Stella Creasy MP [6]

It had to happen – the self righteous, entitled Labour MP, who wishes to be a mother and a politician has won her fight to be allowed to tae her brat into Parliament:
No doubt the gloating old cunt will get herself pregnant again so she can have another baby sucking her tits off in the House. They should sew the old ratbags issflaps together or break her legs so she can’t open them again.

Does this cheap tramp think that because she will be allowed to do it, ordinary working women will be allowed to take their babies to their places of employment?

Spare a thought for the baby – who would want to be squeezed next to those horrible wobbly, no doubt sweaty funbags all day?. I just hope he gives her a nice nipple busting bite when he develops his teeth.

Nominated by: W. C. Boggs

90 thoughts on “Stella Creasy MP [6]

    • I feel a bit bad about this nom appearing today as ze party is in deep mourning for the passing of Mr. Harriet Harman, Jack Dromey – did anyone have him in the Deadpool? (married to that old bag, it must be seen as a happy release), however Jess Phllips, Liam Byrne and all the other Labour MP media whores have been all over Wireless 4 (Rent-a-quote Wes Streeting must have done one by now?) paying tribute to the great man. Dame Keir even got off his sick bed to pay a fulsome tribute (rumour has it he has a lace hankie stuck down the leg of his drawers to catch the stray tears,) so I suppose it is only decent that I emulate the “Private Eye poet and offer my own tribute:

      … farewell, then, Jack Dromey,
      The only CIS man in pre-transgender rights days
      to be elected a man with a dick on an all-wimminz shortlist…..

      The BBC did much better than me: they described Mr Dromey-Harman as “a veteran Labour MP” – he was first elected in 2010 and ceased upon the midnight 7 days into 2022 so 11 years equates to veteran status.

      • I might have it wrong but was Dromey the bloke who rented out porn videos on his wife’s MP’s expenses account during the expenses scandal? Or am I making the association because Harman used to work for a pead0file organisation before becoming an MP?

      • Mikdys: No that was Mr. Smith, the husband of Jacqui, then Home Secretary though rumour is that it was her 12 year old son renting them out to learn what his right arm was for. Smith, just to prove that sleaze brings it’s own reward has recently been made head of an East London Health Authority, though she knows fuck all about health. I am sure the economic
        illegal immigrants will be delighted though.

      • WCB@ – As Jack Dromey was married to Harriet Harmful I imagine the happiest moments of his life were as he gasped his last thinking he would be soon free of her (Not a chance commie boy – she will be right beside you in hell).
        Now I approach the next issue with, ahem, KID gloves but I wonder if Harriet will be ordering PIE for the wake?..
        “Creasey politely declines offers from Vaz and Harman to babysit” ?

      • If you were married to Jacqui Smith wouldn’t you rent porn?

        Well if you hadn’t heard about the invention of the internet anyway.

  1. Typical entitled champagne socialist wanker.

    They have a fucking crèche paid for by us, but normal mums on far less money have to pay for childcare. They also can’t have their sprogs sucking away on their cans while they’re on the till at Morrison’s last time I checked.

    Tell you what, you want equality you can have it. Pay for your fucking sprogs care while you’re at ‘work’ like every cunt else, and when you’re giving birth to your next brat, don’t complain when the midwife tells you to wait for help while she gets her feeders out to feed her baby. Or when the lady serving you in Pret is a bit late with your quinoa and cous cous brioche because she’s got her twin sprogs guzzling on her baps, you fucking entitled attention seeking cunt.

    Sound from aeroplane cockpit (female pilot)

    “Cabin crew prepare for landi…oh wait. Little Tristan needs bitty. Here you go Tristan…rock a bye baby…TERRAIN! TERRAIN! PULL UP! WHOOP WHOOP!”

    Although watching the faces of her ‘supportive’ peers change when her brat shits itself during PM’s questions will be most satisfying.

