The Old Bill (Police [5])

I’ve always been a law-abiding citizen. In seven decades on this mortal coil, my dealings with HM Constabulary consist of reporting the burglary of my house and my car being broken into, and witnessing a traffic accident. The behaviour of the police on these occasions was impeccable, and it’s no real surprise then that I’ve always subscribed to the ‘aren’t our police wonderful?’ school of thought.

Just lately however, I’m starting to have, shall we say, reservations about our police. Naturally we’ve all witnessed the ineptitude of the likes of Cressida Dickhead, and the vileness of Wayne Couzens;

News Story 1.

News Story 2.

But there also seems to be a relentless drip drip of stories relating to police incompetence, corruption and brutality. Here are just a few examples;

-Met. Police ‘institutionally corrupt’ says report; Independent, June 21
-Sussex officers convicted of assaulting teenage girl; IOPC, Dec 21
-Gtr. M’chester officer charged with conspiracy to commit corruption; M’chester
Evening News, Dec 21
-Officer sacked over social media sex images; BBC, Dec 21
-Ex-Gwent officer jailed for misconduct; S. Wales Argus, Dec 21
-PC jailed for attacking members of the public ‘found dead’; Eve. Standard, Dec 21

You get my drift. I recall the days of blue-uniformed George Dixon types patrolling the streets; many men and women who, I’m sure, did a really tough job honorably. No doubt there are many of their ilk still around, but there does seem to be an increasing reek of bad eggs about. I don’t know, maybe it’s just the relentless nature of the meeja these days, and that rotten underbelly has always been there.

Anyway, I sense with unease a growing disconnect between the police and the public, the opening up of a real ‘us and them’ divide which places the very principle of ‘policing by consent’ under threat. It’s a dichotomy; we NEED the police, but increasingly, it’s hard toTRUST them, and unfortunately, a lot of the responsibility for this can be laid at the door of the police themselves.

Oh, and they always used to say ‘if you want to know the time, ask a policeman’. I’d suggest that if you do, it might be wise to avoid these two likely lads;

Just one sad example among many of an everyday, casual, disdainful assumption of authority, leading to an unlawful abuse of police power against a citizen committing no offence. They do it because they think they can get away with it, and that’s a cunt.

Evening all.

Nominated by: Ron Knee (Cunter of the Year 2021)

122 thoughts on “The Old Bill (Police [5])

  1. Pity DCI isn’t on here at the moment. Arguments with him would provide some real fireworks. Good cunting btw Ron. ?

    • Yes it is a shame, as I expect Ron’s thoughtful cunting to be blown out of proportion as usual, and he could offer a first hand insight that would go some way to present a modicum of balance. Unfortunately there’s only so many times you can be called a liar, a shill, complicit in crimes against the Nuremberg code, and a tiktok dancer before you say fuck it, what’s the point.
      I’ve been on the wrong side of tidy cops, and on the right side too.
      I’ve been on the wrong side of shite cops too, when totally innocent, once being interrogated for seven hours over the death of one of my best friends, who they thought I may have been responsible. At that time, South Wales police had an enviable record for arresting and imprisoning completely innocent people for murders, and my naive twenty year old self was not only trying to deal with the death of my best friend, but having to deal with the very real thought I may go to prison for his murder.
      As it happened, I was saved by an off duty police officer who had seen him long after I had gone home, and he had fallen accidentally. I was offered no apology for the treatment I’d been given that day, just told ‘okay, you can go’
      Yes there are cunts in the police, as with any job that has power of the public, from traffic wardens to politicians.
      Reform needed for sure, but does anyone have any better ideas?
      Fuck anarchy.

      • Hey-we ain’t here to offer viable solutions to society’s failings-we are here to cunt, cunts.


      • PS: DCI Gene Hunt is a brother Cunter-doing a job (like some aspects of policing), which puts him into depressing situations on a daily basis-obviously it will effect anyone.
        I couldn’t do his job.

        He should come back on here and enjoy the comradeship-avoid subjects that boil his piss?

