Prince Harry (12) – The Return of the Cunt

Cunters for your consideration I give you Harry the former half wit prince and migraine his puppeteer.

Where do I start? Oh yes he is intending to sue the government of this country because he wouldn’tt feel safe without the met safeguarding him.

Harry it was you and your rancid tart wanted out in the first place, Why the fuck should we give a shit what happens to you all if some cunt wants to have a pop at you?

Daily Mail News Link

Nominated by: CuntyMort

125 thoughts on “Prince Harry (12) – The Return of the Cunt

  1. Tangerine bollocks was Lizs favourite grandkid.
    Brothel creeper Andrew her favourite kid.

    Shes got poor júdgëmént in men Lizzie eh?
    Likes a rogue.
    A rotter.

    Which say to me shes either not dealing with a full deck or shes a degenerate.
    God save the Queen.?

    • “Brothel-creeper” is a such a great phrase! I went to work one day in a pair of new shoes and was bemused at being told,

      “Jesus. Gordy, that’s a right pair of brothel-creepers you’ve got on!”

      But they were comfy as fuck, even though they made me look like Bono in his chunky size 5 lift-shoes! Bono has been quiet of late, turning 60 must have made him feel sad during lockdown.

      • Gordon@
        Yeah I like it too, also like ‘winkle pickers’ but brothelcreeper is the most rock n roll of the shoe family.
        Sadly I cant wear them,
        Look like Herman Munster as it is.

      • Apparently, the phrase has nothing to do with brothels, but it must, surely? Soldiers in North Africa, smoking Red Leb and gettin’ a gobble in the bawdy bousbir!

      • Bonocunt.

        Now you’ve gone and ruined my day. Even he thinks there name and most of their songs are shite. A road to Damascus moment

  2. Stop him at the airport, tell him his papers aren’t in order, confiscate his passport and send the fucker back.

  3. Nobody gives a tuppenny fuck about ginger pubes or his half bake slapper Mrs. Al-Qaeda or the IRA could kidnap Halfwit and send bits of him thought the post to Liz at Windsor Castle and she still wouldn’t pay up. She is as fed up with them as the rest of us.

  4. He’s starting to look a lot like his dad. Wonder if anyone in the royal household ever did a DNA test on his hairbrush.

  5. Pwince prick made the choice to “step back from his Royal duties” (what fkin duties? Getting pissed, stoned and being waited on hand and foot? Get a job you parasite) and go crying, whining and selling out for dirty Dollars in America – so here’s an idea Prince twat – hire your fucking own!
    And if we ever meet you will need a bodyguard Harry boy – I have business with you.
    America is welcome to this whining leech.

    • His problem is Vern, he can’t hire his own because they won’t be allowed to walk around with guns and shit. He wants to pay for the Bill but they’re not a security service to be hired by a private citizen and that’s what he is now. The bottler wants any cunt who has a pop at him to face a fucking cannon.
      Still, good excuse for him not to come and especially for Sparkletits to stay at home. I bet she’s dreading it. Imagine having to play second fiddle to a woman who has been a Queen for 70 years. Dreadful! And all those raaaaaaay-sists!

      • Pound to a penny Sparkleslag will find any possible excuse not to come over here again, with the possible exception of Her Maj’s funeral.

        She’s shit scared of being booed. Ginge might jump into the crowd a la Cantona if that ever happened.

        Bring it on!

      • What are the odds that she will find herself up the duff again, but having complications so can’t travel.
        Harry Halfwit will be needed to stay in the small family mansion to look after the kids. Even though they have a team of nannies and chefs and sycophants and house keepers.
        But they will have time to write a tell all book about how the waycist brits stopped him from travelling there.

  6. Those two cretins can pay me a few Bob and I’ll “take care of them” while they’re here.

  7. These cunts have been expressing concern over Joe Rogan, I express concern about you being cunts.

    I don’t care what Joe Rogan says I don’t even know who he is, but if old cunts like Neil Young and Joni Mitchell are wanting music taken off let them, these old rockers turned into anti free speech.

    At least old James blunt threatened to release new music if they dont, blunt ain’t as much a cunt ass made out he realises his carer is built on shite.

