Please keep a welcome in the hillside and a leek in your trouser pockets for this four-eyed daft-as-a-brush looking “Professor” in Wales who is “concerned” about “homophobia and transphobia” in schoolchildren as young as six:
One young girl, of the lesbian persuasion was so traumatised when she heard hurty words at the age of 6. When my son was six all he worried about was what sweets he would buying with his 10 pence, I doubt he would have even known what a poofter was when he was six, unless he had teachers like mine (well, when I was a bit older than six, granted), unless the current lot d a lot of mincing and before lessons prepare themselves with some foundation round their mirrors with lights all round them.
The more of an industry The Gayness becomes the more half witted idiots like Miss. Renold and her pals will hitch up their Y-Fronts and jump on the bandwagon. Call me old-fashioned if you like, but six year olds should know little or nothing about the birds and the bees and certainly not two bees or two birds. That is best left to specialist websites when boys are old enough to know what their right hands are for, or girls want to start a strumming contest and comparing dildos or jiggle balls in the privacy of a public lavatory.
Nominated by W. C. Boggs
The mincing Welsh cunt.
There were no lifters in Wales until they opened the Severn bridge.
I blame the presence of Bristol.
Along with Brighton, twinned with Sodom and Gomorrah.
Should we have a “War Correspondence” page to cover Vlad’s fuckwittery?
I bet he’s the only gay in the village.
Who would pay £9,000 a year to be ‘taught’ by that thing?
Guzziguy@ – I am baffled – these people always seem to gravitate to any position where they have contact with children.
Can’t think why. ?♂️
The fucking brass neck of cunts that don’t even breed like a normal human beings telling us how to bring up our kids.
Fucking deviants.
Horace, an astute observation which is why it will be ignored by the media.
Especially by the Islamic apologist BBC cunts.
What about the tradition of quare bashing? Twas a time honoured custom. Alas no more. Only option open. OVEN
A man after my own heart.
Children use all kinds of language towards each other without really understanding what it means, and given the amount of rainbow flag waving these days, it’s hardly surprising that they use words like lezza etc to insult each other.
Some charmer called my grand daughter one. She replied with the remark ” Oh yeah? Well I’ve heard you’re so bent you can suck your own cock, and probably do!”
I’ve never been so proud.
Loud and proud my son!
Good girl! Showing that there is hope for this shithole of a cuntry. (sic)
only a matter of time
It wouldnt really be P. It willbe MAPs as in Minor Attracted People.
The last letter will be Z. For Zoophiles. Those who have sex with animals.
LBGTQ MAPs and Zs.
Sex with animals… like you and Willow! ??
That link open up a right rouges gallery, EJ has the look, weirdo alert.
It’s a “They”.
It has to be…
One of Putin’s agents.
Utterly bonkers!
Always seems to be the same suspects – freaky, weird, creepy sub humans who call themselves “liberals” (AKA – “Fascists”) who promote this vile shite – they make my skin crawl.
A more cynical Man than I would possibly contend that it is because they are vile predators and Peter Phile advocates who are trying to legitimise their fucking disgusting behaviour to normalise their degenerate lifestyles.
Not that I ever would accuse these upstanding people and completely trustworthy people of course – that would be wrong! ?
1990 – house move – “where’s the best school”?
2022 house move – “where’s the NEAREST school”?
All completely innocent I’m sure.
Nothing to see here.
2030 – house move – is there a school within 50 miles of here where anybody speaks English?
Moggie@ – “Which is not permanently surrounded by carpet riders in Mercedes cars”..
….one of which actually has a driving licence.
Is it Timmy Mallet?
6yr olds are full of hate .
I know I was.
EJ tried to rein me in when a toddler id of half bricked it and called it a shitstabber.
Hehehe ?
Timmy Mallet motherfucker.
Beyond daft. Bordering on sick and potentially child abuse. Fool is a Cunt.
Just like this comment ??
I’ve just looked up the Cardiff University website. This fucking weirdo is Professor of Childhood Studies, School of Social Sciences. Here’s a snippet of what she says about herself:
‘Working with feminist, queer and post-humanist approaches my research explores gendered and sexual subjectives across diverse institutional sites and public spaces.’
The Government have just announced that students will now be paying for their degrees for 40 years (previously 30), and starting at a lower salary than before (‘I say Prime Minister, Putin’s invaded Ukraine – what a great day to bury bad news’). Would anyone in their right mind waste 3 years studying this garbage and then spend their entire working life paying for it? No – you’d have to be gullible, deranged or both.
Splendid cunting, WC.
Very Insightful comment GT. I fully concur with your observations. Fucking heed the ball and no mistake. What the fuck is post humanism? New one on me.
Hopefully the upcoming war will thin out a few of these cunts for the good of humanity!!!
If only we could shame the h0m0z back into their closets. Letting them out has given us cunt overload.
If aliens invade they will surely see it best to not spare any of us.
I do not know what that is but it spells mither.
Good for the kids if they’re limiting themselves to just homophobic abuse….when I was at school we used to find a reason to abuse just about anyone who didn’t play for the senior rugby team….fat,swotty,fruity,speccy.shylocky,spaccy… English/Rugby teacher usually started the abuse…I liked him,he was an unashamed Cunt
The march towards victory has nearly reached the gates of triumph, when it is accepted that LGBTXYZ is Normal. ( its not and never will be in my book )
These kweir people just cannot accept that they are indeed different . To them , to shit though ones penis would be considered a “norm” , as would to piss from the arse would be also.
Well modern medcine tells us otherwise. Pissing from your shitter aint normal and needs urgent correction.
I think my point is clear.
Kids as young as six giving out homophobic and trans abuse eh?
Well thank fuck someone is teaching them correctly.
Morons like this have led too sheltered a life in the west and have nothing to worry about. So they dream up ridiculous problems and issues which don’t exist and then bother everyone else with their demented fantasies of prosecution and historic injustices against 6 year old gays and trannies.
Send her/ him ( not sure which) to the Ukraine front now. Then he/ she would really have something to worry about.
What a hottie.
Always rancid cunts with a face that would put you off dinner and a mouth like a cats arse.
The Cunt needs to shut the fuck up!
When your little its ace learning new and offensive words.
You forget as you get older,
Become jaded.
Your dads a bumboy and so are you!
Gissa lick of your ice cream you spunk bucket!
Im not nicking apples from your garden you old n0nc3!
Go suck your dads fanny!
Them are the days…
Were you raised in the Vatican?
I remember the good old days when Welsh folk just want balls deep in a rather attractive sheep. Maybe that’s what they should start teaching again.. It’s a national past time and needs protection under the old feudal laws.
I wonder how well our current crop of perpetually offended, frock wearing, wigger talking, pro-bender “yoof” will fare against battle hardened Russian soldiers?
WW3 might be a good thing after all.
The possibility is concerning hierarchies everywhere ……..
Should have listened to Patton.
Good evening.
“Hey teacher, leave them kids alone” ya Cunt
“Lezzers don’t need no education,
But our kids need thought control,
No filthy muslims in the classroom.
Hey, Welsh cunt,- leave them kids alone.
A rather nasty wake up call is heading towards these arsewipes, hopefully.
Send it to Ukraine
I have relatives in Ukraine, I’ve been there and this specimen would be confined to a large bottle.