  2. Trust the police?
    Yes you can trust them.

    Trust them to turn a blind eye to anti-white hate crimes.

    Trust them to ignore five decades of Muslim rape gangs.

    Trust them to recruit and (over) promote common purpose & ethnic minorities.

    Trust them to abuse their powers at any given opportunity.

    Trust them to demonstrate, continually, partisan, religious or political support.

    Trust them to treat the white, working class, as the enemies of the state.

    Trust them to openly champion LBTQP+ causes, at every opportunity.

    Trust the police? I wouldn’t trust the cunts to wash my car?

  3. Good nom as usual Ron?

    I had almost the complete opposite experience to you.

    Growing up on a greater Manchester council estate I was taught the police were cunts and you couldn’t trust them.
    Theyd fit you up.

    As I grew older I understood that without law and order society doesn’t function.
    That a policeman’s job is a difficult one.

    Nowadays im also seeing stories of corruption, covering up grooming gangs,
    Different responses due to political reasons.
    But the taking the knee was it for me.
    I lost all respect for them.

    Nowadays Im polite but don’t trust them a fuckin inch.
    Ive no doubt theres good police officers about,
    But theres some snidey fuckers too!
    Its the top brass comprised of tuppence lickers and token ethnics I despise.

  4. They have done themselves no favours amongst the public in the last few years with stunts like skateboarding at Stinky Rebellion protests and taking the knee in front of BLM thugs. These were actions taken by individuals so not something you can really blame the top brass over, but is just a symptom of how far they have fallen in the eyes of the public in recent times.

    Nice cunting Ron, do you get to have some letters after your name following your recent award?

  5. Well done indeed Ron.
    I concur,I don’t trust the buggers anymore.
    Taking the knee was the final straw for me.
    What a bloody shame.

    • Snap, seems a while back now but I actually did have tears when i first saw coppers kneeling down to those vile animals..I was shocked..Really upset me, I’d never speak to a copper ever again. Can’t trust them. Enemies of England now.

  6. Great cunting Ron.

    The following from the link below:

    “The public has been kept in the dark about almost one in four of the police officers dismissed from the service for gross misconduct across England and Wales, due to loopholes in transparency regulations. The offences these officers were dismissed for include domestic abuse, sexual harassment, possessing and distributing indecent images of children, racism, colluding with suspects, engaging in sexual relationships with vulnerable people, excessive use of force against suspects and members of the public, breaching Covid-19 restrictions, and drink driving, among others. Some of these officers were dismissed in “private” meetings away from the press and public, or were granted anonymity. Others were sacked in supposedly public meetings, or had notices placed online, of which there is no current record.”

    • It’s interesting, as well, to see reports of officers being allowed to ‘retire’ after misconduct has been found, as opposed to being dismissed.
      Presumably this avoids a stain on their record, and lets them keep their pension rights.

    • Interesting that you use the New Statesman as a source, RTC. Coincidentally, I bought a copy today, (a) because I don’t want to be completely conditioned by the Spectator and (b) because I was terminally bored.

      Strikes me that poor policing is one of the issues on which Left and Right can broadly agree, along with other issues affecting the general public, like untrammeled immigration. The current NS has a goodish article on the kind of cunt who gets into positions of power – including the police – and the desirability of ensuring that people who really, really want power, being psychopaths and narcissists, don’t get it.

      The podcast is at (we’re only allowed one link at a time, so replace spaces with full stops)

      www powercorruptspodcast com/

      • Oh, before I get abuse, by Left I mean traditional Left, not Marxist fruitcake. That’s not Left. That’s off the wall.

  7. I am in agreement with most of what is in the nom but there are all the entitled cunts today who think they can get away with shit because they are untouchable.
    The police get heavy and they get shit thrown at them, they don’t do enough and they get shit thrown at them.
    There have been a few cuntings where Blicks have flashed the race card when stopped by police and it isn’t just blacks, it seems that George Floyd has done a great service to anyone on the wrong side of the law, ‘I can’t breathe’.