    • Joe Rogan is I think slightly to the left of centre, i may be wrong but having listened to a few of his podcasts he gives a voice to all sides of the debate.

      Which is why I guess the hard left want him gone.


    • Two hippies spitting the dummy out over a podcast and delivering ultimatums.
      ✌️ Yeah… Peace man ✌️

      You pair of dyed in the wool, entitled, arrogant old has been cunts.

      What a disappointment.

    • Blunt is quite self-deprecating, he has had to learn that skill to survive. He threatened to quit music last year if his album didn’t top the charts! Okay, Led Zeppelin, take another toke!

    • Fat, irrelevant, looks-like-his-own-nan ‘comic’ Stewart Lee has also joined in with the boycott, making him even less relevant than he already was.

  8. The cunt’s great at biting the hand which feeds him lavishly, for doing fuck all…

    Apologies for the source, but hey. The cunt couple did a deal with Spitify: they’d sell out the royal family, and Spitify would give them loadsa cash with which to pay the mortgage on their Californian castle. The cash was advanced – fatal error – and so far there’s been very little action by the pampered pair.

    And now they’re bitching about Spitify’s carrying an antivax promoter. While at the same time announcing that no, they will not withdraw their royal custom (because they’d get sued to the hilt if they did?)

    I love this pair. Any time I’m looking for something to loathe, and Blair hasn’t recently eructated, I can google “meghan” and infallibly find it. Hypercunts.

    • Everyone is making a cunt of themselves in 2022, as I predicted. As the veil lifts on the charade that is modern life, a lot of charlatans will shown themselves out as what they are. I like Rogan, I like Neil Young (love his music), Spotify is convenient but still shite and ran by cunts. If Bob Dylan pulls his tunes, then the rest ie. Springsteen, The Who (Townshend reveres Neil Young), Rolling Stones?, Madonna, etc will follow. It’s so easy to access music now. Neil has ALL his music on his own website in lossless hi-rez audio, so he doesn’t give a shit. Spotify is great for the playlists and obscure music. But it isn’t the shibboleth of shongs! It’s just yet ANOTHER medium/format/platform.

      Live music is where the shekels are now. Bob Dylan plays 110 gigs a year at age 80! The old fucker was the highest-earning person in showbiz in 2019 with $96 million in his hipper! Crafty old cunt is Bob. That’s what Blondie should have been doing in the 90s instead of pissing about and moaning about royalties. Rock is rock is about playing LIVE, get out there and charge your hardcore fans $100 per ticket. Do 100 shows in 10,000-15,000 arenas. $100-150 million gross green before taxes. But many of them just moan about YouTube “stealing” their money like The Eagles. Fuck off and tour or just fuck off!

      • Sadly the Eagles are still touring…. exactly the same set list as 1975 and probably in the same order to boot. Anfield and Hyde Park in the summer.

        Kiss of death ‘innovation’… a fucking orchestra to play that Hotel California cuntfest.

      • Zimmy is bloody brilliant. Been a massive fan since the age of 17. I reckon he’s too shrewd to get involved in any of this fuckery.

      • Whaaaaat? So the Eagles (Chickens) on stage and an orchestra behind them or in a pit?! Oh God, that’s adorable! Does Joe Walsh have an acid flashback and piss into a tuba?

      • Joe can’t ‘aim straight’ anymore. But I have it on good authority he has a roadie especially assigned to change his nappy (and possibly wring it out in that tuba?)

  9. Used the link in the nom and went straight to the comments. In the Worst Rated, right at the top is this ‘They are our national treasure royal couple and that should be respected!’ That got over 42,000 down votes; that’s the most votes I’ve ever seen in the Mail. In the manner of YouGov, I extrapolate those results and declare that 99.9% of people don’t like them.

    I predict Megalodon & Harry will soon demand petals strewn in front of them where ‘ere they walk. It amazes me how such an ordinary pair, who can do no more than spew hypocritical woke waffle 24/7, came to have such galactic sized egos and delusions of greatness.

