This has nothing to do with the dinghy invasion across the channel. Though that is a form of channeling I suppose.
No I mean ‘channelling’ in a mystical sense. Just read that Geri Horner was ‘channelling’ Marilyn Monroe in wearing a white dress at some awards bash And Amanda Holden was channelling her ‘legally blond’ in what she was wearing earlier this evening.
But I’ve also heard it used in psychobabble namely channeling one of your inner ‘selves’
I was singing ‘Suspicious Minds’ to myself earlier. Was I channelling my inner Elvis?
It is linked with ‘identify as’ I think. The same fracturing of the personality. The same fundamental attack on Personhood.
Sam Smith says he I mean they say they have more than one personality. So each day they decide (do they?’) which personality they are going to channel.?
Is that multi-personality disorder…? Who knows.
Maybe I have got that wrong. Hes ‘non-binary’ he says doesn’t he? I mean they say don’t they? Do they have one personality expressed sexually differently. Is that it? I ought to have looked this up.
Anyway, going back again to channelling someone famous. If you think back that was the hallmark of being a nutter someone claiming to be an historic figure like Napoleon or Jesus Christ.
Mediums (who I don’t like on principle) talk about ‘channelling’ the spirit of some dead relative? Yes that would be a strong influence on this new usage.
Really Geri wasn’t channelling Marilyn Monroe she was influenced by her. Or was paying homage to her with her dress.
Does this matter? Not much but I am seeing the word ‘channelling’ being used in this way and I don’t like it.
Nominated by: Miles Plastic
(More info here, probably – Day Admin: LiveScience News Link )
I’d like to channel my cock into Geri Halliwell’s mouth.
Some thoughts on our glorious leaders…
My mother used to “channel” dead relatives of folks and talk shite to them for coin in front of cards with pretty pictures on. One of them spiritualist / tarot types.
It’s all circus sideshow attention seeking bollocks, it some people pay actual money to listen to it. I don’t know how she sleeps at night. Presumably hanging from the ceiling or in a casket. She’s a fucking lunatic like the rest of them types. Daft cunts.
Morning all
Starmer has been banging on weeks that Boris is responsible because he is in charge, sadly the same doesn’t apply to him, wanker.
I hear you on that. And a spooge in Amada Holdens face for good measure.
Good blog, sir.
Geri Halliwell circa 1997
Good morning..
I’m channelling my inner spirit guide, Chief Bullcrap Detector.
He tells me that people do this to make theirselves seem more interesting than they actually are.
Sounds right to me.
Funny just watching about John Lennon and he said if he was a alone for a long time he wouldn’t know who he was.
I have got confused between channelling (2ls) and chaneling (1l).
Oh its just doubling the l.
Something to ponder over your cornflakes-
Is there an attack on the integrity of the Self?
John Lennon wasnt to tightly wrapped to start with.
If I was alone for a long time id still know im me.
It must surely be a devastating lack of confidence in one’s own self worth to “channel” another personality. Understandable in the case of Geri Halliwell, a third rate performer in a third rate girl group.
Psychologists have a word for this – schizophrenia or fragmented personalities. In Greek, literally “split minds”.
I have a better word – cunts.
All complete bollocks.
Channeling my arse.
If I want a medium it has to be a dotty old Doris who looks like Margaret Rutherford.
Not some homosexual with streaked hair.
I like my mumbo jumbo straight forward .
I have some personal experience with people who have ‘personality disorders’.
I do think about it a lot.
I found it very difficult to believe atfirt. I was sure that you could never get away from the essential ‘Me’ in your thinking. But the personality can be very fragile…
Actors or the best actors have very little personality. That’s why ghey find it easier
to ‘inhabit’ other people.
Just occurred to me -does John Culshaw channel the spirit of some celebrity when he imPERSONates them? Just for that duration. He is spot on with them. He seems to become them.
