Blaming the white man (woman , trans and all that bollocks etc) for the ills of the rest of the world’s population is a Cunt.’s-holding-blacks-back-12025.html
The link above counters the balance a little and suggests that it’s not whitey’s fault but maybe bame themselves need to take hold of life and make something of it.
A scan about on google shows that only 20% of the world’s
Population is “white” 80% bame!! How can 80 % realistically blame 20 % for the way things are for them ?
The Chinese invented gun powder we are taught. Mankind evolved in Africa and wandered north we are taught. So how come they didn’t invent stuff explore further afield? I don’t know but I say stop being a Cunt and blaming those who did.
Get off your backside and become something. Stop blaming a MINORITY.
You’ll feel better for it. I reckon.
Nominated by: Everyonesacunt
The largest ethnic group on the planet is the Han Chinese. The BAME folks should worry a lot more about those than wypepo
Always easy to blame someone else, lazy cunts
Wasn’t that long ago in the north of England little kids were painted blue and had to dodge between the looms in the cotton mills.
Before that you could be turfed out of your home for a dirty look at your employer.
Before that you were property,
Youd work in the fields and you couldn’t leave.
You were property.
You belonged to the lord of the manor.
The Baron.
The Norman knight..
For hundreds of years the British working class was pretty much slaves.
White privilege?
Get fucked.
Whod you think your kidding?!!
I wasn’t hatched yesterday from a fuckin egg.
Mnc@ – I recall my “white privilege” – delivering papers 7 mornings a week before primary school, 20 Kilos, 4 mile long round.
Labouring on farms in the school holidays from the age of 11 for a fiver a day.
“White privilege” my fucking arse.
Just watching the “BBC news” Ethiopia starving again just as my old workmate who served in ww2 predicted….
JM@ – Fuck them.
Population of Ethiopia in 1984? 39.7 million.
Population of Ethiopia in 2021? 117 million.
At this point I could not give less of a flying fuck if every last one of them starves to death.
Sasha Johnson’s family have released a picture of her in hospital, head resembles a deflated balloon. The 4 black gangstas accused of shooting her have had charges dropped. Luckily I have white privilege and can afford to live somewhere with no drill rappers.
Tmc@ – I wonder when race baiting piece of shit Sasha Johnson is off to Africa for treatment then – getting the best free medical treatment in the world provided by racist whitey would surely be inappropriate?
Never underestimate the power of witchcraft Vern, a few sacrificed albinos and she’ll be right as rain.
I thought what with WW3 around the corner, you might wan cheering up. Here’s a nice picture of BLM whitey hater, Sasha Johnson.
Enjoy (no wanking lads)
(Second image down btw)
Dude, I don’t like her either but that’s just cruel. We’re better than that here.
She would have had us enslaved, so fuck her.
I do like a good news story, makes you feel all warm inside
Take note s*mbo! This is what happens when you open your mouth once too often!
Think on, whitey when riled kills like no other species 60,000,000 in ww2. ww3 knocking on the door fuck knows how many may perish …we are as a race “white” not very nice and not to be fucked with…☠️
This is getting a little dark.
Definitely no pun intended.
I know. We shouldn’t laugh. ?
It’s just the delicious irony of a race baiting, racist cunt getting shot by four hood rats who walked away scot free because nobody fancied more race riots.
Black lives definitely don’t matter to other blacks.
I think we should laugh. She wanted us on our knees, literally and figuratively.
At least she has some use now; she’ll make a lovely KFC gravy bowl.
Horace you had me howling with the gravy bowl comment ?
@ the Baron:: Mein plezuir lol
Oh and btw Baron, imagine dipping a KFC drumstick in the gravy bowl while buggering her supine big ole booty. Hmmmmmmmm hm!
Any one else see coverage of Ukraine? They keep fucking harping on about black stooootendts who are trying to get out. Poland saying no we don’t want you here. Apparently they are racist. Fucking give me strength. Just for fucking once stop with this race cunt. This war has nothing to do with fucking black people what so ever. The reason Poland et al are not keen on taking them in, they are on student visas. If they say you can stay for 3 years they will never leave. It will also give all the hordes an idea how to come to Europe. Just get student visa and say you where in Ukraine. The BBC are foaming at the mouth trying to continually bring up black people; like this is a war they are involved in, or give two shits about. Just give it a rest we are all sick of this horse shit!
Yep I see that. We all know African and South Asian students in our lands are rarely students. They use loopholes to work delivering take always etc.
Also, see how fast they leave the sinking ship?Hardly a surprise though.
Have you seen the footage of them trying to push to the front of the queues? I even see an Indian man complaining about how it’s unfair on him Ewing pushed back as he has a valid ticket.
These people are human vermin and now everyone can see it.
Enabled by the media unfortunately. It’s all me me me. Fucking sick of it. I’d like to see a raise of hands for all the third world countries would take us in should this go to a nuclear exchange. Any one? Nope thought not.
Blame us all you want but remember this, Life is like a like a pint of Guinness, largely Black but WHITE belongs on Top.!!
Haha indeed. They even know it in every shit shade of humanity across the globe; the lighter coloured the skin and the more European the features are always automatically preferred in every race. Indeed, lighter skinned jungle bunnies, yellow monkeys and curry munchers tend to be in positions of authority and wealth. It’s almost as if they subconsciously know that honkeyness has a biological advantage (which of course it has).
No matter how bad they and try and make you feel for being a whitey, just remember; deep down they wish they were us.