The NHS (18) Goes International


Daily Mail News Link

F.FS When did we become the International Health Service? I am sick and tired of these fucking cunts spending our resources on any fucker who gets injured or shot in some third world shithole.

Who is the CUNT who is giving the green light to all this bollocks? It’s about time the people of this country were put first for once.

I know it’s a kiddie, I feel sorry for him, but why should I have my pocket picked yet again to pay for his treatment. I can see the whole fucking family rocking up next like that Malala cunt.

Nominated by: CuntyMort

45 thoughts on “The NHS (18) Goes International

  1. National health service is just that , National, fuck the carpet riders, go ask russia and see how far you get

  2. I thought it was international already, its there so it can treat all the waiths and strays that rock up from all over the world, why are they here I hear you ask… I, ll tell you, its because in their countries nobody pays into the system, so when they need medical help, the fuckers turn up here…
    Now here’s the rub, when someone in and from the UK needs medical help, they can’t see you, you start hearing thins like 5 year waiting lists and under funded, you never guess why, maybe it’s because they look after people who pay fuck all into the system, while the people who do pay die while they are some waiting list.
    Then to ad insult to injury the NHS is going abroad to look for these non paying cunts to help WTF.
    Had to have a tooth out a while ago and had the pleasure of being told by the NHS dentist who was from Syria or some such fly blown shit hole, trained by us and qualified thanks to us,all funded by us, had the fucking neck to tell me I was taking advantage of a free service…. Fucking free service says I, wwtf, I have been paying a fucking large percentage of wage all my life for this, since I was 16 and I’m now early 50,s fucking free my arse, these nsh hers are so misguided it’s Unreal.
    I would go private, but why the fuck should I, its not like I stop paying a big chunk of national insurance towards my private hospital care,The NHS needs to get its priorities right and sort itself out at home before it goes looking for more cunts to help abroad…. Stupid cunts…

    • I totally agree Fugly. I moved back to my home county just over a year ago and have been trying to find an NHS dentist mainly to replace a couple of fillings I lost during lockdown. It transpires that only 3 out of 99 dental practices in Dorset are accepting new adult NHS patients. I too refuse to go private so I’ll probably end up looking like a gummy cunt.

      • CSTS@ Same problem for me – my old dentist has shut, nowhere else is taking NHS patients so I either pay to go private or have my teeth fall out.
        Why the fuck have I spent 37 years paying tax and National Insurance again?
        Oh yes – to fund the treatment I should be having for dinghy invaders.

    • What’s all this about NHS dentists being free? I’m registered at one, a check up costs me £22 odd and a filling on a broken tooth recently cost over £60. Nothing free about it, unless you’re on benefits I suppose.

    • Taking advantage of a free service?
      Since when? I’m nearly 70, and still have to pay for dental treatment, not that my fucking dentist has emerged from his Apocalypse bunker yet, the windy cunt!
      And I pay fucking tax, too. Next election, I’m voting for anyone who promises to stop taxing pensioners who’ve had the common sense to supplement the state pension with a private one.

      • JP@ – I would have legislation that any pension under £20000 was untaxed, then a sliding scale of 1-5% tax on any above that amount.
        It is unacceptable to punish people for being responsible.

      • Thanks Vern.
        I thought I was being unreasonable, but when I see the unemployed, never worked, ever, strutting about in authentic Uggs, clutching the latests iPhone, I just want to kill someone.

  3. It’s a shame for the kid that he’s not a dog or cat. Penny Farthing (or whatever she’s called) would have got him out of there when the shit hit the fan last summer. On Fatso’s authority, of course, which the cunt denies.
    I’m off out to bang my pots and pans in support of the IHS.

  4. I feel sorry for all the kiddies in this country, who often receive substandard treatment from the grubby paws of the NHS.

    There are some fantastic people who work for the NHS, right grafters, who actually care about their patients.

    But the whole organisation is corrupt to the core.

    It is poorly managed, with management and consultants covering each others arses when there is a fuck up.

    I think ‘national’ is the key word when referring to this particular nom.