    Yes there are a few cunts in the police but I would rather have them hard line that fucking soft which is the way things have gone over the last few years.

    If you have done nothing wrong then the police aren’t an issue, on the video, the cunt filming got a result, tell me I am fucking wrong but he if wasn’t hoping to get a reaction I will kiss my arse. Doing an ‘audit’ fucking knob!

    • I see where you’re coming from about the ‘auditor’ sick, but the point is, he was pursuing an activity in public that’s perfectly legal. Chief constables of every authority in Eng, Wales and N Ireland have written to their forces and told them, in short, to leave them alone. These two cops basically violated the photographer’s rights and acted unlawfully, and they were on camera. Who knows how they might act when they’re NOT being filmed?

      • The PINAC movement (Photography Is Not A Crime), are basically fighting for our basic human freedoms.

        You can film anything and anybody, lawfully, from a public place.
        Obviously someone filming children or schools, could justifiably be moved on due up “causing fear, alarm or distress”.

      • Yes they should have just ignored the cunt but he sounded like a blick so probably deserved it ?

        For all the faults of the police, it’s a shit job that I would never do, it’s not that long ago we were cunting the pikey chavs who dragged Andrew Harper for a mile behind a car.

      • I know I’m a cynical old cunt but there’s something about that video that doesn’t add up to me. Knowing how everything plod does comes under intense scrutiny, would they really have acted like that especially as they were being filmed and the the cunt filming it sounded like a macaroon?

    • Sadly, the old ethos of “if you are law abiding, then you have nothing to fear from the police”, has no relevance today.

      The evidence for this is all over the internet in the form of videos, demonstrating time and again, the police transgressing the limits of their powers-check your thinking?-etc….

      I agree with you re: auditors-many of them are just me-me’s trying to get “likes” from their Neanderthal followers.

      Some, however, have exposed Olympic levels of police cuntishness.

      • I agree CG.
        When I first became aware of ‘auditors’, I thought they were basically trolling for Ytube clicks, and some undoubtedly are.
        But the more I watched, the more it opened my eyes to just how ignorant many officers seem to be about the laws they are there to uphold, and indeed, how ignorant they are about the directives issued by their own chiefs on such matters as photographing in public places.
        Worst of all, it’s concerning to see how so many officers will so casually and almost disdainfully violate the rights of members of the public, and I repeat, this is how they react when they’re being filmed. What do many of them do when they’re not?

  8. Back in the 70’s I applied to join the police. I gave the papers to a mate, he went I didn’t. Similar to the Likely Lads……
    Another outfit warped and corrupted by Bliarism.

  9. Then learn about common law training in your area and take your power back. Power meaning basic, human fucking right to go about lawful business.
    As this Chinky turd has amply demonstrated, we’re a nation of forelock tugging peasants cowering like rabbits in the headlights of some uniformed fatso in a hi Viz.
    Man up and stop being a cunt.

  10. There was home cctv of one firearm officer in my town beating the shit out of his dog, screaming at the top of his voice and being a complete twat. The powers at be let the hoo haa die down , now Back at Manchester airport walking round with a fucking big GUN. They reckon he had anger management issues…WTF…..!!!!!!

    • Jm@ – Anyone foolish enough to mess about with my dogs would be minus an arm and a throat.
      Then I would put the dogs on them.. ?

  11. I really struggle with the idea of calling today’s modern plod cunts.
    Cunts are useful… I cannot see any real use at all for plod these days. None..

  12. The police is now largely made up of woke millenial graduates. This is why the justice system is being politicised. This is why the police treat people differently before the law. Its going to get a lot worse. They are cunts from top to bottom.

    • You’ve hit the nail on the head there SC. Look at the National Police College. Full of short arsed man bun sporting, gay, tripping, glue sniffing cunts. But all ( of course ) so well educated don’t y’ know.

      • EC@ – Education is knowing how rain is formed, intelligence is packing an umbrella.