  2. I bet the old Bag still claims for a Nanny.

    I’ve never understood why brats are allowed in a place of work…..the ” caregiver” is bound to be distracted as is anyone unfortunate enough to be in the vicinity of the mewling,puking,shitting Brat….People are at work to work.

    • PS…..Woman should be aware that not everyone is entranced by their “cuddly-wuddly little Angel”….some people can’t be bothered with the stinking,ugly,screaming benefit-sponges or their slack-clackerred,stretch-marked,droopy veiny titted Mothers either.

      The brats shouldn’t be allowed out in public until they are properly civilised and the Mothers shouldn’t be allowed out until they have got themselves back into a desirable state and promise not to bore on about their whelp.

      • I concur-the number of times I have had meals in restaurants, cinema visits or a quiet drink in a pub, ruined by mewling brats…

        The problem with “parents”, is that they think the whole world revolves around their brats?

  3. Fucking bollocks If she worked in a factory making building producing some things rather the sat on her fat arse on a seat how would she actually do some work and look after her kid?? Total pile of shit

      • Morning Jack?

        Im cracking ta!
        You winning?
        Hope that lisping Lisa Nandy gets to breastfeed on telly!

      • I’m ok, MNC, apart from me hip, which is playing up, ( arthritis ).
        I’m ok as long as I keep moving.
        Mustn’t grumble :o)
        Lisa could spark a massive surge in the popularity of Parliament.
        Viewing figures through the roof.
        Pay per view.
        Flurry of direct debits from ISAC Horn Section.

  4. This is why women get the same pay rate, but take home less. It’s a fucking myth that they don’t earn the same as men. They do if they work the same hours, have the same experience and are as dedicated.

    They’re sometimes just not as productive after they have kids and work less hours. It’s nature and just the way it is.

    Cunts like this think a tart working 20 hours a week because she’s had a kid, should get the same take home pay as the poor bloke doing the same job covering for her and now working 40 hours + 10 hours OT, to make up for her reducing her hours.

    They can shove it up their cunts.

  5. This only applies to pompous cunts.
    Everyone else can fuck off it seems.
    The H of C is a den of leeches.


  6. Imagine if Churchill had given his ‘fight them on the beaches’ speech with a screaming brat drowning him out?

    Get to fuck.

      • Morning Miserable.

        She looks very ‘mumsy’ in the header pic doesnt she? Stella. Smelling of baby milk and…all fleshy forearms and ‘cuchee cuchee coo ..look at all those nasty ‘orrible Tories over there…my little man…we’re better than them….my little man…my little Labout mp….cuchee cuchee coo’

  7. If you vote for any of these shitstains you’re in no position to gripe. Did you vote?
    Guy Fawkes was right.
    Shite morning.

    • If rather eat my own shit and chew on Diane Abbott’s pissflaps than vote for any of these cunts.

      • Now now Cuntybollocks. Even i wouldn’t stoop that low. But i would certainly suckle on Priti Patel’s giant orbs while we mutually masturbate each other .
        Coooooor !!!!!

      • Haha

        I’d definitely be up for a bit of slap and tickle with her if she lost a few stone.

    • If bald toothless whining little cunts can suck tits in the workplace thats brilliant!!

      Oh just for Westminster rats….

    • Mr Fawkes was sadly let down by Mr Catesby all those years ago.

      If ever he was needed it’s now.

  8. And if she’s demanding her right to breastfeed, she’s a nazi.

    It’s ‘chestfeed’, the wicked transphobe.

    Off topic, got to laugh, I mean be ‘outraged’ at that ‘Mailchimp’ advert I keep seeing. Are they referring to the helpful dark key Mr Motivator lookalike being the ‘Mailchimp’, because it fucking well looks like it to me?

    Ghastly racists.

  9. Another nail in the coffin of a once great country.
    Rotting from within.
    And a laughing stock.
    When these split arses talk about equality, they’re actually thinking superiority.
    They’re all cunts.
    Good morning.

    • JTC@ – Women do not have equality, Women get equality.
      Women get more equality than Men, the world goes to shit.