    If the NHS in general is allegedly so overwhelmed, why are we now giving the green light to overseas patients, whose parents haven’t contributed anything towards the service of which so many of us depend?

    • Morning DickV, it’s just so frustrating, is it not?
      The NHS could be an absolute wonder of the modern age if not for the rampant profligacy and indolence of a certain percentage of staff, usually pointless penpushers.
      But the alternative, USA style profiteering/racketeering is just too horrible to contemplate.
      The NHS probably ought to be put into non-profit privateer hands, but the sorts of cunts who run institutions such as this are too corrupt, greedy and inexperienced to effectively manage a behemoth like the health service, so we’re (working British taxpayers) stuck with spunking endless hundreds of billions into a black hole of waste and inefficiency, the same as all other government-run establishments.

  5. I couldn’t give a fuck about about their stinking flyblows, every little shitskin grows up to be a scrounger and a rapist who’d think nothing of raping my granddaughter or stabbing my sons so fuck em…on the plus side i’m enjoying watching Afghanistan going down the shitter fast, the carpet sniffers and letterboxes that have sold all their kids to be raped by the musicians in the Tally Band are now queuing up to sell their 2nd kidney for a bowl of rice …keep it up Asif

  6. The medical establishment can suck a dick. It couldn’t get any more corporate or political if it tried.

    • Medecins sans Frontiers, or whatever it’s called, can kiss my arse. A few months ago, they had some swivel-eyed bint called, I think, Erin, with a thick Oirish (or possibly weegee) accent, trying to rob us. You just knew that she’d be an up her own arse, laugh a minute (NOT) type…

  7. When these fuckers come to the uk for treatment, which may or may not be privately funded (crowd funded or Fat Reg types) its like hotel California, the cunts never leave.

    With this NI rise to help the NHS with backlogs there needs to be a big push back on treatment for non UK residents, ok exceptions for people here on holiday needing emergency treatment, because they will have insurance to cover the cost ?

    We would have spare capacity in the NHS is we weren’t swamped with dirty old Asian fuckers who are riddled with disease, it can’t be denied because it all came out in Covid, disproportionately effected because of underlying issues. Diversity is our downfall.

    • Your last sentence there, Sick of it, struck a chord as soon as I read it. Nice short, catchy phrase with alliteration. I will adopt and use it whenever I can if that’s OK with you?

  8. There is absolutely no need to go searching abroad for foreign patients to treat-from my experiences of hospitals, a very large percentage of patients ARE fucking foreign.

  9. A family member is in hospital at the moment and my immediate reaction to this Afghan and all the other sob story foreign cunts who are able to use our health system at will is that they should receive no treatment at all.

    I couldn’t give a fuck about what’s wrong with them or if they are kids.Its plainly obvious to anyone who has any lengthy dealings with the NHS that it is not coping with patient numbers now and that if I fall I’ll I face incoherent and patchy treatment and very likely an undignified death.
    Yet we still keep letting the hordes in,all with their hands out.
    We are a laughing stock.

  10. I thought that the NHS waiting list was at a record high? Why the fuck isn’t it concentrating it’s efforts into treating British children who’s families have contributed to it? I suppose there wouldn’t be enough virtue-signalling mileage in doing what it’s supposed to be fucking well doing.

  11. It’s nice to know that the NHS are trawling third world shitholes looking for patients.

    When Mrs Odin was diagnosed with cancer last year, we were told ‘Sorry, you’ re looking at a six to nine month wait before treatment’

    £5k and two weeks later thanks to Bupa, problem solved.

    I want my NI stamp back to the tune of £5k.

  12. NHS is a fucking leech. There will never be enough money to properly fund it because it’s constantly finding ways to spend its budget and then some.

    It’s like the BBC, invents new services to justify higher funding. The NHS needs to return to purely medical services, diagnosis, operations, treatment.

    I’d separate mental health altogether and fund it properly. There needs to be more transparency on how and where the money is spent, proper auditing of contracts and whether they provide best value.

    A recent study showed Figures suggest less than 1% of the population account for 16% of emergency department visits in England. These people are at A&E weekly in some cases. It seems reasonable that someone who is a regular at A&E is either incapable of looking after themselves or is not receiving the correct treatment for an existing problem.