    • Most Americans don’t have a scooby who Harry and Me-gain are. They know “The Queen of En-gland?” and “I know Prince Charles! I remember Lady Diana!” but beyond that you might as well ask them who the cast of Monty Python were – and they’ll out-score you in knowledge!

      Harry, poor cunt, we all liked him, he was very human and an icon for Gingers in the Gaelic lands. But he self-combusted when he got cunt-struck with a fake-as-fuck second-rate actress who is a black-belt in conniving, social-climbing. They both should just shut up and live a quiet life like what’s his name – the cunt who abdicated in the 1930s, bland cunt in the Bahamas?

    • Don’t beat about the bush Cuntologist, say what you mean !
      I think you’ve burned my screen.

  10. He’s a braver man than me if he fancies having Cressida Dick in charge of his safety…

    • I wonder why Prince Andrew’s legal team haven’t demanded the logs of the Officers who were guarding Prince Andrew through his honourable,non-sweating days?…I’m surprised The Prince hasn’t demanded that the records are released to prove that he was “never there”….. or in the case of PizzaHut was actually there. They’ll have been mislaid or mistakenly shredded,I’m guessing.

      • Have the police ever REALLY investigated a PM or Cabinet creature over their POLITICAL actions?

        Jeremy Thorpe, gay dude who probably murdered his boyfriend? Jeffrey Archer 2-grand prozzie scandal, of course. Jonathan Aitken bribing the Arabs. Of fuck, what else? The expenses scandal? Does that count as political? Five went prison over that? Seems like a zillion years ago now! Keith Vaz buying coke and rent-boys! LOL! Remember that?! Again, feels like geological epochs ago now.

        There must be more than that? No, there probably isn’t. They hide behind, “National Security” and all that, so no outside agency of justice never grills the cunts. In America, it’s worse. Look at the horrors that government has gleefully undertook on the world and their own people. No one has ever been grilled. Nixon avoided it, Reagan Iran-Contra was pretty squeaky-bum-time, but nothing else. Clinton blowjob was fuck all. Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld… whew, where do you start with the 2001-09 crew? Then Obama, Trump, Biden shit-show. On it goes, where it stops, nobody knows…

      • @CG.
        True enough…it just seems so depressing these days….dodgy covid contracts,fiddled expenses,petty party lying etc.
        I know that we often criticise “social media” but at least more of these scandals probably see the light of day….I can’t imagine some of the things that must of gone on in the past when a simple call to an old-school tie chum could kill any story stone dead.

      • Not surprising. Even in the wider population only 7% of crimes end in prosecution.

      • Yes, it’s all so tiresome, Dick. But I have a weird feeling that the veil is lifting on what goes on. Epstein unveiling was a insane, I never saw that coming, though Alex Jones of all people talked about (paraphrasing the mad fat cunt) “an island in the Caribbean, where they take politicians to have sex with girls of various ages to blackmail them.” That was in 2008 I think. More of that level of evil will be exposed this decade, otherwise we’ll enter a dystopia, worldwide, China-esque societies. Computerised Communism.

      • You’ll get no argument from me on that score Dick, which is why partygate is such an important issue.

      • @CG

        I agree with you but who is actually behind it?..that’s what I can’t get my head around. It really would smack of a Kalergi-style arrangement….once I’d have thought ” load of bollocks”..not so much now.

        Should make clear that when I say “Kalergi-style”,I am not saying that “The Jews” are behind it ( of course they could be)…I mean a “world domination cabal”

      • Guys, EVERYONE knew who the child abusers in Thatchers cabinet were. Peter Morrison (died in 1995), Nicholas Fairburn (died in 1995). Of course, these allegations from victims are, “conspiracy theories”. They want you to think Ian Huntley when you think child rapist. Savile scandal came and went, never been in the news since 2013, but that Steve Coogan series, The Reckoning will reignite questions of who else was involved in aiding Sir Jimmy and covering up his rape of kids, the handicapped and… corpses. Rule Britannia!

      • “EVERYONE knew who the child abusers in Thatchers cabinet were. Peter Morrison (died in 1995), Nicholas Fairburn (died in 1995).”

        Where’s your evidence for that? Respectable link please.