  10. Surely it should not be encouraged to have children present in the House of Commons, bearing in mind that a great many MP’s are going to be kiddıe-fiddlers.
    I doubt that Stella Creasy would take up Keith Vaz’s offer to bounce the little fella on his knee and with good reason.

    • “Your honour, I had no idea my flies were down and that my erect member was protruding through the hole. In mitigation, I have offered to pay for the Aids treatment.”

    • TtCE@ – But at least her whites would be bright when Washing machine repair Man Keith Vaz brings his “special powder”!
      Although Keith may mistake her for a teenage boy and violently bum her..

  11. This doesn’t go far enough. They should allow the mongs in too.

    At some point, we may see Katie Price elected to Parliament (I’m not kidding either).

    Imagine her bringing Harvey to ‘work’ and he goes on a rampage after he finds the fridge padlocked? He’s then seen demolishing the entire west side of the building, crushing Ian Blackford to death with his bare hands (‘The people of ScotlaaAAarrrrgh!’), ripping the heads off the 1922 Committee and then eating Kier Starmer’s face off.

    Get to fuck.

    • Cuntybollocks@ – “In moi maiden (whaaat?) speech oi wud loike 2 oiloight the lack ov chlamydia testing kits and botox available in dis ‘ouse of Commas.. ‘ARVEY! Get off Mummys tits and stop frowin’ shit abaaaht”!

  12. There was once a fat, baby-like creature in the House, he was often drunk, chain-smoked Cuban cigars and he fire-bombed the ornately beautiful city of Dresden out of spite. But his mother was not present with him as he conspired in her demise in 1921.

    • Well they bombed the shit out of our country first so they got some back. Indeed, we waited 8 months after they started bombing out cities before bombing theirs.

      My take?

      If you start a fight, make sure the other guy can’t hit you harder.

      Fuck them.

      • The Royal Navy ought to drop a few bombs on beaches in northern France. That could, quite literally, save English lives. Then kids could go to an Arianna Grande concert without being blown to smithereens by a stinking pàkı cunt.

      • That’s what happens when you want total war with foes that are morally and materially superior.
        Churchill had nothing to do with choosing aerial targets at that stage of the war, Arthur ‘Bomber’ Harris had complete control of the bombing campaign, by the RAF at least. The USAAF did coordinate with certain targets, Dresden being one of them, as the RAF bombed them by night, and the Americans by day.
        Churchill was however a bit of a cunt for allowing that distance between himself and bomber command to free him from criticism of bombing civilian areas post war.
        Indeed, reap the whirlwind.

      • Brilliant, thanks for posting that JTC, I hope one day I get to see Great Britain bomb mainland europe again.
        Hopefully with nuclear warheads, I don’t see europeans as human beings.
        Everybody should have a picture of Sir Arthur Harris in their house.

      • JTC@ – Yep – people who whine about “horrid Bomber Harris” say fuck all about the kids blown to pieces by Hun bombers first. (And I have a cordial dislike of blockhead Krauts who drop bombs on my old dear! ?☠)
        Get the boot in, do the job and worry about Lord Fat McSuit whining about the poor dear Germans after.
        My attitude towards Nazis who are daft enough to think they can push us around?
        Fuck around and find out.
        And that includes nazis like Stella Creepy.

    • Oh my, the fire-bombing annihilation of Dresden where kids were liquefied into mush really brings out the pride in you English who weren’t even born then! Aye, the Nazis were evil as fuck, Hitler was drugged-up loser weirdo. But did Dresden deserve that? It was a peaceful wee place, yes it strategic value, but it just proves how psychotic Churchill was, hammered on booze, raging in the night, he wanted to obliterate the German and Japanese people. The man was as mental as Hitler.