      • Uni grads used to get fast tracked in the police force, one year on the beat then straight up to officer rank…now proven uni grads can’t pass a 1960s eleven plus exam, dumbed down retarded cunts, blacks get a degree based on skin colour alone even though they can’t read or write. Police force desperate to recruit these ignorant cunts to police ignorant cunt areas full of dinghy riders and Islamic child rapists….no hope for England now, we’re fucked.

  13. Morning all.

    This was a difficult one for me. I’ve had little personal contact with the police, but I find it concerning that incidences of police wrond-doing seem so rife. Stuff like this;

    I find this stuff alarming to say the least.

  14. The whole system of law and order in this country has been turned on it’s head. Just look at the Colston statue affair, BLM, ER, Insulate Britain demo’s. And that’s before we even look at the bent coppers and sexual deviants amongst them. All topped off by political interference from the top to raw recruits in training.

  15. Bent officers? Sure. Incompetent police, totally. Sex offenders, fraudsters, thief’s and junkies, yep there are coppers that commit all kinds of crimes and sins.

    Who hates the police the most though?

    Criminals, that’s who. That’s who the police deal with most of the time. The real scum of society. Entire families and entire council estates that are nothing but a blight on society.

    I’ve met some coppers that needed a good slap and I’ve met some decent coppers that do their best to do their job impartially and honestly.

    Before we start chanting “defund the police” we need to look at who’s leading them and who selects the senior police officers and sets the guidelines they work tool.

    • Good points well made.
      As I said, we NEED the police. If my house was burgled, the first thing I’d do is call them.
      BUT. Most of all, we need the police to be trustworthy, impartial, reliable, PROFESSIONAL; after all, that’s what we pay them to do, that’s we empower them to do.
      I see why more and more people are cynical about the police, and feel that they can’t actually trust them.
      It makes me sad, and concerned.

      • RK@ – Repeated experience has shown me the police cannot be trusted.
        And if you cannot trust and respect the police who the hell can you trust?

      • If your house is burgled you call the police to get a crime number for the insurance, unless the cunts are caught on video or there are prints which are on the police database catching the culprits isn’t going to happen.
        I was burgled about 20 years ago, there were other similar burglaries in the town on the same day. The stuff they took, videos, cd,s hify, DVD player, the police came and said that it’s unlikely the villains would be caught as they have probably already left the area and the ‘stuff’ will be sold in places like Camden market.

      • Ron-if we are to take ONE positive from the scamdemic, it is that it has exposed SO MUCH?

      • You’re cunting is correct Ron. Once again our focus is on the symptoms not the festering disease. We’ve gone from local community policing to centralised policing where our police now look and act like paramilitaries.

        Policing is now managed by statistics and statistics don’t scale down and produce effective policing that works for and connects with the policed.

        Imagine you’re a copper now. You’re told from above that investigation of a burglary or a car crime is not effective use of police time when there are nasty things being said about blokes in dresses on the internet.

        If you were a copper and you came upon a group of herberts damaging a statue would you bother to try and prevent them given recent outcomes?

        Khan is going to stop the police arresting youth for possession of small amount of drugs in london. One less reason to stop and search and possibly find the 12 inch blade in the same pocket as their stash.

        Give the state of policing in the county and the push to select officers on gender, race and sexuality quotas how can we expect to attract the right people into the job?

        The majority of the problems with the police are driven by government policy. The same government who are unable to police the borders can’t police the streets.

        I’ve always found people who become coppers a little odd but it’s that kind of job.

        I do have an ex copper down the road and he’s a sound kind of fella, he’s of the opinion that the problem with modern policing is down to the lack of coppers on the best. He knew what was going on in the community, he knew which kids were going off the rails and needed a frightener, he knew who was selling meat in the pubs and all that low level crime kind of thing.

        We now have faceless corporate police protecting the interests of faceless corporations.

        It’s the public that are the real problem. We accept being treat like shit by everyone. We accept the fact that if you’re home is burgled you get an incident number to give the insurance company. Until we actually begin to demand accountability you can be sure policing will cost us more for ever decreasing results.

