Anneliese Dodds [3]

See her in all her decaying splendour. , however it is not her fading glory, or the stink of halitosis that we are cunting today, but her latest hairbrained scheme, no doubt approved by Sir Kweer. From her Twatter 12/13 February:

Anneliese Dodds ?@AnnelieseDodds·18hUnder the Tories, four in five black people have less than £1500 in savings to cope with soaring bills.

Labour’s energy plan would cut £200 off household energy bills.

And we’d bring in a Race Equality Act to tackle structural racial inequality at source.
Majority of Black households have less than £1,500 savingsExclusive: Labour says figures ‘a damning indictment of over a decade of Conservative failure to tackle deep-seated structural inequalities’

Well – would you believe it – Albert Steptoe in bloomers plays the race card. I wonder if the likes of Lammy, Chukka Umunna, Dawn Butler and Claudia Webbe will be able to get “help” of a financial sort. Is it true every black person hasn’t got a pot to piss in – and ONLY black people?, what about the thousands of white people very badly off?. Do Labour give a fuck?. They will do till May, then up to the general election

Labour love “victims” and the victims love to play the victims and we all know they are fancy free – that is, if it is free, they fancy it.

Could Dettol arrange a one-off payment to AnalEase to get her to clean up all the crud off herself and to get her privy parts germ free.

Nominated by: W. C. Boggs

74 thoughts on “Anneliese Dodds [3]

  1. When I see any of these middle class, posh frauds living next door to the “victims” they love so much I might start to take them seriously. As that’s never going to happen they can suck my cock and fuck off while they’re doing it.

  2. Work hard, get money.
    Sit around all day whining – get FREE money.
    But it’s not free when I am working 90 hours a week, up until 2 and 3AM and paying 70% tax so bone idle race baiting fucking parasites can rob me.
    I hear Africa is quite warm – I believe we have a solution.
    Want more?
    DO MORE.

  3. No one fucking cares how much black people have in savings, it’s no one’s business. Doesn’t matter what the colour, if you are on minimum wage and have to pay rent or a mortgage there isn’t much chance of saving money.

    The question should be why is it that all these cunts have no savings and the answer is you can’t work the benefits system unless you plead poverty, rent paid, council tax paid, free school meals, food banks …. Who needs savings!

    If structural racism didn’t exist the blacks would complain it’s racist cos they would have nothing to moan about ?

    Best thing black people can do is up sticks and move to a dark continent where they will not suffer structural racism.

    Anal-ease can fuck off and suck black cock

    • To be fair to the minger, a haircut which covered part of the face would improve things (as you couldn’t then see it!).

      • I have always thought AnalEase should embrace Islam (if Islam can put up with weapons grade B.O) , so she could wear the hijab and burka and cover up the worst of the ugliness

  4. My area is full of blacks from London. Sold their shitty council homes in London for 700k and bought homes in the South East for 300k. They still refuse to pay bus fares and skip the Trains with 400k in the Bank..
    They are far richer than people think, skimming of the top and financial fraud is the norm.

  5. Analtreat Dodds is a difficult wank.

    Shes good for standing in a corner and attracting flies.

    Who gives a fuck about racial inequality?!!
    Fuck em.
    Theres pensioners struggling out there more deserving,
    And British servicemen sleeping rough.

    Don’t hear her concern for them?

    Posturing posh cunt.
    You cant trust a politician,
    Labour, tory, liberal,
    Theyre all the enemy.

    • Mnc@ Evening Mnc, my fuel mileage claim for this year will be most generous – my accountant “Vernon Goldstein” is highly efficient in completely legal tax affairs which result in significant fiscal fecundity – and as Mr Vernon Goldstein is legally allowed to charge Mr Vernon Fox £40 an hour for his services which Mr Vernon Fox can then write off as business expenses this makes for very efficient business practice! ?
      I do not engage in evasion of course, evey penny I have to pay the taxman I do – but I know the tax laws inside out, which saves a very tidy sum!

  6. The same Labour Party who’ve had to pull support for their youth wing for supporting Putin?

    News flash you cunt, if you spoke to white people of the working class persuasion you’d find most of them don’t have savings either. You despise the white English working class though. They don’t matter!

    A reasonably competent Labour Party would win an election at a stroll, trouble is there is no such thing as a reasonably competent Labour Party.

    Labour, still selling the lie that your well-being is everyone else’s responsibility!
    Cunts cunts cunts

  7. This woman is a feature of this site but this is the first time that I have ever seen a photo of her.

    She is fucking horrendous.

