For Your Cuntsideration: Kurt Zouma, pussy abuser!
In the jungle, the mighty jungle
The lion sleeps tonight.
Not if Kurt Zouma has anything to do with it, though?
Who he? You ask.
This piece of shit:
(Apologies for linking to the “Scum”- other links were behind paywalls)
Yes indeed, another overpaid footballerist, with the IQ of a banana, thought it was a good idea to drop kick his cat across his “no doubt vast kitchen floor” (©Lord R. Fiddler), whilst a family member whooped and filmed the event. Later, he is seen chasing the terrified kitty and playfully lobbing footwear at it.
To carry out this abuse is bad enough-to think it wise to upload and distribute the footage-well, it speaks volumes…
Dont fuck with cats, Kurt. That’s the “11th” commandment?
*I am sure that the abusers ethnic background had absolutely nothing to do with this episode. Ohhh no. Nothing whatsoever?
Nominated by: Cuntfinder General
Prosecution Petition link provided by Little Lord Fontlacunt:
Several seconds starting with Miserable northern cunt:
Id like to second that nom if thats ok with CG?
I saw this savage tormenting a frightened cat with the other persons in his family and laughing.
So I asked the Met why they weren’t prosecuting him?
I asked if it was because he was wealthy and black?
I told them they were useless.
And they replied!
“Thanks for your email.
The RSPCA do have the Power to prosecute for acts of animal cruelty.
So not necessarily in our remit.
Fuckin cheers?
Im a taxpayer you cunt.
Why god invented sickle cell.
Supplemented by Cuntybollocks with this:
MNC – I think the RSPCA might just prosecute now. They’re being flooded with complaints and now they’re saying they can’t comment on individual cases but are aware of this incident and do prosecute bad cases of animal cruelty etc.
They could get good publicity/donations if they charge the fucking cunt.
Sick of it chimed in with this:
The cunt should be referred to the police, that video shows he committed a criminal offence
Herman Jelmet doubled down with this keen observation:
Kurt fucking Zouma
This cunt can’t be cunted enough.
I presume this low IQ despicable piece of shit will be fired by his club and his reputation forever tarnished for this act of cruelty?
Let’s be fair here, if it’s good enough for a certain Sarah Moulds, then it’s good enough for this thick cunt Zouma.
It’ll be very interesting to see how this one plays out.
And finally, Cuntybollocks weighed in with this:
I will also cunt this cunt if that’s ok. The excellent original nom pretty much covers my sentiments too, but what gets me is these fucking footballers (mostly of a certain hue, which is obviously a pure coincidence) have the gall to preach to us about morals.
Some of these ‘incidents’ are still under legal process, so I will refrain from using names, but in recent times we’ve had a few rapey ones, a drug test avoidy one, a n o ncy few and a woman beater few too.
They can all get fucked preaching their rights and wrongs for the little people, the fucking pricks.
Fuck me, he’s right up there in the ugly league along with that Criminal Cunt who had his neck knelt on ( accidentally I’m sure) by the US Cop.
This PG tips reject reminds me of an Easter Island statue that has been desecrated
with Bitumen.
Hopefully with the new 2021 (French cruelty) law – They will have this deformed Monstrosity deported back to France and have the cruel dull freak locked up for 4 years.
I think some big cunt should go and grab this boorish animal hating shitbag and start slapping and kicking this tosser around and see how he likes it. I have pet hamsters myself, not cats, but I would still like to punch this cunts head in thats for sure
Should have let the Germans stay in France, there’d be no French and no zouma’s….as low iq footy people might say ” RESULT”
?so true
Just one animal having a go at another. And it was nothing to what goes on in abattoirs and chicken farms. Fuss about nothing.
Some “cat expert “ on talk radio tonight said the reason why the cat didn’t howl or something like that is because if you do something often enough a cat gets immune to it. For example she said that when you tread on a cat tail or foot 99.9% of the time the cat tells you very quickly you’ve trod on it.
I think they meow not sending a Twitter message.
Wet Spam should also be prosecuted for refusing to drop him by the way.
Fuck off OC. Agre Zouma is a fucking cunt of the highest order but it’s It’s got fuck all to do with West Ham you fucking div.
I dont think he should have played the other night.
Anyone think he mixed up the term ‘pussy footing around’ with football in his miniscule brain? ‘At the end of the day, sick as a parrot’
”Bonjour. J’aime donner un coup de pied un chat.” – Kurt Zouma
Give the cunt a kicking.
This has nothing to do with Zouma’s race, but everything to do with being French.
Always thought the word ‘racism’ was funny. How can I be racist by say, calling a chinese a chink, when we are all of one race. Human beings. Saying ‘fucking cats are cunts’ now THAT is racist.
These two (his brother was involved too apparently) primates should be drop kicked back to France – cunts.
What’s the phrase again, Black Lives Matter! FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!!!
RSPCA are the biggest cunt of all. They don’t prevent cruelty, they just roam round like plastic cops prosecuting people after the event. They won’t prosecute this footballist because he can afford better lawyers. They also have brought wrongful prosecutions against decent pet owners. I will never contribute to them ever.
Mind you most charities are a big business feed off our sympathy, if anyone needs a cunting it is them, from the paid professionals trying to sign you up to a monthly direct debit the so called patrons who draw a wage , to the celebtities doing it so they get an MBE. I want to go back to the days when a tin rattler volunteered to shake a donation box on the high street, because they were passionate about it,but guess those days are over
Charity is a con now