      • The allegations were levelled at Thatchers cabinet by a Labour MP who had his ducks in a row, but got hounded, shut down. It’s Sunday night, I can’t be arsed digging in the digital landscape at bedtime! Fairburn was a fucking oddball psycho nutjob par excellence. He went to those London “guest houses” that existed in the 70s, that were, “paedophile friendly”. There’s a website of victims of politicians who raped them, but I’ve erased it from my mind when the months I spend a few years a go looking into child rape among the so-called, “elite” and don’t go down THAT rabbit hole, it makes you despair, depressed. That shit is REAL, 100%.

        Wikipedia cites this Scotsman article. A conspiracy theory of course! Always is when it’s an elite…

        The way the media treats child sex abuse among rich people is always soft, token articles, “unfounded conspiracy theories” and all that. But hello? Savile, Epstein, who next? It’s a subject that doesn’t sell paper well, get views, so the concentrate on the tittle-tattle celebrity shite, more palatable scandals that people lap up. Profumo Affair! Big fucking deal, but they acted like he’d raped a kid, but when the ACTUAL kid rape allegations come up, they half-heartedlu cover it, never dig into who Savile was, who he knew, how he got away with depraved crimes for 60+ years. Epstein “killed himself” and they went back to Trump bashing, then Biden won and… crickets, silence pretty much! Crackhead son who is now a lucrative artist like some savant wunderkind! LOL! Time for bed…

      • Comments got moderated for pea-dough-file…

        The allegations were levelled at Thatchers cabinet by a Labour MP who had his ducks in a row, but got hounded, shut down. It’s Sunday night, I can’t be arsed digging in the digital landscape at bedtime! Fairburn was a fucking oddball psycho nutjob par excellence. He went to those London “guest houses” that existed in the 70s, that were, “pea-dough-file friendly”. There’s a website of victims of politicians who raped them, but I’ve erased it from my mind when the months I spend a few years a go looking into child rape among the so-called, “elite” and don’t go down THAT rabbit hole, it makes you despair, depressed. That shit is REAL, 100%.

        Wikipedia cites this Scotsman article. A conspiracy theory of course! Always is when it’s an elite raping kids…

        The way the media treats child sex abuse among rich people is always soft, token articles, “unfounded conspiracy theories” and all that. But hello? Savile, Epstein, who next? It’s a subject that doesn’t sell paper well, get views, so the concentrate on the tittle-tattle celebrity shite, more palatable scandals that people lap up. Profumo Affair! Big fucking deal, but they acted like he’d raped a kid, but when the ACTUAL kid rape allegations come up, they half-heartedlu cover it, never dig into who Savile was, who he knew, how he got away with depraved crimes for 60+ years. Epstein “killed himself” and they went back to Trump bashing, then Biden won and… crickets, silence pretty much! Crackhead son who is now a lucrative artist like some savant wunderkind! LOL! Time for bed…

      • They could fake up any old documents to exonerate Randy Andy. Fake Pizza Hut receipt, fake security roster, fake Royal Medical records. The septics cant check and verify it so would have to take horse boy’s evidence on face value.

        So the question is, why dont they? Probably because its dawned on Liz and the gang that he is a Royal Cunt, kiddie fiddler and self-entitled, private jet golf get awaying taxpayers sponge.

        Retire 50 paces and watch the fireworks I think.

      • “…though Alex Jones of all people talked about (paraphrasing the mad fat cunt) “an island in the Caribbean, where they take politicians to have sex with girls of various ages to blackmail them.” That was in 2008”

        Jons is a tranny porn addict and a textbook misinfo monger. Ryan (the oven magnet) Dawson however is the real deal and had the fucker’s number back in 2005.

      • “Jons is a tranny porn addict”

        Can’t blame him really, can you? Some of those Thai ladyboys are stunning. ?

      • Reckon she’s repaying the favour of the 2 year extension to her contract,RTC.

      • Favour in the bank can be the only reason that she got an extension,RTC….she should have been sacked,not given another 2 years.

      • That said, anyone who makes Johnson look even halfway competent by comparison he likes keep in situ if possible. Viz: Matt Hancock.