      I liked how no one commented on my aluding to Churchill conspiring to kill his mother, though! Hahaha! You should look into the details of how she died, it’s so comical, she was obviously hastened to her demise by Winny and his personal doctor. Churchill despised his mother, was mortally embarrassed by her and after she cheated Winston and his brother and only sibling, Jack out of their father’s will which stated that his son’s receive a hefty monthly payment, Winston plotted her death for years. The man was a weirdo psycho extraordinaire just like Hitler, one of the most white-washed people in history. but people still spunk buckets over him, glad he wasn’t Scottish! We don’t have monuments to him. We are the only people on Earth who see through him. The Yanks spunk all over him, too, Trump especially, who has never read a book on the wars in his life, the thick cunt. Can’t wait to see the freakshow reignite when he starts campaigning again later this year.

      Anyway! How’s it going this fine Saturday nicht, brothers! Poor Winny Churchill, what did he ever do to me?! LOL!

  13. Typical Britain nowadays I’m afraid. A minority scream’s and people cave in because nobody has the bollocks to stand their ground or back up common sense. Where will this precedent take us I wonder?
    Mind you, it could have a comic element to it. Imagine if the same stance was taken with wimminz football for example ( I know most are lezzers, but there could be the odd exception ). Carry cots behind the goals, rolling substitutions for feeding and nappy changing, soft play area in the north stand, maybe even baby monitors connected to the big screens at Wembley. Equality is a wonderful thing, as long as it’s more equal for some rather than others.

  14. Stella Creasey is a disgusting creature, she’s too stupid to see it but she will bring about her own, and others like her rightful destruction.
    In a few years time, when the mouse limbs have taken over she won’t be allowed such freedom, in fact she’ll not be allowed in the H of C.
    She will have to walk 10 steps behind her owner, dressed in bin bags while looking through slit in them. I hope I meet her at such a time, I’ll tell her “serves you right ” and kick her in the cunt.
    The stupid soft bastards do not understand the future consequences of what they are encouraging.

    • Several years ago I wrote to Creasy to ask what she was doing about all the illegals in Walthamstow, I even offered to assist her in removing them by providing addresses where I knew there were illegals.
      I got no reply ?

      • Soi@ – Creasey flaps was probably too busy breeding with a vegan in the disabled toilets of Pret A Manger..

  15. Annoying whinging bitch, MP for Walthamstow, a place that doesn’t need an MP but it would benefit some ethnic cleansing.
    I can’t see her getting much correspondence from her flock, I doubt many of them can write at all let alone in English

    She only goes to the commons to be a cunt, the Speaker should just tell her to fuck off.

  16. Ironically the possibly Trans womens, entitled spog will produce the same level of dribbling, shit and pointless incoherent bullshit as the MP’s, so should fit in nicely.

    • Whys it only the dog rough and plain Jane female politicians that insist on flopping their bangers out?

      Never Esther McVey or Lisping Lisa.

      That jerry Angular Merkin got hers out and she looks like fuckin Boris Karloff.

      Pack it in.

      • I just googled Lisa Nandy.

        Uurghh, she’s a fucking pig MNC.

        Regrettably, I am forced to retract my opinion that you are a man of exceptionally high taste, as stated in an earlier thread ?

      • You think the ISAC horn section were looking at her face?

        They don’t even know if she’s got a head.

      • Tits+lisp= horn.
        She triggers my inner wolf MMS!

        “Help! Helpth! Geth your filthy pawth ofth me!”

        Id use her shite for toothpaste ??

  17. What’s the betting now Stella has the thumbs up, as soon as this little chap is going to school, she will be in whelp again, and if Boris loses us the election, Herr Starmer will allow all the lezzie MPs to drool over the baby if female, and cut it’s bollocks off if it is male. I nonly feel sorry for the current baby look head and you see her wizzend nipples look up and you see her ugly face and rubbery lips – and being close to her diaphram he hears the crap that comes out of her mouth louder than any os us.

    On the other hand, lovely Liza with her baby on the teat – well lucky little devil will get a really good square meal and we will all get a lovely view

  18. Yet more entitlement for those in power, as well as trying any desperate measure to grab media headlines.

    It’s all about “me me me!” of course, but I wonder how far such entitlement will go in the House of Commons?