Actors have this facility of becoming another person. But to them it’s a technique. Unless it’s a method actor like Daniel Day Lewis. If he plays a tramp then he has to live and think like a tramp for several months to do the role justice. He’s a great actor but also a bit of a prissy cunt.
Everyone has a job. You don’t show your personality in a job. That’s the difference with Actors. How often do you see real Actors private lives in the paper… Never. The TOWIE crowd doesn’t count.
Here’s a little anecdote on this theme I was told by a budding thespian once. It could be apocryphal (aka made up bollocks) but it amused me nevertheless. On the set of the film Marathon Man, Dustin Hoffman was preparing for a scene where he’s out for a jog in central park. He’s running up and down the set and Laurence Olivier, puzzled, asks him ‘what are you doing?’.
Hoffman, deferentially says to Sir Laurence ‘in this scene my character is out running and so I’m running to get out of breath for realism’.
Sir Laurence replies ‘did you consider acting?’
Wasn’t keen on The Method, Larry. They aren’t too good at teaching it in theatre studies, an actor friend can testify to this. Lots of theory on the Stanislavsky/Strasberg innovations and style, but once onstage they’re gurning like cunts in Cats.
I’d like to see Geri Halitosis channeled by a rail of tramps, the fishy quimmed fucker.
As would I.
Excellent nom.,Miles,excellent.
Of course, the trouble is that these “celebrities” who are claiming to “channel” the spirit another long-dead “star” are probably the same Degenerates who deny the existence of the human Spirit which leaves the body when we die.
I know that if I was Marilyn Munroe’s Spirit, I’d be less than happy to have to enter the body of that desperate old petri-dish for STDs Slapper,Amanda Holden…. still,I suppose there’d be easy access up every gaping orifice if you could just time it for the odd occasion that she doesn’t have something stuck in there.
I’d urge the heathen Cunters (and followers of other religions) on this site to urgently “channel” the Spirit of Jesus Christ before it’s too late….contact your local Priest immediately to see if he can lead you back to the Path of Righteousness.
PS….If you’re a “Ginger” don’t waste your time trying to seek redemption…you don’t have a Soul anyhow.
‘I am thy father’s spirit. Doomed for a certain term to walk the night’.
Notice Mr Fiddler IT doesnt say to Hamlet-‘I am thy father’.
No ‘I am thy father’s SPIRIT’.
So it is the spirit of his father that is ‘doomed for a certain term to walk the night’.
What does that mean?
Is there a nether world or an intermediate stage in the Soul’s journey after death? I mean before it is united with the Creator.
I watch these ghost hunting programmes as you know and there is something I believe to the idea that there are ‘wandering souls’ in the world. The idea that they havent found their proper place yet in the supernatural world. Or that they cannot escape this wotld for some reason-Attaching themselves to a place where something dreadful happened.
And then there are demons. The Church has the Rite of Exorcism because it teaches we can become ‘possessed’ of a demonic spirit. So in that sense the intergrity of the Person or the Spirit or the Soul whatever you want to call it can be compromised by a foreign invader.
Miles, is that not what purgatory is? I defer to you on matters of theology.
Lord Fidler: I concur 100% in regards to Gingoirs-they are fucking evil ?
@Berhshire Huntmaster
Am I indulging in heresy? I better be careful.
There are things, important things that the Church has never defined precisely.
This was an interesting read for me on the subject-
Geri must have had a split personality when she claimed to have lost weight through her exclusive exercise routine. Having sold many a keep fit dvd off the back of that particularly jackanory, she then revealed she’d had an anorexic eating disorder that appeared to be the real reason for losing weight. Channeling must obviously translate as talking bollocks for attention.
Pseudo- science to the highest degree. Like Astrology – which is really the “science” of extracting money from the gullible.
Ergo: Russell Grant is a (fat) cunt?
Astronomy evolved from astrology, they say although the same can be said of skyscrapers and yurts.