      • They signed up for the easy ride and a cushty pension.
        Change my mind but in the meantime, give me back my bullets. I’ll deal with local crime.

      • Yes SV, there are too few police on the beat, compare our numbers to Spain, France, Germany and we are way down, the Frogs have double the number per capita.
        But not enough to police the Channel border ?

      • Yeh, you can call them but you’ll get no response. Best thing to do if you get burgled is tell them you just been a victim of “non crime hate crime”, they’le be round like a fuckin shot. You can then report that you’ve been burgled and most probably be told to fuck off. All they’re interested in is the easy cop.

      • Really? I’d only call them to get a report number for my insurance. I had pubs in the past, had pubs smashed to bits by raiders after the slots, cops never turned up even when we were barricaded up stairs. Fuck police, everyone a corrupt piece of shit on its knees sucking monkey dick.

    • Great stuff sixdog.
      I particularly related to your observation about being burgled, and accepting the fact that we just get an incident number to relate to the insurance company.
      Sorry to return to the ‘auditors’ issue again, but we’re told how hard pressed the police are, and they need more manpower. One of the things that always struck me as odd is that as soon as a bloke with a camera appears outside a station, any number of officers (I’ve seen as many as 20, believe it or not) suddenly appear from inside like rabbits out of a hat, as though Satan himself has just been sighted. Often they’ll argue inordinately, seeming to be looking to find something, anything (public order, terrorism) that they can actually hang on the photographer. It’s as tho their egos won’t tolerate a member of the public not immediately kow-towing to them.
      I’m not meaning to be facetious towards them, but what are they actually doing if they can’t find a better use for their time?

    • The college of policing who seem to be in charge of inventing policy is a private Limited Company (College of policing Limited ( 08235199)-Companies house). That added to common purpose is not what Robert Peel had in mind.

      • smugcunt@ – And neither was police unlawfully fining people under “covid laws” which are not laws and then setting up private debt collection companies to unlawfully harass people over fines which should never have been issued in the first place.

    • SV@ – Society needs a police force – and the first people to shout “defund the fascist Powlees” would also be the first ones to call the “fascist Powlees” if they spotted a group of black lads walking down THEIR leafy suburban street.
      I believe the police need better leadership, clearer direction and to concentrate on CRIME as opposed to hurt feelings.
      “Reform da Powlees”!

  16. Can’t comment at the minute, saw halfway through statue of terrorist murderer Nelson Mandela, police taking a knee for me – I can legally do this because the people of Bristol required it, ask anyone! (Doing it in blackface was a stroke of genius! ??)
    On appointment each police officer makes a declaration to “faithfully discharge the duties of the Office of Constable.” In England and Wales, police officers swear an oath of allegiance to the monarch; this is to ensure the separation of power and political independence of the Office of Constable.
    To ensure the separation of power and political independence of the Office of Constable? – what a fucking sick joke.
    Any last vestige and crumb of respect I ever had for the UK SS masquerading as “The Police” has long, long gone – the 10% of good ones have been swamped by the 90% of psychopathic hive mind clowns.
    They are now the enemy of the people – but not ALL the people it would seem.
    And they brought this on themselves by the way they deliberately chose to behave towards a public they SERVE.

    • Be careful Vern, you might want to hold off with the saw, the Attorney General considering an appeal against the Colston verdict

      • Soi – Good thinking Sir – I’ll get some fkin grenades instead! ?
        And after my “somewhat forthright” email to UK Attorney General Suella Braverman – who I am sure got her job due to competence as opposed to her gender or colour – I damn well DO expect the Colston verdict outrage to not only be reviewed but the unlawful decision made by the “Judge” to find people who have been proven guilty beyond all shadow of a doubt not guilty due to left wing political chicanery to be quashed and a new trial – not in Bristol though – all those webbed feet would get trapped in the Court doorway..

      • I read the appeal is a legal thing to stop the judgement being misused and used as an excuse in future, the offenders cannot be retried without new evidence.

