“I Wouldn’t Wish This On My Worst Enemy”

Anyone that says this that isn’t after them saying that they were fucked up the arse with a dead hedgehog for forty years non stop whilst giving head to Diane Abbot after eating the klingons around David Lammies arse whilst fingering a dead cats arse ( you get the picture ) are Cunts.

I hear it quite regularly on the radio and in particular this hard done by bint on tonight’s TalkRADIO who went on about something that happened to her a while back blah , blah blah blah, waffle waffle worst enemy.

No love, I can think of lots of things to do to my worst enemy than lock them up in a prison for a month.
It’s been a long day. I’m grumpy and she pissed me off.

Nominated by: Onceacuntalwaysacunt

26 thoughts on ““I Wouldn’t Wish This On My Worst Enemy”

    • Yes. Not sure what it’s about. Clarification please, Onseacunt. Then we can do your nom justice.

    • Isn’t it a nom about cunting anyone in general who says ‘I wouldn’t wish xxx on my worst enemy’; with xxx being whatever ‘horror’ they’ve had to endure???

    • No no link I’m afraid, it was a late night cunting due to a radio call in program where some daft cunts were talking about getting covid or cats or something and they commented on some stupid saying that whatever the thing they were going through they wouldn’t wish on their enemy.
      Well getting the flu is hardly a punishment.
      Anyways, sorry for the confusion. Mainly about people who exaggerate I guess?

  1. That’s Angie Rayner in the picture and Starmzy wearing his gimp outfit. I wouldn’t wish that pair on my worst enemy.
    Actually, I would, but then i’m a bit of a cunt.

  2. Angie is saying “you fooking Tory scum” and Sir Kweer is saying “i’m fucking Labour, stop saying that bitch.”

  3. There’s nothing I wouldn’t wish,and be delighted to administer,on my worst enemy.

    • DFF@ Morning Sir Fiddler, exactly – the only thing that keeps me going is imagining the terrible tortures and terrorrs I will be meting out to my many, many enemies when I do finally seize the power I so rightfully deserve!
      I have worked long and hard (ooh, madam) on becoming a maniacal despot, and feel my hard work deserves and merits the fruits of my labour!
      Mercy is for bumlords and hippies!
      Roll on evil and wickedness I say, it’s better than being a softy!
      Shifty no good fkin softies..

  4. Why would any of these cunts think that they have enemies?
    Do they think that they are that important that not only do they have enemies, but they have enough to classify them from good to worst.

    I am a right cunt.
    I obviously have many people that I don’t like.
    But I am not paranoid enough to call any of them enemies.

  5. Always thought “ Wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy “ was a bit cuntish. My worst enemies would get more or much worse and inventive horrors than anything bestowed on myself. As I fade into older and wiser age I really don’t give a fuck as long as I’m left alone.

  6. My enemy, there are people who I don’t particularly like but no actual enemy, I would quite like to punch Owen Jones in the face, but that would more for my satisfaction that a punishment for him ?

    I am hoping to get my AK 47 (well more likely a water pistol) from Vern in readiness for the revolution “Power to the People” ?

    • It most certainly wouldn’t be the first time that Owen Jones has felt the wrath of a man’s fist.

      • TtCE@ – Careful now Thomas – Owen Jones took on 300 “right wing extremists, daahling”, gave them a darn good fisting and made their eyes water – and I believe this tough guy boxer has licked many a big Man in the ring..

  7. I have to admit when I was watching Theatre of Blood the other night (Diana Rigg in her prime), That bit where she and dad Vincent Price behead Arthur Lowe, and in the morning when the maid brings in the tea, screams and his head rolls on to the floor, right near where she faints, I imagined Kweer Charmer being served tea by his char, Margaret Beckett. There are a few people I would like to see thus served – perhaps bald headed cunt Adonis, when his houseboy brings the Earl Gray in. Whoops, duckie! 🙂

  8. … oh yeah … human nature to be wicked when presented with a valid reason or excuse. Very few moments in any given day when disproportionate and extreme measures aren’t an option for pretty much every scenario and occasion. LOL … ‘conflict resolution’ sucks … it’s like ‘compromise’ … fuckin’ tedious, if not, useless.
    When required … do (bad shit) unto others before they do unto you! … and don’t stop. ?
    Sun’s out again … time to fire up a bike!

    • There is nothing in existence that I wouldn’t wish on an enemy, and it doesn’t even have to be my worst enemy, it can be any enemy. Anyone who has gone out of their way to say something or do something I wouldn’t like has declared war and deserves whatever comes their way. It isn’t a matter of getting even, they deserve everything they get. Unfortunately my opportunities for retaliation are limited so wishing is usually as far as it goes.

  9. Yeah, how many times have we heard that phrase, “Ooooph, I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy!” What utter wank! Well I’ve got news for you, I fucking would wish ‘that’ on them and a whole lot worse! And what’s more, not only would I wish it but I’d fucking administer it, or at the very least sit and eat an ice cream while I watched!

  10. It’s a sentiment that Implies that someone is so loathsome, they have enemies.
    I don’t know about you lot, although in general apparently a decent bunch, apart from the occasional handbags at dawn spats, but I’m an extremely nice person.
    I prefer to use ” I wouldn’t wish that on anyone”, and no, that doesn’t apply to rapists, kiddie fiddlers, murderers, criminals and evil people generally. For them, I wish the Hounds of Hell will drag them screaming for mercy into a blazing hot pit of boiling pitch, while I shout ” Have a nice eternity, you cunt!”

    • JP@ – “You have enemies? Good – it means you have stood for something, sometime in your life”.
      Winston Churchill.

      • I can’t afford enemies, Vern.
        Not now I’m a pensioner.
        I prefer to spend any extra on Tunnocks chocolate teacakes.

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