs, no buts.
Meanwhile, police are continuing their search for a brain cell.
Moyes is like the rest of football, results above anything. Football is a bubble for shite.
And yet they still think they can preach morals to the little people, the fucking comedians.
Allegedly, when he was at Preston, half the city had a go on his Mrs (I said allegedly).
Maybe, if it’s true of course, that’s why he doesn’t give a fuck about anything?
I bet both teams fans were having a go! Can he do drop kicks like that during a game? I dont watch ‘da footie’.
Leave him in a room with ten Millwall Bushwackers. The fucking cunt. “I’m sorry”, that’s alright then. Peter Sutcliffe- “I’m sorry”…”No worries Peter, out you go then”. George Floyd – “I’m sorry for sticking a gun in a pregnant woman’s stomach whilst my mates ransacked her house”..”No worries George, off you go, you need to be a messiah to thick as pig shit black footballers in the future”…BLM, I’m sick to my back teeth with that fucking shit. Go and preach it to someone who gives a flying fuck.
Someone needs to build a statue of Saint Floyd pointing a gun at a pregnant woman. That’ll piss the traitors and BLM scum off
Just signed the petition to prosecute the TWAT……?
cute kitty, but needs 2 more whiskers I think.
You know the cunt is going to play the race card. “The cat called me a w0g”.