      • I read somewhere the judge instructed the jury that the cause was not on trial but the facts before them, or summat like that.
        They ignored him and on the ‘four tests’ of criminal damage seemed to go with the fact that a statue that as been standing there for yonks could somehow cause harm ?
        Obviously all woke, I wonder if any had been on BLM demonstrations ?

      • That statue should be dragged back to the harbour, all the race trators chained to it and then kick it back in the water…drown the enemy

  17. Rozzers are a mixed bag.

    Two of my mates are rozzers (well one is retired). The retired one thinks Hitler’s policies were ‘a bit gay’. The other voted UKIP. Good lads. And great coppers.

    However, they’ve been taken over by woke commie cunts, I’m afraid. It’s like teaching, there are some ‘normal’ teachers, but they’re hamstrung somewhat (but not completely if they know how to play the game).

    The good thing about having woke rozzers, is that you see about 50 of the soft cunts running away from about 5 Hungarian football fans at Wembley, after they tried to nick somebody for booing the knee taking bollocks. That was fucking great to watch.

    Remember them taking the knee to BLM and getting the shit kicked out of them for doing so? Reap what you sow. Pussified/woke policing will fail in the end, so I try not to get to bothered by it.

    The problem is the leadership. Until that changes we’re fucked, but the good news is that woke policing can never, ever win in the end. Too many people will end up victims of crime.

    There are absolute fucking cunts out there and they only understand one language

    Extreme violence (‘He banged his head on the roof of the black Maria guv’) and harsh sentencing.

    ‘Tough on crime’ may be a cliche, but when it’s followed through it works. Look at New York under Guiliani in the 80s with Reagan’s help. Crime went right fucking down when skulls were cracked.

    But what do we do?

    Well, I believe tomorrow Arsenal will play in white to highlight the deaths from knife crime in London.

    We’ll see how sincere and honest this is, but I suspect it’ll be ‘it’s honky’s fault’ and my piss will be boiling.

    Bring back stop and search and crack some fucking skulls and watch this shit stop.

  18. The police are like politicians, teachers, doctors, or any profession you like. They are a representation of the public.

    And the public sucks.

    • TBCC@ – I think the police are a representation of the 10% of the woke, lefty, soyboy wimminz public.
      And they hate the other 90%.
      Irrespective of “leadership” (something of a contradiction in terms I would contend in this instance) and politicising the ordinary copper on the beat has the choice to do their job properly, lawfully and impartially.
      And far too often they do not.

  19. You only have to look at the police’s own website to know how it is hell-bent on being as inclusive and diverse as possible – which is fair enough in one respect, but it makes me wonder how these “diverse” coppers will react to real crime on the streets, especially in black communities.

    I suppose if they faced white chavs shouting hurty names at them they’d be straight in with the boot, the truncheon and hidden knuckle dusters; but if it was a black chavs shouting hurty words it would be all the touchy-feely “how can we makes things better?” bollocks

    And why do you need a degree to be a plod? Back in the day you had to be a certain height and a certain weight, with a clean criminal record regardless of qualifications. But these days you need a degree to work out how to investigate a burglary (and give up after 10 minutes)

    • “And why do you need a degree to be a plod?”

      Good question. Partial answer, of course not all upholders of the law need a degree to do the actual job. But the increasing complexity of the law (thanks again, Blair, who pretty well doubled the weight of the lawbooks) and the huge popularity of cybercrime rather militate against your George Dixon stereotype.

      Perhaps the answer would be formally to split the lads on the street – or at least somewhere near it in the car – from a separate force without powers of arrest handling the charges and court appearances. These could have as many degrees as you like, and we’d probably see more prosecutions, too.

      • A worthy suggestion but if it’s along the lines of the NHS then expect legions of pen pushers and a minority of boots on the ground.
        The public funded payroll is fat city for the lazy rotters of society.


