Greta Thunberg (6) Pokes Sniffer Joe Biden (12)

Apologies cunters for ruining your post Christmas celebrations. It’s our very own monglet Greta. This cunt is now taking a pop at old sleepy Joe. It’s all about the carbon says she. Surely she has now committed a hate crime having a pop at the allegedly senile old cunt.

Hopefully the U.S security services should wipe her out with extreme prejudice? Or maybe the white Fiat be borrowed of the royal family?

Daily Mail Link

Nominated by: CuntyMort

And on the subject of Sleepy Joe, here’s one from Ron Knee

‘Sleepy’ Joe Biden

Poor, poor US of A, and poor old Joe Biden.

Already showing signs of cognitive impairment when elected (some assert fraudulently) on an ‘anyone but Trump’ ticket, ‘Sleepy’ Joe promised to ‘heal’ America.

YouTube Link

Now more than a year into his presidency, I see very little evidence that Biden and his administration have any real grasp of how even to begin to tackle the enormous economic, domestic and foreign policy issues besetting the United States.

In the meantime, Biden seems to bumble vaguely about, often displaying an inability to string a sentence together coherently, even when aided by teleprompter. If he has got a grasp of the issues, he has a hard time showing it.

And all the while, the ‘lets go, Brandon!’ siren calls grow louder, with the poor old git seemingly so out of touch that he even agrees!

YouTube Link

Okay, maybe it’s a cheap laugh, but then you stop and wonder if in fact, you should be shedding tears. This man is the leader of the (so-called) Free World. Putin and the CCP must be pissing themselves, while we can only look on with an increasing sense of dismay.

Poor, poor US of A, and poor old Joe Biden.


35 thoughts on “Greta Thunberg (6) Pokes Sniffer Joe Biden (12)

  1. In the woke circles creepy Joe moves in this will be a slap in the face.
    Thats the good thing about Greta.
    Shes a frog eyed zealot
    She’ll turn on anyone in the name of climate change.

    And no matter what measures taken to combat climate change it’ll never be enough.

    Joe was hoping for a long hard suck on them pigtails too.
    And a good sniff of her Jim Henson produced little round head.
    If she visited the White House I can guarantee shed not come out.
    Theyd find her sans knickers behind some old boxes down in the cellar.

  2. So Thunderpants has discovered that politicians are a bunch of bullshitting lying cunts? It’s called growing up my dear.
    Get used to it.

    • JK Rowling’s detractors are now having a go at her for baseing one of her characters in the latest film on Grunta, saying it’s poisoned dwarfist.
      She’ll be ‘cancelled’ again, no doubt.

  3. Fucking hell-she’s had her 15 minutes of fame.

    **Note to climate activists**

    Next time, use a nubile 18 year old with big tits and small t-shirts-we still won’t give a fuck but at least you will hold our attention for longer than 5 seconds ?

    The Creepy Joe-an absolute fucking puppet show?

  4. These pair were just made for each other (not in a “weird” kind of way of course). Both of them having mass appeal from the wokey Left but for different reasons.

    Inevitably, of course, these two ideologists have now clashed and the Wokes on either side are determined that they’re right.

    Let the fun begin!

  5. Uncle Joe is making a big speech today on the first anniversary of The Great Insurrection, when Adolf Trump headed an armed assault on the The Capitol, the VERY HEART OF DEMOCRACY etc etc.
    Fuck me, they’ll be teaching it in history lessons next…..ahead of Bunker Hill, Gettysburg, Pearl Harbor, 9/11 etc. In fact 9/11 was all down to Tangoman and he blamed it all on our Peaceful friends the filthy raaaaaaay-sist.
    That’s a wokie fact.

  6. They were made for each other.
    A triumph of total woke bullshit.
    Everybody despises the cunts.

  7. I think everyone hoped Joe would cark it within weeks, if not days, of the election. Surely, there’s a grassy knoll somewhere handy?
    As for Greetin Mongpants, isn’t it about time she was sent to an assisted living home, where she can sit in a nice, white painted room, rocking to and fro, muttering ” carbon” all day?

  8. Greta is a mentalist (‘I can see Co2’)

    I think she needs to feel like the authority figure on climate. Despite not going to school since she was 15 or so. It’s now about ego.

    The demands being placed on the west (leccy cars/boilers/rationing of power/huge fuel price increases) are already nuts, but it’ll never be enough for this cunt.

    Who the fuck is she anyway? Fucking dickhead politicians kissing her fucking arse. We’ll look at it now, you thick cunts.

    I’m glad she’s turning on these pricks. Let her go more and more overboard until she says she wants us all (honkies only mind – but not the likes of her) in fucking caves.

