The Albany Road Squat

Wales OnLine News Link

Squatters are cunts, see above these dirty, tranny, rug munching, vegan, wankers who quote the law at people trying to get rid of the cunts so they can sell the property.

Going down the court rout takes forever, baseball bats or sending the lads round are always an option and would be my preferred method of removal, but these cunts probably have one of those vulture shit solicitors who will take you to the cleaners .

So i think as its the owners property you would be quite within to move in with the cunts and then i would take great delight in making these cunts lives a living fucking hell, fire work displays in the front room, load music, Ducati revved a hard in the bedroom at midnight, paint ball competitions, BBQ,s opening tins of CYCLON B, you get the gist,

they where going to wreck the place anyway so at least have some fun at their expense, i think i would enjoy that and especially i was really upsetting the cunts, that would almost make it worthwhile…..scummy cunts, fuck em, its devolution at its finest, they should develop gills and walk backwards into the sea….

Nominated by: Fuglyucker

34 thoughts on “The Albany Road Squat

  1. Ah, what a trip down memory lane, as a young music student in the ‘dydd, having had a questionable £5 curry at the late-lamented Indiana Balti, I once walked down that road simultaneously laughing my head off and puking my ring up.

    I’d stick with the squatters if I were you!

    • Oh dear me yes.
      I want one now!
      As there is an angry Afghan immo from the hotel round the corner walking up and down my road shouting and screaming down his (well council tax provided) phone.
      Mrs C has stopped me going out to sort it with a carefully selected Big Stick from the umbrella stand! ?

  2. These cunts always try to present themselves as part of some anti-capitalist, counter-culture movement, as opposed to being the layabout, dirty arseholes they are.
    Some big lads with a couple of rottweilers should be sent in under cover of darkness to kick the fuckers out.

  3. LOL … there are so many ways to fuck them up without any wrong doing ever being detected. Once you choose that path though you can’t reverse it … not ever. The legal entities tend to abandon them when the bodies start to pile up …

  4. The owners of the building should remove all of the windows and doors.

    Freeze the scruffy fuckers out.

  5. Surely the point of squatting is to live anywhere you want for free…so who the fuck would squat in Wales

    • That’s what I say if you scroll down. In the 1970s, it was these massive buildings in London that were squatted, mansions, old government buildings and you had swinging London on your doorstep, not just a Greggs and a Ladbrokes. Britain will be like Detroit, Michigan by 2040.

  6. Those scruffy smelly cunts are always smoking dope and getting high, falling asleep with a lighted fag then dropping it in between the sofa, catching fire and … well you know the rest. Could easily happen a fire starting like that
    Always throw a couple of stink bombs through the letterbox once a day. You will need it re-carpeted anyway by the time the legal goons get around to it.
    Funnily enough you never get squatters in PieKey owned houses.

      • If the can isnt to blown i reckon just jam it through the letter box, it will probably explode when it hits the floor, even those flea bitten wouldnt stand this shit for long and the 6 to 8 weeks when the smell is gone, if they are still the do another one…

  7. “All property is theft you fascist capitalist pig”!
    “WHACK! Then I am not stealing your rucksack am I you soap dodging fucking leech”?
    “You won’t hear the last of this – my Father is a Barrister and I went to a private school – call da powlees, boo hoo”.
    Parasites, and future Lib Dem politicians.
    To rival the fat sweaty squatter in Downing Street.

  8. Many years ago, my brother discovered that a vacant property he had bought had been taken over by a commune of shit. He took advice, spoke with plod, and found that many thousands of pounds would be spent over two years of legal wrangling. Being a member of the local Rugby Club, he recruited about a half dozen big burly smelly fuckers to “Squat on top of the squatters”. I am told that his “friends” soon emptied the squat following some appalling behaviour. It worked.

    Squatters have no rights above any other squatter, and are in no position to argue .
    Result !

  9. Burn it down and claim on the insurance.
    Preferably with the cunts inside.
    Get To Fuck.

    • JTC@ – That’s the kind of common sense and practical thinking our politicians are missing!
      No squatters where I live – not enough vegan cafes in the area.
      Plus the locals are in the habit of beating them up – no need to inconvenience the sleepy local police.

  10. Don’t know much about the law but if they’re damaging your property you must have the legal right to bust in and put them under citizens arrest. Ziptie them to lamposts while you remove all their shit and secure the place. Call plod and give their parents a bill for the damage and unofficial bailiffs. What are the courts going to do? Fuck all.

    • Themagiccunt@ – To my great frustration there is very little that can be done legally – and when the law is on the side of the lawbreaker the law is an ass.
      Squatters should have NO rights on other peoples property, but they do, the legal process takes forever, costs thousands and the dirty bastards can theoretically be back in there an hour later.
      3AM transit van full of chaps calling round for a cup of tea and a chat saves legal nonsense – all it takes is to explain to these smelly types how the gay vegan whales will cry if they do not leave and they are completely fine.
      Ask anyone ?