      • Hello Cunty Gordon

        ‘More of that level of evil will be exposed this decade’

        You have certainly livened up Isac CG. Fresh blood much needed. I read your thoughts with great interest. On the conoravirus thread that stuff about elites and Peru being run by a few families. And that same all over the world since time immemorial. All good stuff I agree with.
        But having said that it brings to something that you pepper your posts with namely-by saying that this is the year or this is the decade THINGS ARE GOING TO CHANGE. Do you really believe that? I think to be a true Cunter (the Cunter that you want to be) you almost by necessity cannot believe that anything will change. Its ‘the same as it ever was’. Its ‘there is nothing new under the sun’. The elites or an elite will ALWAYS run things. Your thoughts?

      • ‘I know that we often criticise “social media” but at least more of these scandals probably see the light of day…’

        I mean even poor Mr Fiddler is getting all positive and things can change and social media is a force for good in the world.
        Oh dear he will be losing his status here as the unbending misanthrope we know and love.

        It’s your fault Cunty Gordon. its your fault.

      • Definition of Elite: a select group that is superior in terms of ability or qualities to the rest of a group or society.

        Let’s hope they really are running things.

      • Evening,Miles.
        Oh.I’m not positive at all…I reckon the World is going to Hell in a handcart but I’ve had my good times and if the world stopped turning tomorrow,I wouldn’t give a shit…in fact,I’d be rather pleased…it’s what Mankind deserves.

      • Bring it on!

        I’d rather go now than hang around another 20 years in quiet desperation.

      • Cheers, Miles!

        I just have to be positive-minded or my depression kicks in, anxiety, insomnia, etc. But yes, will there always be elites? Hmm. We lived in tribes until about 8,000 years ago and actual tribes still exists and they seem the happiest people in Earth, the level-ocean Earth! The Berbers would do fine after a cataclysm, people in the Amazon jungle, Ant & Dec. But the rest of us would be fucked. If nothing happens this century cataclysm-wise – and we are overdue one – then we’ll enter some sort of Logan’s Run world, I think. A lot of those 1970s sci-fi movies were made for a reason – predictive programming, getting us ready for the New Age, 21st Century. Then there’s the alien invasion propaganda, and we may see a fake alien invasion as NASA Saturn engineer ex-Nazi (!) Werhner von Braun said this was, “the last card that will be played,” to bring about the world that the elites want – a world of total fear, total surveillance and paranoia. We’re there NOW! NASA own holographic projection technology, what’s that all about? To fake stuff! And the big show will be coming this decade, I reckon.

        I’m not a religious person, not a Christian, but the Bible is the real deal, it’s not the work of humans alone, they were handmaidens, custodians of divine knowledge. All the shit that NASA had came out with is not in the Bible or any sacred texts. If NASA gets exposed not just for the Moon landing, but their entire horseshit model of the Cosmos, then the whole house of cards will fall and we’ll see events never seen before -an Apocalypse (Unveiling) of truths. Fuck Hollywood, we might see the real thing! Thor coming down from above as well as Zeus, Yahweh, all those badasses! LOL!

      • Lol RT.

        It’s all over the place. But at least he’s saying something.

        But what abou you? You seem to have taken the position that there are no elies.. Democracy will always produce a legitimate govenment. Of the people, by the people or whatever the quote is
        But isnt that a bit naive?

      • Evening Miles. I take the view of Joseph de Maistre:

        “Every nation gets the government it deserves.”

        Along with a side dish of Winston Churchill:

        “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.”

      • If I knew the answer to that, Miles, they wouldn’t be secret, would they?

        As a child I thought Enid Blyton’s ‘Secret Seven’ existed, I’m not so sure now.

        “Ah, but I was so much older then, I’m younger than that now.”

      • Depends how you define “secret” and in what context.

        If you’re asking me do I think a secret organisation/cabal runs the world, then my answer would be no.

      • WTF is going on?

        I’ve been busy and therefore mostly absent from ISAC since the new year. I come back to the fold to find CG is lurching toward full tin-foil hattery and everyone else is getting philosophical.