    I have to defend the two coppers here. The “reporter” if that is what he is, sounds confrontational from the start (the aggresive “No” to their question) and the supercilious way he asks them “do you not know what an audit is?”, assuming some sort of cleverness on his behalf, which he seems ti imply they lack”

    The reporter sounds rather chippy – I suspect either a POC or a half-caste, with a chip on his shoulder. Perhaps those two police officers are pissed off with their superiors taking a knee and whining on about how inclusive they are – I think some people now see the police as a punchbag and these two, understandably, are punching back.

    • I used to clash with plod as a young man.
      Now ive sussed how to deal with them and walk away unscathed.

      Morning officer, yes officer,
      No problem officer,
      Have a good day officer.

      When you look like me plod is suspicious, you have to win them over,
      You wont win coping a attitude,
      You get their backs up?

      Your fuckin nicked me old beauty!!

      • How someone looks, should have no bearing on it?

        That is discrimination. Which is illegal?

      • True all the same CG.
        They think im a gyppo I think?
        They pick up on body language,
        Trained to I suppose?
        So it throws them if your completely relaxed, non threatening, and genial.

        I prefer it to being handcuffed to a horse and punched in the kidneys.

        My dog has helped charm them too!
        They like the dog!!
        Draws their attention
        They forget to interrogate me!?

      • MNC@ – Yep – I am big and scary looking and the police always give me a double take when about – but round here the police are so lazy that is all they do, and I am not an habitual criminal – they tend to know who the wrong ‘uns are round here, and concentrate on them.
        I am by default polite and courteous when dealing with anyone in public, but the demographic has changed with the police recently – now all they appear to be able to do is threaten, bully and gaslight – they are arrogant, not very bright, on a power trip and they don’t like Joe public getting uppity.
        Generally speaking with the cops you get the reaction to how you act – don’t be a bad attitude prick – don’t get earache from them.
        But some are determined to throw their sense of superiority around and to be frank are just bullies.

  21. Some and I stress some of the police officers that I deal with routinely are unquestionably very good at what they do and how they go about doing it. A significant number of them are not.
    The police ruined or you could say re-fashioned my entire life … but that’s not for here. Anyway, as a result there is no love lost between me, the police and the criminal justice system that they serve.
    Politics should not drive them but all too often that’s exactly what happens.
    I do not trust them as their agenda is in a constant state of flux due to the various narratives driven by ‘trending’ social activism. They have a desire to be always ‘on message’ … cunts! Just uphold the rule of law in its simplest form and stamp out the political correctness.

  22. The police force, has always had a gravitational pull for bully’s, social inadequates and over officious milk monitor/school prefect types.

    Yes there are some good coppers, possibly some see regulars on IsAC?

    Back in the 80’s, a mate of mine from Kendal, worked on the boats on Lake Windermere.
    Every day, he got an early train from Kendal to Windermere, then a brisk walk from Windermere, down the hill to Bowness bay.
    Passing Windermere Police Station at the half way point.

    He had dreadlocks, tied up and wore respectable clothes for work.
    Every day, for weeks, he got stopped, by the same two, bored coppers, who “hid” in the park by the war memorial, next to the Police station.

    Every fucking day. Patting him down, making him empty his backpack, take if his boots and socks. Checking his ID.

    Eventually, his mum found out-she was a senior in a local authority-it stopped immediately. The Sergeant was transferred.

    They really are cunts.

    • “He had dreadlocks” ….bad enough if he was a Sooty but if he was white and had dreadlocks it’s even worse….serves the scruffy Cunt right….if I’d been the Copper I’d have “found” some drugs on him and had the Cunt locked up after giving him a right good hoofing for resisting arrest.

      Nice walk though,I know it well…I probably saw your friend if it was in the Eighties…ask him if he ever had abuse shouted at him by a gang of lads dressed in felling gear driving past him.


      • Did you work for a locally based tree surgery firm ?

        It would be fucking hilarious if I knew you back then (u has a few mates who worked in arboriculture?)

      • Did you drink in any local pubs?
        The hole int’ wall, The Staggs, The John Peel? The Wheel-house (The only “nightclub” in the area).

        Or were you a member of the exclusive “Yacht Club”
        I recall there was a rugby club in Windermere.

