Please keep a welcome in the hillside and a leek in your trouser pockets for this four-eyed daft-as-a-brush looking “Professor” in Wales who is “concerned” about “homophobia and transphobia” in schoolchildren as young as six:
One young girl, of the lesbian persuasion was so traumatised when she heard hurty words at the age of 6. When my son was six all he worried about was what sweets he would buying with his 10 pence, I doubt he would have even known what a poofter was when he was six, unless he had teachers like mine (well, when I was a bit older than six, granted), unless the current lot d a lot of mincing and before lessons prepare themselves with some foundation round their mirrors with lights all round them.
The more of an industry The Gayness becomes the more half witted idiots like Miss. Renold and her pals will hitch up their Y-Fronts and jump on the bandwagon. Call me old-fashioned if you like, but six year olds should know little or nothing about the birds and the bees and certainly not two bees or two birds. That is best left to specialist websites when boys are old enough to know what their right hands are for, or girls want to start a strumming contest and comparing dildos or jiggle balls in the privacy of a public lavatory.
Nominated by W. C. Boggs
Facial piercings, humongous specs, ‘professor’ of fuckwittery, gender collywobbles, full of shit.
That is all.
Terence? Oven please, gas mark plutonium. ?
Woke numpty Cunt – nuff said !
Whilst the Russians have been building up their hardware the west has been busy building gender neutral toilets. Ffs!
Yeah, but the toilets are badly needed because a large percentage of the country is full of shit.
I once got a proper bollocking at school at the ripe old age of 7 for calling one of the scrotes at my skull a “used tampon”.
Didn’t know what it meant at the time, but I was told by the head to ask my mother, sick cunt.
Turns out the scrote really was a scrote and grew up to be a massive bloody cunt, who is now in the nick, so I stand by my original assessment.
Can spot a bloody cunt at a thousand paces me.
Fuck was that? Autocorrect cunt
With a face like that, the freak needs shot blasting. Putin as no problems with trans issues.
These ‘LGBTQ+’ ideologues are extremely keen when it comes to targeting children. Cults tend to target pliable minds. Children’s minds are just that. I call it grooming.
Boil the cunts in a vat of pissor lob them in Terry’s oven. Job done. I’ve jot no time for these tranny Marxists
If that’s it’s face, I dread to think what it’s arse looks like.