      • I should clarify the CG in question is cunty gordon. The general seems to have not succumbed to the bacofoil so far.

  11. Harry the half blood Prince and his ball and chain can fuck off to southern patagonia for all I care.

    For a couple that wanted to step back from the limelight and shun publicity, they don’t half make an effort to go out of their way to court it.

    Irrelevant no-marks.

    • What the fuck have you got against Southern Patagonia? Perhaps you meant Southern Ocean – shall we say 500 miles south of Cape Horn?

      • Sorry Komodo, nowt against the patagonians… not that I’d wish the ginger smeg head on anyone…. Perhaps they could just fuck off to the ‘empty quarter’ and let the hot Arab sun get to work on his ginger complexion whilst his ‘wife’ takes copious amounts of Bedouin cock until they let the camels have a go….

    • I hope he loses his mind and declares himself, “Most High King of Kalifornia, It’s Beaches, It’s Valleys, It’s Hair Salons” and wears a Burger King hat and pisses himself on stage at the Oscars like Bradley Cooper did with Lady Gaga. I’d buy that for a dollar!

  12. Sueing, a very american thing to do, I wonder where that idea came from, the ginger prick will probably be claiming legal aid aswell, another immigrant ex-pat to deal with.

    • I wonder who planted the suing idea in his head?
      Put the fucking trowel down, you twat!
      No one cares, go surfing somewhere there’s a Great White waiting.

    • At some point, he will TOTALLY lose it, this cunt, he’s a timebomb. He’ll go full-Fayed and accuse people of killing his mother. William’s arse must squeak like a rusty gate when he opens his laptop to read the news these days. Future King and he’ll have a brother that goes full Piers Corbyn every three weeks.

  13. Harold an Meg don’t need security!!
    Theyre adored by the plebs.
    Modern royals, preaching wokeness.

    Just get a couple of Aldi security guards an you’ll be fine.
    Ive never heard of anyone famous being shot.

    ‘ duck n roll, im a moving target see?
    Why I dont bother with bulletproof vests”.
    JFK 65.

    • No one in Yankland knows who they are. I watched a video where some guy went around a mid-sized town in… it was a California town… and he showed them Harry in casual clothes and no cunt knew the cunt. He’s a non-entity in the land of 8 zillion celebrities. Raise your kids and smoke some weed, shut up and grow old, son.

  14. It seems the british people need security to keep these self entitled Wayne and Waynetta twats out of the shit media and the country.

  15. Hopefully his “ brothers in arms” will take him behind a bush and beat the shit out of the mooching cunt.

  16. Maybe he’s got more nous than we give him credit for; plays the white man by offering to pay for what he knows the Met can’t provide, then blames us when he and Megamouth stay away, which is probably what she wants anyway.
    Truly a horrible pair of cunts.

  17. I’d almost forgotten this pair of rancid tofu cunts still existed.
    No doubt they’ll find some way to live off the taxpayer should they ever roll up on our shores again.

    Diamond encrusted shite.

  18. Mr Harry Establishment, just cannot afford to keep his high maintenance crossbreed princess in the Follywood lifestyle she strives for. He’s only known for his mother being bumped off by MI5 after sucking arab and generates no interest revenue by himself. He needs UK money to survive in a country of high inflation, chaos and hyperwoke madness. No more than a US novelty puppet.

    • Indeed.
      There’ll be badges and t-shirts next.
      ” I met Prince Harry, and on the back.
      ” What a wanker! “

      • I’d have a t-shirt printed about what I know of the cunt and his time in Afghanistan, but it would be the size of a football field! Vacuous, lying little cunt that he is! And as for his yacht slut wife, DON’T FUCKIN’ START ME OFF!!!!

  19. Surely these two have the level of self awareness, to realise they are hated by the majority of older adults.

    The problem is the gullible younger generation who think they are Romeo & fucking Juliet?

    In a world of a 24 hours a day, 7 days a week MSM, full of reality tv shite and woke bullshit-these two are probably their King & Queen?