  11. I’ve never understood the laws on squatting. I mean, if someone starting living in a bus shelter, they’d be moved on or arrested, taken to social services, or whatever. But if that same person broke into an unoccupied building, changed the locks, jimmied or Gerry-rigged the lecky and basically proceeded to “live” there, then for some reason, it takes months, even years to move them, arrest them? Eh? Is the law on this some sort of Blackadder episode of bizarro statutes stating,

    “Nay p’rson, of means ‘r nay means may not beest did deny respite in any dwelling, coequal if ‘t be true t may not beest did occupy by any p’rsonage.”

    Squatting was huge in the 1970s, right? I’ve read about how massive mansions in London were occupied by hippies, anarchists, well, let’s let the great Geoffrey Palmer and Leonard Rossiter list them…

    Those types. They lived a great life in those wild and woolly 70s squats. Tripping your balls off with sexy birds shagging you senseless in Lord Muck’s old gaff. I love those “urban explorer” videos on YouTube where people all over Britain, Germany, France, Russia, USA, etc go into old, abandoned amazing buildings and snoop around. Some of the sights you see are mental. There’s one where a bunch of young men get into an abandoned Russian space shuttle hanger, absolutely mental…

    • Russian space shuttle abandoned in the middle of nowhere…

      (25 minutes, dubbed into English)

      Mental. It’s weird how something of such immense political and military significance just got… abandoned. Handing the Heavens to the Yanks! Fuck me. Now we have the comical nonsense that is NA$$$A with a dude tightening a screw on the ISS for $756 zillion! “To boldly do what Mike the Mechanic has been before!”

      • Violence.
        Its the answer to all of lifes problems.
        Out-anarchist them.

        Julius had been glassed
        Crispin has had petrol poured over him
        Cressida had her “fight the power ” t-shirt ripped off to chants of “TITS OUT,TITS OUT”
        And Raphael is crying because someone has taken a shite in his sleeping bag.
        Theyll be out in hours
        £500 and 24hrs as opposed to £15grand and months of waiting.

        They struggle to pack quickly?
        The axe throwing contest is starting.

        Middle class anarchists?
        Get fucked.

      • Posh Englander names are still on the go, but whatever happened to, “Nigel” no one is named that now. but up until the 1980s, you Englanders loved naming your boys that for some reason. Awful name. “Norman” is rare now, no kids named Norman out there. They all have New Agey, pretentious or “wacky” names. You should give your kids legal names like, “Cowboy” or “Crazy”. Fuck it, it’s an crazy world and only the crazy survive.

      • I made plans to call my lad Nigel,
        I only want whats best for him.

        Anyway in the end we settled on Thunder Canary.

    • “…I love, “Statue of Liberty” by XTC.”

      Difficult to pick a dud. Wednesday a’noons at chez Chops usually involves a coupla’ muso mates round to talk bollocks and celebrate the sacred trinity of humbuckers, beer and banter, riffed through a couple of XTC’s – Ball & Chain, Senses working overtime and trying to pick the chords for the masterful King for a Day.

  12. Put some Afghans in with them.
    Empty within the week.
    Then tempt the Afghans out again with a picture of a camel’s arse.
    The vermin hippie cunts.

  13. I had this problem once. Rule One. Do not go to the law or the courts. Big Alex simply entered the property at 3am and threw the cunts out on the street . Job done.

  14. Everyones a anarchist till their heads on fire?

    They all want to defund the police till begging for help off PC plod wearing bloodstained undercrackers and a sad demeanor.

    Squatters are cunts
    Freeloaders, leeches, parasites with dreadlocks.

    They espouse revolution but have Christmas back home in the manorhouse with papa and mumsy,

    They say property is theft till their Giro gets nicked.

    Theyre frauds.
    Poseurs playing at it.

    Gas em.

    • MNC@ – I would spend my days pissing on the curtains and crying with joy if I could nip round to their Mummy and Daddys mansions and squat there (physically as well as metaphorically, as it were! ?)
      “But, but – all property is theft Lord Smythe-Wilkinson – your anarchist tramp Son Tarquin told me so when he began squatting in my home – at least that’s what I think he said, he was simultaneously spitting out a mouthful of teeth and crying”..

      • Afternoon mr Fox.
        First to cry if someone took something belonging to them.
        Imagine working your arse off to get a property/business together, sinking all your savings into it,
        Only to have a bunch of anarcho hippies dossing there?!!!
        And then they get lippy like your the cunt.
        Id personally give them the Altamont treatment

  15. Do Rentakill rent out rats that you can stick in the squat?

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