    Twitter emits tens of millions of tonnes of Co2 every day. Let’s switch that off, Greta you fucking mong. Yeah, I bet you wouldn’t like that would you, you mongoloid?

    She’d lose her fucking mind within minutes, after not getting all that attention and arse kissing.

    Mad link, but it is the interwebs – blame Google search.

  9. It’s a shame he only sniffs children’s faces and doesn’t eat them like Hillary. I’m sure Greta would taste delish. Throw a bit of olive oil and basil on it, bosh!

  10. If Greta gives you the horn, as mentioned before, it’s very easy (allegedly) to make yourself a lifelike ‘Greta sex doll’.

    1. Buy a cabbage patch doll.

    2. Cut out a front bottom.

    3. Fill the hole with tuna (chunks are best – not an actual tuna fish because that would be mental).

    4. Fit a ring pull on its back to say ‘How dare you!’ and ‘My fanny smells of Co2. Lick it all up how very dare you!’ when you pull it.

    You’re very welcome.

    • Great idea there – ought to be one supplied free with every electric car (a bit like you get a free meerkat toy with car insurance)?

      Maybe reserve that for Tesla drivers – cheaper cars could have a 1970’s style windscreen banner reading: “virtue signalling cunt”.

  11. Biden and Greta are both rich cunts. Biden is almost due a visit from the Grim Reaper.

    As a consequence neither of these pair give two shits about the ultimate consequences of their actions because they’ll have sufficient wealth and woke protection to keep them away from the realities of their wet dreams.

    Biden can sign off all the executive orders he wants, without actually reading what they’re about. Greta can demand everyone and everything should Go Green in order to protect her future. But neither will have to personally pay or make sacrifices for the things they do.

    Greta’s “future” is now assured – wealth, fame, influence. And because she has a mental illness critics can’t take potshots for fear of being heartless. But I doubt she will make any sacrifices towards a green future. I doubt if she will have to pay for heat pumps to be fitted to her home or the home of her parents . She’ll probably get it done for free by some sponsored group.

    And I bet she would kick up a fuss if her local council approved the construction of several wind turbines on her back doorstep. The true NIMBY will be on display for all to see no doubt.

    In conclusion Biden & Greta will wag the dog yet again, and we, the humble plebs will have to make those sacrifices to assure their legacies.

  12. … Greta is the creation and PR frontperson bringing enthusiasm and traction to a ‘tax the fuck outta them’ greenwashing initiative. Just as Zuckerberg of Facebook is a similar face of a sinister information collection repository. Joe was in the wrong place at the right time … just a grey nobody spinning out some time whilst something else (COVID related?) is going on in the background. Trouble is he’s making ‘The Donald’ look very credible …

    They were all put in place to do something specific … and they’ve pretty much entirely succeeded. Green taxes have essentially been begged for, personal and potentially liberty damaging data has been willingly stuck in front of those that really shouldn’t have it and Joe has just about kept ‘merica’ from actually doing anything meaningful for four years.

    So that’s a bit of conspiracy shit for the day … anyway it’s a nice looking day and the bikes need to be spun up and shown some lerve … so that’s gonna happen. ?

  13. I’m happy to take one for the team, and make a woman of Greta.
    Some cheap cyder, quick finger bang and she will soon change her priorities in life.
    I’m sure I’ll suffer PTSD but with your support I shall endure and live again….

  14. She is still upset that she wasn’t invited to the big boys table at COP26, burn the fucking planet, it will recover, the human race has had its day time to start afresh.

    Just turning my thermostat up to boiling ?

    Let’s go Brandon, I wonder if Putin said that during their recent phone call ?

    • Somebody on the radio the other day said that Biden’s poll ratings as president are the worst ever recorded. Blimey, that’s some going for a guy in the first part of his presidency.

      As for Greta, she just looks like a slapped arse all the time, and her gurning’s become a pain.

      Morning ll.

  15. She looks like an offspring from “The Hills Have Eyes”.
    Or maybe a failed first attempt by a budding wax figure artist aspiring to one day have works in Madame Tussauds.

  16. Does anyone take Greta Thunberg seriously? No.

    Does anyone take Joe Biden seriously? No.

    I think that’s all that needs to be said regarding this cunting.

    • This is Greta’s basic spiel…

      Amazing that she still has a platform. I mean, who the fuck listens to someone like this on a subject that is infinitely complex? It would like having her be the spokesperson for euthanasia. Thunberg is the embodiment of our out age of, “everyone’s opinion counts,” when we all know that most people are ill-informed, reactionary and don’t really give a shit. If you feel strongly about something, don’t just talk about it, lead by example. so if you are a “save the Earth” person, then do a 180 and live the opposite the way we all do, live in woods, don’t consume. There was a Finnish guy, Pentti Linkola, he was a fisherman, ornithologist and hardcore, “deep ecology” cunt who wanted to see huge population reduction, end to fossil fuels, end to over-consuming, end to everything, really…

      He died in his sleep last year, lucky cunt. So we have Greta to save us through her highly-paid blethering.