I see FM.
very good indeed,all my celebrity gossip is gathered from my dear associates on this excellent forum.
My first assumption regarding celebrity weight loss is that their AIDS medicine has stopped working.
Good morning everyone.
My Uncle once managed to lose 20 stone of unsightly fat in a very short time.
He divorced my Aunt…
What a load of bollocks
When hammering nails into wood I often swear loudly.
‘get in you fuckin whore’
‘come on you cunt’
Probably channeling Peter Sutcliffe?
Because afterwards ive a craving for a Yorkie bar and find ive cum in my undercrackers.
*When hammering nails into wood… channeling Peter Sutcliffe .”…..more likely channeling some Abraham Goldfarb-Finkelstein type acting on the orders of Pontius Pilate…do you feel the need to pick a pocket or two?
Seek Spiritual Guidance before you slide down the Path of Damnation any further.
(if this doesn’t tempt RTC out from his holiday caravan….nowt will)
Hahahaha ??
Morning Dick.
PS….RTC’s caravan has a Menorah and a sign saying ” Money lent at extortionate rates” in the window….although I must say that I’m looking forward to watching him command Kielder Water to part so that he can drive straight across rather than waste petrol driving around.
Oy Vey !!!
Why would you want to channel another person. Imagine being that empty headed you invite another cunt to set up shop in your dome.
Just enjoy the silence I say. One set of thoughts is enough quite frankly.
I`ve been channelling Al Jolson for a while now.Good, clean harmless fun.
The only channelling Sam Smith does is his boyfriend’s fist…barely any lube is needed.
Boyfriend, or themfriend?
I’d like to channel Oliver Cromwell.
I’d have a fucking field day.
Let there be blood !
On a side note.
Hats off to Jimmy Carr, who has gone up in my estimation, with the uproar he’s caused via his Netflix special, joking about Adolf’s persecution of Pikeys.
Good morning.
Well said Jack.
Until this latest wonderful uproar I’d always wanted to slow oven this wretched cunt.
Given this hilarious news item I find I now only virulently despise him.
Morning Jack?
I have sent Jimmy Carr an e-mail, inviting him to film the vacant position for IsAC’s comedian-in-residence?
*fill the vacant position
FU ??
Hello, General. We’d have to read his script’s, first.
To check that they’re offensive enough.
Standards have to be maintained. ?
It’s all bollocks dressed up profoundly.
We are all disembodied ‘voices’ on here.
I’d be delighted to hear the disembodied haunting wail of Linekunt from beyond the grave,bemoaning his savage murder at the hands of Dinghy Abdullah,his live in “gardener”.
These cunts have to much money/time on their hands…the only channeling I do is when I’m lined up in the checkout at Aldi…..?
Channeling gimigrants back to fucking frog land. That’s the only channelling we need.
I’ve been trying for years now to channel out the Linda Lovelace that’s lodged somewhere ‘deep’ down inside Mrs infidel.
I like “channelling” Fullers Bengal Lancer down my throat.
Trying to use my inner wottsits to channel gale force winds along the straights of Dover, forever!
A bit of chanting to the Gods of wind, I think it’s working today, obviously checked the Met office before I made the claim ?
‘Channeling’ used in the sartorial sense is just a lazy buzzword from some rubbish journalist who writes the tattle on slebs in the sidebar of shame in shite like the mail.
‘Channeling’ used in the supernatural sense is just a word that tries to make the act of pretending someone can speak to dead people for the purposes of fraudulently relieving fools of their cash sound scientific.
Both are used by cunts.
The past two years, in particular, has resulted in an increasing number of people “channeling” their “inner cunt”.
Which has been tremendous for we cunters ?
This is going to be the ‘Get out of Jail, FREE’ card for any wrong doing in the future. Get caught kiddie fiddling and your defence can be “Ladies and gentlemen of the jury. My client is not as the prosecution would have you believe, a wrong ‘un, he merely channels Jimmy Savile from time to time.”