Reaction Videos

A quick but necessary cunting for ‘reaction’ videos, people who film themselves reacting to film trailers then posting that reaction to youtube, especially ‘Americans react to…’

Nobody gives a fuck about these specimens having the same performed reaction as every other cunt who posts such videos. It’s social media narcissism taken to the extreme.

When I used Facebook (last decade), it would always be the same dopey, soppy cunts sharing this crap to his/her feed, inviting people to like and join in the weird world of online therapy culture. The ‘be nice’ depressive, Lib Dem-voting, prosecco and rose quaffing ex-MILFs and softies, the hipsters, the geeks, the banter-free shells of hen-pecked, ever-so-earnest recent husbands who were stuck at home because of the mental issues of the new wife. Where’s the warranty on the fucking thing?

The men on local gossip pages. The male feminists crying because another pale little dweeb posted a video of himself also crying over the trailer for Sonic the Hedgehog.or Star Wars: The Nail in the Coffin

Can the soft cunts who post this mawkish, narcissistic dog manure and those who gormlessly share and ‘like’ instead ‘react’ to lead shot embedding itself in their tissues. That would be highly entertaining.

Get fucked you numb, soy-soaked cunts.

Nominated by: Cuntamus Prime

67 thoughts on “Reaction Videos

  1. Some of these can be quite left field. “Black American rapper from the Bronx reacts to Pyjamarama by Roxy Music”.

    Who dreams this up?

      • It’s interesting that the music reactors seem to be black for the most part; don’t know why this should be the case. There’s one mamma with a phenomenal rack on her; well worth the occasional peek (if you’re into that sort of thing)

      • I copied the link to quickly, the new system adds the channel name to links…

        Some of these black dude reactions are great, they feel the funk in a lot of white music that isn’t considered funky. It surprises me how many young black people are deeply into what we considered the whitest of white music! From Sinatra to hippy music to Black Sabbath and Pink Floyd. It shows how music transcends everything.

      • I like them a lot Cunty as well. Two blacks listening to Yes ‘Awaken’ I remember. Left them speechless. So in a sense they didnt react.

        Nothing to say overcome I mean.

        This is why I feel sorry for a lot in this generation. What am I saying almost the previous one as well. Its been around for far too long. Overstayed it welcome all together. ‘Rap’ I am talking about.They think its cutting edge an its just hopeless.

        I wish Rap would just die a death.

        Or lets have a ‘Disco Sucks’ moment.

        ‘Rap Sucks’.

      • “Two blacks listening to Yes ‘Awaken’ I remember. Left them speechless.”

        Yep, seen that one, another similar one was a spook and his sheboon utterly mesmerised by Zep’s stupendous Madison Square Garden performance of The Song Remains the Same segueing flawlessly into The Rain Song.
        Another good’un was a classical flautist left open mouthed on first watching Ian Anderson/Tull. ?

        A classic was some 60yr old American good ‘ol boy shell-shocked watching a 15min compilation of the best of English football fans delivering their impromptu assessments of referees, opposing fans, their own teams, miserable groundstaff who confiscated their inflatable knob and bollocks. fucking brilliant that was. Then someone told him to check out Rik and Ade in Bottom… ???

  2. And the biggest cunt of all is Khaby ‘stupid face pulling sooty cunt’ Lame! What a total fucking cock. He just sits there and gives what is called a ‘silent roasting’ to TikTok vids, by pulling a stupid face. Is that all you’ve got, because like your name, your act is pretty lame! Go away you fucking saddle sniffer!

  3. “Sir” Lenny Henry reacts to Johnny Rebel Klan country music would be a good one…

    • I’ve heard Johnny Rebel’s music is played by Sasha Johnson’s bedside to try and entice her from her vegetative state. Apparently it just goes in one ear and out of the other (like the bullet that hit her) and isn’t causing any reaction at present.

  4. David Lammy reacts to fire at Jaffa cake factory?

    Dianne Abbott reacts to “Birth of a nation”.

    Prince Andrew reacts to Epstein’s hidden camera footage?

  5. Millennials react to the slightest thing with over the top shreiking or fake outrage.
    Yank kids are even worse for overreacting.

    Although if the reaction is crying and spewing up it can add to the humourous nature of a video.

    • “Millennials react to the slightest thing with over the top shreiking or fake outrage.”
      Now those are genuinely worthless and seems a universal trait and I have no hesitation in endorsing their remoseless cunting.

      • Young people have been annoying older people for eternity. Nothing new. It’s just that the internet has put a laser focus on young people now and older people see too much of them and forget how annoying they themselves were from 15-25. One way or another, we all grow up, usually when death of a loved one first hits us, that’s when reality comes into sharp existential focus. Or when you do mushrooms!