    Imagine if Diane Abbott insisted on a KFC franchise in the HoC so that she could feed her fat face on triple quarter-pounders during PMQ!

    Imagine if some Tory Backbencher insisted on coming into with a bit of DIY work he hadn’t quite finished, hence the sounds of hammers and electric saws during PMQ

    Imagine a Lib-Dumb MP insisting in entering the HoC dressed as a woman even though he’s bloke identifying as a wimminz!

    Imagine some dodgy Rotherham MPs insisting on a little playground next to the Speaker’s Chair, so that little girls can play with their dollies (and Action Persons), while said MPs gaze and dribble!

    As for Creasy – she is without a doubt a complete and utter cunt!

  19. Virtue signalling shitstain cuntery? Perfectly fine. Doing something about the Bliar petition? Not a fucking chance.

    If the population cannot replace a kleptocratic cunt government and/or limit the power of the financial aristocracy at the ballot box, the nation is not a democracy, just a bunch of cunts.

  20. I think folk are being a little hard on her. Her job is basically to moan. The old definition of the opposition in Parliament being there to hold the government of the day to account, and offer alternative policy is long gone. They just bitch and moan, saying they would have done things better, without offering any evidence of how they would have achieved this, or used 20 20 hindsight to belittle a wrong decision.
    And who better to do such a pointless job than an over opinionated screeching harpie with a brat hanging off a tit?

    • Aye-the opposition benches does resemble a Mum’s net outing to the Tavistock clinic?

  21. The thing is, if she was actually having to work for a living elsewhere, she wouldn’t be able to take time out to feed a baby. Not being paid for it anyway.

    As an MP she can do whatever she feels like. Turn up at the HoC. Pretend to WFH. Go down the pub and do sweet FA all day. Whatever, she’ll still be fully paid. So why the need to take the child into the HoC when there isn’t any?!

    • Perhaps she is just another “Civil Servant”, protesting the end of “work-from-home”.

      • CG@ – From my experience of the civil service they regard a days work as a criminal offence.

  22. Speaking of Nancy Blair and it’s “wife” – which wears the trousers? – during lockdown this multi-millionaire ponce claimed £76,000 in furlough payments:

    Yet the fuckwitted left wing MPs like Abbott, Sultana and Burgon still insist only the Conservative party is full of greed.

    The Blair’s prove yet again that you can’t buy class they are skanks with posh voices.

  23. Another of 650 unmitigated bastards.
    Vote Tory, Labour, Lib Dumb – get the same.
    Globalist lickspittles who would last 3 weeks in a normal job before they got booted through a window or fired. I genuinely hate them (there is NO vitriol like the vitriol of Mr Fox!) and I am (fk me it’s slow work) getting together a group of independent, apolitical members of the public who will fight every serving MP for their seat at the next election – and we will not be playing nice.
    100 independents force a coalition, 226 more and we form a Government.
    This is not fantasy ego driven nonsense – I am enraged at the shit we have who are AWOL as our great nation falls and is sold off and I want rid.
    We can either sit on our arses complaining or we can get off them and start doing.
    And I look forward to goosestepping into the HOC and shouting “Oi! Munter! Take your brat and fuck off, come back when you are ready for a days work”!

  24. … and the incessant lowering of standards marches on.
    Wanna be a politician … be a politician and work solely for the good of the country.
    Wanna be a mother … be a mother and don’t fuck about doing other shit … cos no you actuall can’t multitask.
    Stop fuckin’ grandstanding and do something worthwhile … cunt!

    • Typical woman, had a fucking kid and the whole world has to know about it. it’s never happened before in the history of the world and she wants recognition for this amazing feat.
      I’ve got news for you luv, it’s been done before. No, really.

  25. Heard this wannabe victim on the radio yesterday with some made up story about some cunt on the train photographing her doing the tits out exhibition. She wants this to be made a specific criminal offence.
    Just fuck off you posh cow. Put your saggy bumpers away, no cunt is interested.

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