    I’m not suggesting we abandon the NHS, I’m suggesting the NHS is poorly managed and like the BBC believes itself to be beyond criticism. This isn’t about doctors and nurses or any of the frontline staff, it’s about politics and grandstanding.

    • Ive not seen a doctor in years.
      Not been in hospital or needed surgery.
      Im happy to pay into the NHS for those that do,
      The sickly types.
      But the NHS squanders money,
      It needs a financial overall.
      Some common sense type in control of the purse strings.

      This kid, is nothing to do with the UK why am I paying for him?
      Not his fault like,
      But hes not entitled in my book.

      • And as been mentioned earlier, the kid will turn up with their extended family who will promptly disappear to Bradfordstan or a similarly culturally enriched shithole.
        Does this country need to demonstrate that it is run by a bunch of clueless cunts every fucking day?

      • The only justification for any Afghan to be here is the 20 year jolly led by the US\UK governments who it seems went there only to fill the coffers of Arms Manufacturers.

        Billions of dollars worth of weapons abandoned to the rational and stable Taliban suggests the weapons don’t matter once the contracts have been awarded and paid for.

        The average Afghan would probably like to get on with their life but fat chance of that. Afghanistan public services were funded by US and allies tax payers for the duration of the occupation, now they have fuck all and the goat shagging cave dwellers we call the Taliban don’t seem to have much interest in public services that don’t include public beheadings and amputations.

        Mass uncontrolled immigration is justified by the colonialism of the 1700s so I’m sure we probably owe the Afghans something.

        This country is lost. It’s lost because we filled it full of immigrants, it’s lost because the political class sold it to the highest bidder but mainly it’s lost because of the apathy of the British people.

        I watched a middle aged Ukrainian woman training in urban warfare on the news the other day, she doesn’t want a war but she’s willing to lay down her life to defend her home and nation.

        Can’t see your average Brit picking up anything more dangerous than a remote to change channels.

      • We all know you’ve been harvesting organs and stemcells for your personal use. Don’t lie.

    • Your analysis of the NHS Sixdog, I feel is accurate on all points.
      The NHS will ever be a money pit in large part because new and effective treatments are being developed all the time. Many illnesses are now survived by a majority of victims who well within living memory died. As an example look at the statistics for childhood leukaemia.
      Mental health services are abused to a great extent. Half the people using them are just prats who can’t be doing with normal life, basically they can’t cope because every day isn’t christmas. This leads to people who do need the services facing the same difficulty as the genuinely disabled i.e. many people think their problems are a sham.
      The figures for the regulars at A&E are ghastly. Our doctor daughter works regularly in A&E at a major hospital. An example of one of these characters is a young man who has health problems which could be sorted but for the fact he is a heroin addict. He turns up at A&E in a shocking state, they work on him, he is admitted and after days or weeks is well enough to be discharged. Then the cycle is repeated. The fix would be to hang his supplier with piano wire from a lamp post in the high street but that is outside the hospital’s remit. Plod is not interested and the social workers are of course, useless.
      And as for the managers; well some are sound but some you wouldn’t employ to sweep up the leaves in the park and will use any deceit which they see as in their personal best interest.

  13. I sadly caught a little of the fucking BBC’s wokeist propaganda late last week.

    They were ‘interviewing’ some no-mark leader from the iNHS saying how vital it was that we send billions of rona virus ‘vaccines’ to the third world, in order and I quote ‘to protect the NHS’.

    The entire edifice and all those that sail in her, sucking from the taxpayers tit, need bombing.

    • You what?
      How would that protect the NHS, unless of course, it’s not vaccine but strychnine in those bottles, in which case I would say Well Done!
      A very cunning plan, indeed.

  14. Dear day Admin.

    Now the Highway Code has changed, how about a ‘dead pool’ page for cyclists and pedestrians that have been scraped off the road after succumbing to the ‘new rules’?

    I’m sure they’ll be plenty of road rage incidents and mongs dying slowly under the wheels of an artic very soon.