        The best quality flange was in Kendal?

      • I remember one that had a bit of a nightclub and the t’hole in t’wall…and one just over the road from the place that we were renting…think it had been an old schoolhouse that had been converted into holiday rentals…the bedrooms were downstairs and the kitchen +sitting room upstairs for some reason…we used to rent cottages in the winter and into caravans in the summer…..fucking great days..6-8 of us…best few years of my life.. shifting somewhere different every few months…no ties…just a lot of fucking laughs.

        I miss those days and those Cunts.

  23. I saw a documentary last year about sexual assaults by the Police and there were over 1,000 within 24 months. Police Scotland were the worst and the percentage fully investigated was less than 10%.

  24. Can’t win,can they?…apparently they’re either “bullies” or “snowflakes”.

    I’ve had dealings aplenty with Coppers over the years and know a good few socially…I don’t blame them being a bit Cuntish sometimes considering the way they are treated by so many of our “entitled” population who are awfully quick to slag them but would be yelling for them quick enough if in trouble.

    Aye,some can be Cunts…same as any other group or profession.

    • DF@ – Anyone with any farming background knows the local police all too well due to our “light fingered travelling chums” who will lift any farm machinery or equipment not nailed down then come back with a nail remover for the rest.
      A massive rural problem.

  25. Long story but are Wankers in the main. I went to give a witness statement a few years back, some eastern euros were pilfering cars, garages, sheds in the area and the investigating officer was unavailable to take my statement due to leave or what not…. So I arranged with her to pop to the local cop shop during my lunch break to do the paperwork…..

    The fat cuntish slob of a duty officer on the front desk was the most obnoxious, arrogant fat entitled prick I have ever come across. He firstly pointed out that it was not as I had called it (whilst explaining my business there) a ‘reception’ area…. I responded with Whatever mate, there’s a desk and chairs, what do you want me to call it, a waiting room?.. he didn’t like it and then, when I said I was my lunch hour and I short of time, the fucker said oh well you’ll just have to be late back… I ignored this and asked him to let the inspector know I had arrived… his next retort was ‘do I look like a secretary? I responded with, well you best use the phone there on the reception desk as I can’t have her number and can’t contact her via telepathy, sadly…

    After making my statement, I discussed his attitude with the inspector and she recommended making a complaint. I declined as I explained he’d probably be a vindictive cunt, and worse than that its an experience that means I lose all respect and will never help the fuckers out again.

    Ps. After the euro trash trial was rearranged due to lack of translators, the judge eventually gave em a small fine….. fucking pointless.

    • The disconnect between the public and the police in this country started a long time ago when they took them off the street and put them in panda cars. I’ve known police who were perfect for the job and I’ve seen police who should never have been allowed to put the uniform on. These days there’s more of the latter than there used to be.

      • And then of course, there’s the whole, wonderful world of the public and security guards lol!

        There are literally millions of cameras in Britain; cctv’s everywhere, and just about everyone walks about with one in their pocket.
        I must admit to being fascinated as to just what makes people (ie, most often the companies they work for) SO paranoid if someone takes out a camera and starts filming.

  26. I am with the coppers on this one.

    They have a hard enough job dealing with scummy cunts for 8 hours at a time; the last thing they should have to put up with is some annoying, self-appointed hero carrying out an intentionally, provocative ‘audit’ to bump up their own Social Media score.

    That said, these two coppers were daft enough to give him back the phone/camera without deleting the film or accidentally stamping on the thing. Bad drills.

    Back in my day – well before CCTV, Smart phones and bodycams – we would have put the gobby cunt in the car, driven him to the wrong side of town, nicked one of his shoes and kicked him out.

    • ‘in my day’…we would have…’. Were you in the police service yourself Gunner?

      From my own perspective I can only repeat what I’ve said. It doesn’t matter what the motives of the guy filming were. The point is that he wasn’t doing anything unlawful, and his rights were infringed.

      I want the police to act lawfully towards the public, not like a bunch of cowboys.

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