Heseltine (9) and Brexit

Heseltine is a cunt of the highest order.

I refuse to call him Lord. That title is limited to our one and only Lord Fiddler.

Heseltine is a coffin-dodging cunt.

Indie News Link

You never won anything apart from your seat in the HoC. Whichever cunt elevated you to the HoL is also a cunt. You are a cunt because you are an authoritarian. You are a cunt because you are a failure.

Micky Heseltine, you are a cunt, you cunt.

Nominated by: Dark key cunt

85 thoughts on “Heseltine (9) and Brexit

    • Not only that, but the psychotic, curtain-haired arsehole confessed to strangling his mother’s dog.

      What a whopping great cunt.

  1. Who on earth decided this foppish sap should be nicknamed ‘Tarzan’ ? Whatever next, calling William Rees- Minimetro, Hercules Bendapipecleaner ?
    I trust that makes some sort of sense,I’m having one of my turns right now.
    Fucking politicians, the ones who call out the bullshit are the ones with zero influence. Its all fucking theatre.

    • Could the Tarzan monicker have been applied when he did the brave heart bollocks with the mace in the house of cunts. Few years ago mind. Fuck me the way these old bastards are coming out of the woodwork I’m expecting to see an interview with Gladstone on the subject of Boris and the compost heap at number 10 { Carries special project, is it gender neutral?}.

  2. When the old cunt is dead and buried, I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a biopic, with that floppy-haired twat Huge Grunt on the lead role.

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