  17. Sirs:

    At his absolute best, Joe Biden was a hack. (In American political slang, a hack is a grandstanding, greedy politician who talks a good game but is in it primarily for a) power b) money c) sex — not necessarily in that order.)

    Today Joe Biden is a senile hack. He was senile in 2012, when he turned in a bizarre performance in a vice-presidential “debate” against Paul Ryan. While the former droned on about whatever it was, Biden made weird faces and kept interrupting with fart noises and “C’mon, man!” (If Ryan had done a Three Stooges number on Biden at the time, ie. smacked him in the face and yelled “shaddap,” he and the equally uninspiring Mitt Romney would have won that election.)

    Biden deeply believes whatever he was last told, but the memory only lingers for a few minutes. That’s why he does so few unscripted events and why he is often cut off or his microphone turned off.

    As far as the weird Greta kid goes, if she wants any attention in the U.S. she needs to get fake lips and boobs and marry a black basketball player with bipolar disorder. (A rapper will do.) They can then do a reality show called “In Greta’s Yurt.”

    • I’m amazed that Biden is still alive, never mind still POTUS. I thought that the plan was that he would step down through illness and Kackling Kamala would step in, but she seems to be a boozebag now and her staff are all quitting. Would be funny to her driving the star-spangled juggernaut, it would be like Dianne Abbott (spazzy left-wing politician, for non-UK folk) being Prime Minister, it would be fucking hilarious. Biden hasn’t given us many laughs, he’s be disappointing as far a mong leaders go. I was hoping he literally shat himself and diarrhoea dribbled onto the stage live on TV, but no, not yet anyway.
      I was hoping he Freudian-slipped a, “niggër…” at some point, but again no, not yet.
      Or even if he just lost it and told someone to,


      He’s been pretty bland so far. Another reason I want the Covid/vax charade to end so we can get back to the meat and potatoes of politics/societal spaz-fest where politicians don’t have a smokescreen and we get a variety of cringing and shocking moments

  18. YesI remember that ‘debate’ against Ryan.Biden seemed ‘off’ even back then. Does anybody know if he’s actually copyrighted ‘c’mon man’? It’s seems to his ‘go to’ reflexive response.

  19. I can’t believe that no one has got a good word for this pair. The finest statesman we have seen in generations and a shining beacon of good sense on all things to help the planet.

    Mr A looney
    Bide-a-wee Mental Home

  20. “Knock knock”?
    “Who’s there”?
    “Greta who”?
    That’s showbiz love – back to the circus with you.
    Greta the spawn of a cabbage patch doll and a Thunderbird puppet is rich, famous, idolised and set up for life – the fact grown ups consider her rantings to be utterly irrelevant, factually incorrect and extremely annoying does not bother her one bit – she could not give less of a fuck as her Germaine Greer model of wealth and fame for being an annoying full of shit cunt has worked to perfection.
    Biden is more bothered about following the crayoned words on the sheets his handlers give him to read out and not shitting his pants – China Joe is on holiday in his mind and he ain’t coming back – stolen elections and communist coups have consequences, and America is suffering them.
    And I am still waiting for any ecomaniac or climaloon to explain why, if increasing Man made CO2 levels will kill us all and burn the planet to a crisp in a hellscape of tornadoes, tsunamis and heatwaves there was significantly more atmospheric CO2 in the last ice age – thirtyish years of asking and no answer.
    “Climate change” – IE warming and cooling of the planets surface and the resultant prevailing conditions has been occurring naturally since the creation of planet Earth – we live on a thin skin of rock surrounding a ball of constantly moving superheated material with a hotter centre with the movement being affected by rotation, gravity and orbit. The CO2 input of humankind has had no impact I can demonstrably see and although I believe we rent the Earth and should be good tenants by keeping it clean, tidy and well looked after I do not believe the frankly comedic restrictions, expense and impositions “Governments” are forcing on people to “save the planet” are anything more than a play for power, money and control through constant browbeating and propaganda.
    When is the next televised debate between Greta and her motley crew and some environmental and palaeontological scientists so they can all present the research, evidence and facts and let the public use these to come to their own conclusions, like grown up normally do?
    I would enjoy taking part in that! ?

  21. One looks like a leafy green vegetable, the other is.
    The pant shitting pervert and the mongspring of Limousine Liberals, whatta shower.

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