    • Let’s hope so…fucking arrogant bastard cyclists. I’ve vowed to give the Guardian-reading pricks even less than the customary 3 inches when squeezing past as from today. If I’m driving one of my shit cars, I’ll brake check ’em too. They don’t follow the rules of the road so why should us motorists (at least when it comes to cyclists).
      There will be carnage, blood and broken bones up and down the country.

      • You will have seen Thomas, one of the tools being used now to make the motorists life a misery is to reduce the width of a lane to be just wide enough for a bus. The rapid result of course is a wide black stripe of oil and diesel down the centre of the lane, much of it deposited by said buses. I understand cyclists are being advised to ride in the centre of the lane. So consider this scenario; wet road, cyclist on very slippery black stripe, impatient motorist or better still, 40-tonner, six feet behind cyclist. Cyclist hits fresh patch of diesel and falls off. Result; minor damage to following vehicle, cyclist resembles a pizza. Oh well, must make sense to someone.

  15. While we have many 1000s in hotels at our expense this is but a drop in the ocean. MS sufferers in England have to pay £290 a month to ease their symptoms but it’s free in Wales & Scotland but still paid for from the UK kitty.
    British rough sleepers in Hull, Scunny and Lincoln while foreign vermin live it up in hotels. In the same towns.
    Council waiting times in decades unless you are an asylum seeker.
    We are a nation of fucking idiots.

  16. The NHS have plenty of money to send staff on (run by ethnics of course) “diversity courses”, plenty of money to treat every parasite and leech from EVERYWHERE but the UK, plenty of money for fixing botched private surgery, plenty of money for gender reassignment for children and plenty of money to pay nurses 40K a fkin year – for lazy colonial types who hate their job, are bone idle, usually not properly trained or qualified and will do anything but a good days work (and can’t get fired ‘cos it’s waycist) and Karens who think working as a nurse is beneath them (fuck me, have I met plenty of those – I recall chasing one round a hospital shouting when I found out the lazy bitch had not changed my Mothers catheter and deliberately left her in pain for hours because she “had decided” my Mother did not need any pain relief – I mean, nobody in the last stages of terminal cancer needs pain relief, do they?)
    But we still hear the bullshit about our “NHS heroes”, as people die in droves of treatable conditions the NHS refused to treat them for as they shipped in every piece of shit from all around the world.
    The NHS is run by communists, and is exactly the same disaster as the communist led organisations in the 1970s.
    Put me in charge for a year – by FUCK would there be some changes.
    ANY non UK visitor and individual with less than 10 years tenure in the Country must have compulsory health insurance bought from a UK company which they must carry on them at all times or be fined £500 – any not paying DEPORT THEM.
    Don’t like that rule?
    Fuck off somewhere else.
    On other news, our kid was “unimpressed” by a lazy, arrogant heart surgeon who thought he could swan up three hours late – by all accounts he told “Mr Yabbadabbadoo” or whatever he was called he was on HIS taxpayers money and to sharpen up or get a right hander!
    I do not get this cultish worship of a failing behemoth.

  17. I understand the forthcoming rise in National Insurance, to pay for “social care” , will raise about 12 billion smackers.
    Slightly less than we give away each year in Foreign Aid.
    No wonder the w*gs are laughing at us.

  18. We’re like a world charity for these fuckers. We work, we get taxed, the money goes to others. What a laughing stock.

  19. ‘Half the people using them are just prats who can’t be doing with normal life’

    Sadly that is my experience of many who are ‘mentally ill’ and keen on telling you about it. Most are completely normal and functional until mandated to attend an interview/assessment by the job centre, Then they ‘act the spastic’ or lose it because they failed to meet the ‘spastic metric’ set by their state-funded babysitters.

    A shameful way to live.

    • True. Though their forms and so-called assessments are bullshit. I have bad anxiety, sometimes when its real bad I cant go out. They dont care, or dont believe you. Their test asks things like ‘can you make a cup of coffee/tea’. Whats that got to do with my problem? The forms were designed for PHYSICAL disabilities, and things like autism (I also have). The whole thing needs updating, cup of fucking coffee my arse, yeah I drink 10 a fucking day you cunts.

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