    4 in 5 of black people have less than 1,500 in savings.
    How would anyone know?

    Do banks keep records of the ethnicity of their clients and make those records available to any government department that asks for them?

    It’s just a silly, made up statistic that cannot be proved one way or the other.

  8. So far away from reality it beggars belief. The lot of them must have post codes in Narnia.

  9. Where’s Doddery actually got these figures from?
    I’m not telling anyone who much I have in the bank at any given time, it’s my fucking business.
    Of course they will say they have less than £1500 in savings, you fucking out of touch twat.
    More than £1500 can affect the amount of benefits they get, you thick cunt!

    • Think you’ve just uncovered the source of this non-story, to claim means tested benefits you have to declare little or no savings. The benefits office collects info on ethnicity to make sure structural racism isn’t occurring. So 4 out of 5 blacks claiming benefits say they have no money, and have a major incentive to be untruthful about what they really have. Follow the science! How many whites on the dole say they have more than 1500? Not fucking many is my estimate.

    • I’ve heard of this ‘savings’ thing. I have none. If I run out of money any time I eat or heat. Actually, I do neither and just get shitfaced, that covers both things, I feel warm and not hungry.

  10. Labour Party used to stand for the working class now they specialise in minority issues.

    She’s a pointless basket case btw.

    • I have a nice pair of Le Chameau Kevlar and leather boots not quite £400 and a 60k BMW, but I’m not a sponging darkie I’m a self employed net contributor

  11. She looks like an uncaring Android from a Sci-fi film.
    A difficult wank indeed.

  12. Fuck me the Labour Party are really going for it. Next will be effnicks not getting sufficient oxygen. Bunch of self serving band wagon jumping woke cunts. I would rather vote for Pres Putin. How do these arsewipes get elected?

  13. Well if the evil commie cunt is right then it surely begs the question why they haven’t put any money away.
    We’ve had Dark Keys on our shores for 60 odd years..surely they can’t have spaffed all their money on chiggun?

    They’ve had a fair crack of the whip just like everyone else and if they’ve nowt to show for it then fuck em.

    As for this Dodds character,enemy of the country,best try Oven.
    Quisling racist shite.

    • They’ve only been here 60 years? the television says they have been in prominent roles since the Romans left, and invented everything, TV wouldn’t lie

  14. Annie Lennox is looking well.The devil on her right shoulder must be just out of shot,the cunt ( Annie,not the devil ).

  15. They tell the electorate what they want to hear, and once elected sit back and do bugger all about owt they promised.
    Why would they?
    Dog forbid they should upset their gravy train.

    • That’s politicians all over, Jeezum. Full of faux virtue, faux integrity, bright ideas and promises. Once over the winning line, it’s the 2 finger salute. Not everyone of course, but the vast majority as far as I can tell.

      And then we have the non-politicians (actors, musicians, footballers, TV personalities, etc.) who are in a race to make as much money as they can to insulate them from the harsh realities of the world. Once that’s achieved, it’s the 2 finger salute to the rest of us, disguised as virtue signalling and telling the rest of us what we should/should not do while they do what they like.

      So blatant, so consistent and so hypocritical.

  16. Am I the only one to be absolutely pissed off with my thick as pig shit ‘betters’ telling me about my shortcomings even though they’ve never met me?

  17. I wonder if this deranged bint is being haunted by that creepy looking girl in the background. Hope so.

    • Thats the spirit of her twin sister who tragically died.

      Bored to death by Analpeas constant fuckin whining and woke bullshit.

  18. If dark key households did not blow all their money on skank, gold dollar jewellery, chiggin and assorted bling then they would have more to spend on fuel.

    • Weed, being illegal has no VAT imposed. Wot about us pissheads who have to pay exorbitant taxes on our tipple?

  19. God help us if/when these fuckers get into office ??
    Labour the party for the few not the many ??

  20. I doubt wed notice the difference George?
    One woke posh twat in,
    One out.

    The troughs never empty…

  21. I don’t know just how long people are going to continue voting, all I see are myriads of grasping, virtue signalling dunces with absolutely fuck all connection to the publics reality.
    I know it’s bad taste and somewhat irrelevant but this harpy and jabberhoggy previously are such ugly mofos how can they ever be considered suitable for public service, they’re clearly out to lunch with nothing else going for them.
    I haven’t heard their oration skills yet but it would seem likely one just grunts and squeals while t’other grates like nails down a chalkboard.
    What a fackin’ mess.

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