  20. The Halfwit can’t even take a shit without Sparkletits permission so you be sure this is all her idea to avoid showing up. She will go on Oprah and complain she has been snubbed once again by the racist Royal Family. The fat cow will feign shock and disgust and then the sistas will divide the dough between them.
    The Halfwit will be on for the last ten minutes to slag his family off and cry about mental elf or some such shit. What a pair of cunts.

  21. Also, I don’t know why I’m getting so wound up about these twats.
    He’s the bastard son of Hewitt, and she’s just a cunt!

    • No, JP. Major Hewitt is just the smoke screen. I and several others are absolutely convinced that real father of that fucking ginger turd is the late Duke of Edinburgh! Follow the timeline. My theory is that the fucking despicable Walt found out and that’s why he’s being allowed to do exactly what he likes. Once that yacht whore he married figures it out all hell will break lose as she strikes the deal of the millennium with highest bidders.

  22. He could ask Mason Greenwood to do the security.
    Just incase any women decide on attacking him

  23. A devils’ advocate writes:

    We pay for the security of ex-PM’s, and especially the enormous security bill Blair has run up in his frequent visits to very dodgy places to sell his influence to people who do not like us very much. So why not the Halfwit Prince?

    • Because, he’s basically declared himself non family.
      If you do that, you don’t get family perks.
      Sozzard, you ginger cunt.

      • It must of been hard for him to be fair.

        “Father, why am I so different?
        Why have I got hair like Ronald McDonald?
        Why haven’t I got eyelashes?
        Why am I 85% freckle?”

        It must of occurred to him dim as he is that Chuck isnt his dad?
        That hes the product of a kneetrembler behind the stables.

      • Well, exactly. Bliar isn’t family either. In a rational world he should be allowed to pay for his state-funded security too.

        The argument against Hairy’s being allowed to buy a Protection Squad detail is that everyone else would want one too – our rates presumably being lower than the private market in goons – but every PM and I am not sure who else gets protection at my fucking expense.

        Devil’s advocate says, “Fine, Hairy. Way to go.” Invoice fucking Blair for the millions he has cost us since 2006, please.

      • If he hadn’t married that media whore he would still have been a massive woke irritant cunt.

        Halfwit and MeGain were made for each other. They’ll get theirs in the end, which is something to look forward to, precious little else right now.

    • Oh, and Blair needs to shut the fuck up. Yawn! Nobody is listening, I switch off the second his name is mentioned.

  24. How quickly these cunts would disappear from the slimeball media spotlight, if they were publically asked the right questions, i.e “Bliar, why are you a anti british, lying, war monger, and murderer, why was Dr Kelly killed to cover your ass?”, “Horny Harry, why should you get money, status and protection from the institution you have just shit on?” Now that would be an interview to watch.

  25. What I see is a version of the tale about the prodigal son playing out before me.
    (Miles will like this).

  26. I watched an interview with him when he was flying budgie the gay helicopter in goat fucker land. “I’m not allowed to talk about all the brave things what I have done.” was the gist of it if I remember correctly. Never been within 20 miles of an RPG wielding mujahadeen thought me. He would go up a lot in my estimation if I’m wrong, but seen no evidence to the contrary. Anyone know different?

    • The cunt is so hopelessly dense. The only helicopter I see him getting off the ground is one piloted by Action Man.

      Even then he probably made a complete bollocks of it, like everything else he is involved in.

    • Like his p—-o uncle, no fuckin chance of an argie shooting that chubber out of the sky in 1982…..?

    • MC, he was never allowed to take about what he’d done because the public wouldn’t be interested in hearing about how many hours the useless Walt spent hiding in the bunker playing Xbox. They might be interested in hearing about how he was almost read his horoscope by two SBS operatives after throwing a massive tantrum when told NO by Brigade Commanders. That was the final straw and the real reason he was sent home. It was deemed he was in more danger of a ‘blue on blue’ incident than from the Taliban. Most of the ragheads had no idea who the ginger cunt was anyway.

      • Interesting. I did wonder about his heroic adventures in Talibanland. Must’ve have had a really deep sense of loyalty to the lads when he snubbed them to pimp his wife out to Michael Eisner.

  27. Why do they need security? It’s not as if they’re important or anything. They’re just cunts.

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