  6. I’m waiting for the “Prince Andrew reacts to hidden-camera footage of him porking some young Tart” clip.

      • Morning,Rob.
        Hopefully it’ll be in some American civil court just after he’s finished pontificating on how he has never met the too honourable…was at a Pizza Shop…doesn’t sweat…hardly knows Maxwell and was just on nodding terms with Epstein.

        Arrogant,thick,entitled Wanker.


    • I don’t see what the problem is with that whole business. His knobbing of some young tart wannabe may not be entirely appropriate but it’s not illegal.

      • Oh,I agree. If he’d just come out and said ” Aye…I was up her like a rat up a what and Fuck Off”, I’d have tipped my topper to him. It was the sheer arrogance and stupidity that he showed that fucks me off.

      • If he was gay and had knobbed a 17 year old boy, that would have been perfectly acceptable in today’s world.
        Not long before he banged that gold digging filly, Bill Wyman was in the press who were celebrating the countdown to Mandy Smith having her 16th birthday so he could marry her. The same press that were waiting for Sam Fox to turn 16 so she could get her tits out on page 3.
        Funny how times change.

      • Indeed the porky prince could simply declare all the allegations utterly false as he is a dedicated long term shirt lifter.
        Then the fat lying cunt could move to California and have his own TV show and chat with Oprah.

      • Aye,GJ.
        If Andrew had played the Philip Scofield card,he’d have been fine…in fact Mummy would have probably promoted him to Rear Admiral of the Poopdeck and given him a medal looking like a very small sheriffs-badge.

      • I agree but I was reading that one of the charges is for rooting her in America when she was 17, which is illegal.

        Although the big reckon is that this ‘traumatised’ woman (who lives in a house worth close to £2m in Oz) will settle for about 5 million.

        Of our money.

        She can get fucked. She was 17 not 7. She knew what was meant by ‘massaging’ some old naked rich men. She wasn’t kept in a cellar or drugged and threatened like the peacefuls’ victims were.

        She then carried on brassing herself past 18 and then allegedly groomed underage girls herself for Epstein.

        No better than a crack wh o re.

      • And shes fat.
        Totally against anything she says now shes a porker with a 40inch neck.

      • Anyone who can get Pônce – previously known as Prince – in the dock, is okay with me.

    • Or a clip of her munching on his Royal member with him singing God save the Queen.

      That would provoke a few reactions worth seeing ?

    • There were hidden cameras at Epstein’s island to film the fucking/rape and his mansion in New York also had hidden cameras to film the fucking/rape, so who knows what the FBI seized and they seized a tonne of stuff from the island, mansion and other properties. It will all come out eventually when the time is right. A lot of household names must be living in fear these days. It can’t just end with Jizzlaine in clink and Randy Andy getting sued, it all blowing over and no real justice being done. Epstein raped an 11-year-old, so I’m pretty sure he supplied kids to psychotic celebrities and politicians and blackmailed them.

      • “Epstein raped an 11-year-old,”
        Maxwell delivered twelve year old triplets on his birthday!!!

  7. I especially love the reactions of Shappi Korsandi, Lenny Henry or that fucking egg and spoon presenter who are constantly offeneded when they show- it aint arf hot mum, love thy neighbour or virtually any comedian from the 70,s or 80,s
    Get over yourselves cunts, its the way it was then, be thankfull you weren’t in this country then or you would have been mortally offended all the time.
    Better times, snowflakes wouldnt have been tolerated either, yep better times, common sense was an actual thing that most people had, no fucking mobile phones, electric scooters, benefits scroungers, LGBTVSAD fuckers.

  8. I would like to see his reaction when he’s being castrated and a red hot poker is being jammed up his backside.

  9. There seem to be thousands of these ‘I react to hearing Don’t Let Me Down by the Beatles for the first time’ type of things on Youtube. Overwhelmingly by Yanks it seems.
    Compulsive non-viewing.

    Morning all.

  10. The reaction of decent folk to “Two girls, one cup” is quite extreme, understandably.

  11. Fuckin’ retards … there should be a reaction video to the reaction video. They’d probably stop doin’ that shit real quick.

    Mornin’ … its feelin’ positively tropical round here today … gonna fire up a bike and take it for a blast. That’ll get a reaction … always does … the snowflakes hate all the raw noise and proper planet destroying potential. Cunts!

  12. I quite like stand-up comedy reaction videos. Like this Doug Stanhope one…

    (8 mins)

    We are all reactors. Every day we react and overreact to a whole bunch of meaningless shit. I’ve seen horrible reaction videos and some really interesting ones. It all depends on the person reacting and what they have to say. Young people are brend new to the world as we all once were, with those fires of youth raging within them, but older people do reaction videos too, like this, yes another Stanhope bit…

  13. I never even knew this was a thing. My lack of social media use leaves me ignorant about all this type of bollocks and happy about it.

    • Me to, twitter, twatter , instacunt, Facebook fuck em all I’m to busy worrying about heating costs. Least I have a reasonably collection of survival skills to fall back on as we head towards the new New Stone Age. Flints and sticks supplied by China of course.

  14. A lot of these are nerd rage videos featuring social inadquates getting in a tizz about Dr Who, superhero films or similar. These people have too much time on their hands and would be more usefully employed committing mass suicide in a similar fashion to the Heaven’s Gate cult. Perhaps they could film that? I might actually watch, just to make sure the waste of DNA cunts are actually dead. .

  15. An ‘IsAC Reacts to’ would be quite entertaining.

    – Miserable reacts to vegan gravy.

    – Vernon Fox reacts to 50% discount.

    – Fiddler reacts to Northumbrian Pride.

    • That’s the thing, though – this site itself is a reaction site! People reacting to the moronic minutiae that doesn’t really mean fuck all. And we don’t get paid for these reactions unlike getting $18 per 1000 views on YouTube, so if your reaction video gets 50,000, that’s a money for old rope. a tidy sum. And no one is forcing you to watch those videos or ANY of the 6 billion videos on YouTube.

      I think it’s great that young people are making a living off YouTube. Working a “normal” job is fucking depressing, boring as fuck, all the company brainwashing, bitchy/cunty office politics, ass-cunt boss, wearing a uniform. If they can make 30 grand a year off YouTube, then go for it. I’m thinking of doing it myself! People seem to love ranting ribald cunts like me!

      • Hardly. It’s not about filming yourself reacting for likes.
        Completely false comparison there.

  16. Look at how popular Gogglebox is, there’s a market for this sort of shite. I’d like to see Bbc newsreaders react to Isac’s ideas for peaceful stabby cunts deterrence videos. “If there are any bits left put them in the pig trough.” Until that happens fuck them.

    • Gogglebox is about as insightdul as these reaction videos. ‘Gormless chucklefuck reacts to some shite on channel 4’
      Even more gormless cunts watch them reacting.

  17. SIrs:

    Now this is a cunting I can get behind.

    Let’s not forget those “challenges” that flare up occasionally. “I’ll allow someone to dump a bucket of water over my head while I stand outside in the snow in mid-January wearing nothing but my shorts — to protest racism.”

  18. What’s next? Filming yourself waving off HMS Brown Trout? Almost on a par with taking photos of your meals and putting them on Facebook. How about reading a book or educating yourselves you vacuous twats.

  19. I’d pay good money to see the look on that ginger cunt Harry Wales when his yacht slut wife kicks him to the curb and then tells him she writing a book about him. The slavering imbecile that he is.

  20. The west is fucked! Weak spinless twats who are self absorbed. How the fuck will society hold up if we end up in a real slagging match with Russia et al? I need my safe space ect ect. I truly weep at our future.

  21. How long will it be before the vacant mongs on YT start posting reaction to reaction videos? I swear to dog the world gets more narcissistic every freakin’ day.

  22. Well, I quite like the reaction videos for the simple reason that youtube somehow deems it fair use of stuff that would otherwise be inaccessible by copyright.

    And I’ve discovered that watching along with some quite clearly stoned dark-skinned ‘brothers’ from across the pond adds massive value, especially to comedy. Laughter is just in infectious I guess.

    Aside from them, I also like the ones where Afghan tribesmen react to typically Western things like running water, dental hygiene and the age of consent.

  23. YouTube is mainly full of cunts. The ASMR ‘Community’ on YouTube is hilarious. Who do they think they are? Weirdos.

  24. Some of the Yanks reacting to British comedians is entertaining, when they clearly don’t get the joke coz they don’t understand the Queen’s English gov’na.
    Most of the reaction vids are twats who are just desperately fishing for compliments, who then turn the ‘comments’ OFF, as most of them read “Wanker!” and “Cunt”

    I myself will not do a reaction video, unless there becomes footage of Phil Scofield getting mauled to death by an escaped tiger from London Zoo….

  25. Reaction Videos: When one who possesses absolutely no discernible talent and is utterly bereft of even the slightest semblance of individual creativity, subsequently opts to post a histrionic reaction to someone else’s talent….
    Pathetic cunts.

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